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Victoria: A Life

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by A. N. Wilson

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  The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. The link provided will take you to the beginning of that print page. You may need to scroll forward from that location to find the corresponding reference on your e-reader.

  Abbotsford, Queen visits, 295–6

  Abdul Aziz, Sultan, 377

  Abdul Hamid II, Sultan, 378

  Aberdeen, Lord, 127, 141–2, 154, 168, 213–14, 223, 382

  and Crimean War, 177, 180–1, 185, 193–4, 203

  Acland, Henry, 242

  Act of Settlement, 15, 92

  Act of Union, 452–3

  Ada of Hohenlohe, Princess, 174

  Adalbert, Prince, 92

  Adeane, Marie, 470–1, 490

  Adelaide, Queen, 24, 30, 54, 56–7, 66, 69, 74, 216

  Adelaide (Australia), 56

  Aeschylus, 232

  Afghanistan, 186, 320, 332, 394–5, 415, 417, 447–8

  British withdrawal from, 400–1, 440

  and Rafiuddin Ahmed’s spying, 524

  and Russian incursions into India, 211, 447

  Agra, 462, 464, 466, 474, 485, 487, 524, 546

  Ahmed, Rafiuddin, 524, 546–7

  Aix-les-Bains, 447

  Albani (singer), 454, 552

  Albany, Duke of, see Leopold, Prince

  Albany, Charles Edward, Duke of, 567, 572–3

  Albert Edward (‘Bertie’), Prince of Wales, see Edward VII, King

  Albert, Prince

  his achievements, 216–19, 261–2

  antipathy to Palmerston, 127–8, 130, 162, 165, 179, 193–5, 288

  and the army, 186, 194–5, 217–18, 314–15

  his birth, 33, 37

  and Crimean War, 185–7, 217

  cultural tour of Italy, 115–16

  his death, 253–6

  distaste for Paris, 201

  and Duchess of Kent’s death, 246–7

  his effigy, 572

  first visits Britain, 67–8

  and foreign policy, 148, 206–6

  and Great Exhibition, 155–8

  illnesses, 228–9, 236, 247–51

  images of, 99–101, 131

  instinct for politics, 63

  and Italian nationalism, 241–2

  loneliness in Britain, 104

  his marriage, 85, 96–7, 101–3

  moral strictness, 175, 350

  and music and singing, 218, 244–5, 275, 464

  named as Prince Consort, 217

  naturalization as British, 102–3

  patronage of the arts, 115–18

  his political influence, 104–6, 108, 126–8, 173, 218–19

  Prince Albert/Stockmar vision for Germany, 147–8, 206–7, 241–2, 266–7, 272–3, 301

  and Prince of Wales’s education, 225–6

  and Princess Victoria’s marriage, 202, 206–7, 209–10, 216

  prudishness, 230

  quarrels with Queen, 107–8, 110, 199–200, 209–10, 232–3

  and Queen’s funeral, 555

  and royal finances, 102, 341

  seen as ‘above politics’, 223

  shows signs of ageing, 214

  and Trent affair, 252

  unpopularity, 216–17

  veneration of science, 142, 219

  and written English, 208

  Albert Memorial, 261–2

  Alberta accident, 375

  ‘Albertopolis’, 162–3, 167

  Alexander I, Emperor of Russia, 37

  Alexander II, Emperor of Russia, 205–6, 221, 358, 378

  assassination of, 399–401

  Alexander III, Emperor of Russia, 358, 449, 517–18

  Alexander of Hesse by Rhine, Prince, 390, 439

  Alexander of Hesse-Darmstadt (‘Sandro’), Prince, 382–5, 390, 429, 440

  and Bulgarian crisis, 449–50

  Alexander of the Netherlands, Prince, 67

  Alexander of Würrtemberg, Prince, 179, 495

  Alexandra (‘Alix’) of Denmark, Princess, 8, 275, 277, 282, 346, 550

  her marriage, 274–5

  and Prince Alfred’s marriage, 358–9

  and Prince Eddy’s marriage, 489–90

  and Prince of Wales’s illness, 347–51

  Alexandra Feodorovna (‘Alicky’), Empress of Russia, 270, 388, 390, 489, 550

  coronation and autocracy, 541–3

  her marriage, 517–18

  visit to Balmoral, 541–2

  Alexandria, bom
bardment of, 441

  Alexei, Tsarevich, 390

  Alfred (‘Affie’), Prince (Duke of Edinburgh)

  and assault on Queen, 152–3

  his birth, 106

  childhood, 132, 134, 209

  his daughter, 502

  his death, 567

  and Eastern Question, 376–8, 382–4

  his marriage, 207, 358–60

  naval career, 217, 226, 228, 358, 431, 516

  offered throne of Greece, 273

  quarrels with John Brown, 358

  and Queen’s burial, 555

  shot in Sydney, 309

  his silver wedding, 562

  and smoking, 277

  takes Saxe-Coburg-Gotha title, 516

  and women, 272, 358

  Alfred of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (‘Young Affie’), Prince, 562, 567

  Ali, Hourmet, and theft of brooch, 479–80

  Alice, Princess (Duchess of Hesse-Darmstadt)

  and assault on Queen, 152–3

  her birth, 106, 111, 120

  childhood, 132, 134

  and diphtheria outbreak, 388–9

  and her father’s death, 254–5, 270

  her funeral and tomb, 389–90, 396

  and John Brown’s coming to England, 286, 298

  her marriage, 237, 244, 264, 269–71

  philanthropic activities, 270, 304

  political allegiances, 277, 359, 378, 383

  and Prince of Wales’s illness, 347–9, 388

  her sons, 357, 516

  Alsace and Lorraine, 470

  American Civil War, 242, 248, 251–2, 254, 265, 283, 290, 306

  Amorbach, 28–30, 33, 45

  anaesthetics, 172

  Angeli, Heinrich von, 487

  Anglesey, Marquess of, 55–6, 58, 73

  ‘Anglo-Catholic martyrs’, 366

  Anne, Queen, 86

  Anson, Sir George, 104, 106–7, 249

  Antrim, Countess of, 287

  Aosta, Duke of, 571

  Arabi Pasha, Colonel, 441

  Argyll, Duchess of, see Louise, Princess

  Argyll, Duke of, 204, 302, 358, 373, 453


  Cardwell reforms, 312–15, 319, 327, 338–9, 343, 354

  flogging, 25, 313–14, 514

  inadequacy of, 166, 169, 185–6, 193, 337, 368

  linked battalions, 312–13

  reforms under Rosebery, 514–15

  and royal command, 217–18, 312, 337–8, 514–15


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