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Victoria: A Life

Page 72

by A. N. Wilson

dismissal of Palmerston, 154, 165–6

  forms government, 126–7

  and Great Exhibition, 156

  and honour for General Bruce, 243

  and Italian nationalism, 241

  and Queen’s letters of complaint, 129

  resignation, 167

  returns to power, 239–40, 290–1, 300

  and Schleswig-Holstein question, 281–3

  and Trent affair, 252

  visits Balmoral, 141–2

  Russell, Elizabeth, 219

  Russell, Lady John, 126, 166

  Russell, Odo, 241

  Russell, William Howard, 188, 224, 369

  Russell, Lord Wriothesley, 191


  coronation of Alexander II, 205–6

  liberation of serfs, 206, 397

  possible threat to India, 211

  Zemlya i volya movement, 397

  see also Triple Alliance

  Russian navy, 508

  Russo-Japanese War, 390

  Russo-Turkish War, 381–2, 429, 449

  Rutland, Duchess of, 513

  Sadowa/Königgrätz, Battle of, 302

  Sahl, Hermann, 438

  Said Pasha, 374

  St Alban’s, Holborn, 365

  St Aubyn, Giles, 8, 553

  St George’s, Wapping, 365

  Saint-Laurent, Julie de, 23, 25–6, 31–2, 35

  St Paul’s Cathedral, 171, 352, 551

  St Peter’s Basilica, Rome, 116

  Salisbury, Lady, 453, 563–4

  Salisbury, Lord

  and appointment of archbishop, 538–9

  and appointment of Poet Laureate, 540

  appoints Joseph Chamberlain, 523, 529

  approach to foreign policy, 382

  and Boer War, 561, 563–4

  and Bulgarian atrocities, 379

  and Bulgarian crisis, 449–50

  and coinage, 479

  and collapse of Rosebery government, 522–3

  and constitutional monarchy, 499–500

  and Daisy Brooke scandal, 494

  and Duleep Singh’s rebellion, 461

  and expulsion of Rafiuddin Ahmed, 546–7

  and extension of franchise, 433–5

  hostility to Disraeli, 310

  and Jack the Ripper murders, 473–4

  opposition to Irish Home Rule, 448, 450, 452–3, 455–6, 499, 522

  political pragmatism, 381

  and Prince Eddy’s marriage, 489

  and Queen’s extravagance, 472–3

  Queen’s friendship with, 85, 293, 513

  and Queen’s Golden Jubilee, 458–9

  and Queen’s title Empress of India, 371

  and reconquest of the Sudan, 558–9

  and Reform Act, 292, 367

  returns to power, 456–7

  and the Riviera, 545

  and saying ‘Bob’s Your Uncle’, 538

  and shah’s visit, 478

  and Turkey’s war with Greece, 548–9

  his view of Gladstone’s radicalism, 513

  and Wilhelm II’s state visit, 477

  Salonika, Muslim mobs in, 377

  Salt, Titus, 160

  Samarkand, fall of, 332

  Sandringham, 340, 347, 418

  Sandwich, Earl of, 70

  Sarto, Andrea del, 200

  Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Alexandrine, Duchess of, 220, 265, 277–8, 516

  and Queen’s friendship with John Brown, 320–1, 323

  Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Alfred, Duke of, see Alfred, Prince

  Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Charles Edward, Duke of, see Albany, Charles Edward, Duke of

  Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Ernst I, Duke of, 29, 59, 68, 92, 215, 250, 295

  Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Ernst II, Duke of, 67–8, 96, 145, 216, 220

  his death, 516

  fights for Prussians, 304

  offered Greek throne, 273

  and Prince Imperial’s death, 393

  and Queen’s visit to Coburg, 277–9

  and vision for Germany, 127–8, 266

  Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Johann Friedrich II, Duke of, 50

  Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Luise, Duchess of, 37, 92, 250

  Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Marie, Duchess of, see Maria Alexandrovna, Grand Duchess

  Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, Franz, Duke of, 20

  Saxe-Hildburghausen, Sophie, 20

  Schlegel, August Wilhelm, 115

  Schleswig-Holstein, Ernst Gunther, Duke of, 496–7

  Schleswig-Holstein, 130, 147–8, 239, 248, 265, 275, 277, 279–84, 303

  Schloss Amorbach, 28, 30

  Schloss Babelsberg, 227

  Schloss Ehrenberg, 29, 277, 516–17

  Schloss Friedrichshof, 569

  Schloss Rosenau, 278–9, 295

  Schneider, Mlle (Russian teacher), 517

  Schrötter, Professor von, 465

  Scotland, 119–20, 145–6, 260

  Scott, Colonel Sir Francis, 533, 535

  Scott, Sir George Gilbert, 261

  Scott, Sir Walter, 48–9, 120, 197, 253, 295–8

  Scout movement, 535

  ‘Scramble for Africa’, 507, 528

  Scutari, 188

  Sea of Marmara, 383

  Seaman, Sir Owen, 540

  Sebastiani, Count, 87

  Sedan, French surrender at, 336

  Selkirk bannocks, 296

  Serbia, 376–9, 397

  and Bulgarian crisis, 449–50

  Sergei, Grand Duke, 270, 390, 436–7

  Sevastopol, siege of, 181, 187–8, 194, 197, 203, 542

  Sévigné, Madame de, 73

  Seward, Mr (writing-master), 50

  Seymour, Lieutenant Francis, 115

  Shaftesbury, Lord, 102, 137, 288–9, 350

  Shah of Persia, visit to Britain, 477–8

  Shakespeare, William, 84, 118, 120, 563

  Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, 65

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 411

  Sherbrooke, Robert Lowe, Viscount, 372

  Shield of Faith (Der Glaubenschild), 117

  Shuvalov, Ambassador, 372, 378

  Sibthorp, Colonel, 102, 150, 157, 159

  Sicily, Garibaldi lands in, 241

  Sidmouth, 39–40, 360

  Siebold, Frau Charlotte, 33, 37

  Sikh wars, 186, 192

  Sino-Japanese War, 518

  Sinope, 181

  slavery, abolition of, 67, 252

  Slidell, John, 251

  smallpox vaccinations, 37

  Smiles, Samuel, 115

  Smith, Adam, 62

  Smith, Rev., Vicar of Whippingham, 569

  Smith, W. H., 452

  smoking, evils of, 277

  Snow, Dr John, 172, 177

  Snowden, Philip, 512

  Social Darwinism, 528

  socialism, 38–41

  Society of Arts, 155

  Somerset, Algernon Seymour, Duke of, 35

  Somerset, Lord Arthur, 489

  Somerset, Lady Geraldine, 496

  Sonderburg, bombardment of, 283

  Sophia, Princess, 23, 52–3, 140, 143

  Sophie of Greece, Crown Princess, 569

  Sophie of Prussia, Princess, 9, 548–9

  ‘Souls, the’, 513

  South Africa, 392–3, 440, 527–31, 560–6

  Boer War, 561–6, 573

  concentration camps, 566

  establishment of Boer republic, 527–8

  gold and diamond mines, 528–9, 560

  Jameson Raid, 529–31, 535, 547, 560

  Soyer, Alexis, 139

  Spain, dynastic succession, 129–30, 135–6

  Späth, Baroness, 33, 41, 54, 234

  special constables, 139

  Spencer, Earl, 352–4

  Spenser, Edmund, 118, 543

  Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, Dean of Westminster, 270–1, 284, 360–2, 407

  and Prince Imperial’s memorial, 414–15

  Stanley, Lady Augusta, 361, 414, 555

  Stanley, Lord, 284–5, 301, 305, 321

  Starck (Russian prime minister), 437

  Stead, W. T., 560

  Stephen, Sir Leslie, 34

  Sterne, Laurence, 33

  Stewart, Dugald, 62–3

  Stirling, Walter George, 320

  Stockmar, Baron, 24, 40–1, 53–4, 58–60, 62

  and breach with Conroy, 72, 80

  his death, 276

  political influence, 71–3, 81, 91–2, 95, 97, 101, 105–6, 108–9

  Prince Albert/Stockmar vision for Germany, 147–8, 206–7, 241–2, 266–7, 272–3, 301, 304

  and Princess Victoria’s marriage, 209, 229

  and Queen’s burial, 555

  and Queen’s marriage, 103–4

  Stratford de Redcliffe, Viscount, 178, 180

  Sudan, 374, 440, 442–7, 508, 557–9

  Suez Canal, 374–5, 465

  Sullivan, Sir Arthur, 454, 549

  Sumner, John, Archbishop of Canterbury (‘the Crumpet’), 140, 151, 191, 203, 215, 224–5

  Sussex, Duke of, 23, 26, 38, 42, 46, 91, 102

  his death, 120–1, 483

  Sutherland, Duchess of, 308

  Sutherland (servant to Prince Leopold), 320

  Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 505

  Sydney (Australia), 309

  Symonds, William, 124

  Tait, Archibald Campbell, Archbishop of Canterbury, 361–2, 365, 407–8

  Tait, Crauford, 408

  Tait, Edith, 407

  Tait, Lucy, 408

  Taj Mahal, 462

  Tashkent, fall of, 332

  Tasmania, end of transportation to, 177

  Tavistock, Lady, 93

  Te Deum, 360, 464, 551

  Teba, Count of, 175

  Teck, Francis, Duke of, 303

  Teck, Princess Mary of Cambridge, Duchess of, 303, 417, 503

  telephones, 385, 550

  Temple, Frederick, Archbishop of Canterbury, 537–9

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 146, 170–1, 189, 219, 426, 439, 454, 505

  Terence, 230

  Tewfik, Khedive, 441, 443

  Thackeray, W. M., 16, 169

  Theed, William, the Younger, 118

  Thirty Years War, 28

  Thurston, Mrs (nurse), 132, 229

  Tillett, Ben, 499

  Tilney Long, Miss, 23

  Times, The, 138, 188, 198, 201, 283, 371, 451, 504

  Queen’s dislike of, 9–10 239–40

  Tischbein, Johann Henirich, the ‘Elder’, 20

  Tolpuddle Martyrs, 82

  Tolstoy, Leo, 518

  Tom Brown’s Schooldays, 270–1

  Torres Vedras, lines of, 186

  Torrington, Lord, 249

  Tosti, Paolo, 552

  Tower of London, 36, 185, 460

  trades unions, increase in membership, 507

  Trafalgar, Battle of, 477

  Trafalgar Square, demonstration in, 467, 499

  transportation, of criminals, 63, 82, 177

  Transvaal, 440, 511, 528, 559–61, 563

  Treaty of Bloemfontein, 528

  Treaty of San Stefano, 383–4, 449

  Trent affair, 251–2

  Trevelyan, G. O., 312, 314–15, 452

  and royal finances, 339–41, 418

  Triple Alliance, 359, 376

  Trnova, siege of, 383

  Trollope, Anthony, 193, 252, 292, 539

  Truelove (bookseller), 198

  Truth, 506

  Tuck, Mrs (dresser), 479–80

  Tudor dynasty, 14


  and Crimean War, 173, 176–81, 185–9

  war with Greece, 547–9

  see also Russo-Turkish War

  Turner, J. M. W., 81, 342

  Tyler, Dr John, 474

  Uganda, 507, 558

  ‘Upper Ten, the’, 169

  Urbach, Katrina, 127

  urban population, expansion of, 332, 337

  Valetta, Malta, 56

  Van Dyck, Sir Anthony, 131, 200

  Vane-Tempest, Lord Adolphus, 346

  Vane-Tempest, Lady Susan, 346–7

  venereal disease, outbreak at Sandhurst, 313

  Vera Cruz, blockade of, 129

  Vernon, Lord, 64

  Victor, Prince of Leiningen, 375–6, 495

  Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy, 203, 332, 386–7

  Victoria (‘Vicky’), Princess Royal, and Empress of Germany

  arrival in Prussia, 220–1

  and Battenberg wedding, 436–7

  her birth, 106–7

  and birth of Wilhelm II, 230–1

  childhood, 118, 120, 132, 134, 189

  her death and burial, 569–70

  and dullness of royal routine, 533

  and European affairs, 266–7, 273, 275, 278–9, 283, 301–2, 345, 359

  and her father’s death, 256

  and Gladstone’s death, 510–11

  and husband’s death, 465–6, 469, 471

  ill health, 566–7, 569

  images of, 118, 134

  her intellect, 202, 206–7, 210, 217, 270

  her marriage, 202–3, 206, 209–10, 215–16

  her name, 120

  opinion of Disraeli, 309

  pregnancy and childbirth, 221, 226–7, 230–1

  and Queen’s death, 569

  and Queen’s relationship with John Brown, 324–5

  receives Munshi, 524–5

  relationship with Wilhelm II, 436, 466, 468, 496–7, 568

  religious instruction, 132

  and siblings’ marriages, 236–9, 271

  and ‘stolen’ key, 475

  and Turkish war with Greece, 548

  visits Osborne for Queen’s birthday, 235

  Victoria of Hesse-Darmstadt, Princess, 388, 390, 436–7, 517

  Victoria of Prussia, Princess, 440

  Victoria, Queen

  ability to endure cold, 284–5

  affection for Napoleon III, 173–4

  and alcohol, 318, 324–5, 419

  appetite for friendship, 402–3

  and army command, 217–18, 337–9

  artistic tastes, 115

  assassination attempts, 109–10, 152–3, 221, 352–3, 398, 411–12

  attachment to Munshi, 462, 464–6, 471–2, 486–7

  attitudes to her children, 207–10, 226–7, 236, 238–9, 356–7, 425, 430

  aversion to Prince of Wales, 131–2, 199, 238, 250, 356, 498, 574

  beginning of her seclusion, 279

  her birth, 6, 33, 35–6, 71

  blamed for nepotism, 217–18

  breach with Conroy, 66–8, 70–3, 79–80

  and building of Kensington Museums, 276

  capriciousness, 59

  celebrations of her longevity, 541, 543

  charm and humour, 96, 197, 334, 425

  cherishes German ancestry, 15

  childhood, 42–8, 64–5, 234, 236, 246, 355

  christening, 36–7

  coming of age, 71

  coronation, 85–7

  criticisms of her children, 12–13

  daily routine as princess, 65–6

  and dancing, 71, 106, 201

  her death, 567–70

develops political sense, 169, 180, 197, 243, 311

  Diamond Jubilee celebrations, 547–53

  and Disraeli’s death, 402–3

  dullness of royal routine, 531–3, 553

  education, 49–50

  embodiment of her times, 543–4

  and English language, 50, 278, 280, 484

  enjoys good health, 247

  falls on stairs, 419

  fascination with India, 224

  fear of hereditary insanity, 208–9, 268–9

  friendship with Disraeli, 85, 96, 293, 309, 311, 367, 373, 402–3, 500

  friendship with Melbourne, 83–5, 87–90, 97–8, 108–9, 142–3, 285

  friendships with servants, 51, 357

  her funeral, 483–4, 570–3

  and German politics, 264–6

  goes unrecognized, 280–1

  Golden Jubilee celebrations, 458–64, 467

  her greed, 244, 418, 426, 471

  and haemophilia, 30–2, 172

  and High Church controversy, 362–6

  idleness and avoidance of duties, 292–3, 316–20, 333, 335, 350, 427, 446, 458, 553

  ignorance of politics, 88–90, 95

  images of, 99–100

  and immigrant insecurity, 16, 479

  increasing obesity, 214, 357, 419, 478, 484

  increasing popularity, 335, 367–8, 395, 412

  jingoism, 530–1

  and John Brown memoir, 426–9, 509

  and John Brown’s death, 423–5

  her marriage, 85, 96–7, 101–3

  and missing brooch, 479–80

  and her mother’s allowance, 72–3

  and her mother’s death, 44, 235–6, 245–7

  and motherhood, 171–4

  musical tastes, 64

  her name, 37, 44, 49

  obsession with titles and medals, 500

  personal finances, 16, 339–42, 416–18, 478

  plans for her burial, 554–6

  political education, 57–8, 63–4, 80, 85

  her politics, 152, 173, 292–3, 334, 367, 381, 398, 432, 525

  poor dress sense, 200, 214

  pregnancies and childbirth, 106–7, 119–20, 152, 230

  and Prince Albert’s death, 253–6, 259–60

  and Prince Albert’s first visit, 67–8

  and Prince Albert’s political influence, 104, 119, 218–19, 259

  and Prince of Wales’s education, 225–6

  and Princess Victoria’s marriage, 202–3, 226–7

  prudishness, 175, 230

  psychosomatic illnesses, 343–4

  and public opinion, 62–3, 92–4, 243, 292–3, 373, 446

  quarrels with Albert, 107–8, 110, 199–200, 209–10, 232–3

  relationship with her mother, 43–5, 93, 109, 233–6, 299

  relationship with John Brown, 85, 96, 286–7, 297–300, 320–6, 355, 407, 414, 421–4

  relationship with Palmerston, 19, 193–4, 204, 288


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