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Victoria: A Life

Page 70

by A. N. Wilson

  Glyn, Edward, Bishop of Peterborough, 539

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 5, 35, 84

  Gold Coast, 531, 533

  Gordon, General Charles, 442–6, 493, 508, 511, 559

  Gordon-Cumming, Sir William, 491–2

  Goschen, G. J., 338, 452, 454, 459, 522

  Gouramma, Princess, 189–93

  Government of India Act, 223

  Granby, Marquis of, 71

  Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 304–5

  Granville, Lord, 157, 239–40, 277, 331, 366, 411, 431

  and General Gordon, 443, 445, 447

  Grasse, 490–1

  Great Exhibition, 147, 152, 155–61, 218, 411

  profits from, 162–3

  Gregory XVI, Pope, 116

  Grenadier Guards, 248, 315

  Greville, Charles, 15, 56, 103–4, 177, 229, 397

  Grey, General Charles, 105, 276, 287, 301, 310, 315

  and Queen’s idleness, 316–19, 321–2, 325

  his resignation and death, 332–5

  Grey, Earl, 82

  Grey, Sir Edward, 515

  Grüner, Ludwig, 115, 260

  Guedalla, Philip, 338, 352

  Guizot, François, 129, 134

  Haddo House, 214

  haemophilia, 30–2, 172, 270, 439, 518

  see also Leopold, Prince

  Hallam, Arthur H., 505

  Hampton Court, possible sale of, 473

  Handel, George Frideric, 64, 158

  Hanoverian Kurfürsten, 17

  Harcourt, Edward Vernon, Archbishop of York, 64, 66

  Harcourt, Lewis, 326

  Harcourt, Loulou, 513, 521

  Harcourt, Sir William, 415, 507, 511–13, 522, 532

  Hardie, Keir, 501, 512–13, 565

  Hardinge, Henry, Lord, 186, 191, 218, 313, 470

  Hardy, Thomas, 232, 549

  Harrogate, 342

  Hartington, Lord (‘Harty Tarty’), 397, 413, 415, 433, 445, 447, 457, 504, 522

  elevated as 7th Duke of Devonshire, 501

  and Irish Home Rule, 451–2

  Hastings, Lady Flora, 71, 80, 92–5, 109

  Hauke, Countess Julia von, 390, 439

  Haussmann, Baron, 200–1

  Hawaii, Queen of, 463

  ‘Hawarden Kite’, 451

  Haydon, Benjamin Robert, 117

  Haynau, General von, 163–4

  Healy, T. H., 416

  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 165, 250

  Helen of Waldeck and Pyrmont, Princess, 416, 419, 430–2

  Helena, Princess (‘Lenchen’)

  her birth, 106, 125

  childhood, 134, 228, 277

  her son, 533

  and her father’s death, 255

  and Prince Eddy’s funeral, 499

  Queen’s criticisms of, 356–7

  and Queen’s death, 568

  and Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, 550

  Hélène of Orléans, Princess, 125, 135–6, 489–90, 498

  ‘Helot Dispatch’, 563

  Helps, Arthur, 294, 297

  Henrich XXIV of Reuss-Ebersdorf, Count, 20

  Henry IV, King, 341

  Henry VIII, King, 151, 371

  Henry of Battenberg (‘Liko’), Prince, 130, 438–40, 455, 490

  and Gold Coast expedition, 533–6

  Hesse, Alice, Grand Duchess of, 304

  Hicks, Colonel, 442

  Highland dancing, 120, 146

  Hildyard, Miss (governess) , 132, 255

  Hill, Octavia, 270

  Hindustani language, 466, 472, 487, 524

  Hitchcock, Henry-Russell, 115

  HMS Blonde, 535

  HMS Camperdown, 508

  HMS Sultan, 377, 382–3

  HMS Undaunted, 492–3

  HMS Victoria, 508

  HMS Victory, 571

  HMY Alberta, 570–1

  HMY Victoria and Albert, 124, 216, 274, 375, 570

  Hobbs, Mrs (maid), 228–9

  Hogg, Sir James West, 190

  Holman Hunt, William, 140

  Holy Roman Empire, 17–18, 28

  Home Rule Bill, 452–6

  Homer, 167, 307, 379, 394, 509

  Hope-Scott, James, 295

  Horsely, J., C., 118

  Hossauer, Johann Georg, 117

  House of Commons, Prince Albert visits, 121–3

  House of Lords

  exclusion of atheists, 519–20

  reform of, 433–5, 514

  How, Walsham, Bishop of Wakefield, 549

  Howard, Lady Fanny, 284

  Howard, Harriet, 174–5

  Howe, Lord, 56–7, 93

  Howley, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 37, 74, 140, 143

  Hubert (dog), 422–3

  Hudson, Katherine, 34

  Hugo, Victor, 198

  Huhgenden Manor, 403

  human sacrifices, 533

  Humbert, King of Italy, 387

  Humbert, A. J., 260

  Hume, David, 243

  Hume, Joseph, 102

  Hunt, Henry, 38

  Ibsen, Henrik, 517

  Ignatiev, Ambassador, 378, 384

  income tax, 110, 137, 409

  Independent Irish Party, 169

  Independent Labour Party, 499, 512–13


  birth of the Raj, 223–4

  Christian missionaries, 210, 463

  Duleep Singh’s rebellion, 460–1, 463

  and English language, 211, 370

  extension of British power, 210–11, 485–6

  Golden Jubilee celebrations, 458–9

  land grants in, 487

  maharajahs, 189–92, 224

  mutiny of 1857, 211–15, 222–4, 369

  Prince of Wales’s visit, 369–71

  Queen becomes Empress, 368, 371–2

  see also Colonial and Indian Exhibition

  Indo-European languages, origins of, 280

  Indore, Maharajah of, 462

  Industrial Revolution, 16–17, 21, 155

  Ingrams, Victoria, 422

  Inkermann, Battle of, 188

  Innocent, Metropolitan, 360

  Innocent, Mrs (midwife), 230–1

  Ionian islands, cession of, 273


  Bloody Sunday, 467, 473, 499

  elections in, 352

  famine, 63, 119, 126–7, 145, 151

  and Home Rule, 352, 394, 396, 410, 448–56, 501, 506–8, 522

  and immigration to Britain, 150

  royal visits, 144–5, 248

  suspension of habeas corpus, 413–14

  unrest and demand for reform, 147, 241, 290, 305–6, 309–10, 315–16, 319, 326–7, 337, 345, 351–4, 412–14

  Irish Americans, 306

  Irish Church, disestablishment of, 309–10, 315, 327, 433, 511

  Irish Land League, 413–14

  Irish National Invincibles, 413

  Irving, Sir Henry, 552

  Isabella, Queen of Spain, 129–30

  Isandhlwana, Battle of, 392

  Ismail, Khedive, 374–5, 441

  Italian nationalism, 240–2, 302, 305–6

  Italy, unification of, 332

  Jack the Ripper, 473–4, 489

  Jackman, William, 298

  Jahnsi massacre, 212

  Jamaica Constitution, suspension of, 94

  James I, King, 87

  James II, King, 17, 336

  James, Edward, of West Dean, 326

  James, Henry (Lord James of Hereford), 522

  Jameson, Dr Leander Starr, 529–31

eson Raid, 529–31, 535, 547, 560

  Jenner, Sir William, 253–5, 272, 286, 298, 316, 318, 343, 347, 387, 389, 420

  Jersey, Lady, 14

  jewellery, Prince Albert’s interest in, 102, 117

  Jockey Club, 351

  Johannesburg, 528–30, 560–1, 566

  John, Prince, 346

  John Brown’s Legs, 426–8

  John of Gaunt, 341

  Johnson, Samuel, 243

  Joinville, Duke of, 135, 201

  Jones, Ernest, 137

  Jones, John, 34

  Jordan, Mrs, 23, 26

  Jowett, Benjamin, 560

  Joy, George William, 559

  Juan Carlos, King of Spain, 439

  Juliane (Jülchen), Grand Duchess, 21

  Kabul, storming of British residency, 394

  Kandahar, siege and withdrawal from, 401, 415, 440

  Karim, Munshi Hafiz Abdul, 474, 479, 562, 570, 574

  his Christmas card, 523–4

  Queen’s attachment to, 462, 464–6, 471–2, 486–7

  royal household’s opposition to, 545–7

  Keats, John, 36, 261, 422

  Keble, John, 362

  Kennington Common, Chartist rally, 138–9

  Kensal Green cemetery, 121, 191, 483

  Kensington Museums, 162, 218, 276

  Kensington Palace, possible sale of, 472–3

  ‘Kensington System’, 52–3, 83, 112

  Kent, Edward, Duke of, 23–35

  his death, 39–41, 47, 360

  and Elizabeth Conroy, 34–5

  extravagance, 29–30, 39

  and haemophilia, 31–2

  and Julie de Saint-Laurent, 25–6, 31–2

  his marriage, 28–30, 45, 207

  military career, 24–5, 35, 52

  and Queen’s birth, 35–6

  and Queen’s parentage, 32–3

  and socialism, 38–40

  his temper, 51–2

  his will, 40–1

  Kent, Victoire, Duchess of

  her burial at Frogmore, 260

  Conroy’s hold over, 52–4, 57, 59–61, 65, 72, 79–80, 91

  her death, 44, 235–6, 245–7, 249

  and haemophilia in royal family, 31

  and her husband’s death, 40–1

  her imperfect English, 30, 43, 50, 58, 91

  her marriage, 28–30, 45, 207

  political influence, 91–2

  and Queen’s character, 418

  and Queen’s childhood, 33–4, 43–5, 48, 546

  and Queen’s coming of age, 71

  and Queen’s marriage, 96

  Queen’s relations with, 43–5, 93, 109, 233–6, 299

  and Queen’s succession to throne, 75

  relations with William IV, 57–8, 65–6, 68–70

  religious views, 50–1

  Keppel, Mrs, 544

  Kessel, Colonel von, 475

  Kew Palace, recommended purchase of, 472–3

  Khan Bahadur, 524

  Khartoum, 444–7, 558–9

  Khodinsky Plain, 541

  Kidwelly coal mines, 342

  Kilburn, William, 100–1

  Kimberley, Lord, 332

  Kimberley, 564, 528

  Kingdom of Piedmont, 241

  Kingdom of the Punjab, 191–2

  Kingsley, Charles, 253

  Kipling, Lockwood, 485

  Kipling, Rudyard, 505, 531, 540, 547, 549–50, 574

  Kirkpatrick, William, 175–6

  Kis-Rhéde, Countess Rhédy de, 495

  Kitchener, Sir Herbert, 557–9, 563, 566

  Klebelsberg, Marie, Countess of, 71

  Knollys, Francis, Lord, 8, 421, 488, 494, 525

  Koh-i-Noor diamond, 192, 460–1

  Kolémine, Madame de, 437–8

  Kossuth, Lajos, 164

  Krause, Dr, 465

  Kronje, Piet, 564

  Kruger, Paul, 529–30, 548, 560–3, 566

  Kuper, Dr, 53

  La Rose (French soldier), 25

  Labouchere, Henry, 156, 416, 506, 519

  ladies-in-waiting, 284–5

  Ladysmith, 564, 566

  Lamb, Peniston, 81

  Lambeth Palace Library, 426

  Lancashire, cotton famine, 248, 252, 290

  Landseer, Sir Edwin, 115, 140, 325

  Lansdowne, Lord, Viceroy of India, 193, 474, 487

  Latin plays, 229–30

  lavatories, 113, 160, 278, 550

  Lawson, Sir William, 344, 351, 494

  Le Brun, Madame Vigée, 200

  Lear, Edward, 125

  Lee, Sir Sidney, 34, 44

  Leeds, 218–19, 291, 456

  Lees, Dr Hamilton, 428

  Lees-Milne, James, 422

  Lehzen, Louise, 41, 43, 49, 51–2, 54, 71, 73, 546

  banishment of, 109

  and political intrigue, 59, 66, 79, 94, 105, 107

  Leinster, Duke of, 562

  Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 17, 292

  Leo XIII, Pope, 386, 490

  Leopold, King of the Belgians, 21–2, 24, 29, 37, 41, 207, 215, 235

  accepts Belgian throne, 54, 58

  builds mausoleum for Princess Charlotte, 260

  and Conroy, 59–60

  conversion to Catholicism, 149

  his death, 301

  political influence, 71–3, 80–1, 91, 94–6, 101, 103, 105, 147, 207, 241

  and Queen’s childhood, 43, 45, 47, 49, 53

  and Queen’s marriage, 96–7, 103–4

  and Queen’s political education, 58, 60, 62

  his second marriage, 112

  visits Britain, 66, 135

  Leopold II, King of the Belgians, 377, 571

  Leopold, Prince (Duke of Albany)

  acts as Queen’s secretary, 418, 430

  and Alberta accident, 375

  and army command, 337

  and attempt on Queen’s life, 352

  his birth, 106, 147, 163

  his daughter, 561

  his death, 432

  and Disraeli’s funeral, 403

  his effigy, 572

  first public appearance, 217

  and haemophilia, 30–1, 172, 271–2, 279, 320–1, 357, 419, 431–2

  and John Brown’s death, 423

  his marriage, 418–19

  and Princess Alice’s funeral, 389–90

  Queen’s displeasure with, 357, 424, 430

  and royal finances, 416–17

  seeks public role, 430–1

  Leopold of Saxe-Coburg, Prince, 130

  Leuchtenberg, Nicholas, Duke of, 273

  Lewis, George, 493

  Liberals, emergence of modern party, 223

  Liddell, Alice, 357, 419

  Liddell, Augustus, 471

  Liddell, Edith, 419

  Liddell, Henry, Dean of Christ Church, 357, 424

  Lieven, Madame de, 47

  Lincoln, Abraham, 221

  Lind, Jenny, 141, 198, 275

  Linnell, Alfred, 467

  Lister, Dr Joseph, 343

  Liszt, Abbé, 452

  Liverpool, Lord, 102

  Liverpool, 150, 160, 291, 431, 455, 501

  Livy’s Roman Histories, 435

  Lloyd George, David, 513, 515

  Loehlein, Rudolph, 255

  Loisinger, Johanna, 440

  Lolme, Jean-Louis de, 73


  dock strike, 499, 506

  Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations, 550–1

  Queen’s interest in public parks, 473

  London School Boards, 552

nbsp; London School of Economics, 531

  London University, 454

  Longley, Charles, Archbishop of York, 269

  Lorne, Lord, 358, 463, 536

  Louis XVIII, King of France, 54

  Louis of Battenberg, Prince, 385, 436–8

  Louis of Hesse-Darmstadt, Prince, 237, 244, 264, 302, 347, 378

  and ‘Ducky’, 516

  his marriage, 269–71

  and Princess Alice’s death, 388, 390

  Louise, ‘Aunt’, 112, 133, 135

  Louise, Princess (Duchess of Argyll)

  her birth, 106, 137

  and General Grey’s death, 333

  and Lady Battersea’s memoirs, 10–12

  her marriage, 11, 237, 358

  and Princess Beatrice’s bereavement, 536

  and Queen’s death, 568

  and Queen’s idleness, 322

  Louis-Philippe, King of France, 54, 112, 129, 133–6, 201

  Lower Franconia, 28–9

  Lucan, Lord, 186–8

  Lucknow, recapture of, 223

  Ludwig I, King of Bavaria, 117

  Lugard, Captain Frederick, 507, 558

  Luisa, Infanta, 129–30

  lurcher dogs, 84

  Luther, Martin, 573

  Lyell, Charles, 142

  Lyon Playfair, Dr, 111

  Lyttelton, Lady, 119, 132

  Lyttelton, Lucy, 412

  Macaulay, Lord, 211, 312, 370

  Macbean, Miss (governess), 388

  Macclesfield, riots in, 38

  McCormick’s reaping machine, 160

  McDonald, Annie, 555

  Macdonald, Major J. R. L., 558

  McDonnell, Sir Schomberg, 494

  Macintosh, Mrs (wet nurse), 172–3

  Mackail, J. W., 467

  Mackenzie, Dr Morell, 465, 468–9, 476

  Maclean, Roderick, 412

  Macleod, Norman, 326, 354–5, 407, 555

  Maclise, Daniel, 118

  Mafeking, 563

  Magdalen College, Oxford, 533–4

  Mahdi, the (Muhammad Ahmad), 442–5, 447, 559

  Malet, Sir Edward, 476

  Mallet, Baron de, 35

  Mallet, Marie, 424, 511, 532, 545

  Malmesbury, Lord, 227

  Manchester, 38, 291, 342, 306

  Manchester Liberals, 146

  Manet, Édouard, 305

  Manipur, revolt at, 486

  Manners, Henry, 449

  Manners, Lord John, 435

  Manners-Sutton, Charles, Archbishop of Canterbury, 37

  Manning, Cardinal Henry Edward, 307, 309–10, 499

  Mansion House, Prince Albert’s speech at, 156

  Margaret, Princess, 554

  Maria Alexandrovna, Empress of Russia, 205

  Maria Alexandrovna (‘Marie’), Grand Duchess, 207, 358–60, 516, 562

  Marie of Orléans, 201

  Marie, Alexandre-Thomas, 164


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