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Claimed By The Lycan

Page 4

by Kristen Middleton

  “Sure. Well, Blake seems to believe that you are targeting him and his family unjustly. Says you’ve been harassing him since he’s moved back into town. Now, Mitch, I know you’re probably just doing your job, but it’s no secret that you two have had some run-ins in the past. ”

  “It doesn’t matter what kind of past we’ve had, the point is - there are people who are missing and he’s refusing to cooperate.”

  “I know and that’s why I wanted to talk to you first. To make sure you’ve got your ducks in a row before you confront him, face-to-face.” Bob lowered his voice. “And, you’d better get a search warrant before you go out there. He won’t cooperate. I guarantee it.”

  “And I guarantee that he’s hiding something and you can be sure that I’ll get to the bottom of whatever it is.”

  He sighed wearily. “I understand. Just do what you need to do and keep me posted, Mitch.

  “I will.”


  “Are you sure there’s even a cabin through here?” asked Caitlyn as they continued driving.

  Megan chuckled. “It’s well hidden. Don’t worry, we’re almost there.”

  “Why haven’t you ever mentioned this place?” she asked, opening up a can of soda.

  Her mother sighed. “To be honest, I wasn’t sure if we’d ever come back and I didn’t want to make any promises to you that I couldn‘t keep. Anyway, the cabin is secluded, but not enough for me to risk your safety.”

  “But, we’re safe now?”

  “I don’t know if we‘ll ever be completely safe, but you’re getting older and I think coming back here makes sense. Besides, we need a break from traveling and I think you’ll find this place almost as special as I did growing up.”

  Caitlyn nodded in acceptance. At least her mother was finally opening up about some things. Hopefully, she’d also tell her why they’d been on the run for most of her life, and from who. If not, she wasn’t sure how she’d react. All of these secrets were getting old and she was almost an adult. She deserved to know what in the hell was going on and was determined to make her mother understand it, even if she didn’t want to.


  As they continued driving, Megan thought back to the last time she’d seen her mother, Meredith. It seemed like a lifetime, ago. Although, they’d spoken on the phone over the years and Megan had read all of her books, she hadn’t been able to physically touch her and that had been painful. She, along with so many others, loved Meredith Fontaine, although for different reasons. To Megan she was a kind and loving mother who’d always been supportive, even when it had been painful to do so. In fact, it had almost killed Meredith to let her go, even though it had been for both of their safety.

  “What’s her last name again?” asked Caitlyn, as if she could read her thoughts. “Meredith’s.”


  “Meredith Fontaine, from Minnesota. You know, her name really sounds familiar.”

  It should, she thought. Meredith Fontaine was an international bestselling novelist and had written several award-winning science fiction pieces, two of which had even been made into movies.

  “When was the last time you saw her?”

  “Before you were born. Too long,” she answered, feeling her eyes get moist. It’d been eighteen years since Megan had left Pine River, alone, pregnant, and frightened for her unborn child.

  “Wow. You must be excited to see her.”

  She nodded. “Very much.”

  Even though it had been many years, it seemed like just yesterday when Meredith had first sent her to live in Georgia with some relatives of her father’s – Clive and Lucy, who’d welcomed her with open arms. The older couple had known that she was pregnant but had not been aware of her being a Lycan, when they’d taken her in. She still remembered them fondly; they’d been very good people and had showed her nothing but kindness and love. They even supported her through her pregnancy, without asking too many questions about it. All they knew was that Megan had gotten pregnant and that the father of the child wasn’t around. Once the baby was born, she and Caitlyn continued living with them for a couple of years, until that tragic day. The one that had ended the life of two people she’d grown to love dearly. It had happened while she and Caitlyn had been at the beach, during a sunny afternoon in June. They’d spent three wonderful hours there – swimming and building sandcastles- while her rescuers had endured unspeakable pain and finally… death, from the monster who’d never given up his obsession of trying to locate her.


  Walking into the aftermath of such a horrible slaughter had been horrifying and heart-breaking. They quickly fled Georgia and drove to Santa Cruz, California, where they stayed with Trudy Sandstone, her mother’s literary agent and best friend. Trudy, who was also a Lycan, quickly found Megan a place to stay and a new identity. They’d stuck around briefly, but Megan had been too spooked after Georgia and had wanted to keep moving. Eventually, it became their way of life – moving from place-to-place and hiding from Blake. Now, eighteen years later, Megan was tired of running and needed the strength of her mother to keep her child safe. Especially now that Caitlyn was nearing the time of her ascendance. Once she became a true Lycan, she would permeate a scent that would attract the opposite sex, especially the alphas, who believed it was their right to claim any female they wanted. Blake was already hot on their trail and there was no doubt in her mind that if he couldn’t have Megan, he would go for the next best thing – Caitlyn, unless he believed her to be his daughter, which she wasn’t. Her biological father was a man who Blake despised. A man who was more than likely still living in Pine River. A man who had ripped her heart in two.


  It was after six when Megan finally reached the clearing that led to Meredith’s cabin.

  Caitlyn sat up straighter as they drew closer to her mother’s home. “Wow, is that really it? It’s huge!”

  “That’s really it,” she replied, staring at the luxurious log cabin. Apparently, her mother had made some renovations within the last few years, because the structure was now twice the size of when she’d last seen it.

  “Is that her vehicle?” asked Caitlyn, as they parked next to a pearl-colored Yukon.

  “Probably,” she answered, watching the front door, surprised that Meredith hadn’t come out to greet them.

  “Should we go inside?” she asked, grabbing the door handle.

  “Not yet.”

  Caitlyn frowned. “Is there something wrong?”

  “I don’t know. Probably nothing. Don’t get out yet, though.”


  Megan grabbed her cell phone and dialed Meredith’s phone number. It rang several times, but there was no answer. She bit her lower lip and hung up. “Okay, Caitlyn. Stay here and keep the doors locked. Honk the horn if you need me, though. I’ll be right back.”

  “Keep the doors locked?” repeated Caitlyn. “Are you serious?”

  “I’m sure it’s nothing, but I want you to be safe.”

  “From what?”

  “Anything,” she said, getting out of the vehicle. Closing the door, she turned around and motioned for Caitlyn to do what she’d asked.

  With a frightened look on her face, she locked the doors and then turned to stare at the cabin, her eyes big.

  Releasing a ragged breath, Megan hurried up the wooden stairs to the front door. As she raised her hand to knock, her heart stopped. The door was already cracked open.

  “Mom?” she called out.

  No response.

  She cocked her head and listened for sounds of movement, but only heard the tick of the grandfather and the furnace clicking on. With her heart pounding in her chest, she swung the door open and sniffed the air. Immediately, Megan smelled an array of different scents, including her mother’s, but nothing that felt threatening.

  “Mom?!” she called out again, walking into the cabin. The scent of her childhood was everywhere and it was both welcoming and painful to endure. She’
d missed it dearly and was reminded of how much she despised Blake and his pack. Thankfully, she didn’t catch his scent in the cabin.

  Relaxing slightly, she began searching the rooms, wondering if her mother was at the store or possibly even taking a walk.

  But why wouldn’t she answer her cell phone?

  One thing that she knew for certain – Meredith was still a pretty powerful Lycan and it would have been a challenge for most to take her down. Even Blake, although he definitely could if he wanted to.

  Picturing his hateful face, Megan gritted her teeth and tried not to think about him as she walked back down the stairway to the foyer.

  His scent isn’t here, she reminded herself. There had to be a logical explanation as to why Meredith was missing.

  When she reached the bottom step, the cabin phone began to ring.

  Megan walked over to the great room and picked it up. “Fontaine residence.

  “How’ve you been, beautiful?”

  Megan’s heart stopped. He’d already found her? “Blake. What do you want?”

  “Now, now… is that any kind of way to greet an old friend?”

  She clenched her jaw. “You must have me mistaken for someone else.”

  He chuckled. “A little cranky, eh? Well, it’s understandable. You must be exhausted after such a long drive.”

  Megan didn’t respond, she was too alarmed that he’d called her mother’s cabin. The fact that she was missing made it even worse.

  He sighed. “I must say that I am delighted that you’ve returned. In fact, your mother and I were just reminiscing about the old times…”

  “Where is she?” hissed Megan, clutching the phone tightly in her hand.

  “She’s with me. Don’t worry, she’s my guest and I wouldn’t even think of causing her any harm. Incidentally we’re waiting for your daughter, Caitlyn, who should be arriving momentarily. You really should keep a better eye on your child. Leaving her alone in a vehicle is very irresponsible.”

  Horrified, Megan dropped the phone, and ran outside to the SUV. The driver’s side window was smashed and there was no sign of her daughter. She felt like her legs were about to give out. “Caitlyn!” she screamed, scanning the perimeter for signs of her. All she could see were trees and the lake. It was then that she heard the sound of a jet boat in the distance.

  “Dammit!” she cried, running toward the boathouse. After finding the boathouse empty, she ran to the edge of the dock where could see a boat in the distance, heading away.

  Megan’s cell phone began to ring and she knew right away who it was.

  “If you harm my daughter or mother, I will kill you,” she growled into her cell phone.

  “I see that you’re still ruled by your temper, which is dangerous in your position. Calm down and talk to me like a rational person and maybe we can get somewhere.”

  Megan gritted her teeth. “What do you want?”

  “What I’ve always wanted. You.”

  She closed her eyes. “Blake, please… let them go.”

  “Don’t worry. I will. Once we come to an understanding.”

  The only thing that Megan understood was that she wanted him dead and was now willing to do anything she could to make it so. “I think we can do that,” she said, trying to control her rage. She wasn’t a fool. She knew he held all the cards and screaming at him over the phone would only piss him off.

  “Good, that’s what I like to hear,” he said, a smile in his voice. “Now, I’m having a little soiree tonight. At my home. It starts at eight, sharp. If you want to see your mother and daughter alive, you’ll attend it and in a very civilized manner.”

  “I will as long as you promise not to harm my family.”

  “I can only promise that if you try rescuing them beforehand, their lives will no longer be negotiable.”

  “Negotiable?” she replied coldly. “I don’t see how any of this is negotiable.”

  He laughed in amusement. “Exactly. Now, wear that black dress that I left for you on your mother’s, bed along with the sexy high heels.”

  Megan rolled her eyes. The man was definitely a control freak. “Shoes? Seriously, you bought me shoes, too?”

  “Yes, wear them.”

  “What if they’re not my size?”

  “They are.”

  “How can you be so sure?” she snapped. Who was he to tell her how to dress?

  A psychopath, she reminded herself.

  “Let’s just say that I have the best Tracker in the world – one who has quite the talent for gathering useful information.”

  Megan thought about the man she’d seen parked on the street, the night before. Was that the man? “A Tracker?”

  “Yes. Now, enough about that. I will expect to see you promptly, this evening. And… Megan.”


  “Don’t try anything foolish.”

  “Where do you live?” she mumbled, ignoring him.

  He gave her the address.

  “I look forward to seeing you,” he said, and then hung up.

  “And I look forward to killing you, you asshole,” Megan growled, tossing her phone to the ground. She felt furious and helpless, so much that it tore at her soul. With frustrated tears, she changed into her Lycan form, her clothing shredding to pieces as she shifted. Howling in anguish, she flung herself to the ground and ran toward the forest. Right now, she wanted nothing more than to seek an outlet for her anger, and God help whoever got in her path.


  The Tracker watched from afar as Megan bolted into the forest. He had to admit that as a woman she was beautiful, but as a Lycan, she was magnificent. Her stature, her eyes, her coat, they were all extraordinary.

  No wonder Blake wanted her so badly.


  He’d witnessed his son, Lucah, along with his bumbling sidekicks, abduct the girl and wondered how it fit into Blake’s “master plan.” Listening to him gloat about how he would soon own the town, the Midwest, and eventually the world, was enough to nauseate anyone. To use an innocent teenaged girl to manipulate Megan, now that was even more deplorable. Blake was a psychopath, which hadn’t really bothered him before, especially since the man paid well. But lately Blake’s games were leaving a bad taste in his mouth.

  He decided to follow Megan into the forest and keep an eye on her. He didn’t want to interfere with anything, but his curiosity was piqued.

  The Tracker changed into his own Lycan form, and took off after Megan.


  “Caitlyn? Wake up,” Meredith whispered, gently shaking the sleeping teenager.

  Caitlyn moaned. Her eyelids were heavy and there was a pounding in her head that made her want to fall right back to sleep. She decided to ignore the voice and do just that.

  “You’ve been drugged, but I need you awake. Come on, honey,” Meredith urged, touching her hair.


  “Mom?” Caitlyn mumbled, trying to open her eyes. When she saw the stranger with the dark blue eyes, she frowned. The woman looked familiar. “What’s going on? Where is my mom?”

  “I think she’s still at my cabin.”

  Caitlyn blinked in confusion. The woman next to her was not much older than her mother. “Your cabin? Who are you?”

  Meredith smiled and softly touched Caitlyn’s long, ebony hair. Although there was forty years between them both, Meredith could have easily passed for her mother. “I’m your grandmother. Meredith.”

  She stared at her in surprise. “Really? You certainly don’t look like anyone’s grandmother.”

  Meredith’s eyes sparkled. “I am. Yours. Goodness, you remind me so much of myself when I was your age, Caitlyn. It’s like looking into a mirror from my past.”

  Still very groggy, Caitlyn looked past Meredith at the unfamiliar bedroom. “Where are we?” she asked, staring at the knotty pine furniture.

  Meredith’s face became serious. “I don’t want to alarm you, but there’s no other way to do this.” She sighed.
“You need to learn the truth. We’re being held prisoner.”

  Frightened, Caitlyn quickly got out of the bed. Images of some kind of monster breaking the glass in her mother’s SUV and reaching for her made her sick. She thought it had been some kind of horrible nightmare. But, here she was and now this person was telling her that she’d been kidnapped. “What? By who?”

  “A very dangerous man.”

  As if on cue, the bedroom door opened and a man dressed in dark slacks and a white dress shirt stepped into the room. He had short, curly brown hair and a beard. “Wonderful, you’re awake,” he said, smiling at Caitlyn.

  She looked at Meredith, who was staring at the man with loathing. Then she turned back to the stranger. “Who are you?” she asked timidly.

  “Don’t be frightened. My name is Blake Van Buren and I want to welcome you to my home.”

  “Blake, I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but you’d better let us go,” said Meredith, taking a step toward him. “It’s bad enough that you’ve kidnapped me, but now Megan’s daughter?”

  He held up his hand. “Relax. You two are my dinner guests, and Megan should be arriving in a couple of hours.”

  “Is that right?” she replied, smiling coldly. “Dinner guests. As far as I’m concerned, neither of us want what you’re serving, so you’d better let us go.”

  “Sorry, that’s not going to happen,” he said, the friendly smile gone. “And you’re going to behave yourselves or,” his eyes flickered to Caitlyn, “someone is going to get hurt and you know I’m good with my word.”

  Meredith’s eyes began to grow a fiery orange color. “You touch either of us and you’re –”

  “Save your threats,” he growled. “You know very well that you’re no match for me. I could kill both of you without even changing form.”

  Frightened and confused, Caitlyn looked at Meredith and was even more taken aback when she saw her eyes. “Oh, my God,” she gasped, backing away from her. “What’s wrong with your eyes?”


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