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Abducted to Love: The Intergalactic Prince Series (SciFi Alien Romance)

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by Jill L. Sterling

  Abducted to Love

  Copyright © 2015

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.


  This is a work of fiction intended for adults age 18 and over. Minors should stop here and close the book. All events depicted are fictional. All sex is between consenting adults. Any resemblance to places and persons, living or dead, is unintentional coincidence. Every effort has been made to provide a quality reading experience, but editors and technology are fallible.


  I’m offering a free copy of my romance story “Playing With Fire” exclusively at my Facebook page check it out and feel free to like. Enjoy the story!


  Waking up aboard and an alien ship with a man straight out of her wildest fantasies seemed like a dream. He was tall, dark and handsome in a way that put the phrase to shame and brought desire roaring to life inside of her. Would the gorgeous Prince be her savior or her downfall as the enemy learned of her existence and made a pact to destroy her?

  It was supposed to be her day off today. Andrea had planned to spend the day curled up on her couch with a bag of Cheetos, a series on Netflix and every pillow she could fit on the sectional with her. But that all went downhill quickly when her friend Sherry called and begged her to cover her shift at the bar. The extra money was hard to turn down so she agreed and told Sherry she owed her one for covering for her.

  The entire night the raging crowd at Risk had been wild. From the moment the second person climbed on her bar two hours into her shift Andrea knew it was going to be a long night. When will people learn that the bar is not for dancing?

  Ryan, the bouncer, had to escort two lovely ladies out early on who had decided to start the party before arriving and hold a very raunchy strip tease over the tap.

  In addition to the lesson on banning bar dancing there needs to be a lesson taught about drunken dancing. It's never as seductive as you think it is in your head. Never. That rule is one without exception. You could always tell which girls were wasted versus who had only had one drink and a cranberry sprite.

  The night lingered on longer than usual after having to herd the last stragglers from the bar and clean up the destruction from the human whirlwinds that trashed the place regularly every weekend. It was close to four in the morning by the time she got to pack up her purse, find her keys and head out into the twilight of early morning semi-darkness.

  Ryan took off a half hour earlier after she convinced him she would be fine closing up. When he got his girlfriend pregnant he had needed to take on another part time job and had to be at work at 7am.

  Andrea was always the one to help out her co-workers when they needed it. After her parents moved across the country to retire they were like her second family and the only real connection she had to the place after her latest boyfriend turned out to be a con artist.

  Her back was aching and she was looking forward to going home and getting in a hot bubble bath, having some scrambled eggs and passing out in bed for the next eight hours before she had to get up and do it all again. She straightened up and stretched trying to crack her back and get some relief as she dug out her keys from the bottom of her purse.

  Since she was the last one out and made sure to turn on the security system and set the alarm before hurrying out the door and turning the locks.

  Summer was on it's way in and this spring had been hotter than previous years. It was only early May but the temperatures had been in the 90's. Thankfully they got a break a few days ago after a rainstorm from hell. It was in the mid 50's without the sun and there was a light breeze drifting through the air. Her hair ruffled in the wind and she let it down and enjoyed the way her dark strands wafted around.

  Aside from the normal morning dew and the car exhaust there was another smell that was carried on the breeze. She wasn't sure what it was but it reminded her of something from her childhood. Like cedarwood and lemon Pledge...

  Andrea looked around the empty parking lot for the source of the smell and saw nothing. Not that she anticipated finding an old cedar chest freshly polished sitting in the back lot of the bar, but she couldn't help but wonder where the smell came from.

  She shrugged and pushed the unlock button on her key fob. The feeling that someone was watching her crept over her sending goosebumps in droves down her spine and over her extremities. Looking over her shoulder she thought she saw a shadow move closer to the building but after staring at it for a moment she convinced herself that it was just the shadow of the flag waving on the pole.

  "Calm it down, Ande. Nothing out here but you" she coached herself as she sped up her gait.

  Just as she rounded the hood of her car another smell hit her. Rum.

  "Hm?" she began when the source of the smell jumped up from crouching near her tire and grabbed her around the waist pinning her to the driver's side door of her Camry.

  The man was stringy, gangly and looked like he had spent the night in the company of a bottle or two. His eyes shifted between unfocused and intense as he pressed his face closer to hers, inching it to within a hair of her face.

  "Let go of me!" She screamed into his face. She hoped if she was loud enough she would startle him and he would let her go. The chances of someone else hearing her cries for help and coming to her rescue at this time of night were slim to none.

  The city was dead, it had started dying with the economy years ago. There was one other business and it was a block down with an empty car lot between them.

  Her heart was beating out of her chest but she tried to remain calm, at least on the outside. She didn't need this scumbag getting his jollies off on her look of terror.

  She looked him over, making sure to get a good look at his face. He was shorter than average, unshaved, thin with baggy jeans and a stained white t-shirt. His light brown eyes were wide and he looked like he had been indulging in more than just Malibu tonight.

  He had been in the bar earlier. She remembered him snuggling up to some girl who had not wanted anything to do with him but was using his attention to get free drinks at his expense.

  "You need to get off of me. Now." Andrea's tone was no nonsense and straight to the point. He was either going to let her go and walk away or she was going to kick his family jewels back to his great-grandfather.

  The creep had given her a bad vibe in the bar earlier and she had kept an eye on where the girl was and if he was harassing her too much. When he took off she had assumed he packed up his toys and went home when she rejected him.

  Apparently he had come outside and hung around for a few hours. How that got past Ryan she wasn't sure. He was usually king of clearing the parking lot of any straggling weirdos.

  'Missed one tonight' she thought with annoyance brimming. She figured he was just some drunken scumbag who had gotten a few too many shots of liquid courage in his system and who needed knocked on his ass and a good dose of sense pounded into his dense skull.

  "Whassamatta girl? I just want to show you a good time... just wanna show the pretty girl a good time... don't you like to have a good time?" He bantered on.

  "No" Andrea responded and tried to wriggle out of his grasp. His hands were sweaty and his breath in her face was chewing tobacco and rum mixed with gingivitis.

  "Come on now, pretty little thing. Come back w
ith me and I'll show you where the real party is. Can't be all work and no play now" spittle flew from his lips and he licked them repeatedly.

  There was a canister of pepper spray in her purse. The problem was that her purse was now dangling down by her knee and the way he had her pinned it was going to be next to impossible to get into.

  Her fingers stretched searching for feel of leather. Instead she touched the denim of his jeans.

  "Oh ho! Someone's horny!" He exclaimed in excitement.

  "Dream on, creep" Andrea pulled back her hand and floundered for her bag. Just as her fingertips found the zipper and pressed the bag to the car for leverage he moved her and she lost her grip.

  "You want this cock, eh girl?" He asked and let her go with one hand to unzip his pants. "I got a big ole cock. Give it to you right here, right now. You know you want this dick" he talked himself up while he struggled to find the zipper of his ripped and oil smudged jeans.

  Andrea took the opening she was given and shoved him as hard as she could with her free arm. Her strength caught him off balance and he tottered backwards tripping over his own feet as he tried to catch himself before he hit the pavement.

  Creep looked up at her with a confused expression as if he didn't quite understand how he had ended up on his ass. Confusion quickly turned to anger as he tried to get up when he figured out it was her fault he was down there.

  Andrea grabbed the door handle and was almost in the car when he grabbed her by her ponytail and drug her back out tossing her to the ground like a doll.

  She could see her keys near the other end of the car. She didn't even realize she had dropped them in the struggle. The car wasn't going to get her very far without them even if she had made it into the car.

  Creep was on top of her. His dirty hands grabbing her breasts, pulling up her shirt and revealing her bra.

  "Mmm girl look at them titties!" He was nearly salivating over her and Andrea's level of disgust was teetering toward vomiting.

  "Hands off, Asshole!" she yelled and tried to roll her body from under his. Even though he was skinny, he was heavier than she thought he would be.

  The blow to her face turned her head in an explosion of pain and shock. His balled fist hit her cheekbone and before she had a chance to recover from the punch his hands were around her throat.

  "I'll take what I want from you, whore!" He yelled into her face while his boney fingers gripped her windpipe. "And you're gonna give it to me or you're gonna die tonight!"

  Just as she was about to blackout and accept that she was going to be choked to death in a dirty bar parking lot by a drugged up creep out for revenge on women the smell of cedar came over her again.

  'I guess this is what death feels like' she thought and let her mind go as she inhaled the smell and found peace in it's comfort. She even stopped feeling the creep's hands around her throat. It was like coming back to life; it was like water after a parching drought. The air tasted sweeter, the smell of cedar was everywhere around her, enveloping her in it's soothing scent.

  Andrea opened her eyes and it was still dark, but not complete darkness like she thought Purgatory or some place like that would be... no... she was still in the parking lot as Risk.

  Moving her head to the right she could see that Creep was about ten feet away flat on his back and not moving. She wondered what had happened.

  'Maybe he thought he killed her and stumbled off and his drugs got the better of him and he passed out' she thought.

  She tried to sit up slowly and her head reeled in protest. She groaned and laid back down.

  "Give me your hand" a gruff voice demanded from somewhere above her.

  Andrea looked up and saw a huge man, probably nearing seven feet tall, standing over her. His eyes hidden behind wraparound black sunglasses even though it was dark, his hand stretched out to her in offering.

  'Angel?' She questioned in an odd haze looking for a pair of massive wings or a halo or some other tell-tale angel garb.

  "Thank you" Andrea said taking his hand. He practically lifted her from the ground with no effort whatsoever and poised her on her feet.

  When he let go she seemed unsteady and her stance wavered. Tristan decided hanging on to her was going to be her best bet for staying in an vertical position. He really didn't need her to have another head injury while he tried to get them out of her.

  Once she was on her feet their height difference was even more apparent. She came up to just under his chest. His big, broad chest with the tight black t-shirt stretched over it looking like if he moved the shirt would lose the battle with his biceps and tear into shreds.

  "Come with me" The man said with a hurried tone. He needed to get her out of here before they showed up. If he didn't get her back to the ship they would both be dead.

  "I, um, no. Really. Thanks a bunch for your help but I really need to get home..." She had no idea what time it was but she knew going from one strange man in the parking lot to another wasn't what she needed to do.

  Add in the fact that this guy was bigger than any person she had ever seen in her life and she was ready to get the hell away from him in a hurry. He pops up out of nowhere, chucks the fiend attacking her a good 20 feet over a median and then demands she go with him? Andrea didn't know how this guy spelled way but there was no F'in way she was going to go anywhere but home.

  "I'll take care of you. Come with me. You're bleeding" he pointed to her face and urged her along.

  Andrea lifted her fingers to her face and felt the stream of blood coming from her nose. She wasn't sure if she had passed out or what but it was partially congealed.

  "Honestly, I'm alright" she said but she was feeling woozy, her head felt fuzzy and heavy and she was dead tired on her feet. She just needed to get home and go to bed and pop a couple Advil before she passed out.

  "Don't argue" the man said and picked her up cradling her in his arms like she was a child and carrying her.

  "Hey! Put me down!" She tried to yell and beat on his chest but all of her energy was zapped and she found herself calming as he held her. Maybe she was going to be alright after all. She had a feeling he wasn't going to do anything to hurt her but why that feeling existed she couldn't explain.

  She hadn't seen any other cars in the area so she couldn't imagine where he could be taking her to. The parking lot inspection before closing must have been more of a crock- job than she originally thought.

  Even though she was a curvy girl, thicker than most of her friends, he had no trouble carrying her. His arms held her tightly to his chest to keep her from jostling around as he crossed the asphalt in long strides.

  There was still no car in sight.

  Andrea was too tired and too weak to care where he took her anymore. Her head nestled into his chest and she drifted off to sleep. The smell of cedar emanated from his being.

  Her last thought before the darkness overtook her again was that she didn't hear a heartbeat. She was positioned right over his heart with her ear pressed to him but she heart nothing. His heart should have been racing between the fight, carrying her and the activity of trekking across the asphalt jungle.

  Waking up hours later she found herself alone. She had no idea where the man had gone or how long she had been asleep. The room had ambient lighting in a soft blue color. Metal walls reflected the light throughout the room making it seem like it was glowing blue.

  She turned her body and let out a gasp when the bed moved with her. Between the body aches and the pain in her head that intensified when she thought she was going to fall it felt like she had a hangover from hell.

  "Waterbed" she mumbled with a hollow laugh annoyed with how jumpy she was. Though why wouldn't she be jumpy, she was God knows where with God knows who but The Giant from Jack's Beanstalk.

  A voice came out of a speaker behind her head and it sounded so close that the almost fell off the waterbed.

  "Awake and alert. Welcome" it said.

  Andrea looked around and saw the speak
er built into the wall behind the pillows. She laid back down and listened to what the recording had to offer. Maybe it would say the name of the hospital and she could call someone to come get her. She just wanted to go home.

  "You have been cleansed and healed. Your body may experience minor aches and pains as a result of your injury. You are recommended to rest and allow the treatment to react within your body. You will be fed when you press the orange button on the wall. Someone will come to assist you shortly. Enjoy your stay" The ultra-feminine voice clicked off of the speaker.

  'What the hell kind of hospital is this?' She wondered looking around. She felt like she was underwater, or in some kind of metallic embryonic sac. The walls seemed to move as if the building itself were inhaling and exhaling.

  'They must have given me some kind of morphine cocktail or something; this is trippy' she thought and pulled herself into the sitting position on the edge of the bed.

  She was wearing some kind of dark sparkling dress. It was definitely not the usual hospital gown with the peek a boo back that she expected to find herself wearing.

  Andrea shrugged. As she continued to wake up and test out her body she realized that beyond the scrapes, bruising and sore spot on her jaw where the creep had slugged her she wasn't half bad. At least not in perspective of how the night could have turned out had the giant angel not stepped in and kicked major ass.

  In addition to the pain she felt something else was nagging at her body with little gnashing teeth- she was starving. The handful of pretzels before her shift got rushed was long gone and her body was demanding she eat something.

  "Orange button" she repeated aloud scanning the room and spotted it on the wall with about a dozen other buttons of varying colors and shapes. She wondered what they all did but decided she wasn't going to be the one to press them and find out... self control.

  The orange button pressed easily under her finger and the voice came over the speaker again.

  "You have pressed the nourishment button" she was informed "A balanced meal will now be provided to you for your enjoyment".


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