Book Read Free

Strike Fast

Page 21

by Kaylea Cross

  The jet turned sharply to the right. Banking out to sea just as promised.

  Then Prentiss grabbed the handle on the aircraft door.

  Carlos’s heart shot into his throat. “Okay! Okay, I’ll tell you!”

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Whoa there, Wonder Woman,” her sister said, hurrying through the connecting door of their Alexandria hotel rooms as Tess came out of the bathroom struggling to get her damn bra strap over her bandaged shoulder.

  Tess sighed and lowered her left arm in frustration, her plain white bra dangling from her left hand. “I hate this damn thing,” she grumbled, glaring down at the sling that kept her right arm immobile and useless against her chest.

  “Well that damn ‘thing’ is currently keeping you from being in even more pain,” Shannon said, efficiently easing the strap into position over Tess’s bad shoulder, choosing a spot where it wouldn’t rub the surgical site. Two years younger than Tess, Shannon was a natural mother and had jumped a flight to be here for Tess when she’d arrived an hour ago.

  She paused, meeting Tess’s eyes. “Do you, um… You wanna do the honors, or shall I?” she asked, lifting the cups, eyeing Tess’s bare breasts.

  Tess grunted and sat up straighter, hiding a wince as the motion pulled at her newly fixed collarbone. It hurt, but not so much as not having any more information about Autumn. And she was worried as hell about Reid since their last call this morning. “Go ahead. It’s not like you haven’t seen them about three minutes ago while you were in there helping me wash my hair.”

  “True.” Shannon tucked a strand of golden-blond hair behind her ear and wiggled the cups into position, then reached down and quickly scooped each breast into place. “There. Voila,” she said, reaching around Tess to hook the bands together between her shoulder blades. “What shirt do you want to wear?”

  “Whatever hurts the least to get on.”

  Shannon dug through Tess’s duffel on the floor. “Let’s try this one.” She pulled out an oversize plaid, button-down, flannel shirt.

  “Is that Reid’s?” It sure wasn’t hers. She grabbed it, brought it to her nose to smell it and caught the scent of his soap on the fabric. A pang hit her. He must have put it in here when he’d thrown the bag together for her last night.

  “And it does double duty, because not only do we not have to pull it over your head,” Shannon said, carefully easing the right sleeve up Tess’s curled arm, “but it also put a smile on your face.”

  “He’s a good man.” They’d talked about him a lot while Tess had been back in Texas. Shannon had listened patiently while Tess had poured her heart out, talking about her concerns, her fears. And that she had already pretty much been a goner as far as Reid Prentiss was concerned.

  “So you’ve told me, alcohol and ex problems included.”

  “I know, but he’s so much more than that, Shan.” He was also brave and strong and caring. “He rescued me yesterday. And he was there waiting for me when I woke up in the recovery room. He even packed me a bag and called you to arrange your trip.”

  “Gotta love him for that,” Shannon said.

  All that in spite of the hell he was going through with Autumn. He amazed her. “God, I miss him.” So damn much, especially with all that had happened yesterday. She’d relived those stomach-curdling moments before the crash so many times since, and the terrifying attack in the woods. If not for Reid and the men he’d recruited to come in after them, she and her crew might be dead right now.

  Or, she might be in a cage like those other women, about to be shipped out to the highest bidder. Cold swept through her just thinking of it.

  “Well, I’m sure as hell looking forward to meeting him when this is all over. I’m going to hug the hell out of him for saving my big sister.”

  “Get in line, Shan. He’s mine, so I get to hug him first.” Tess eyed her phone sitting there charging on the desk across the room. It had been hours since she’d gotten word from Reid about the operation happening right now, but he’d been so evasive and there’d been no updates since.

  She pushed off the bed to walk around, the pain in her shoulder making it impossible to get comfortable. They’d given her meds to keep on top of it before leaving the hospital but she didn’t want to take any with the current situation going down. Her boss had told her that the DEA and FBI had hatched some kind of sting to nab Ruiz and get a lock on Autumn’s location. Reid was involved, but she wasn’t sure in what capacity and it was driving her nuts to be cooped up here waiting for word.

  Her cell rang, making her heart rate skyrocket. She grabbed it from the desk, hope inflating her ribcage when she saw Reid’s number. “Reid?” Her entire body was on alert as her sister watched her anxiously.

  “Yeah, sweetheart, it’s me.”

  The endearment hit her straight in the chest. “Are you okay?”

  “More than okay. I think we’ve found her, Tess.” His voice cracked with emotion.

  Tess closed her eyes and leaned against the wall, praying Autumn was all right. “Thank God.” She opened her eyes, mind working fast. “Where is she?”

  “An address in the Tidewater region. Analysts are working on it now, and the taskforce is putting together a team to go after her.”

  She was already grabbing her ID and jacket from the closet. “Where are you right now?”

  “I’m in the air, about two hours out of Alexandria. Will you go with them? They’re going to pull the trigger soon, and Autumn knows you. She’s gone through hell already, and if she’s there it—”

  “Reid, of course I’ll go. You don’t even have to ask.” After signaling to Shannon that she’d call, she was out the door and headed down the hallway with rapid strides, the pain in her shoulder all but forgotten. “Where are they meeting?”


  “Okay, I’m on my way.”

  His heavy sigh tugged at her. “Thank you.”

  “No thanks necessary.” She paused as the elevator carried her down to the lobby. “Are you sure you’re alright?”

  “Won’t be okay until I know for sure she’s safe.”

  “Yeah, I can understand that. You’re going to fill me in on what happened, right?”

  “As soon as I see you.” Voices sounded in the background. “I gotta go. But look, Tess…”

  She smiled even though he couldn’t see her. “It’s okay, Reid. I’m going to get her and bring her back to you.”

  “God, I want to kiss you so bad right now.”

  She wanted that too. So much it shook her. “I’ll take a rain check. See you in a while.”

  “I can’t wait to hold both my girls again.”

  A bittersweet sting spread beneath her ribs as she climbed into the cab and directed the driver to take her to Quantico. She hadn’t expected Reid and his daughter, hadn’t been even remotely prepared for them to crash into her life and burrow their way into her heart. But they had. She was emotionally committed to them both now, for better or worse.

  And she was going to get that sweet baby back to her father today.

  The head of the taskforce was waiting for her when she arrived on base a little over thirty minutes later, and took her directly to the briefing room. Two FBI SWAT teams had already been assembled. The head of the taskforce introduced her to the team leaders, and informed them that she would be going into the building directly after the breach. If Autumn was alive, they were to give Tess immediate access to her, and Tess would stay with her while the scene was secured.

  Everything moved fast after that. Soon she was riding shotgun with a group of DEA agents behind the SWAT vehicles as they made their way across base to where four Blackhawks were waiting to fly them to the target location.

  Tess’s pulse beat faster at the sight of them, her palms turning sweaty as she climbed aboard. She mentally shook herself. No. This was her aircraft and she loved it.

  But the memory of yesterday’s events was all so fresh in her mind. The loss of control, those momen
ts before the wheels touched the road and they’d been going too fast and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do to slow them down. That sickening moment of impact, the instant her collarbone snapped.

  She refused to give into the fear, took slow, steadying breaths as they lifted off and gained altitude. After a few minutes, she was able to relax, the hope that she might be able to get Autumn in a little while helping to dispel the lingering anxiety.

  They landed several miles from the target location and drove the rest of the way in a convoy. When they arrived on scene, police and special FBI units had locked the surrounding area down, giving them a buffer in which to operate. Tess got out of the vehicle she was riding in and followed behind the SWAT teams with three other agents, her left hand on the pistol holstered at her hip.

  Up ahead lay the target house: a stately private residence located along the Chesapeake waterfront. Worth at least a few million for the location and view alone, the imposing white colonial home on immaculate grounds stood on two acres of land that overlooked the bay. The agency had investigated the owners, but if they were connected to the Veneno cartel, that info was buried deep.

  Time slowed as everyone got into position. Tess waited tensely just beyond the interior security perimeter with some FBI agents while the SWAT teams stacked up at the front and rear entrances to the house. The team leader in charge gave the command to breach, and they stormed the house.

  Tess counted to ten, then twenty, and ran for the back door with the other agents.

  Inside the back entry she stood in the mudroom, weapon in hand while the teams swept the house. It was so quiet. No shots, no shouts except for the brusque communication between team members.

  Rapid treads above her head made her look up at the ceiling, and then the team leader in charge appeared around the corner from the kitchen. “Main floor’s clear,” he said to them. “Other team reports the upper floor’s clear as well.”

  Unease and crushing disappointment hit Tess. Autumn had to be here. She had to be. God, this nightmare had to end—happily.

  “We’re gonna search the basement and the outbuildings.”

  The two teams split up, one going to check the garage, pool house and garden shed, while the other searched the basement. Tess stayed with the latter, standing at the top of the steps as they opened a door in the hallway and rushed down another staircase into the darkness beyond.

  Her heart beat faster, her ears straining to make out any sounds coming from below, and her mind spinning with all kinds of horrifying possibilities. They’d caged women. Chained them naked to the floor. Starved, beaten and raped them. What the hell had they done with Autumn? Had they killed her and buried her body somewhere on the property?

  Tess swallowed and started down the stairs, praying with each step. Please let her be here. Please let her be okay.

  “Dubrovski!” a male voice called up to her.

  “Here!” She broke into a jog, heart clattering against her ribs as she rushed down the stairs. What had they found? Not Autumn’s body. Not her little body, please.

  She rounded the corner, able to see because one of the men had switched on a flashlight. “Did you find her?” she asked, desperate to know.

  “Yeah.” The team leader pulled off his balaclava, his eyes grave. “In there.” He pointed to a utility room off the basement hallway. “Let her in, guys,” he said to his men.

  Tess immediately moved past him, the pain in her shoulder forgotten, a dull throb in her ears and her legs wooden as she walked to that open doorway. Someone was inside it. One of the SWAT agents.

  His back was to her as he did something with his hands. And he was speaking softly, his tone soothing. Cajoling, as though talking to a frightened animal.

  Or a terrified little girl.

  Tess rushed inside and stopped dead when she took in the sight before her. The agent moved back enough for her to see Autumn as he gently sliced through the tape holding her hands behind her.

  Elation slammed into Tess, so sharp and powerful the floor seemed to tilt beneath her for a moment. “Autumn.”

  The little girl’s eyes swung toward her, and the moment they locked on Tess, her face crumpled and she burst into tears. “Tess,” she choked out, reaching for her.

  Oh my God, oh my God… Tess pushed past the male agent and grabbed her, wrapping her left arm around those frail little shoulders.

  Autumn clung to Tess. Tess winced and hissed in a breath when Autumn’s face pressed against her surgical site, but she didn’t care about the pain. “Oh, sweetheart, it’s so good to see you,” she murmured against that soft brown hair.

  Autumn continued to cling to Tess as she cried, her whole body shaking.

  Tess held her tighter, gathered her up and sat there on the floor just holding her. “It’s okay. It’s okay now.” She smoothed her left hand over Autumn’s hair, down her shuddering back. Was she okay? Was she hurt anywhere that Tess couldn’t see? “I’m going to take you home.”

  “W-where’s my dad?” she quavered.

  “He’s coming, sweetie. He’s on a plane right now, coming to get you.” Tess cupped the girl’s face in her hand and tipped it up. Autumn’s eyes were puffy and swollen, but in the dim light it was hard to see if she had any cuts or marks on her. “Are you hurt anywhere?” It made Tess’s guts clench to think of what they might have done to her.

  Autumn shook her head, her frightened gaze darting past Tess to all the uniformed men standing in the basement.

  “It’s all right, they’re with me,” Tess soothed. “Honey, look at me.”

  Deep blue eyes exactly like Reid’s focused on her.

  “That’s better.” Tess put on a reassuring smile. “Are you hurt, Autumn?”

  “N-no.” Her lips quivered and more tears flooded her eyes. “I want to go home. I want my mom and dad.”

  “I know you do. And you’ll see them real soon.” Tess hugged her close again, clamped her teeth together as her injured shoulder protested with a searing pain. Autumn had been through something unbelievably traumatic, and Tess didn’t want her to suffer even a moment’s more distress. “I’m going to take you outside now, okay? There are lots of police officers and federal agents waiting for us outside, just to make sure you’re safe. Some of them will want to talk to you, ask you questions about what happened, and the paramedics will want to check to make sure you’re okay.”

  “I just wanna go home.”

  “I know, sweetie. But I’ll stay with you the whole time, okay?”

  Autumn focused on her again, searched her eyes a moment, then nodded.

  Tess smiled at her again. “Ready?”

  Autumn burrowed closer and wrapped her arms tight around Tess’s neck, and this time she couldn’t hold back a hiss of pain. Autumn’s head came up, her gaze moving from Tess’s face to her shoulder and back. “What happened?”

  “Well, it’s kind of a long story.”

  “Are you alright?”

  Tess huffed out a laugh. It was funny, for Autumn to be asking her that right now after everything she’d been through. “Yes. Now let’s get you out of here, huh?” When Autumn nodded, Tess gathered her tight and wrapped her left arm around the girl’s hips. “You’re gonna have to hold on tight because I’ve only got one arm to hold you with.”

  “Okay.” For good measure Autumn wrapped her legs around Tess’s waist.

  The SWAT agent nearest her helped Tess to her feet, then followed her up the stairs. She squinted at the brightness when they emerged into the main floor hallway, and paused a second to let Autumn’s eyes adjust. The little girl was peering over Tess’s shoulder, her face apprehensive.

  “Everyone out there is here to help you,” Tess reminded her.

  “And you’ll stay with me.”

  Just let someone try to take you from me. “I’ll stay with you.”

  The next hour passed in a blur as Tess helped Autumn through all the questions and physical examination. To Tess’s relief she seemed to be unharme
d, but the EMTs insisted Autumn be taken to the hospital so a doctor could do a more thorough exam. Thankfully the doctor was kind and quick, and Tess expelled a breath of thanks when he confirmed that she was fine other than a few bumps and bruises, and hadn’t been sexually assaulted.

  “Can we leave now?” Autumn asked, reaching for Tess’s hand.

  Tess squeezed gently. “You bet.” She cleaned Autumn up with a quick sponge bath and changed her into a pair of pajamas one of the FBI agents had brought her.

  Autumn held tight to her hand on their way to the main doors. Outside, an agency vehicle was waiting to take them to FAST headquarters. Tess was halfway to it when a familiar male voice called out to her left.


  They both looked up in time to see Reid sprinting toward them, his face a mask of naked emotion as he ran from an SUV that had just pulled up.

  “Daddy!” Autumn tore free of Tess’s grip and raced toward her father as fast as her little legs could carry her.

  Chapter Twenty

  Reid’s heart was about to explode as he raced toward his daughter. When Autumn was a step or two away, she launched herself at him. He caught her and crushed her to his chest, burying his face in her neck.

  At the feel of those little arms clinging to his neck, he crumpled. His knees gave out and he dropped to the ground, barely even feeling the impact.

  Autumn was here. She was safe.

  He knelt there on the ground holding his daughter, and something inside him shattered. All the fear and anguish he’d bottled up came bursting forth in a rush of tears. Hard, wrenching sobs ripped out of his chest, raw and agonizing.

  “Don’t cry, Daddy,” Autumn said, her voice stricken.

  He couldn’t stop, couldn’t do anything but hold her and cry, his entire body shaking.

  He was dimly aware of another vehicle pulling up close by and a door popping open a minute later.

  “Autumn! Oh, my God, Autumn!”

  Autumn and Reid both looked up as Sarah ran toward them, tears streaming down her face. Reid dragged in a shaky breath and lifted one arm out to her.


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