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Abducted to Love: The Intergalactic Prince Series (SciFi Alien Romance)

Page 4

by Jill L. Sterling

  The alien said something in a language she didn't understand but whatever it was she was guessing it wasn't very nice because Tristan flushed red with anger and replied back in the same language with a fierce tone. His muscles seemed to multiply and inflate in his incised state.

  He grew from 7 feet closer to 8 and every one of his muscles was growing rapidly. His shirt burst from his chest and fell to the ground as he glared at the alien on the screen.

  'If looks could kill porcupine guy would be toast right now' she thought looking at Tristan as he continued to grow.

  Apparently she was now sleeping with the alien version of The Hulk. She made a mental note not to make him mad and watched as he slapped the black button and ended the video call with the terrifying alien.

  "Um, Tristan?" Andrea's voice was so low she wasn’t sure he had heard her.

  He looked like he was lost in his own mind and ready to Hulk Smash anyone who dared come in his path.

  "What" he snapped still nearly double the size he had been when she left the room to find something to wear.

  "What's the deal with the muscles and the porcupine guy?" She tried to make light of an obviously tense situation. Working the bar scene she had picked up some skills in de-escalating situations over the years. This was definitely a situation that needed to come down a notch or twelve before things went in a direction she didn't want to see them go.

  "Porcupine guy, also known as Pulgrog: Commander of the enemy battalions, got wind of your existence and was all too pleased to send threats in our direction" As Tristan explained his muscles seemed to inflate again while he grit his teeth together so hard Andrea was surprised they didn't crack out of his skull.

  "Should I leave? Would that help? If I go home will he leave you alone?" Her eyes searched his face.

  "You would be destroyed" he growled through his gritted teeth. The thought of that happening made his nostrils flare and his heart pump harder in his chest.

  "But would it end all of this?" She asked in a hushed tone looking down at her bare feet and wiggling her toes.

  "No. And I wouldn't let you sacrifice yourself in a futile attempt to end a battle that's been going on for longer than your planet has been in existence. I brought you into this and I sure as hell am not about to lose you because of a feud and an empty threat" Tristan sat heavily in the plush leather chair and glared at the metallic floor.

  "Are you sure the threat is empty?" She pried.

  Andrea wanted him to look at her. To know it was true she needed him to tell her that he was sure. If she was the reason for a battle between planets, a war, and people would die because of her she was going to put a stop to it. She couldn't handle knowing that she had been the cause of something like that.

  "It's probably not. At least Pulgrog would say it's not. But he won't be successful. He will never be successful" he swore it to her. His voice impassioned as he made the vow.

  Andrea was a little cautious in approaching him while he was so angry but she knew there was a good chance that she could calm him down. She walked between his legs and sat on his lap with her arm around his waist and kissed him on the cheek.

  No one else would have ever dared to approach him when he was in that state. Hell, he wouldn't have let them. But when Andrea at on his lap and planted her lips on him he felt the rage receding.

  She could feel his muscles relaxing and the added growth shrinking back down to his normal body-builder esque physique.

  "Mella Turro" he whispered to her and kissed her lips, pulling her into him in a hug that made her feel like there was no possible way in this universe or any other that he would let any harm come to her.

  "You said that earlier too. What does that mean?" Her head rested lightly on his shoulder with her hair draping down his arm. His fingers curled the ends into little spirals absentmindedly.

  "It's something similar to 'my love' or 'my other half'. It's one of the highest terms of endearment in my language. Generally it's reserved for mates who have bonded" his voice was soft and his words kind.

  She took a deep breath. "That's beautiful" lips curving into a smile as she thought about it.

  "I have another question actually too" she told him.

  "I will answer anything you desire as best I can" Tristan said continuing to curl her hair, wrapping it around his fingers and letting it spring back.

  "When you said mates who have bonded it seemed like being bonded was more than just a closeness or a connection that one makes with someone" she said hoping that he would fill in the blanks.

  "Bonding is very deep. It's when you connect your life with another's. When your body connects with theirs and your heart seeks their heart. There is a connection that is made that cannot be broken. It's a lifetime bond."

  "Like a marriage?" she suggested.

  "Deeper than a marriage. It's mental, physical, biological, spiritual... it's a level of devotion that those who have never experienced it tend to think is only a myth, an ideal that elders have set or a metaphor for love. It's so much more"

  She was in awe at his explanation.

  "I have bonded with you, Andrea" he said in a quiet voice that filled her ears and made her head swim. "You have taken my heart and turned me from a rebel prince bound to be a warrior to a bonded male with the more precious treasure to protect"

  The romance was unexpected from such a gruff looking man and the sentiment behind it melted her heart.

  Tristan seemed to realize suddenly that she was naked beneath his silken dress shirt and his hand wandered from her hair to running up her smooth calf and then her gorgeously thick toned thighs.

  He made a sound of approval in his throat that turned to a groan of approval and her bare ass rubbed across his cock.

  "I feel like you should never wear panties again" he said reaching around and sliding a finger between her pussy lips.

  Andrea moaned as his fingers found her clit and rubbed in slow circular motions gathering her wetness and bringing it to her engorged little button.

  She wasn't sure if she was going to be able to handle his massive cock for round two so soon but she was willing to die trying.

  "I would love to spend the day here in bed with you. I want to learn every curve, arch and freckle on your body. But alas I have to take care of a few matters before I can do that. Will you be okay staying here? Do you need anything?"

  "I'll be fine here" she said standing up from his lap and trying not to let her gaze fixate on his cock which was pulsing at half-mast tempting her to take it all the way to glory.

  Tristan went to the control panel on the wall and pressed a few buttons. "I just activated Nyla again. If you need anything she will help you get it. If you get hungry or need water or more clothing. Anything you need. Ask her for assistance and she will do as you tell her" he looked up at the speaker as if waiting for something.

  "Hello, Tristan. Hello, Andrea." Nylas femme-fatale voice crooned through the ceiling mounted speaker.

  "You know what to do Nyla" Tristan said fixing his outfit.

  "Yes, Sir" She responded in her cheerful tone.

  "I'll be back as soon as I can" Tristan promised and planted a kiss on Andrea's forehead before heading out of the bedroom chamber and leaving her to her own devices.

  Andrea flopped backwards onto the giant bed with her arms spread wide like she was going to make a snow angel. The bed waved and sloshed. The bed still held his scent, that cedar smell mixed with the smell of the love they had made.


  The word reverberated in her mind. It was something she thought she had experienced in the past but each of those relationships had turned to dust like vampires in the sun. Every time things got hard people left. People fell in and out of love these days so fast they don't even get to know the whole of the person they are with.

  She knew next to nothing about Tristan. She knew he was a prince, a warrior, an incredible lover, caring, honest and heroic. She knew he was organized, well spoken and charmi
ng. And he was an alien.

  'Why did the last fact seem to matter so little?' she asked herself. 'because the rest matter so much'. That was the answer she was looking for.

  Andrea spent an hour or so in thought laying in her lover's bed staring around the room at all of his possessions and wondering what he was doing.

  "Nyla," Andrea asked "Where is Tristan right now?"

  "Tristan is currently located in" she paused to calculate his location, "the navigation chamber of the East wing".

  She enjoyed that she could find out where he was. It was comforting to know where he was even if she didn't know exactly where the location was in this massive building... or was it a ship?

  "What kind of transport is this, Nyla?" She asked out of curiosity.

  "Our ship is a Renton X37 Model G14 dual propulsion carrier"

  Andrea felt her eyes glaze over with the explanation.

  "Good to know" Andrea quipped knowing that none of that was going to stay in her head for longer than 30 seconds.

  She wanted to get out of the room as comforting and nice as it was. She wanted to see the rest of the ship- look around and get a feel for it and maybe she would run into Tristan while she did it.

  "Nyla could you open the door to the hallway?"

  The door opened from the smooth wall and the hallway appeared beyond.

  "Thank you" she said and waved to the disembodied voice.

  Something she noticed as she looked around was the complete lack of windows. She wanted to see out. That would prove to her what was really going on. She was either going to see the deteriorating buildings of downtown with dirty streets and loft apartments or she was in for a sight she would never be able to put into words.

  She was determined to find a way to see where she was.

  The hallway was wide enough that she could have driven a car down the corridor. There were no doorways on either side and there was a T divide at the end of the hall.

  'I wonder how many other people are on this ship' she wondered. The ship was so big it could have held an entire city block within its walls. It seemed impossible that Tristan could fly this thing on his own without a whole crew of people to keep it in the air.

  She wondered if they had seen her when she had come in. And then she wondered if they would look more like Tristan, sexy, huge, and mostly human, or if they would look like the spawn of all childhood nightmares like Pulgrog.

  That wasn't a good thought path to head down while she was wandering the ship alone.

  Putting the possibility of running into something like Pulgrog out of her mind Andrea took a right and was met with a full length window that spanned from floor to ceiling and wall to wall.

  "Wow" was all she could muster and it did nothing to justify the scenery that spread out before her.

  Glowing stars rushed past, dark stony planets loomed in the distance with mountain ranges to rival anything she had ever seen in textbooks or the Discovery Channel.

  She stood in awe of the beauty of being among the stars and heavens that she saw laying on her roof all of those summer nights growing up. It was something hard to fathom and she was struck by sheer wonder in seeing what only a handful of people in history had even been given the opportunity to see first hand.

  Tristan came down the hall and saw her standing at the observatory wall. He walked up behind her taking in the beauty of her amazement. Despite his size he was surprisingly silent when he transversed the ship. Watching her take in the view from the ships observatory was like watching someone experience life for the first time.

  He put his hand lightly on her shoulder and she jumped, gasping at his sudden appearance.

  "God you scared me!" She yelled clutching her chest with her red tipped fingers.

  "I'm sorry I scared you" Tristan said "What are you doing out here? I thought you were going to stay in my chambers?" He watched as they sped past the northern end of the Gibbower Galaxy.

  "Sorry I wandered out. I wanted to look around. I can't believe what I'm seeing. Are we seriously flying through space? How can this even be reality right now?" Wonder filled her voice.

  A shooting star flew past them with it's bright tail streaking behind it and Tristan looked at it as though it were no more fascinating than an airplane passing overhead.

  "I forget sometimes that Earth hasn't figured out all the bugs in their intergalactic travel systems. I assure you it's all real." Tristan looked back at her.

  The hem of the silk shirt kissed her thighs and shifted with each breath she took. She looked seductive in his shirt. More she looked like she belonged. And she did belong. She belonged to him.

  "How did you find me here?" Her hand caressed his chest.

  "I told we you were bonded" Tristan ran a hand through her hair. "I always know where you are. Almost as if you were another part of me. I can tell where you are, sometimes I can see what you see and feel what you are feeling" he said and kissed her hair.

  "Can you tell what I'm feeling right now?" She teased.

  Tristan closed his eyes and focused on her. Everything else faded away. He felt heat blossom inside of her. A desire for him.

  It was like her body was calling to him, flashing a beacon in the sea of thoughts and emotions that would guide him straight to her.

  "Yes" he picked her up and her legs wrapped around his waist. "and we share the same feeling" he said kissing her deeply.

  His cock pulsed and lengthened pressing against her bare ass through his pants. She couldn't wait for him to rip them off. She wanted to feel him pressing against her, feel his pulse, his slickening cock sliding over her pussy until he filled her.

  Pressing her against the window gave him a free hand to unfasten his pants and they slid down to the floor exposing his hardness that rubbed between her ass cheeks. With a minor adjustment he was over her entrance and sliding her body down onto his; he sheathed himself in her heat and the vibrations from his excitement made her grip his shoulders.

  His hands lifted her ass sliding her up and down his hard cock filling her and teasing her cunt nearly pulling out of her and then letting her back down to fill her as fully as she could handle.

  "You are mine" he said thrusting into her as stars burst and swam behind them.

  Hearing that domination in his voice did something to her. Andrea had never been the kind of woman who looked for a man to save her. She wasn't a damsel in distress. No one had ever been around to pick her up when she had fallen throughout her life and she had grown to be the kind of woman who sneered at romantic comedies and women who needed men. She had brought herself through this life. She was a self sufficient, strong minded woman who took care of business herself.

  But the idea of being Tristan's, of belonging to him, made her want to discard that, at least for the time being and just be ravished by him.

  Tristan's teeth grazed her neck and slipped down her shoulder.

  Andrea's legs were losing grip around his waist as he pumped his thick cock, drilling her with his dick like he was searching for salvation. Her legs fell to his sides as she lost all control and gave it to him.

  Her toes barely touched the floor, dipping and dancing across the chilled metal as she was pinned to the window by his strong arms and massive cock. Each time he filled her Andrea's feet left the ground completely.

  Andrea couldn't hold back. Her body was taking over and the thrumming hum that filled her had her seeing stars, both literally and figuratively as she came. Her back arched and he pumped deep and hard into her wanting as much of her body as he could take.

  Her orgasm has him perilously close to cumming. The moans that she let out as she came stroked him on and he feverishly fucked her. Each stroke bringing him closer as she begged.

  "Oh, God!" She moaned as he used her body "I want you to cum so bad" she begged.

  He gave her just what she was begging for shooting hot cum into her and multiplying the vibrations and tingling by thousands as his cock erupted.

  When the light
s started flashing he didn't even take notice.

  'God, that orgasm must have been beyond words" he said with his eyes clamped shut as lights flashed behind his closed lids.

  "Um, Tristan? I think you have a message or something" Andrea breathed heavily in his ear as she tried to get his attention through her own orgasm that was dimming in pulsing waves.

  "Drek" he cursed and pulled his cock out of her with a wet suction that made her feel like he was going to take her insides with him.

  "Nyla- activate the message" he said with a sigh.

  "Activating new incoming message"

  The wall turned into a message that was written in what she could only compare to Sanskrit.

  Tristan's right brow lifted and nearly vanished into the crown of his flowing hair. He made a sound that made her wish she could read what he was reading even if it may be rude to read his messages.

  "Something interesting?" Andrea asked as she pulled the shirt back on over her head and tried to ignore the fact that tingle inducing cum was making sexual little riverlets down her inner thighs.

  "Just going to have to make a minor detour" he reassured her and gestured for her to follow him to the other end of the T crossing as he pulled his pants up and fastened the clasp in a quick motion.

  The navigation room was full of knobs, buttons, levers, pedals, windows and maps that changed on a giant screen and showed both their present location and their projected path on the chosen route.

  He shifted some things around and the path changed sending them veering off of the previous course and along a different route entirely.

  "Why are we going another way? She asked watching the little indicator light flash on the map that was their ship.

  "Well, it appears that there is a warship in front of us and they aren't very pleased that I have taken a mate" he shrugged as if it were no big deal that a ship loaded with missiles that could blow them into stardust was currently on a war path.

  He may not care but Andrea's stomach dropped. Until today the biggest worry she had were drunken customers getting too handsy at the bar or thugs on the streets trying to steal her purse. Entire nations of planets she had never even known existed two days ago were after her now.


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