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A FILTHY Friend (Filthy Line Book 5)

Page 14

by Jaxson Kidman

  “What’s so funny?” Sab asked.

  “That’s a tour bus?”


  “That looks like a house on wheels.”

  “It basically is,” Sab said. “Come on.”

  He slid out of the backseat of the SUV and put his hand out for me to take.

  I didn’t think twice when I took his hand.

  But I felt something going through my body as we walked toward the massive bus.

  Was sex really going to do this to me?

  It was one night.

  We were drunk.

  We talked about it.

  Life moved on.

  Yet I couldn’t stop looking at his hand holding mine.

  Wondering what he was thinking and feeling too.

  A man stood outside the tour bus and Sab broke his hold on my hand to hug the man.

  “Bill, this is Bree,” Sab said. “She’s my oldest friend.”

  “Friend,” Bill said. “Okay. Nice to meet you, Bree.”

  “You drive this thing?” I asked Bill.

  “Not very well,” he said with a wink.

  Sab laughed.

  He took my hand again and led the way onto the bus.

  The rest of the band and their significant others were already waiting.

  “There they are,” Jay called out. “Did you two finally turn this thing into something real?”

  I gasped and heat flooded my cheeks.

  “Nobody knows,” Sab whispered to me. Then he pointed to Jay. “First off, fuck you. Second off, we’re right on time.”

  “How pissed is Toby about this bus?” Liv asked.

  “He’s out of his mind,” Reed said.

  “That’s music to my ears,” Dex said.

  “This is so cool,” Candice said. “A rock star tour bus.”

  “Liv’s been on this one before,” Nash said with a smile that made Liv roll her eyes.

  “I haven’t been on this one,” Abby said. “But I had my fair share of tour buses.”

  “There’s like fifteen beds in the back,” Wren said.

  I laughed. “Not quite. But it’s pretty awesome.” I look at Bree. “Right?”

  I looked around the bus, nodding.

  It was deceivingly amazing.

  There were leather couches against one side. Tables against the other. A kitchen area. A flatscreen TV in one corner.

  Sab led the way through the bus to give me the rest of the tour.

  The tour bus had its own bathroom.

  A handful of beds.

  The back of the bus was a large room.

  “We would write songs back here,” Sab said. “On the road. In the middle of the night. Drunk. High. Crazy times.”

  “So do you own the bus?” I asked.

  “In a way,” Sab said. “All we need to do is make a phone call and it’s ours. We control everything, Bree. It’s bad ass.”

  “It actually is, Sab,” I confessed. “I mean, this is… first the private jet. Then the big house. Now this tour bus.”

  “Don’t forget the show and the fans…”

  “Oh, that’s right. I got to watch you sign your name on another woman’s chest.”

  I started to turn to leave the room and Sab grabbed my hips.

  “Does that make you jealous?” he whispered.

  I jumped up to my toes. “Nope. Not at all.”

  I kissed the tip of his nose and smiled.

  I went to the front of the bus where Bill was getting ready to start driving.

  Before the bus left the parking lot, Jay put a big bottle of whiskey on a table and looked around.

  “Welcome to the filthy tour bus… admission is free, but to stay you have to drink…”

  Reed lined up more than enough shot glasses.

  I looked at Sab as he stood near the hallway to the beds.

  He lifted an eyebrow at me.

  I lifted an eyebrow back.

  “Who’s going to be the one to pop the cherry on this ride?” Jay asked.

  Without hesitation, I walked to the table and grabbed two shot glasses.

  “Oh, fuck,” Reed said.

  “One for Sab…,” I said.

  I drank the shot.

  The ladies cheered for me.

  “And this other one… is for Sebastian.”

  Everyone screamed with an ooohhh sound, knowing it was taboo to drop Sab’s real name.

  But I was Bree. I was everything to him. I was allowed to do it.

  I drank the second shot.

  Everyone cheered my name.

  Sab stared daggers at me.

  My heart raced.

  “Did you ever throw anything out the window?” I asked Reed.

  He sat next to me, kind of pinning me against the window.

  He faced me and smiled the entire time he stared at me.

  I kept a careful eye on Abby as she sat on one of the leather couches with Liv, just talking.

  I had no idea what the bedroom part of the rock star life was like. I wondered if they were all faithful. Or if they shared. Or if they were open.

  All of it was foreign to me.

  Where I lived, it was cliché small town stuff. If you dated someone that lived in town, it was going to end up as grocery store gossip. The same could be said if you dated someone from outside of town. And whoever you dated, everyone needed to know what year they graduated, from where, who was their tenth-grade science teacher… and if they played sports, forget about it. That’s all the conversation would be. Because apparently hitting a home run in high school wouldn’t make you a good boyfriend now?

  “The window?” Reed asked. “What window?”

  “This window,” I said.

  Oh, the whiskey was working wonders tonight.

  I hadn’t been sure of the bus and the movement at first, but the more I drank, the less I worried about anything and everything.

  Which included Sab.

  Who - by the way - sat in the back corner of the tables, with a bottle of whiskey for himself, looking pissed.

  “This window right here?” Reed asked.

  He leaned over me and knocked on the window.

  “Any window,” I said.

  “You want to know if we’ve thrown shit out of the tour bus window?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Of course we have,” Reed said. “That’s the wildest thing you can come up with? How about getting on the roof of the tour bus while Bill was driving?”

  “No way,” I said.

  Reed turned his head and whistled. “Nash. Come here.”

  Nash slid across from Reed and me.

  He smiled at me. “What’s up?”

  “The beautiful Bree here wants to know about the time you climbed on the roof of the tour bus,” Reed said.

  “You did it?” I asked.

  “Maybe,” Nash said. “That’s classified band information.”

  “Oh. Well… I’m so sorry…”

  “Do you want to know how we declassify information?” Reed whispered.

  “Sure,” I said.

  Nash started to laugh. He lifted his shirt.

  I gasped and felt heat rush to my cheeks.

  I looked at Abby and Liv again.

  “Don’t pay attention to him,” Abby said.

  “Is he trying to get you to flash him?” Liv asked.

  I was frozen in place.

  “Are you going to throw me under the bus?” Nash asked.

  I nodded to Nash.

  I nodded to Liv.

  Reed smacked the table and laughed. “You went too far, Nash. How dare you? This beautiful woman is joining us and you turn into this disgusting… this filthy… rock star…”

  “Wait, wait,” Nash said. “I am a filthy rock star. Remember?”

  “Then you better warm up your right hand for later,” Liv said.

  Reed laughed.

  “Same goes for you,” Abby said.

  “Me?” Reed asked. “What did I do?”

bsp; “You’ve been flirting with Bree all night.”

  “It’s just rock star fun,” Reed said. “You know that by now.”

  “Rock star fun?” Abby asked. “Well, if we’re on the tour bus, then I should just sleep with Liv, right?”

  Both Reed and Nash yelled YES at the same time.

  All of us women rolled our eyes.

  Reed looked back at me. “This night took a turn, huh?”

  “I just wanted to hear a story,” I said.

  “I’m best known for writing stories,” Reed said. “With my tongue.”

  That’s when I saw Sab stand up.

  He was more than pissed now.

  He walked toward the table and Reed looked up at him.

  Reed smiled ear to ear and stood up too.

  For a second I thought they were going to fight.

  I had no idea how a fight would work on a tour bus that was moving at seventy miles an hour.

  Reed made a fist and gently hit Sab’s chest a few times.

  Then he went to Abby, who wasn’t happy to see him.

  Nash slipped away too, leaving Sab towering over the table. And me.

  “Can I help you?” I asked.

  I tried smiling but that didn’t help.

  And the way he kept staring at me…

  I had to get off the bus - right now.



  She pulled herself away from the table and stood up.

  She stumbled to her left.

  Wren had to catch her to keep her from crashing into the couch and the other side of the bus.

  I just watched.

  She found her balance, but there wasn’t much of it.

  She looked back, then at me.

  For the last I wasn’t sure how many fucking hours I witnessed Bree do something she hadn’t done in a long time.

  Which was drink her feelings away.

  When she went that fast, that hard, and then started flirting with other guys…

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” I say as I reach for the bottle of vodka. “What are you doing?”

  “It’s a party in the woods,” she says. “Asshole.”

  She laughs in my face.

  I reach for the bottle again and she punches me in the chest.

  “Back off, Sebastian,” she says. “We’re just friends. Right? Do you want to fool around with me? Huh? Just say it. Am I good enough for you? I’m not good enough for Bobby.”

  “What happened?”

  “Nothing. I told him to go away. That’s right. It was me. He didn’t cheat on me. That’s a lie…”

  Her eyes are drunk. Her body is loose. She’s a mess.

  I try touching her arm and she hits my chest again.

  I have no choice but to let her go at that point.

  But I keep a close eye on things.

  These parties in the woods are getting really fucking old now.

  It used to be really cool to do. Now there were problems. Everywhere.

  Bree wanders up to Gavin and grabs the front of his shirt. She jumps to her toes and whispers something to him.

  He laughs and touches her sides.

  His hands move up… and up…

  I grit my teeth.

  Bree throws her head back and starts to dance.

  Maybe it’s not my place to keep her from making mistakes, but I can’t stand back and let it happen… I can’t have her wake up tomorrow hungover and unsure of what she did with someone the night before. Also Gavin is not a good guy. He’s the type that will lie to a drunk girl about protection and then if that girl got pregnant, he’d do nothing to help.

  I’ve had a few drinks myself and now I’m picturing Bree pregnant… by some dude at some fucking party in the woods.

  Gavin’s lips touch her neck.

  His hands move up a little more.

  Bree puts her hands to his chest and pushes away.

  She waves a finger at him.


  Gavin grabs her wrist and twists it.

  I damn near jump over the fire to get to them.

  My right fist hits his jaw before he realizes I’m there.

  I send him off his feet and he hits the ground in a crumpled mess.

  “Don’t ever grab her like that!” I yell at him. “Ever! And I swear on my life, if there’s a mark on her wrist, I’ll find you and break your fucking neck.”

  I look at Bree and she’s mad at me.

  “Are you done with this show yet?” I ask.

  “Fuck you, Sebastian,” she says.

  She storms away.

  I walk back to my truck and climb up in the bed.

  I hate when she does this. It’s not too often, but it sucks when it happens.

  She lets some guy get close to her and then the guy shows his true colors and she thinks it’s all about her. She thinks she’s not pretty or cute, beautiful or fucking perfect the way she is. Then she gets drunk and flirty, thinking she can mask the pain with some other guy touching her.

  I wait. And wait. And wait.

  I start to fall asleep when I hear a noise outside my truck.

  My eyes open and there she is.

  There’s Bree, coming toward me.

  She climbs into the bed of the truck and cuddles up against me.

  I hold her tight.

  We don’t speak about anything.

  Because I know if I start to tell her what I’m thinking, it’ll fuck up our friendship.

  She ran toward the back of the bus.

  She was either mad or sick. Maybe both.

  “Is she okay?” Jay asked me.

  “I don’t know,” I said.

  “Hey, I was just messing around,” Reed said. “You know that, right?”

  I glared at Reed.

  “Sab, come on,” Nash said. “You’ve been texting her for years. We’ve been breaking your balls about her for years too. Now she’s here. She’s awesome too. I get why you’ve been texting her.”

  “We’re almost to the hotel,” Dex said. “Maybe you can talk to her then.”

  “I’m handling this right now,” I said. “Anyone who follows me or does anything fucking stupid… I will throw your ass out a window tonight.”

  I walked to the back of the bus to look for Bree.

  There weren’t many places she could hide.

  And there was no exit off the back of the bus.

  Unless, of course, she got brave and climbed out of a window.

  Which was deadly at the rate of speed the bus traveled at.

  I opened the door to the back area of the bus and that’s where I found her.

  I gently shut the door and locked it.

  Bree spun around and started to point at me.

  I made my move.

  I lunged for her, my hands cupping her face, pulling her toward me.

  When I kissed her, I made sure it fucking counted.

  She exhaled a breath through her nose and her knees buckled.

  My hands moved to her sides to keep her standing.

  I turned and walked her to the door.

  Her back hit the door.

  My body pressed against hers.

  I bent my knees so I could be eye level with her.

  I broke the kiss and stared into her eyes.

  You really want to know what I’m fucking thinking right now, babe? You want to throw us into some fucking fake-friend-zone bullshit?

  I kissed her again.

  She kissed me back.

  Drunk… ready to fuck…

  I hated it as much as I loved it.

  But I wasn’t going to fuck her.

  Not with a crowd out there waiting.

  This moment was for Bree.

  For all the times she didn’t feel good enough and I let her keep feeling that way.

  I eased away from the kiss a second time.

  “Tell me you know you’re beautiful, Bree,” I whispered.

  “No. I’m not.”

  “You break my heart each time you think
that about yourself.”

  “You’ve been breaking my heart for years, Sab.”

  I gritted my teeth.

  We should have stopped right there and sobered up then had an honest conversation with each other.

  But we were alone.

  She needed attention.

  And I was the fucking rock star with a beautiful woman on his tour bus…

  My fingers lifted her shirt and I placed my hand flat against her stomach.

  She let out a sighing exhale into my mouth.

  That only made me kiss her harder.

  I loved the way she tasted.

  Desire and too much whiskey all mixed together.

  My hand wasn’t resting against her lower belly for my own health.

  I inched down and twisted the button her jeans, opening it in less than a second.

  Down my fingers went, moving along the front of her soft panties.

  Curling around her needy heat, pressing against her body.

  Bree broke the kiss to gasp for a breath.

  My lips touched her neck.

  “Come all over my fingers, babe,” I said. “I’ve waited so long for this. To prove to you how beautiful you are…”

  I brought my hand back up and moved down the front of her panties.

  Her skin was warm like a blanket on a cold night.

  Then my fingers felt her sticky honey and any thoughts of sweet romance were thrown out the window.

  My middle finger sought her clit and flirted with her nub for a few seconds, gently flickering up and down as though it were my tongue.

  I made the same motion with my tongue to her neck.

  I slipped my finger down and circled around her throbbing entrance, torturing myself more than I was her.

  My cock raged its own war on itself, wanting to know why it was being kept hidden.

  I slowly kissed to the other side of Bree’s neck and up to her mouth.

  My lips touched hers but I didn’t kiss her.

  Instead, I stared at her.

  Both of us breathing heavy.

  My fingers dipping into her pleasure, thrusting with more force by the second, her body coating my fingers with her sweetness.

  Inside her perfect body, I curled my fingers with force, over and over, as though I was telling her to come here…

  Which I kind of was.

  I wanted her to come here. To come right on my fingers.

  Her hips began to move. Thrusting herself at me. Her ass gently tapping the door.

  I pressed my thumb to her clit as my fingers kept moving and Bree let out a yell.


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