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Claimed By The Lycan

Page 7

by Kristen Middleton

  “No,” she said hoarsely, pulling the fabric tightly against her. “You’ve gone too far. It’s not what we agreed to.”

  Breathing hard, he stared at her, trying to regain control of himself. He had never wanted anyone so badly and his loins ached to be inside of her. From the way she’d been returning his kisses, he knew that she wanted him there, too. It was driving him mad.

  “Torin, don’t,” she warned, noticing the feverish lust glowing brightly in his eyes. “Go back to your hotel. Do what you promised, and… we’ll continue this later.”

  Frustrated, he slammed his fist into the side of the log cabin. The beast inside of him didn’t care about agreements. He wanted to surround himself in her pheromones and take her now. “Lock the door,” he ordered, turning his back on her.

  She closed the door and locked it.

  Gritting his teeth, he shifted and ran away without looking back.


  Megan watched through the window as Torin ran into the woods, then she walked back outside and cleaned the broken glass off of the front seat of her SUV. When she was finished, she grabbed the money that Max had given her, along with hers and Caitlyn’s suitcases. Once she was back inside the cabin, she went upstairs, took a shower, and then walked into her mother’s room to see the dress that Blake insisted she wear. Although she didn’t want to wear it, she was resigned to doing exactly what Torin had instructed, which he claimed would make things easier for them.

  Sure enough, the dress was exactly how she’d have pictured it to be, knowing what a sexist pig that Blake was. It was made of silk and had spaghetti straps with a plunging neckline, which she rolled her eyes at when she slipped the dress on. Although it was obviously expensive and admittedly, made her look sexy, she felt like a whore. Like Blake Van Buren’s whore.

  Asshole, she thought.

  Disgusted by his demands, she went into the bathroom and applied some makeup to her face, then pulled her hair up into a soft, flattering updo. By the time she was finished, she noticed that it was seven-thirty. Slipping on the ridiculous high heels that Blake had left for her, she walked downstairs to the kitchen, where she made herself a large sandwich and washed it down with two cups of coffee, hoping it would give her more energy. Although she’d lost her appetite, she knew that she needed both at the moment. Lycan used a lot of energy to shift back-and-forth and she’d hardly eaten anything since the morning. The coffee was just an added bonus.

  When she was finished, she grabbed the keys to the SUV and headed toward the doorway. Before she could make it out, the telephone rang. She answered it.

  “It’s Blake.”

  She gritted her teeth.

  “I’ve sent a car for you. It should be pulling up to the cabin at any moment.”

  “I can drive myself.”

  “Your window is broken.”

  “Which reminds me, if there are any cuts on my daughter, someone will pay.”

  “She’s fine.”

  “Let her go, Blake. Please. Let them both go.”

  “A car will be arriving for you shortly,” he said, ignoring her. “Did you find the dress?”

  She wanted to scream at him, she was so furious, but Torin’s warnings kept popping into her brain.

  “Play nice,” he’d said. “Keep him calm and I’ll take care of the rest.”


  “Yes. I found it.”

  “Splendid. I’ll see you soon.”

  She hung up the phone and waited for the car.


  Torin ran back to his car, but found he had company waiting for him when he arrived.

  “Lucah,” he said, staring at the other Lycan. Although he was alarmed, Torin was not frightened of Blake’s son. If anything, he pitied him.

  “Father has been looking for you,” he muttered. “Where’ve you been?”

  “Hunting,” he answered, turning back into a human. He opened up his trunk and grabbed a pair of jeans. “I haven’t had the luxury, in the last few weeks. I needed it.”

  “Did you catch anything good?”

  “Definitely,” said Torin, thinking about Megan as he pulled up his zipper. Even now he had to fight the urge to run back to the cabin and have his way with her. The woman had put a spell on him and he could barely think straight. He couldn’t wait to get back to his hotel and take a cold shower. If that would even help.

  “Did you hear that we now have Meredith Fontaine and that girl, Caitlyn?” he asked, smiling triumphantly.

  “No. Good job,” said Torin, slamming the trunk. “I thought I’d have to be the one to bring them to Blake.”

  “No. We handled both of them.”

  “He must be pretty proud of you.”

  Lucah’s smile fell away.

  I must have struck a nerve, thought Torin. Which wasn’t surprising, considering that Blake wouldn’t win any parenting awards.

  “The only person he’s ever proud of is Blake,” muttered Lucah, not meeting his eyes.

  He silently agreed. “I’d better get moving,” he said, getting into the car. “Thanks for the message. I’ll call him. Where are you off to?”


  Torin suddenly had an idea. “You talk to Trayna lately?”


  “Why not?” he asked, knowing full well that Blake had killed her. He’d literally bragged about it, too. He’d also admitted that he hadn’t informed Lucah about it.

  “Because he forbids me to see her until the end of the year.”


  “As punishment.”

  “Punishment? For who?”

  “Her. He thinks that she was too soft on me.”

  Torin could see that it angered Lucah. “Do you agree?”


  “Has she tried sending you any messages?”


  “And yet you were close?”

  “I’m her only son.”

  “You spent eighteen years with her and now, there’s been no communication between the two of you?”

  He didn’t reply.

  “Aren’t you worried about her?”

  He frowned. “Should I be?”

  “I think we both know that Blake has a reputation for dishing out cruel and unusual punishment. Especially when he feels he’s been… dishonored.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “That if I were you, I’d pay my mother a visit.”

  “He’d punish me.”

  “Not if you’re just looking in on her. She doesn’t even have to know, either does he, for that matter.”

  Lucah turned toward the woods, frowning. “I’ll see you later,” he said, before bolting away.

  From the direction he was going, Torin knew he was headed to Trayna’s. Hopefully her sister Milayna would be around to explain what had happened to his mother. Smiling to himself, he took out his phone and called Blake. “You have my money?” he asked.

  “Of course,” said Blake. “I tried calling you earlier, but you must have forgotten to turn your phone on.”

  “I was hunting.”

  “Where are you now?”

  “Heading somewhere to shower and change. Did you get what you wanted?”

  “I’ve got Meredith and her granddaughter. I need you to pick up Megan.”


  “Because I’ve invited her over to my party. Although,” he chuckled. “I’m thinking of making it a private dinner.”

  Torin clenched his jaw. Now that he had a taste of Megan, he was already feeling possessive. “But, you want me to pick her up?”

  “Yes. I want to make sure she arrives here without issue. Knowing her, she’ll attempt to enlist help.”

  “I doubt she could round up anyone that quickly,” said Torin.

  “Maybe. Maybe not. I’d rather not take any chances. There’s an extra bonus in it for you, of course.”

  He was going to need it. Especially now that Blake wouldn’t be hiring him for any future job
s. Not after tonight. “What time do you want her there?”

  “Eight o’clock.”

  “She’ll be there,” he answered.

  “Good. So will your money,” said Blake before hanging up.


  Instead of checking into the hotel where he usually stayed, he drove to the next town over, Walker, and reserved two motel rooms under an alias name. Then he grabbed his duffel bag from the trunk of his car and went inside one of them.

  After taking a shower, he shaved and put on a pair of dark chinos, a light blue dress shirt, and his black leather jacket. Then he made a phone call.

  “It’s me,” he said, when the man answered.

  “Torin? How’s it going, little brother?”

  “I need your help, Aiden.”

  Aiden Rylan sighed. “You’re not gambling again, are you?”

  “I’m getting a handle on it, but this isn’t what it’s about.”

  “What’s it about? A woman? Don’t tell me you need help in that area,” joked Aiden.

  “Not in the area you’re thinking,” he replied, smirking.

  “Okay, what’s this about?”

  Torin explained what was happening.

  “He’s holding them hostage?”

  “Yes. We’re going to collect them and I’m going to need a plane.”

  “You and this Megan?”


  “I’ll send one. Would you like me to send you aid?” he replied. Aiden was not only a multimillionaire but he had manpower all over Europe and the United States.

  “No. I’ve got this,” he replied, not worried about Blake or his pack.

  He was silent for a while and Torin knew that Aiden was worried. He had always been the cautious one. “How many are there?”

  “I think it’s just Blake tonight. And his son. They’re the only threats.”

  “What about the rest of his pack?”

  “Sounds like they’re not invited. Blake wants a private party. With Megan.”

  He grunted. “Okay. I see the urgency and it’s obvious that you fancy this woman.”

  “You could say that.”

  “I thought so. Listen to me – don’t take any unnecessary chances. If things don’t go as planned, and it looks like you’re in over your head, call me. I’ll send help. I’m not talking just the plane, obviously.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but like I said before, I can handle it.”

  “I just don’t want anything happening to you, Torin,” he answered.

  “I’m weak when it comes to gambling and… maybe women, but not this,” said Torin. “I can take care of myself. I just need a safe place to send these ladies to.”

  “Are you going to kill him?”

  “Only if I have to.”

  “Fair enough. I’ll schedule one of my pilots to meet you. Where are you?”

  “Pine River, Minnesota.”

  “Okay, I’ll text you with the details and landing info.”


  “Stay safe.”

  “I will.”

  After Torin hung up, he grabbed his revolver, loaded it with silver bullets, and headed out the door.


  Megan watched as a pair of headlights drove slowly up to the cabin. She quickly grabbed an overcoat and stepped outside, onto the porch, holding it in her arms. When she noticed that it was Torin driving the car, she approached him quickly.

  “Long time no see,” he said, getting out of the car.

  She had to admit that seeing him was comforting but it also worried her. “What are you doing here? Blake’s sending someone to pick me up,” she said, looking toward the road anxiously.

  “I know. He asked me to do it.”

  Relaxing, she noticed that he’d shaved and was wearing a blue shirt that really brought out his eyes. “You look nice.”

  “Thank you. You look absolutely stunning,” he said, watching her slip the coat over her shoulders

  “Thank you but… honestly? I feel like a tramp,” she said, as he opened the passenger door for her. “The jerk picked this dress out. Insisted that I wear it, along with the shoes.”

  “I have to admit, the jerk has great taste in women and clothing,” he replied, closing the door. He walked around the car and got inside.

  “So, what’s the plan?” she asked as they began driving.

  “It sounds like he’s changed the plans for this evening, which will make it easier for us.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The dinner party has been downsized to just you two.”

  She snorted. “With me as the main course?”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen,” said Torin, feeling possessive again. There was no way he’d allow Blake to put his scent on her. He’d make sure that the man paid him and then Torin would threaten him with the gun. If threats didn’t work, he was also prepared to kill him. But, only if he had to.

  “So, why did he send you to pick me up if the dinner party was canceled?”

  “He trusts me.”

  She smirked. “His mistake is our advantage, I guess.”

  “I’m going to level with you, Megan, I’ve never crossed Blake and he always had a reason to trust me.”

  “And now you’re breaking that trust to help me?”

  “It had to happen sometime.” He grabbed her hand and she didn’t resist. “And I can’t think of a better reason.”

  For sex, she thought grimly.

  As if he could read her mind, he added. “I’m not just doing it because I want you in my bed. I’m doing it because he crossed a line when he kidnapped your daughter and mother.”

  “Believe me, he crosses a lot of lines,” she mumbled, looking out the window.

  “I’ve always turned the other cheek when it came to his personal dealings,” said Torin. “Because working for him has been very lucrative. It’s made me a lot of money. But,” he sighed. “Even I can’t stomach what he’s doing to you and your family.”

  His words set her at ease. “Do you have a big family?”

  “I have three brothers and a sister.”

  “Do you see them often?”

  “As much as I can, which isn’t enough. They live in Dublin.”

  “Dublin. Wow. Where do you live?”

  “Not one place in particular. I move around a lot.”

  “Because of your… job?”

  He nodded.

  “What is it that you do, exactly?”

  Before he could answer, his cell phone rang. Torin took it out of his jacket and answered.

  “Dammit, Mitch Falcon is still here,” barked Blake into the phone. “Snooping around. Tell Megan to keep her mouth shut, when she gets here, or I’ll kill him.”

  “Who is Mitch Falcon?”

  “The sheriff. They had a history together. I might have to check up on him. I have a bad feeling…”

  Torin glanced at Megan, who was staring at him, a worried expression on her face.

  “What kind?”

  “Of relationship? They were high school sweethearts.”

  Torin felt his stomach tighten. “Gotcha.”

  “Falcon has always been a thorn in my side. I hope he hasn’t stumbled upon anything out there.” He sighed. “Have you seen my son, by the way?”

  “Earlier. Right before you called. He was wandering around in the woods in his Lycan form.”

  Blake groaned. “That dipshit. I told him to keep a low profile with Falcon around. The boy is dumber than a box of rocks.”

  “It was a risky move,” he agreed.

  “An ignorant move. He’s dangerous and I can’t have him screwing things up for me. Not when things are starting to fall into place.” He lowered his voice. “I might need you to take him out.”

  “Lucah?” asked Torin, surprised.

  “Yes. Now that I have Megan, she can give me a son who’ll make me proud. Not like Trayna. The woman was daft and her son is just as pathetic. I guess even my
genes couldn’t overcome that kind of stupid.”

  Torin grunted. Blake’s genes were probably the ones causing the problems. “You know that I don’t deal in assassinations.”

  Megan sucked in her breath.

  “What if I paid you one-hundred-thousand dollars?” asked Blake.

  It was a lot of money but it didn’t justify murder. “I’ll think about it,” he lied.

  “Good. I’ll see you soon,” replied Blake, hanging up.

  Torin hung up.

  Megan cleared her throat. “What was that about Mitch Falcon?”

  “Apparently he’s searching Blake’s property for something.”

  “You mentioned that you didn’t deal in assassinations. Did… did he ask you to kill Mitch?” she asked in a strained voice.

  “No. He wants me to kill his son. Lucah,” he answered, trying not to feel jealous. From the look in her eyes, it was obvious she still felt something toward the sheriff.

  “What?” she asked, shocked.

  Torin snorted. “Apparently, he’s a liability now.”

  “His own son,” she said in disgust. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I wonder why he doesn’t just do it himself?”

  “To cover his ass. He’s trying to get into politics.”

  “Just when I think my hatred toward him can’t get any deeper, I hear stuff like this. He’s certifiable.”

  “Definitely. The man should be locked away or buried six feet under.”

  She grunted. “Agree.”

  “So… you and this Falcon used to date?” he asked casually.

  “It was a long time ago,” she answered, looking away.

  “Why did you break up?”

  “We were both young, and obviously, only one of us was a Lycan.”

  “So, you do prefer Lycan men?”

  “I just prefer not to have secrets. There were plenty of them between us. And not just on my end.”

  “Huh,” he answered, wanting to know more but knowing that it was really none of his business.

  “My father wasn’t a Lycan,” she said suddenly.

  Torin already knew that but kept it to himself. “Obviously, he knew that your mother was.”


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