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Seduced by an Irresistible Lady: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 10

by Henrietta Harding

  Helena shook her head.

  “Is anything the matter?” Miss Justina said.

  “Nothing, just Lavinia.”

  “She will always find something to talk about,” Miss Justina said, laughing gently.

  Helena laughed too. She had to halt her hop up the stairs for fear of losing balance. Her friend was too much of a talkative. She never ran out of words. Helena wondered if the Prince wasn’t starting to feel overwhelmed by her nature.

  They continued up the stairs till they got to the top. Abigail couldn’t hide her impatience. It was all over her face.

  “I think you can go in now. I’ll try to manage myself,” Helena said.

  The twins said nothing. Helena was sure they had already run out of patience. Lady Lavinia walked to Helena’s front.

  “Are you sure? Can you walk?” she asked.

  “I can manage. Justina is here with me. You and your Prince can go in and share a dance. I don’t want to waste your time,” Helena said.

  Lady Lavinia nodded and stretched her hand. Prince Drew appeared from behind Helena and took her hand in his. The twins were already inside the hall. Lady Lavinia and the Prince followed them in. Helena eased her arm off Miss Justina’s shoulders and dropped her left foot. It hurt when it touched the ground, but she was sure she could manage. She took one step on it and paused for a while, trying to get the ankle used to the weight. When she felt safe on it, she took another step. She managed to hobble and wobble her way to the big door. Helena imagined how she would look to Lord Jeffrey. She swore under her breath.

  I have never been so undignified.

  “Do not worry, Miss Helena. If Lord Jeffrey discovers you injured while attempting to climb the stairs, his empathy will even draw him closer,” Miss Justina said as she made to push the door open.

  Helena smiled. Miss Justina could always tell what she was thinking.


  “That is if he is not without pity as the word on dit suggests,” Helena answered.

  Miss Justina turned the doorknob and pushed it open.

  “Word on dit is always exaggerated,” she said.

  The hall was a wondrous site. There were so many gold ribbons flying from their attachments to the wall that they gave the place a kind of lustre. They caught light and reflected it in all directions. Helena rubbed her eyes. They hadn’t gotten used to the multiple reflections of light. There was a strong flowery scent but very few flowers. Helena wondered how they had achieved that.

  She felt silly for being so self-conscious of her entrance. She thought all eyes would turn to the door as she came in late. She could not have been more wrong. The dance was already going on at full throttle. There were countless couples on the dance floor, all moving in harmony with the easy tunes played from the stage at the front of the hall. Helena saw Prince Drew and her friend. They had eyes only for each other and didn’t even notice her entrance. A few people stood at the periphery of the dance floor speaking with each other. Some picked up cakes and glasses of drinks from the trays of passing stewards. Helena’s throat suddenly felt dry.

  I need one of those.

  “I think it would make better sense for us to find a place where you would be able to sit, instead of standing and staring as you are doing now, ma’am,” Miss Justina said into Helena’s ears.

  Helena smiled.

  “Yes, it would,” she replied.

  Helena walked slowly behind Miss Justina as she was led to the edge of the hall where there were cushions unoccupied. She tried to mask her injury as much as possible, but amidst groans and grimaces, was sure she was not doing a very good job. When she got to the blue, single-sitter cushion chair just beside the window overlooking the garden at the back of the house, Helena flopped into it. The ankle had started aching once again. Helena pushed away the temptation to take a look at it for fear that it would have swollen once again.

  The dance was going really well. Most people were still on the dance floor. Many dance partners had been changed, but Lady Lavinia was still in the Prince’s arms. They looked to be even in closer proximity than they had formerly been. Helena started scanning the dancing crowd for Lord Jeffrey. She hadn’t seen him since she arrived.

  She touched Miss Justina on her arm. Miss Justina was startled. She had been lost watching the dance. Helena laughed. Her maid seemed to want a dance.

  “You want to dance?” Helena asked.

  “I’d have to be asked to one first,” Miss Justina replied.

  Helena smiled.

  “I’ll ask Prince Drew to give you one when he comes back with Lavinia,” Helena said.

  Miss Justina said nothing in reply.

  “Have you seen Lord Jeffrey since we arrived?” Helena asked, thinking about the man on the stairs.

  Miss Justina squinted as she scanned the crowd.

  “No, I haven’t. The doctor isn’t in this hall either,” Miss Justina replied.

  “No, I don’t think he is,” Helena agreed.

  Helena’s heart almost flipped at the mention of the doctor. There was warmth settling at the pit of her stomach, starting to spread once more. She exhaled. She hoped to see him before they left the dance. She did not know this feeling, the one she had whenever she saw him, even before he touched her. It was heat that reached in the far recesses of her heart and didn’t allow her to react normally.

  Physical proximity doesn’t help it at all.

  The episode while he treated her this afternoon had told her that.

  And the look in the doctor’s eyes ... Could I be mistaken to think he feels the same way? He looked uncomfortable sometimes. It could be that he didn’t like the way my body kept rubbing into his.

  “It is a bit inappropriate,” she said.

  “What?” Miss Justina asked.

  “Nothing,” Helena answered.

  “Just keep your eyes open, especially for Lord Jeffrey,” Helena said.

  Miss Justina nodded.

  The music was starting to slow down. A few couples had already curtseyed and were leaving the dance floor. The din of many mouths speaking was rising. Helena saw the twins come out from among the crowd and walk towards Lady Lavinia and her partner. Lady Lavinia looked reluctant to end the dance, but Prince Drew’s bow made her do it. The twins walked to them, and they started talking. The Prince said something that made everyone laugh. Lady Lavinia slapped him playfully on his shoulder.

  Their eyes scanned the hall.

  They’re looking for us.

  Miss Justina raised her hands and waved at them. Prince Drew saw her first. He pointed to them, and they all started walking towards Helena and Miss Justina. There was an empty two sitter cushion beside them. Helena guessed the Prince would choose to stand while the rest sat.

  He is chivalrous like that.

  When they got to Helena, they all flopped down on the seat. Only Prince Drew didn’t even bother trying to sit.

  Exactly as I thought.

  “You really enjoyed your dance, Lavinia, with the way you were reluctant to stop,” Helena said.

  Lavinia blushed. She stole a glance to the smiling Prince before turning to her friend.

  “You never tire to tease, do you?”

  “No, I don’t,” Helena replied.

  “Well, I did. Even the twins did,” Lady Lavinia said.

  “Sure, although Abigail kept stepping on my toes,” Alistair said in his deep voice.

  Abigail looked at her brother with a look best described as scornful. His expression changed, and his lips pursed up.

  “The dance is quite different from ours in Ireland, especially the beat. I wonder how Drew was able to manage. He’s never been to England before, at least we have,” Abigail said.

  Helena couldn’t determine whether that was to defend herself or to praise Prince Drew.

  Both, I guess.

  “For someone new to England, you danced wonderfully,” Lady Lavinia said to him.

  “I had a dancing coach a few years back. He mad
e sure to teach me everything, even Salsa and some other exotic dances,” he said.


  The music was starting again, and a few people were going back to have dances. Helena looked up and saw him. His tall gait towered over the chit in a red dress that he held in his arms. Her head hardly reached his chest. His hair was blonde, almost as golden as the flying ribbons. Helena could not see the expression on his face clearly, but she was sure that wasn’t a smile. He almost looked angry.

  He held his partner in the right places and never faltered or put his feet in the wrong position, but he didn’t look like he was in the dance. His eyes kept flying to people passing by, sometimes spending a few seconds on another chit. A young lady Helena recognised walked towards him; Helena just couldn’t remember who she was. He swiftly broke the dance with the other woman so he could attend to the new chit. In a swift motion, he started another dance with her. They spoke for a while, but he soon lost interest, and his eyes started their former roaming.

  What does he seek so?

  “You watch him so intently.”

  Helena was startled. She didn’t know Miss Justina had seen her watching him. The others seemed too absorbed in themselves to hear Miss Justina’s comment.

  “That isn’t a bad thing,” Helena said, covering her unease with a smile that made her feel even more uneasy.

  “He’s a very good dancer,” Miss Justina said.

  “Very good,” Helena agreed.

  Lady Lavinia suddenly pointed and stood up.

  “There’s Lord Jeffrey,” she squealed.

  Helena nodded. Lord Jeffrey danced with an efficiency that was scary. There was no wasted movement. Although his attention was hardly in the dance, he made no wrong move, no faltering motion. A duo of chits approached him just as he seemed to be ending the dance. He broke into a smile when he saw them. His dance partner knew the young women because even she hugged them when they got close enough. Lord Jeffrey kissed one of them on the cheeks. She held his hand, but he wiggled out.

  Helena shook her head.

  Women like him. No wonder he is touted as the most sought after, eligible man among the peerage.

  Helena wondered how much of a chance she had at bringing him up to scratch. He hardly kept his attention on one woman for five minutes. His attitude was plain annoying. She couldn’t believe she was scheming on how to bring someone like this into an engagement.

  He is such an obvious rake.

  “Drew, escort me. I want to speak to Lord Jeffrey. I want to remind him of some things.” Lady Lavinia turned back to Helena and winked as she said that.

  “Prince Drew, why don’t you take Justina along? My injured leg probably spoilt her chance of getting a good dance. I wouldn’t like her to go home without getting one,” Helena said.

  The Prince looked at Miss Justina with an eyebrow raised as if asking her if she was ready. Miss Justina smiled and extended her hand for him. They held hands and walked behind Lady Lavinia to the dance floor. Helena watched as Prince Drew and Miss Justina stopped behind Lord Jeffrey and started their dance. The musical tunes were unending now. The musicians were playing for anyone willing to dance till the end of the ball.

  Lady Lavinia, on getting to Lord Jeffrey, was welcomed with a bow and him kissing her hand. They spoke for a while. They were too far to hear, and Helena couldn’t read lips. After a few minutes of speaking, Lady Lavinia turned to where Helena was and pointed. Lord Jeffrey’s eyes followed her finger. He took a while before he saw Helena. When he did, he waved. Helena in a bid not to look snobbish offered a small reciprocating wave.

  Lord Jeffrey started a slow, calm walk towards Helena. Lady Lavinia came behind him, only stopping to say something to Prince Drew that made him laugh.

  When Lord Jeffrey was only a few paces away, Helena studied him closely. He was handsome.

  Not cheerful handsome like Dr Frederick.

  He was handsome in an imposing kind of way, a face you feared but were attracted to. His eyes were incredibly dark, shrouded more by his long lashes and thick eyebrows. His small mouth added to the womanly looks. He was white but not bleached like Helena, a dark white that would happily hide scars, Helena guessed. He was just as tall as Prince Drew but far more muscular.

  He is imposing to look at, no doubt.

  His eyes were penetrative. Helena felt unsettled because he seemed to look at her, through her, and every other surrounding person at the same time. His eyes were fixed on Helena since he started walking towards she and the twins, it only flickered away twice. Helena was sure he had seen everything surrounding her in just those two flickers.

  With an aura so imposing, it’s easy for people to call you viscous, even if you aren’t.

  When he got to her, he bent down; coming down to her sitting level.

  “Good afternoon, Miss Helena. I heard about the misfortune of your injury, I hope watching people dance was balm enough,” he said.

  His voice did not have the deep timbre that Helena had come to expect. It was melodious to listen to. His eyes remained riveted on her face. He had a way of locking out every other person, focusing on her like the beam of a searchlight.

  He looks through me to my soul.

  Helena raised her fan in a silly attempt to hide herself behind it. It was like he didn’t even see the twins behind her. If he did, he made no outward signs.

  “Good afternoon, Lord Jeffrey. Lavinia must have told you that,” she said.

  He looked back to Lady Lavinia who now stood behind him. He swung his neck back again swiftly, looking back at Helena.

  “Yes, she did,” he replied.

  “I hope she told you that I asked of you a few days ago when I met her at the library,” he said.

  “Yes, she did,” Helena said, nodding at the same time.

  “I would have loved to share a dance with you, but conditions have determined that it will not be,” he said.

  Lord Jeffrey raised his gaze and looked around. Helena wondered what he was looking for. He signalled to someone before bending back down to Helena.

  “What are you looking for?” she asked.

  A steward appeared beside Lord Jeffrey. Lord Jeffrey looked at the steward with stern, piercing eyes.

  “Go and get me a doctor. There should be at least one in attendance.”

  The steward turned and looked as if he was about to sprint away to get the doctor, but Lady Lavinia held his arm.

  “It’s been treated already,” Lady Lavinia said to Lord Jeffrey.

  Lord Jeffrey looked at Helena and raised an eyebrow.

  “True,” Helena said.

  With a flick of his fingers, he discharged the quivering steward. Fear was evident in the steward’s composure. He wasn’t easy in the presence of Lord Jeffrey.

  Helena looked to her friend for any signs that she also noticed. Lady Lavinia had all her concentration on Lord Jeffrey. Helena looked to Lord Jeffrey’s face. Even up close, his eyes were too shrouded for their colour to show. She couldn’t match his dark gaze for long. There was something scary, something imposing in it. Helena realised he had not smiled since he got to her.

  It would take just more than salutations to get this man to smile.

  “You do not smile often, do you?” Helena asked him.

  Lord Jeffrey broke into a smile. It lit up his face and opened up his eyes. Helena finally saw his pupils. They were black.

  That is probably what makes his eyes so difficult to read, they are black.

  Wrinkles appeared at the top of his face, extending from the edge of his eyes, and creases appeared in his cheeks. He had a boyish smile, seeming to take years off him.

  “No one has ever put it to me that way,” he said with the smile lingering on his face.

  “Well, welcome to Helena. I say a lot of stuff people don’t say. My friend behind you,” Helena pointed to Lady Lavinia. “She just talks too much.”

  Lord Jeffrey spared Lady Lavinia a look. When he looked back, he was still smiling
. He neared Helena, close enough that his lips tickled her ears. Helena fought off the urge to touch his face.

  “I know.”

  Helena laughed. There was no need to come so close to say something so mundane.

  Even the dark Lord knows how to pique Lavinia’s interest.

  Helena saw the curiosity in Lady Lavinia’s eyes. She was surely going to ask what he said when he left. Helena saw Prince Drew and Miss Justina talking as they walked back. Their dance had taken a while. Her concentration was taken again by Lord Jeffrey as he stood back up.


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