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Strike Fast

Page 23

by Kaylea Cross

  His eyes lit up. “You’re seriously an angel. I’m starving.”

  “You’re always starving.” He reached down for his duffel and for the first time Abby noticed the bandage on his left forearm. “What happened?”

  He followed her gaze, shrugged a shoulder. “Nothing. Just a scratch.”

  She didn’t know what he did for a living, other than he worked for the government. And judging from the condition he was in and the way he moved, it was the furthest thing from a desk job. Whatever it was, it was dangerous, and she worried that he was hurting worse than he let on. She’d been around enough alpha males to know how they ticked. They weren’t supposed to show pain or weakness of any sort, because that would be unmanly.

  Right now, though, she should get out of his hair and let him unwind. “Goliath’s been fed, and there’s a notice there for a package delivery waiting for you at the post office.”

  “All right, thanks. Man, I owe you. Didn’t think we’d be gone this long.”

  She wanted so badly to ask him what he did, but if he wanted her to know he would have told her by now, so she had to respect his privacy. “It’s no problem.” She paused a second, then picked up the key that Shelley had chucked onto the living room rug. “Do you, uh, think she has a spare somewhere?”

  Kai crossed the room and took it from her. His skin was dark compared to hers, and he was so tall and broad, standing next to him like this made her feel tiny. Having fought body image problems most of her adult life, feeling petite and almost fragile around anyone was startling.

  He stared at the key for a long moment. “Doesn’t matter if she does. I won’t be here long enough for her to use it anyway.”

  She frowned. “What do you mean?”

  He lifted those deep brown eyes to hers. A mottled blend somewhere between dark chocolate and black coffee that was riveting against his bronze skin and dark lashes. “We had a major security breach at work. Two of us on the team had our personal information compromised. The agency feels it’s in our best interest to leave our places this weekend.”

  “Oh…” The news was a shock, but more than that, the wave of sadness hit her hard. If he moved out of the building, she’d likely never see him again. And until that moment, she hadn’t realized how attached she was to having him around. How much she looked forward to seeing him.

  The same regret was written in his eyes as he stared down at her. “Yeah. It sucks.”

  It really did. She’d never be able to zip across the hall with a plate of something, or share a quick meal together again. He wouldn’t be there to visit with or help her with little things around her apartment. More than that, she liked knowing he was just across the hall if she needed anything. He made her feel safe on an intrinsic level. “But everyone else in the building is considered safe? From the breach you mentioned?”

  His gaze warmed. “Yeah. Especially once I’m out.”

  That…really didn’t make her feel any better.

  Kai searched her eyes for a moment, then sighed and motioned for her to sit down with him at the kitchen counter. Abby took a stool next to him and waited for him to continue.

  “You know I work for the government.”

  She nodded.

  “I’m with the DEA.”

  “Oh.” Drugs. Dealers. Cartels. A warning shiver started at the bottom of her spine. “So this leak was to someone really dangerous.”

  He dipped his head. “Did you hear about the little girl who was kidnapped this past week?”

  “The one who was just rescued tonight?”

  A nod. “She’s my teammate’s daughter.”

  “Your…” She glanced down at his bandaged arm, then up into his face as understanding dawned. “Oh. So you’re with some kind of a tactical team, then?”

  His eyes crinkled at the corners in the hint of a smile. “Yeah.”

  “Were you the ones who rescued her?”

  “Unfortunately, no. But I got to see her when she left the hospital tonight.”

  “Is she alright?”

  “She’s okay physically. Emotionally, I’m not sure.” He shifted on the stool, the small piece of furniture creaking beneath his big frame. “I can tell you this now because the operation’s over and the details are going to come out in the media over the next few days, but she was kidnapped by an enforcer of the Veneno cartel.”

  At the mention of that name, she cringed. Everyone knew about them. And how they murdered and tortured people at will to get what they wanted. Abby rubbed her palms up and down her thighs, pondering the knowledge that someone in the cartel might have Kai’s personal info. “I’m really glad the FBI found her.”

  “Me too. She’s such a sweetheart, you’d love her.” His expression sobered. “But that’s why I have to go. A Veneno lieutenant bought off a clerk in the agency, and she gave him my and my buddy’s home addresses, information on next of kin, stuff like that.”

  Abby frowned, horrified. “So your family’s at risk too?”

  “Doubt it. They’re all back on Maui, and the clerk’s in jail, so there won’t be any more leaks. And the sooner I pack up and get out of here, the sooner you’ll be safe.”

  But I don’t want you to go. She held the words back, because she was made of sterner stuff than that. “I’ll miss you. It’s not too often you get a neighbor you actually like.”

  He chuckled. “Truth.”

  Sadness filled her. “Who’s gonna eat all the extra food I make?”

  “Hey, if you still want to give it to me, we can meet up somewhere.”

  Finding Autumn Prentiss must have been a huge relief for him and the others, but there was a weariness in Kai’s expression that tugged at her. “Well I’ll be sorry to see you go. Have you got anyone to help you pack up?”

  “A few of the guys are gonna come over tomorrow morning and help.”

  “I can help too, if you want. I can be here as soon as I get back from the gym.”

  His answering smile warmed her from the inside out. “You’re a gem, Abby.”

  Oh God, she loved the way he said her name, his deep voice like a caress.

  The moment the thought hit her brain, blood rushed to her cheeks. Definitely time to go.

  She cleared her throat and hopped off the stool. “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow. Hope you get a good night’s sleep.” Although how would he, when the most dangerous cartel in the western hemisphere had his freaking address? She wasn’t going to sleep either.

  He followed her to the door. When she started to twist the knob, he set a hand on the door to hold it closed. Abby froze, a rush of warmth licking along her skin. He was standing mere inches behind her, so close she could feel his body heat against her back.

  “Can I get a hug goodbye?” he asked softly.

  You could get anything you wanted from me. “Oh. Sure.” Steeling herself, banishing her wayward thoughts, she turned around to face him, a pang hitting her at the loneliness she read in his eyes.

  He reached for her, those huge arms coming around her back as he drew her to his chest. His crazy-hard, sculpted chest she’d imagined seeing naked—along with the rest of him—far more times than she cared to admit.

  Slipping her arms around his ribs, Abby tried to get a grip on her body’s reaction to the embrace, but it was no use. The feel of that big, hard frame pressed along her front sent tingles shooting to every nerve ending. Her nipples tightened and her stomach muscles pulled tight.

  And he didn’t just squeeze her and let go in the quick, neighborly hug she’d expected. No, he pressed his cheek to the top of her head and…cradled her.

  It took a second for her to realize he was seeking comfort, rather than offering it. Her heart squeezed tight.

  “Gonna miss you, short stuff,” he said gruffly.

  Her heart twisted. She leaned more fully into him, spreading her palms across the broad expanse of his back. His words sounded awfully final.

  But she wasn’t ready to say goodbye to him forever.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Reid’s arm had fallen asleep at least thirty minutes ago, but he was afraid to move it in case it woke Autumn. So he lay there on the hotel bed with his daughter’s back spooned up against his front, still drinking in the miracle of having her back safe.

  “Man, she’s a hot sleeper. The front of me’s soaked through but I can’t bring myself to let go,” Sarah whispered from Autumn’s other side. They’d forged a fragile truce between them, the reunion with their daughter helping to smooth their ragged edges.

  “I know,” he whispered back, smiling down at their daughter. She’d fallen asleep sandwiched between them after cheeseburgers and root beer floats from room service. They’d talked for hours about what had happened, and Reid had done his best to explain why the man had found her, and that none of them would be in danger anymore.

  Or at least, not after he cleared out his apartment and found another place. The guys were splitting into two teams tomorrow morning to get it done, half helping Maka, and the others helping him.

  “Isn’t she beautiful?” Sarah’s voice was rough with emotion.

  “The most beautiful thing in the world.”

  His ex-wife looked up at him over the top of Autumn’s head and her smile faded. Regret shadowed her eyes. “I’m…sorry for what I said the other day. About it being your fault. I know you’d never do anything to put her at risk. And I’m sorry for lashing out like that. Truly.”

  Reid held her stare. “Thank you. And for the record, even though things aren’t great between us, I’d never do anything to put you at risk, either.”

  She lowered her gaze. “I know that.” She stroked gentle fingers over Autumn’s dark hair. “She’s really out cold.”

  “Not surprising.” Every time he thought of her frightened and alone, tied up and locked in darkness, the helpless rage came back. He wasn’t sure if it would ever go away.

  “That reporter you found that night. Miss Gomez. Is she going to be all right?”

  “I don’t know.” Though in all honestly, Reid wasn’t sure how she could be, after all she’d endured at the hands of those animals.

  “And what about Tess?”

  Reid met her gaze. “What about her?”

  “Is she going to be all right?”


  “You sound pretty certain of that.”

  He was certain. “She’s strong.”

  “Maybe. But don’t you think you should go check on her and make sure?”

  Those were the last words Reid had ever expected to hear coming from Sarah’s mouth. “What?”

  Sarah rolled her eyes. “You think I couldn’t see the connection between the two of you, even before you put your arm around her this afternoon? Please. And even if she is strong, she shouldn’t have to be strong alone right now. Jeez, Reid. Sometimes I don’t think you’ve learned anything about women and relationships at all.”

  He frowned. “I don’t want to leave Autumn.”

  “Autumn is practically unconscious, and even if she wakes up, I can handle whatever she needs.” Sarah raised her eyebrows. “You’re telling me you don’t want to see Tess?”

  Of course he wanted to see Tess. He was dying to.

  Her lips twitched. “That’s what I thought. So go on. If something comes up that I can’t handle, I’ll text you.”

  He glanced down at Autumn, then back up at Sarah. “You sure?”

  “Yes.” She expelled a deep breath, seemed to summon her courage before meeting his eyes once more. “I saw an interview with Miss Gomez, a couple days after she was rescued. She was talking about what the men who saved her did, about how brave they were, and how she wouldn’t be alive today without them. It made me stop and think. Gave me more insight and appreciation for what you guys do, and why you do it, despite the risks and the sacrifices.”

  Reid didn’t know what to say. He hadn’t expected any of this.

  But she wasn’t done. “And so on top of being sorry for how I reacted, I’ll…try to be more understanding about stuff going forward. And I’ll try not to be such a controlling bitch with the whole scheduling thing in future. Okay?”

  He smiled, his heart swelling. “Okay.” After carefully extricating his arm from beneath their daughter, he sat up and shook it to get the circulation going. Unable to help himself, he leaned over and kissed the top of her head, breathing in the scent of her shampoo. “I can be back here within thirty minutes if you guys need me.”

  Sarah waved his words away. “Go.”

  He did, driving straight to Tess’s hotel. He’d thought about texting her first, but decided just to surprise her instead. He rode the elevator up to Tess’s floor, the buzzing of nerves in the pit of his belly taking him off guard.

  Because she mattered to him so much.

  He’d never thought he would fall for someone again after such a bitter divorce, but Tess had somehow managed to blast her way through all the walls he’d put up around his heart. Tough as he was, it was terrifying to hand his heart over to someone. He just hoped Tess was as ready to receive it as he was to give it.

  He knocked softly on the door, his heart thumping in his chest. It opened only seconds later, and Reid was surprised to see Tess standing there appearing fully awake, still dressed in his plaid, flannel shirt.

  “Hey,” she whispered, giving him a smile that warmed the center of his chest as she stepped back to let him in.

  “I know it’s late,” he said as the door shut behind him, “but Autumn was gone to the world and I…” He tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear, let his fingers linger on the soft skin at the side of her neck. “I just needed to see you.”

  Tess reached up to curl her fingers around his hand, another soft smile curving her lips. “I’m glad you’re here. How is she?”

  “Better than I expected, but we’ll see how things go over the next few days. We’ve got all kinds of appointments set up with doctors, psychiatrists and counselors.”

  “Was Sarah okay with you leaving?”

  “She basically kicked me out to make me come here.”

  “She did?”

  He nodded. “Because she knows me. And she can tell how I feel about you.” He traced his thumb over the edge of her jaw, taking in the shadows beneath her pretty jade-green eyes, and the lines of fatigue around her mouth. “You look exhausted.”

  She sighed and slumped against his hand. “I’m so tired, but I’m too uncomfortable to sleep.”

  He pulled her gently into his body, wrapped his arm around her waist and cradled the back of her head with the other, holding her cheek to his chest. “Did you take your meds?”

  “Two pills about an hour ago. They haven’t done anything so far.”

  He hated to see her in pain. Easing back a little, he cupped her cheek in his hand, bringing her gaze to his. “Can I do anything?”

  One side of her mouth lifted in a crooked grin. “Wanna wash my hair?”

  He grinned back and dropped a soft kiss on her mouth. “I’d love to.”

  She blinked up at him. “Really?”

  He chuckled at her surprised expression. “Mmhmm.” He’d love to do anything that would make her feel better. “Come on.” Taking her left hand, he led her into the bathroom. The tub wasn’t huge, but it was deep enough to hold both of them. “Do you like it warm, or hot?”


  He started filling the tub, then turned to face her, tenderness flooding him when he noticed the way she shifted her stance and fidgeted with the hem of his shirt at her bare thighs. “Not nervous about being naked in front of me, are you?” he teased.

  Her cheeks turned the prettiest shade of pink. “A little. This isn’t exactly the scenario I imagined for when this happened next.” She gestured to the sling.

  “No? Then what did you imagine?”

  “Something a hell of a lot hotter and more romantic than this.”

  “I’ll show you romance,” he promised.

  Holding her gaze, he reache
d for the hem of his shirt and stripped it over his head. Tess’s eyes traced over his naked torso, leaving tendrils of heat in their wake that sent a rush of blood to his swelling cock. She wasn’t in any kind of shape to do anything about it, but everything about her turned him on and he couldn’t help his body’s reaction to her.

  He took off his boots and pants, sliding his underwear down his legs with them. Tess stared at him with open, unabashed desire, the pink in her cheeks intensifying and her lips parted. “Your turn, gorgeous.”

  Tess didn’t move, just watched him with hungry green eyes as he undid each button of the shirt to reveal the white bra she wore beneath, and the strip of creamy skin all the way down to the dark blond curls between her thighs.

  Shelving all the sexual impulses bombarding his brain for later, he took care extricating her injured arm from the sleeve, and dropped the shirt on the floor before gently removing her bra. She immediately moved to hold her right arm in place against her chest, and he wasn’t sure whether it was from nerves or if it was more comfortable for her shoulder.

  Settling his hands on her hips, Reid tugged her toward him and gently, softly kissed the curve where her neck met her right shoulder, just at the edge of the bandages. She caught her breath, goosebumps rising on her skin. He ran his hands over her hips and back while the sound of rushing water filled the air, kissing his way up to her jaw, her cheek, and finally her mouth.

  Tess moaned softly and swayed toward him, her lips parting for the slow stroke of his tongue. He cradled her head in his hands, rubbed his fingertips against her scalp as he kissed her, caressing her tongue and the roof of her mouth.

  When he pulled back a minute later, she was breathing faster and her eyes were a little glazed. But the nervousness was gone, and that’s what he’d wanted.

  Checking the temperature of the water, he shut it off and helped her into the tub, placing a rolled up towel beneath her head. He used the moveable showerhead to wet her hair, then spread the shampoo in his hands and knelt beside the tub to massage her scalp.

  Tess groaned and closed her eyes, her gorgeous body relaxing in the water. “Oh my God, that feels incredible.”


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