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Claimed By The Lycan

Page 2

by Kristen Middleton

  The tracker tightened his hold on the steering wheel, thinking about the last Lycan he had mated with. The experience had been beyond pleasurable and that female had been nothing like Megan. She was not only beautiful, but cunning enough to thwart Blake for all of these years. She was definitely special, and at times, he felt a measure of guilt for having to report back to him. But, he also knew that it was in his best interest to keep his hands off of this particular female. He knew more than most that Blake didn’t take kindly to anyone stealing from him, and he’d clearly made it known that Megan Fontaine was his.


  “She packed up her bags and she took off down the road…”

  Caitlyn stared out of the passenger window in misery, listening to Bob Seger. The irony of his words were wounding and reminded her of the all-too familiar cold emptiness of being homeless. They were on the road again after less than a year, and for reasons her mother continued to keep secret.

  “Honey, are you hungry? If you want, we can stop and grab some breakfast?”

  In response, Caitlyn turned and glared at Megan, who she noticed had finally relaxed her death grip on the steering wheel. It was just the two of them and they were traveling lightly in a black SUV with a couple of suitcases and a single black trunk.

  “No thanks, I left my appetite in Tucson. Along with a home I loved and friends that I really cared about. Actually, I feel like puking instead.”

  Megan sighed wearily and turned down the music. “I’m sorry. Believe it or not, I do realize how hard this has been for you. But I promise you that when we get to Minnesota, things will make much more sense.”

  She grunted. “Yeah, right.”

  “I know you may find this hard to believe, but I’ve done all of this for your safety,” she replied softly.

  “Safety? From what?” she mumbled. “Seriously, why do I need protection anyway? I haven’t lived long enough in any city to make enemies.”

  “You’re my daughter and, unfortunately, I have some dangerous ones.”

  Caitlyn laughed humorlessly. “You? You’re just a photographer. What did you do, take a picture of something ‘top secret’?”

  Megan smiled sadly, “If it were that easy...”

  “For the love of God, would you just tell me? I’m so sick of this cloak-and-dagger crap. I’m seventeen years old, not a baby, and I‘m sick of moving every few months. Just tell me why we have to live like this?”

  Megan looked at her sideways and chewed on her lower lip. “It’s complicated. I need more time. To explain things.”

  “Complicated? Don’t you think that moving from town to town isn’t making my life pretty complicated?”

  “I know. I’m sorry, honey. I’m going to explain everything when we get to Pine River. Just have a little patience with me. Please?”

  Caitlyn sighed wearily. It was always the same response – ‘Have a little patience with me, Caitlyn.’ Well, she was tired of being patient. But, she also knew that her mother was as stubborn as they came and wouldn’t tell her until she was ready. She only hoped that it would be soon, or this would definitely be the last time that she agreed to skip town with her mother. “What’s in Pine River anyway?”

  “Answers. My past. Everything,” she replied, staring ahead with a frown.


  And danger, thought Megan, still wondering if she was making the right choice.

  On the outside, the small town of Pine River seemed like the perfect Midwest vacationing spot – friendly people, majestic scenery, and a large lake for boating and swimming. It also offered plenty of entertainment – an art museum, a movie theater, three restaurants, two nightclubs, and an entire street devoted to antiques and gift shops. During the summer it was flooded with tourists renting cabins or returning to their vacation homes. Most of the locals believed it to be an ideal place to live and raise a family. The horrible truth was that it was all a façade. Pine River was home to some of the most dangerous predators in the world – Lycan. Many of them stayed to themselves and tried to live fairly normal lives, despite their differences with mortals. Others embraced their animalistic tendencies, and sometimes preyed on tourists or students attending the neighboring town’s Ivy League College.

  “So why are we stopping in Las Vegas?” Caitlyn asked as they crossed the Nevada state line.

  “I need to talk to an old friend,” she answered.


  “His name is Maximus.”

  “Can’t you just call him?”

  “He has something for me.”


  Money and two falsified passports, in case they needed to flee the country. “Money,” she replied.

  Caitlyn yawned. “How do you know this guy, anyway?”

  “He’s a friend of the family.”

  “And he lives in Vegas?”

  Megan nodded.

  “Is he a celebrity?” she asked, looking hopeful.

  She laughed. “No. He does own a hotel, however, so he’s probably met quite a few of them.”

  Caitlyn’s face lit up. “He owns a hotel? Can we stay the night there?”

  “Maybe. We’ll see.”

  “How long until we’re there?”

  “Less than an hour.”

  She closed her eyes. “Wake me when we get there.”


  As Megan parked the SUV in the underground parking ramp of the Marlimore Hotel an hour later, her cell phone rang. It was Maximus.

  “Max. What a coincidence. We’re here,” she said into the phone. “At the hotel.”

  “Dammit, I was going to tell you that I’d meet you outside of the city. Victor Van Buren is in town,” he said. “You need to be very careful.”

  She frowned. Victor was Blake’s older brother. “Great. What’s he doing in Vegas?”

  “I heard he’s hunting down a Roamer. A teenaged girl named Nikki.”

  “Why?” she asked. Although she didn’t have a problem with Roamers, also known as vampires, many of the Lycan did.

  “I don’t know the full story yet. All I know is that there’s a hit on her and that her mortal family is in grave danger.”

  “Can’t she protect them?”

  “I doubt it. She’s a new Roamer and from what hear, not very skilled yet. Anyway, Van Buren is searching for her and something tells me that he’s keeping an eye on this hotel.”

  “Great. What should I do?”

  He was silent for a few seconds. “I’ll meet you by the elevator and then take you up to my office for the items we talked about on the phone.”

  “Thanks. I’m in level B.”

  “Take it to the main floor and watch for me.”

  “I will.”

  After they hung up, Megan told Caitlyn to stay in the SUV while she met with Max.

  “Why? I want to see the hotel,” she pouted.

  “I’m only going to be a few minutes. There’s no reason for you to come with me.”

  “So we’re not staying here the night?”

  “No, I’m sorry. Not this time.”

  “I don’t want to stay out here by myself,” she said, looking out the window with a scowl. “What if a security guard stops by and starts asking me questions?”

  Megan tapped her fingers on the steering wheel nervously. “I know, why don’t you get into the very back and duck down until I return? I doubt anyone will approach the SUV but at least you can avoid any questions.”

  She sighed in irritation. “Fine, but you’d better hurry.”

  “I will,” she answered, watching as Caitlyn crawled into the back.

  “Don’t open the door for anyone,” she reminded her.

  “Mom, I’m not stupid.”

  “I know. I’m just –”

  “Worried. I know.

  “You’ve got your cell phone handy?”


  “Call me if there’s a problem. I should be back in twenty minutes or so.”

  “I will.”

sp; Megan got out of the SUV and locked all of the doors. As she walked away, she felt her stomach knot up. She couldn’t imagine Blake knowing where she was, but the thought of his brother being in Vegas made her nervous. Although they hadn’t seen each other in years, Victor would able to catch her scent if he was anywhere near her. Praying that she wasn’t making a terrible mistake, Megan picked up her pace and headed toward the elevators.


  Blake sat in the dark, drumming his fingers on the antique mahogany desk, a gift from the mayor of Pine River, Bob Lewis, who was clearly terrified of him. This greatly amused Blake but he kept it to himself. Lewis was a valuable tool and would be instrumental in helping him fulfill his own political plans, which included running for Governor in the next term.

  Blake had to admit, he was pleased that things were finally falling into place. Now that he’d met with Lycan councils from all of the neighboring territories, and had received their support to move forward politically. Not only would they help finance his campaign, but they had contacts all over the government. He was definitely sitting well. If that wasn’t news enough, his Tracker had also reassured him that Megan Fontaine would be returning home with her daughter, and that had been the icing on the cake. It had been eighteen years since he’d laid eyes on Megan Fontaine but he still longed to own her in every way. Unfortunately, the loss of her father had made her not only bitter, but hateful toward him. But that was in the past and he was certain she’d have come to her senses by now. A lycan woman’s place was wherever an alpha male wanted her, and he wanted Megan by his side. Now, he just needed to find a way to meet with her civilly, discuss his plans, and make her accept his proposal. If Megan had any sense, she’d be honored to be included in what was eventually going to be a better life for all Lycan. A world where they did not have to hide in shame or fear of becoming hunted because of their own natural urges. The future was theirs and he wanted her to be part of the victory. He needed her to be.

  Sensing his son standing on the other side of the doorway of his study, Blake cleared his throat. “Come in, Lucah.”

  Lucah walked in and sat down across from him. “Hello, father.”

  “Lucah,” he said, clasping his hands. “What can I do for you?”

  The young man licked his lips. “I want to hunt tonight, father.”

  Blake smirked at the feverish look in his nineteen-year-old son’s eyes. His lack of self-control was going to cause him more problems. “Apparently you and the boys hunted last night, correct?”

  “A little.”

  “A little. Well, I spoke with the sheriff, early this morning, did you know that?”


  “No. Of course not. You were probably sleeping in from such a wild and exciting night. Am I right?”

  Lucah smirked.

  Blake’s smiled coldly. “Do you know why he contacted me?”

  “No, but I’m sure you’re going to tell me.”

  Blake didn’t know whether to be more pissed off at his son or amused that he had the balls to stand up to him. “Damn right I am,” he said, trying to remain calm. “The sheriff wanted to know if he could search our property for some missing teenagers.”

  Lucah, bit back a smile. “Really?” he said, scratching his head. “Huh.”

  Blake’s face twisted angrily; he slammed his fist on the desk. ”Listen, you cocky little shit! I don’t want them sniffing around here! If you’re going to feed on humans, then you make absolutely sure it’s in another county and you destroy the evidence. Until I have this town under my control, I can’t afford to have you make any more idiotic mistakes.”

  Lucah was seething at the way his father, as usual, belittled him, but he wisely kept his composure. Blake’s eyes were glowing like cinders, indicating he was on the verge of shifting. Although Lucah was his son, he knew better than to test his father’s maniacal temper. He’d witnessed many merciless deaths at his hands. Standing up to his father was nothing short of suicide.

  “I apologize for my carelessness, father. I assure you, it won’t happen again.” he replied slowly. He then lowered his gaze and bowed his head low, a sign his mother taught him to show respect for an alpha male.

  Blake studied his son shrewdly, wondering whether or not the boy was sincere. He’d only been a true Lycan for the last year, since his official metamorphosis from youth to adulthood, and he lacked much self-restraint. Before his eighteenth birthday, he’d lived solely with his mother Trayna, who’d provided her only son a life of luxury without responsibilities. In her efforts to please Lucah, she’d helped to create a young man who was spoiled, self-centered, and flat-out lazy. This had invoked a rage so deep in Blake that it had cost Trayna her life. Lucah wasn’t aware of the fact that she was six feet under. The boy had too much loyalty to his mother and wouldn’t handle the news well.

  “There will be no hunting tonight. Period. I do have other plans for you this evening, however. Don’t mess it up.”

  “You can count on me, father.”

  “Let’s hope so.”


  “Megan, it’s so good to see you,” said Maximus, as he led her into his office.

  “You, too,” she said, noticing that he hadn’t aged a bit in the last twenty years. With his longish blonde hair and dimpled smile, he still was an incredibly handsome man. Nobody would ever guess his real age, which she figured had to be seven or eight decades. Lycan aged very slowly, once they matured. Although this was a perk, falling in love with a mortal was always difficult, especially knowing that you’d outlive them.

  “How long has it been now?”

  “Almost twenty years,” replied Megan.

  “You should have called me. I’d have tried to help you sooner.”

  “I know, but Blake would have expected it. I didn’t want to risk him finding us or going after you.”

  “I would have knocked Blake on his ass if he would have tried anything,” said Max, scowling. He was also an alpha, and although she always felt safe in his presence, Megan knew that Blake didn’t play by any set of rules. He was the kind of man who would shake your hand right before stabbing you in the back. She’d found that out the night her father was killed.

  “I’m sure you would have, but I didn’t want to take any chances, especially after Georgia.”

  His eyes softened. “That was tragic. Your mother told me what happened.”

  Megan sighed. “It was. That’s when I knew that I couldn’t risk any more lives. Even yours.”

  “My life to save yours would have been worth the risk,” he said. “It still is, although, Blake doesn’t frighten me. Neither does his asshole brother.”

  She grinned.

  “Where is your daughter? I was looking forward to meeting her.”

  “Waiting for me in the SUV. It was too risky entering the hotel with her.”

  “I understand. I’ll come and visit you in Pine River soon. I’d love to see Meredith again.”

  “I’m certainly looking forward to it myself. Seeing my mother.”

  “I bet.” He opened up the bottom drawer to his desk and pulled out an envelope along with a gun case. He opened up the case and pulled out a black pistol. “You know how to use one of these?”

  “Yes,” she replied, frowning. “Although, I don’t own one. I was always worried that Caitlyn would get her hands on it.”

  “She’s almost eighteen, now. Considering the danger you’re in, I think it’s time to teach her how to use a gun.”

  Megan bit her lower lip. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea. Someone could take it from her and use it against Caitlyn. What would a gun do against a Lycan anyway?”

  “Slow one down. Obviously, she can’t outrun one of us.”

  “I still think it’s a bad idea. If she does end up shooting one, it would only make them angrier.”

  “I understand your hesitation. I do. Just think about it, though. This gun is a Ruger LC9 with a laser. It would make her more accurate if she did have to fire

  Her smile was grim. “Maybe on a target that wasn’t moving. I think I’ll pass. What’s in the envelope?”

  “Ten grand in cash and new identities for you and Caitlyn. It’s not much but it should help.”

  “Thank you,” she replied, blinking back tears. “Maximus, I can’t thank you enough and… I’ll pay you back.”

  “Actually, I’d love to take credit for helping you, but your mother has taken care of everything. If she hadn’t already, I’d have been more than happy to help you. You know that.”

  She smiled. “I Do.”

  “You should get going. I’m uncomfortable with your daughter sitting in the parking garage by herself. You don’t have a picture of her, do you?”

  “I do,” she said, opening up her purse. She pulled out the school picture from the previous year.

  He whistled. “She’s a beauty. Looks a lot like her grandmother.”

  Megan nodded. “I know.”

  They walked over to the door and he gave her a hug.

  “Take care of yourself,” he said, squeezing her.

  “You too, and thanks again, Max. I owe you.”

  “Just keep that daughter of yours safe and stay out of trouble,” he said, releasing her.

  As if on cue, her cell phone went off.

  Megan looked at the screen. “It’s Caitlyn,” she said, her heart racing. “Hello?”

  “Mom, I had to use the bathroom. Do you remember which floor we parked on?”

  Megan groaned. “You left the vehicle?”


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