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Dirty Boss (An Office Romance) (The Maxwell Family)

Page 60

by Alycia Taylor

  Then, when they reached a corner, Zachary turned, pulled the girl into his arms and kissed her passionately.

  My jaw dropped and all I wanted to do was scream. I blinked as more tears rolled down my cheeks, but to my horror, when I opened my eyes, they were still standing there, making out as though there was nothing wrong with it. And from the looks of it this wasn’t the awkward encounter of a first kiss. It was abundantly clear that they had done this all before, and that likely wasn’t the only thing they had done.

  As soon as I was able, I turned around and ran the other way. I couldn’t get out of that mall fast enough. Looking back, I probably looked like a crazy person. I was sure my makeup was running, in addition to the gush of tears that were falling from my eyes and the hysterical nature of my bolt toward the doors, but none of that mattered.

  All I wanted was to get to a place where I could be left in peace. I wanted my own space, to freak out, scream, cry or mourn the relationship before severing the bonds that had tied us, for two long years, completely and forever.

  While I sat on the bus and sobbed, thankful that no one cared to notice me, I thought about how this seemed to be happening to me lately and I had no idea why.

  What did I do, that my whole life got turned upside-down like this? I thought angrily, before I shrugged my shoulders and continued to cry.

  When I finally returned home after what was probably the longest and most grueling, painful bus ride of my life, I ran up to my room, thankful that no one else was home and collapsed on my bed. I screamed and yelled ferociously into my pillow, before I took everything that reminded me of Zachary and threw it into a garbage bag. I was finished with having anything of his anywhere near me. I didn’t want to even look at the garbage bag by the time I was done, because it reminded me of the malice that I held for him.

  I couldn’t believe he did this to me. Even though I had thought about being with Shawn on more than one occasion throughout our dating, I certainly hadn’t done anything with him! I realized that a part of the reason why I was so upset was because he had found someone else.

  I had always thought that I would be the one to move on. I was shocked to realize that the reason behind our breakup was that he cheated on me. It wasn’t that I had expected to cheat on him, but I did think, naively, apparently, that if we were to break up, the reason would be because I had moved on. I had never thought that he would ever have…

  Maybe that was exactly the problem… I thought to myself as I gazed at the bag through the fuzzy vision brought on by my massive rush of tears. I was hurt, above all, but right now, I also thought that perhaps I had brought this on myself.

  After all, I wasn’t spending near enough time with Zachary. Perhaps he felt neglected?

  Still, that didn’t give him an excuse to do what he did. I knew that for sure, but I still felt the need to allow my mind to wander, simply because I was shocked.

  Even with all of the craziness going on around me and even though I did note that Zachary was acting strangely, apathetic even, I was still flabbergasted by the low blow that he was cheating on me.

  I stayed in my room for quite a while, trying to calm myself down. Yet, every time I felt as though I was making progress, something would snap me back into anger and I would feel an intense sense of pain rocket through my heart, which would jumpstart the flow of tears all over again.

  For a few hours, this was a very vicious cycle, until finally, the inevitable happened.

  However, it certainly didn’t come as I was expecting. I thought I would receive a phone call, in which case I could yell at him, tell him it was over and then hang up, subsequently moving on with my life.

  Instead, I heard the doorbell ring.

  I was still the only one home and so, when it rang a second time, I figured that I should at least go downstairs and see who it was. I looked in the mirror, wiped my eyes as well as I could, took a deep, calming breath and made my way downstairs.

  When I opened the door, however, I was met with the man that I now considered my enemy.

  Zachary was smiling at me, as though he hadn’t done anything wrong, as though the dynamic of our relationship was not just spun on its head, as though absolutely nothing had changed. The degree to which I knew he was wrong caused me to feel exceptionally ill.

  “What are you doing here?” I demanded, trying hard to scrub the disdain from my voice, but quickly realized that I was failing miserably.

  He squinted, as though trying to act innocent. “Oh…I got your message a little while ago and I was in the area, so I thought that instead of calling you back, I would just stop over.” He smiled in his goofy way, which used to make my heart flutter.

  Now, though, it just made me want to bash his head into the door and throw him down the stairs.

  I didn’t respond due to the shock that I experienced in light of his complete obliviousness.

  When he realized that I hadn’t even cracked a smile, but rather, was fighting back tears, he turned his head curiously. “Are you okay?”

  I wasn’t sure if it was obvious that all of the blood drained from my face and that my jaw might as well have been touching the ground;, but even though I had plenty to say, I had yet to be able to think of a response.

  Eventually, I realized that my expression must have been fairly obvious, because he quickly stumbled back a little, before he asked, slightly agitated, “What is wrong? You’re acting so weird.”

  I swallowed hard, even though my throat had gone dry. “Come inside, Zachary…” I didn’t want to blast him right here in the open. The neighbors already thought we were crazy. I didn’t want to give them any ammunition.

  Zachary looked at me strangely, but still followed me inside.

  As I closed the door behind us, I took a deep breath and tried to ignore the pang of hurt that encased my heart. “Zachary, after I called you, I didn’t have anything else to do…So do you know where I went?”

  It took until a few seconds after I had spoken, when my words and implication set in, before he finally got what I was getting at. At this, his face fell, finally, into that of shock. “Oh God...” he muttered. “I can explain, Valerie!” He moved to grasp my arm, but I roughly pulled it away.

  Gaining strength from his admittance, I found that I was currently more angry than hurt and so, I spat, “I’m sure you can, but I have no interest in hearing it. If you no longer wanted to date me, you should have told me.”

  “But…That’s not it…”

  I put my hands up in the air, proud of myself for not caving to his charm. “I don’t care, Zachary. I saw you kiss her and that was all the explanation I needed.”

  “But…” he began, while I opened the door.

  “Goodbye, Zachary,” I spoke with an eerie sense of calm.

  “Valerie…” he groaned, as though I was being completely unfair.

  “Get out!” I screamed, ensuring that every inch of me gave the same impression of what I wanted from him, so that there would be no mistaking it.

  The second I felt my voice raise, I knew that I only had a matter of moments before I broke down and cried. I didn’t want to do that in front of him and therefore, I needed him to leave before the inevitable happened.

  Desperately fighting back tears, I glowered at him until finally, his shoulders fell and he began to walk out. He looked at me one last time before going through the door, but could tell by my expression that he had better not dare say a word.

  Thankfully, he got the message and as soon as he had made it through the door enough for me to slam it shut behind him, I did. Then, I did the only thing that I could think of doing, even with all of the strain that was surrounding us at the moment; I called Shawn.

  Chapter Twenty


  From the moment that Valerie had called, she was crying and now, she sat across from me on my bed at my mom’s house, balling her eyes out. I was never good at consoling, but it certainly was easy enough for me to agree that he was a total loser
and that she could do better; so that’s what I did.

  “You don’t need him,” I told her, meaning every single word of it. I put my arm around her shoulders and hugged her into me. “I never liked him anyway. He always had that stupid dick-smile splattered across his face. Never trust a man who spends more time getting ready in the morning than you do.”

  She looked up at me with glistening, yet still incredibly watery eyes and giggled. Finally, I was able to make her laugh. Even though it was a small gesture, it still made me happy. I had always liked to make her laugh, but right now, even through the tears, she couldn’t have been more beautiful to me.

  I sighed as my eyes settled on her luscious, plump and inviting lips, but I quickly blinked so that I did not overstep my bounds.

  However, when I gazed back into her eyes, I realized that she was also staring back at me intently. I smiled kindly at her, trying not to think about the fact that she was the first girl I ever liked and for a long time, the last woman I thought I would ever kiss. I tried to ignore the fact that the side of her breast was squished up against my chest, just as I also tried to think of everything else, other than the sparkle in her eye that made me want her now, more than ever.

  “Thank you,” she answered softly.

  “For what?” I asked playfully.

  “For this,” Valerie answered easily, shrugging at first and then, something happened that I had only dreamed about, until this moment. Instead of turning away and getting all embarrassed for being upset, like I figured she would, I saw her dip her head and ease her full, moist, luscious lips toward me.

  Instinctively, I moved my head closer to hers as well, but when she stopped, just shy of my mouth, I was sure that I had read her signal wrong.

  For a brief second, I expected a slap in the face or some other form of rejection, but instead, I just heard her voice as it tantalized, “And, for this,” before her lips rose the rest of the way up and landed softly, yet with a need that was riveting on my lips.

  As she took me unto her mouth, I could immediately taste the salt of her tears and the wetness of her mouth from where she was upset, but as her tongue eventually reached for my own, I could also taste her and that made me feel a sense of excitement.

  The essence of her drugging nectar was just as I had always imagined. As I caught on, after my shock, and realized that this was actually happening, I pulled her closer to me and deepened the kiss.

  I felt her groan against my mouth with pleasure and so, I took over.

  What happened next was quick and fluid, as though the fantasy that we had dancing around inside of our heads took control and made it so that we had to go through with what we had imagined for so long, before we changed our minds.

  I laid Valerie down on her back, with my mouth still caressing her beautiful, full lips while my hands ran over her petite and precisely formed body. Her hands stimulated me by running up and down my chest.

  After a moment of our tongues dancing and curling around with one another’s I pulled my mouth away and tugged at her shirt.

  Hastily, I pulled it off of her body and then grasped her bra and removed it as well. I gazed down at her breasts as I watched the cool air of the room cause her nipples to harden. Her breasts were plump, alabaster mounds of delight and my hands just wanted to touch her and feel her soft skin. I wanted to massage her bosom until it ached with need for me.

  I had waited a long time for this though and so, before I moved in and took my very first taste of the glory that skin to skin contact with her breasts would bring, I reveled in the moment.

  Then, I pressed my hands down onto her breasts and began to squeeze them with excitement.

  While Valerie screamed and giggled with the passion that was building up inside of her, I also felt a sense of encouragement and allure coursing through my body.

  I immediately felt all of the blood rush to my manhood, which started to throb with anticipation, made worse by the teasing that Valerie’s hand gave to it within seconds of me kneading her bosom.

  I couldn’t help but feel a moan of arousal escape through my lips before I had to pull back and unbutton my pants. I quickly discarded all of my clothing and climbed back over to her eagerly, while she laughed and kicked off her jeans.

  By the time I returned, her long, muscular legs and perfectly curved bodice was revealed almost entirely for my viewing pleasure. The only part of her that was still covered was her womanliness.

  I felt my mouth go dry as I realized that only a thin cloth now lay between me and complete bliss. I rushed back over to her and curled her into my arms, relishing in the feel of her soft, flawless, naked skin pressing against my warm, enticed body.

  The thought of her full, embodied breast as our closeness swept her nipples easily against my pectoral muscles caused my body to break out in a shudder.

  I held her closer still for a moment, so that I could feel her heartbeat against my own chest, but then eased her back onto the bed. I lowered my lips carefully to her neck, before I began to kiss it gently, wetly and slowly.

  I felt her arch her neck to give me ample room to work and as I did so, my hands began to wander back down her body, cascading around her curves and sliding easily down her flattened stomach.

  When I felt her underwear line, however, she squealed with excitement and quickly snapped her legs closed.She laughed, which easily turned into a moan as I pressed my hand through her legs and opened them again.

  This time though, while I continued to grace her neck and chest with my kisses, I also eased myself between her legs and pulled her close, so that her legs arched over my own.

  While I did this, I felt her hands wandering as well, searching my body and eventually working her way down to my aching bulge. Within moments of making her way down there, she wrapped her hand around it and began to fondle me, playfully.

  She giggled at my elated moan as I felt my eyes roll back in my head briefly. I took my now free hand and pressed it so hard against her womanliness, which I discovered was already extremely wet from excitement, that she screamed out loud and with the hand not holding my shaft, she covered her own mouth.

  I chuckled at her. “It’s okay. You can be as loud as you want. There’s nobody here and no one who is going to come.”

  Taking her hand away, she looked up at me and smiled devilishly. “Oh really?” she answered with a playful sense of skepticism.

  I nodded. “Honestly…”

  I had hardly gotten the word out before she pressed herself up, so that she could reposition us with her on top of me.

  Gazing up at her full figure, I felt my eyes widen as I smiled.

  However, she didn’t waste any time. As soon as we were repositioned, she slid her underwear off of her legs and began to ease herself against my now fully engorged manhood.

  I felt the moistness of the apex of her thighs thrust hard in a needing fashion against me and I groaned with eagerness.

  She giggled at me in a silly way as she ran her golden flesh against me, up and down in a way that made me so horny, I almost grew impatient. She pulled up and began to ease her nest of downy curls over me, so close, that every time she passed her point of entry, my shaft would straighten and pulse invitingly.

  Then finally, with a tantalizing smile, she eased herself onto me and I felt my breaths quickly become gasps as my heartrate sped up tremendously.

  “Oh God…” I heard her say as my hands reached up to play with her breasts again. As my hands graced her chest, I felt her heartbeat and that encouraged me to grasp her bosom securely and thrust myself against her, so that I was able to penetrate deeper.

  She let out a small scream, before she began to easily pull in and out.

  With her hands spread across my shoulders, hanging on securely, she rocked back and forth, slowly at first and I matched her with my own intensity.

  Yet, it certainly didn’t take long for her thrusts to grow in length and depth, until they were fast-paced and exciting.

By the time the climax finally arrived, we were both completely exhausted, but kept going, running on the adrenaline of our enthusiasm. We were both breathing loudly and sweating profusely, but none of that mattered. All we cared about at that moment was the rush of feelings that we were experiencing as they coursed rapidly through our bodies.

  Then, finally, I gasped, “Oh…Faster…Faster…” before I felt my hands grasp her waist and help guide her up and down to achieve the desired speed and penetration.

  Once the two of us had found that, it didn’t take long for me to completely and ultimately surrender myself to my passion. As I did so, I felt my love fill every remaining crevice of her, which only allowed for her breath to speed up, encouraged by my reaction.

  I stared into her eyes as she started to move back and forth with excitement and anticipation and she began to wind up into short bursts of screams.

  I smiled and thrust myself deeper into her as she moaned, “Yes…Oh...Yes…God…Yes…Shawn…Please…Don’t stop…” which only intensified my sense of accomplishment.

  Faster and faster she thrashed, back and forth against me, until finally, with one loud, encompassing scream, she stopped all together, threw her head back and seemed to freeze in place.

  I smiled up at her as I watched her beauty succumb entirely to the pleasure that I was providing for her.

  I had to admit, as self-serving as that seemed, it felt pretty damn good.

  Eventually, she looked back down at me and smiled, just as I began to feel her loins pulse excitedly around my still slightly throbbing and intensely excited member.

  I smiled back up at her and eventually the two of us began to laugh, before she reached down and brushed my lips with her own.

  I felt a sense of euphoria that continued to flow through me, even after the two of us had broken apart.

  For the first time in a very long time, probably years, I found that I was completely happy. I realized for the first time, to have such contentment, from being with a woman that I had loved, even before I knew what love was, had to be the best feeling in the world.


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