Frog Prince

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Frog Prince Page 5

by Dyanne Davis

“Okay, it’s a deal. So we’re back together?”

  “Not as a couple, only as business partners. And, Chase, I want this agreement in writing.”

  “Sure. How’s the research coming?”

  “I’ve had a few distractions, like a cheating boyfriend.”

  “Ouch,” Chase chuckled.

  “I was going to work on it when I get up.”

  “Instead of waiting until then, how about I come over tonight and we work on it together.”

  Right. There was no way he was getting in her bed tonight. But ooh she wanted the bait.

  “I’m not your booty call. You can come in the morning and help me with the research.

  With a sigh, Rebe settled down on the couch to talk to Chase. How many times had they broken up? Too many to count. And why on earth did she always take him back? She wasn't in love with him, and he wasn't in love with her, but they did look damn good together. She loved being seen on his arm and vice versa. And …you're shallow and superficial. Her nose crinkled in disgust.

  One pretend date with Sam had her ready to analyze her behavior. Who in the world wanted to look into their own motives that closely? No one. That was not the stuff fantasies were made of. And she was in the fantasy business. It was the perfect accompaniment to being involved with the law.

  Sam this is all your fault. I was contented with what I was doing at the firm. You’re the one who pushed me into wanting more. Now I like it.

  Chapter Four

  Sunday morning Rebe returned to the real world. She had a case she needed to work on. Off with the writer hat and back on with the one that paid the bills. She smiled when she thought of the previous night with Sam. It had been fun. Not to mention she’d had very erotic dreams that involved a lot more kissing with Sam and a lot more of things they’d never done. Her skin still tingled with the things he’d done to her in her dreams. Enough of that. Sam had made it plain he was done with the kisses when the party ended. She’d turned out to be Cinderella after all and her carriage had been merely a pumpkin. There was no prince coming to rescues her, frog or otherwise.

  Now it was time to concentrate on work. Chase was on his way over to help her with the case. Deciding to put on a pot of coffee, Rebe tried to remember if Chase had ever gone out of his way for her. She shrugged what man really went out of his way? Then her thoughts turned once again to Sam and the way he'd anticipated her needs, bringing her something to drink while she was signing, helping to get her sales, leading her from the dance floor when she'd become tired, and following her home to make sure she was safe. Yes, she owed him and if he ever asked her to repay the favor, she'd make sure she did.

  It was a good thing her bell rang at that moment because the way in which Rebe was hoping Sam would ask for repayment was X rated.

  Chase came in with a smile as bright as the sunshine streaming through the windows. His cheating forgotten, at least by him. Before she could even think to say a word he'd swooped her into his arms and was ravishing her mouth, turning her legs to jelly. The man totally knew what to do with his tongue. When she began moaning in spite of her plan to show no emotions, she knew the reason Chase was so gifted with his tongue. He used it a little too often on too many women. That thought gave her the incentive to push away.

  "You must really think I'm easy if all you have to do is come in here and kiss me, and it's as though nothing happened."

  Chase grinned. "You know I don't mean anything by it. We've been together a long time, more than two years. We always get back together."

  "I know. Aren't you getting tired of that?" Rebe watched while Chase gave her a curious look and plopped into a chair.

  "You said you had a date last night. Are you saying you hired an escort for the dance?”

  "No, of course not. I went with Sam."

  "You're serious; you're talking Sam, Kandi's friend right?"

  "Yes, but he used to be my friend also.”

  “He can't stand you.”

  “I know, he told me that last night.”

  “So why did he go with you?”

  “I'm sure Kandi begged him, and I promised him a couple of favors.”

  “What kind of favors?"

  "What I promised Sam is none of your concern,"

  “Oh baby, I'm so sorry to have ruined your evening. I called you quite a few times and I was assuming you were making me sweat it out by not answering either of your phones. Actually when you told me last night you’d had a date I thought you were lying to make me jealous. What time did you return home? As soon as your speech was over I'm guessing. I’m sure you weren’t just getting home when you finally decided to answer your phone.”

  “Then you'd guess wrong. Sam and I had fun together. By the time the evening was over, I think he may have gone from not being able to stand me, to being able to tolerate me.”

  They both laughed and for some strange reason Rebe felt a slight niggle of disloyalty. She’d had fun with Sam. Why did she have to pretend otherwise? And why for Chase? Why didn't she attempt to make him jealous of Sam instead? Easy answer, there was no way Chase would ever be jealous of Sam. Chase was way too confident, too arrogant, too shallow and superficial. There she had it, the reason they remained together was because basically they were the same.

  "Oh God," Rebe groaned covering her face with both hands. "Nooooooooooo."

  "What is wrong with you?" Chase a horrified frown on his face.

  Glancing up, she shook her head and smiled, though there was nothing to smile about. "I just realized the reason the two of us get back together so often. We're alike.”

  “And what's wrong with that?”

  “We're both shallow.”

  “We're both out for fun, and we're aware of it. There is nothing wrong with that. I guess Sam laid into you last night, and made you feel bad about yourself. Don't let him. Remember it's your fault you had to settle for him. I told you I'd take you to the dance.”

  “I didn't want you to go. You only wanted to be around a bunch of fawning women.”

  “Of course. I love being around women.”

  “Do you think you will ever want a serious relationship?”

  “You're my serious relationship.”

  Was he completely crazy? Shallow was one thing, being…what the heck was he, if he thought being with her while he slept around was anything close to a serious relationship. “We're both insane, Chase. One day I'm going to meet the man of my dreams, and things are going to change.”

  “Please don’t tell me, you're getting hung up on Sam.”

  This time she wasn't going to let it go. It just wouldn't be right. "I'm not hung up on Sam. But neither am I hung up on you. We work well together professionally. I would like your help on the research and I do want to work the case with you, giving the opening and closing arguments.”

  “You are aware it was second chair I offered you, right?”

  “Yes, but after negotiations you capitulated and agreed to my terms and guess what? I wrote up a contract. I’ve already signed. I just need your signature.”

  “I’m going to give you a bit of advice for free, Rebe. Please don't paint yourself into a corner. Like you said, you need my help. You caught me kissing another woman. Big deal.”

  “And feeling her up.”

  “Did you see that?”

  “Yes, how could I not? Your hand was buried to the elbow underneath her skirt, which was so darn tight; I'm surprised you didn't split the thing.”

  “I'm pretty good at not damaging a woman's clothing.”

  “Do you truly think that's funny? You're despicable.”

  “It was a joke. Rebe, I thought we were good. I apologized for my behavior. I'm sorry, truly I am. I can't seem to help myself with the cheating. But it's always you that I return to. You are my shelter in the midst of a storm.”

  “I'm the only woman who doesn't care that you fight me for mirror time. Your ego is so huge any woman with you will be relegated to the back. You're good for one thing and one
thing only.” She thought about that. “Okay, you're so damn big, that I feel safe with you. And─”

  “And you can get favors at work. I am your ticket into that partnership you've been wanting.”

  “Like that's going to happen anytime soon.”

  “Yes, but when it does, and if we're still together, I will buy it for you. My gift.”

  “And your price is me staying with you and ignoring your penchant for other women. No thanks. I don't want it that badly.”

  “Rebe, be reasonable. We're good together. I like what we have and so do you. Don't give up on us. Come on.”

  He moved toward her, touching her, his hand moving to her breasts, tweaking her nipples, making her swallow.

  “Can't we at least continue going out? You know we have fun when we're together.”

  Rebe was so weak. And so not behaving like a heroine. Then again a heroine only existed on paper. A real woman was flesh and blood, with needs. Perhaps if she negotiated for better terms. She'd readily admit that Chase was fun. And she did like going out with him. Right now he needed to stop caressing her, so she could think.

  "Okay, okay, on occasion we can go out. But, I will not be having an intimate relationship with you.”

  There that should redeem her in the minds of fantasy readers. Then again, no one would ever be able to please every single reader, every single time. So, considering she wasn't a heroine, the only person she needed to please was herself. To be honest she wasn't even concerned about pleasing Chase. This was, for once, all about her.

  But what did her hero do? He laughed at her, he didn't give her a pitying look, nor did he fall down on bended knee and propose. And the words, ‘I'll never look at another woman again,’ didn't fall from his lips. Not that she would have believed him, even if he'd uttered the words. Okay girl, get a grip. Chase is who you have been saying you wanted for over two years. He’s Gorgeous and he…well, he more than get the job done. Stop it. No sex. No sex. She’d buy herself a toy or two to scratch the itch. She didn't need to have Chase, not the cheating two timing Chase. But the Chase who was tons of fun wouldn't be a bad compromise.

  When Chase laughed as though he could read her mind, it annoyed her. “Let’s get to work.” She went for the files and the contract she’d drawn up for him to sign. When she returned Chase was contently sipping coffee. Rebe arched a brow in his direction as she glanced toward the counter, then the table. “Did you pour me a cup?”

  “No, I assumed you'd get it when you returned. I would have waited for you to get mine, but the attitude you're giving me, I didn't think you would.”

  Rebe stared ahead at the wall and envisioned herself banging her head into her beige wall. What the heck had she done with the last two plus years of her life? Chase grinned at her and she swallowed. Was it shallow to keep coming back to the bed of a man who took her to heaven and back, who knew her body inside and out, who could make her scream with pleasure. Yes. It was beyond shallow, it was degrading. She swallowed again. And so much fun that she wasn’t ready to give it up.

  “Come on, Rebe, forgive me.”

  She was dead. As crazy as it might be, she liked Chase’s cocky, arrogant attitude. She liked him. She really did. He didn't demand much from her…and she also liked that. He was moving toward her, and she watched him move gracefully, not falling over himself, not tripping, not like Sam. Chase rather pounced like a lion and he was heating her up as usual with nothing but a smile. Then he decided to take it up a notch and began running his fingers up and down her body, cupping her behind, then he pulled her closer to him, and reaching for her hand he placed it directly over his erection.

  Oh crap, Chase was ready to make love. As many times as they'd made love, she knew his body as well as he knew hers. His steel like hardness was no joke. And the wetness in her panties was also no joke. Maybe a quickie, just to take the edge off. Her mind flitted to Sam and how he'd resisted giving her one last kiss. She'd be like Sam, she'd resist. Then Chase cupped her mound and rubbed her between her thighs, and she groaned.

  How long could she go without giving into the needs of her body? Again she thought of Sam. and with his face in her mind she slowly moved away, albeit she moved away panting, but still she moved away. Did Chase get angry? No way. He didn't believe he'd have to wait that long before she caved, and more than likely he was right. He pulled her close again and this time she wondered if she'd have the ability to resist if he began feeling her up again. She sighed and waited for his next move like a lamb being led to slaughter. Then he ruined the seduction by talking.

  “Rebe, how about some toast to go with the coffee. I didn’t eat. I had thought you would make breakfast for us.”


  “I am here to do you a favor.”

  Staring at Chase, Rebe couldn’t believe him. Even a narcissistic prick should have his limit. “You offered. I didn’t ask for your help.”

  “But you needed my help.”

  In disbelief Rebe adjusted her stare to a glare and a frown, hoping her facial expressions would get through the thick wall of male in front of her. He only grinned at her. What an egotistical MAN.

  “Chase, you offered because you were attempting to apologize for being a two timing worm. Now you want me to make breakfast.” In disgust she lifted his hands from her body and moved out of his reach.

  "What? I was planning on making it worth your while. You feed me now and satisfy my craving for food, and I'll satisfy every craving you have later.” Chase grinned. “Promise.”

  “Sign this first.” She’d expected him to quibble on it, but he didn’t. He took the papers from her hand looked them over briefly then signed and handed them back to her. If he’d given her papers to sign she would have gone over them with a magnifying glass, then she would have had another lawyer look them over, just in case.

  Rebe shook her head, sighed, went to the fridge, cracked four eggs, added cheese and a little milk, then popped bread in the toaster while she scrambled the eggs. When she was done she dished the food up, putting most of it on Chase’s plate. He eyed her, winked then dug in. He was almost done before he looked up again. Apparently he recognized that she was still annoyed.

  “Don't look so put out about making me breakfast. I’ll take you out for lunch after we're finished working…and after that we can come back and have dessert.”

  “Apparently you didn't hear me. I said no sex.”

  “I heard you. I just don't believe you.”

  With a smirk Chase returned to shoveling the remainder of the food into his mouth. For a moment Rebe watched thinking, whoever Chase was sleeping with apparently didn't cook. Very interesting.

  A few hours later the research was over and Rebe was in a much better mood. Admittedly, she would not have finished so quickly if Chase had not helped her with the research. She was also thankful he was going to be her partner on this case. To put it more accurately, she was his. She'd only been going to court for less than a year. Most of her cases at the firm were mere paperwork. If something needed to go to court one of the other lawyers handled it. It had been okay by her.

  In fact since she'd begun her secret career she relished the free time. But Sam had said something to her a year or so ago, something about her being complacent, allowing others to move ahead while she lagged behind. Now she was busier than she wanted to be. With a start she realized she'd changed several things in her life in the years she'd known Sam. Why? she wondered. Why did Sam’s constants jab get her to moving, when even her father telling her practically the same thing had no effect?

  Sam had been the one to get her to go to her very first romance gala. When she'd complained that she wanted to keep her real life as a lawyer separate from the writing, he'd given her such a look of disappointment that she'd been forced to defend herself. She could still remember their conversation word for word.

  “What if I meet someone there that I know… a client?”

  ‘So what?” he'd come back.

nbsp; “What if…?”

  “Would you little a little cheese to go with that whine? Come on, Rebe, what's the real reason you don't want to go. Do you perhaps think you're better than your readers? They’re good enough to buy your books, but not good enough to socialize with.”

  “You know that's not the reason.”

  “Then tell me what is.”

  Rebe could picture them now, the foursome as they’d been then, sitting in Kandi's kitchen fighting as usual. When she'd looked around the room, first at her brother, then Kandi before her gaze fastened and stayed on Sam. And she took in a breath and quietly said, “The four of us spend so much time together that I haven’t had a chance to meet any men. I don't have a date okay.”

  Sam had given her a look that she'd gotten but chosen to ignore. She'd turned her attention to Jamie and he’d told her in no uncertain terms to forget her harebrained scheme, that he’d never accompany her to a dance and pretend to be her boyfriend. And when she’d dared to glance in Sam’s direction Jamie had said an emphatic, ‘hell no.’ She’d had no one left to ask but Kandi. Even that had taken a ton of promises and her pleading with her friend to go with her before she’d agree. What the heck was wrong with her that on one wanted to go to the dance with her?

  The next year they'd had the same conversation almost word for word and when Sam had arched a brow in her direction, she'd once again admitted she didn't have a date. She shook her head at him. “I’m sorry, Sam. I need someone who will wow.”

  Kandi had given her a look. And her brother had called her name indicating she was being beyond rude. Well, it had been partially his fault. He’d told her more than a dozen times to keep her hands off of Sam. He’d been off limits from the moment they’d met.

  “Rebe, I’m serious,” Jamie scolded. “Don’t you dare give Sam any ideas. I don’t want the two of you dating.”

  “Why?” she’d asked.

  “Because Sam is my best friend, and you my sister collet men as trophies and then toss them aside when you’re done. Sam cannot be tossed aside, so hands off. Understand?”


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