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The Legend- Revealed

Page 19

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  Kaida gave a quick look towards Molakei and back at Zelspar. She stopped dragging her Teacher and friend and gazed up into his eyes. “What has happened?”

  “Kaida, all … I did not wish to bring worry to your home and you are correct Molakei, I do have much on my heart this new morn. I thought it is better to lay out the thoughts in the open and see what is discovered. I will ask now if any had night terrors last evening?”

  The room was so quiet you could hear the wood popping in the fire pit.

  “I did.” Kaida replied, her eyes locked into the small dancing flames of the fire.

  “I did too,” replied Zlemtec to Kaida’s surprise.

  A trail of smoke drifted out of Zelspar’s snout. It is as I thought. These are not random night terrors, not for them to touch so many. “I would like us all to explore these night terrors. I believe they are more than terrors. I think we were given Visions.”

  Kaida merely nodded as she took in a deep breath.

  They gathered by the fire’s side and each recounted what they remembered of the Visions. Zelspar shared the Visions he was told about and his. They all shared the same basics with slight variances, typical of each one’s own experiences and interpretations. When all had been shared, the room again grew quiet. There was nothing left to interpret as the combined Visions painted a clear picture.

  Kaida stood. She was latching her long yellow hair back into a leather holder and tied it tightly behind her head. The flames of the fire intensified the chiseled jawline; the strength of her character shone all around. “What next? I must leave, right?”

  Zelspar’s hands reached out and held Kaida by the shoulders. “That is for you only to decide.”

  “How do I know the right answer? I think if I stayed, I might train harder and longer. But if I stay, trouble will come here,” she said with a sigh which escaped her grasp.

  Zelspar continued to hold her shoulders and his look bore deep into her eyes. “Be the Dragon you were borne of and raised to be. Think the way we do. Begin as all Dragons must.”

  He spoke with softened words, like wisps of smoke that filled the head. “You must find your answers by returning to the beginning. Let them layer and blend and bleed together. Your answers should not be jagged stones, they would never fit into a smooth wall. Our Visions are the jagged stones; your journey, the wall. Your answers should flow like the sunset, where the light is scattered and the pieces are caught up in the clouds. Notice how the colors of the sunset are not distinct and separate? It is a smooth blending of one color to the next.”

  A yellowed talon lifted her chin. “The answer is you must return to the beginning, like the sun’s morning rise. By the sunset, the sky’s palette will smoothly blend the scattered pieces together.”

  Without knowing, Molakei had softly began singing the warrior’s chant. They had all felt it in their beings, the time Kaida had been borne for had come.

  “I will gather my things.” Kaida moved to her bed of furs.

  “Not so sudden, our little Dragon. We must have a Dragon’s send off if you chose to go.”

  Zelspar had been surprised at her immediate thought of leaving.

  “Zelspar, and family, it is hard enough to leave, not knowing … I think it would be harder for me to spend the day in celebration with the Hails and the peoples, it would work a thorn under my skin and give me second thoughts. Zlemtec and I will fly to the portal we saw the peoples take to return to their world, to my birth mother’s world. We will leave before the sun is straight overhead.”

  “The Queen would torch my hide if you left so abruptly. You prepare here and we will meet you back here before the sun is high in the sky.” He gave her a small squeeze on her shoulder, “Understand?”

  She leaned into his wide arms and hugged him ferociously. With only the slightest hint of a quiver in her voice, she said, “Understood.”

  Flower Bird hustled around, gathering food and extra clothing for Kaida: the sister not borne of her blood. Molakei rose and went through his packs looking for something honorable to give to the one who brought happiness back to his home, the warrior who would not walk away from a battle. He lifted out his warrior’s knife and turned it over slowly, feeling the weight of the blade, the fit of the antelope handle, smoothed by time and use. It had saved him from the huge woolly beast when he was sent out to find meat. It never failed him in battle. He nodded and placed the knife back into its leather pouch which would be tied around the warrior’s waist, the warrior who will fulfill the Legend.

  Rolling up her sleeping mat and furs, Kaida tied them with leather bindings which she could fasten to Zlemtec during travels. She put other pieces of her life in bags and small containers as she allowed her eyes to swipe a look around the home she must leave. A well of emotions bubbled to the surface causing silent tears to surge over her lower eyelids. Such an involuntary action irritated her. I won’t do this, I AM the Legend and Legends don’t cry, she thought. Oh, but how my heart aches. It’s as if a part of me is being torn from my chest, still beating. To leave everyone and everything I have loved, she paused in thought looking at Zlemtec preparing for their leaving, well, not everyone, thank the stars of luck, I’ll journey with Zlemtec.

  Preparations had wound down, with all of Kaida’s belongings placed by the cave’s entrance. Warm yellow fingers reached into the far depths of the cave: the sun announcing the time of her departure grew close.

  Molakei approached Kaida, feeling twice his age, he leaned heavily against his staff. His eyes slowly took in each speck of her, memorizing her in this moment. “I have brought you a gift,” he said, eyes dampened with the full weight of his heart. He slowly reached around her waist and tied the leather sash around her tunic.

  Kaida looked down, and slid the knife from its holder. Her jaw hung open. “Molakei, this is your warrior knife….”

  “Yes, the last daughter of my hearth. It has honored me all my life, may it honor you now. My own father made this knife, it is tempered with the spirits of warriors and of my Ancestors. It will give you great strength in battle.”

  “This is too great a gift, I cannot take it and leave you without it. It is a part of you, and what if you will need it?”

  “Precious Kaida, you must take it for the very reason it is a part of me. You will carry me in Dragonflight, through portals to other worlds and … into battle if necessary, where this warrior will once again rise with honor to fight with you. You have brought me many blessings and smiles that reawakened my spirit. You also have given to me the friendships of the many Dragons. They will be my knife now. There is no greater protection I would ever need.”

  Kaida, overcome with his words, sheathed the knife. “It brings me great honor and strength, Elder warrior. I will take you with me.” She leaned in to embrace her protector of the peoples, her Teacher of the tongue and ways of the peoples of Urthe. “You hold a piece of my heart, for you took me in when the others feared and shunned me. You made a place at your hearth for this girl of the Dragons. I will bring you honor, in my ways. My greatest hope is to return, to share the fire’s side with you and Flower Bird, after….” Her words stopped short. All present knew the difficulties ahead, and let the words stall.

  Flower Bird slipped a pouch over Kaida’s head where it came to rest on her side. “You are a sister to me, and I am honored you came into our life. Father is correct, you have brightened our days. It has been as if Magic moved across our fires and spirits, because before you came, our world filled with the darkness of grief. We could not find the path of Light, but you showed us the way. Since you brought us Light again, within your pouch, under the sweetcakes, is a small bag of crystals. They came from the inner cave of our Ancestral home, the one with the Rivers of Life flowing through it. The crystals will bring you peace in times of trouble and clear your head when too many thoughts try to overpower you.”

  Kaida said, “I do not have all the words to share with you what my heart knows. You will always be my sister and the s
ource of Magic you carry. Everything you create is filled with the Magic of your spirit. I’m highly honored with your gifts. May your crystals from your Ancestral home guide me through my journey and home again.”

  Zlemtec’s voice cut through, “Kaida, come outside with me. Molakei and Flower Bird, join us.

  Waiting for them outside, were three Dragons of Blue and Gold and one old White Dragon. Clustered around them were Perthorn and Kiel, King Togar and a flurry of the fluttering Faeries, known as the Solteriem folk.

  Kaida’s hand flew to her heart, the sight of her family, caused her heart to skip its beat. She went towards them and became circled between them. Each adding a special gift of remembrances to her. Her tears became a rushing river of the love she felt. She swiped away at the tears, but they kept running their course.

  The King of Mursei called Zlemtec to join them. “Zlemtec and Kaida, we pass along your Heritage boxes of the Mursei. In it is the legacy of all we are plus the pieces collected since your hatchling days. Take these with you so you’ll always have us by your side. You will carry with you pieces of Verlaunde, where we came from and Urthe, our new home. May it bring you comfort in the days ahead and guide you safely back to us.”

  The Queen of Mursei stepped forward, her hand shaking as she uncovered the white orb of Kaida’s birth mother. “My little Dragon, you have another Heritage box to carry with you. It was the one your mother wore when she … when she came to us. It holds pieces from both your mother and father’s heritage plus pieces of your hatchling days. This one, you should wear as your mother did. It will show you are her daughter when you reach the place of her birth.” After the Queen placed it over Kaida’s head, she pulled her close, trying to engulf her scent, to embed her into the Ancestral memory, to hold forever Kaida in the Mursei Hail of Dragons.

  Everyone collected the bags and parcels to strap onto Zlemtec and made them ready for their journey. Kaida’s heart near bursting, she climbed up on Zlemtec’s back, his scales brought comfort to her heart. “Family, all. I will….”

  Zelspar’s thunderous voice burst through. “Save your words for your return, Kaida. You won’t be leaving us yet.” His old eyes sparkled as he spoke, “We are all escorting you to the portal. A Dragon does not go into battle without the support of their Hails.”

  Tears pooled around her eyes. She had not thought of them flying with her to the portal.

  She watched silently as those around her joined the Dragons for the long trip to the portal. Her mind exploded with thoughts. Why is it only now I realize so deeply all that I have when I’m about to leave them behind? How can my heart be so full and yet feel all the loss not yet here? I don’t know why I have to experience abandonment over and over or why has the fates constantly have chosen to tear me from my family. To be borne as ‘the Legend’ has been cruel, I would not wish this path on anyone.

  Five Dragons, four peoples, the Faery King and his Solteriem folk plus one Dragon Child, took to the air, gently leaving the ground to fall away under them. Mighty Dragon bellows sliced their way forward being answered in kind with the mixed shouts of their riders.

  For this flight, Zlemtec took point, the dazzling blues and golds of his scales flashed in the sunlight. Kaida once again, found her rhythm and wholeness of breath. She rose on Zlemtec’s back, toes locked firmly beneath his scales. With her staff in one arm, she thrust it at the sun overhead and ripped the sky open with her own Dragon roar.

  A ripple tore lose overhead and a force of wind whipped up behind them. Kaida’s staff sparked like it held the heart of lightning. With one smooth move, Kaida slid down onto Zlemtec’s back, tucked her staff under her arm and leaned forward.

  Her roar was met with the roars of the Dragons following alongside. Sounds of crushing rocks rose up as the ground moved; the great rifts in them being pulled closed with a thunderous rumble. A bright finger of sunlight stretched out to illuminate the golden haired warrior and point her towards her destiny.

  A surge of energy rolled across her arms, leaving her hair standing on end as it traveled up her arm and to the nape of her neck. It was raw power, and it was Time. The Legend Child had arrived for her point in History, her preordained Fate, and she was unshakeable.

  Chapter 40

  For the Dragons and the peoples traveling this journey, it was bittersweet. To witness Kaida’s transformation into the full embodiment of the Legend left them in awe. They rode towards Destiny, and to a pivotal point in the History of peoples and Dragons. However historic this flight would become in their future, one thought remained: Kaida and Zlemtec were going to a place they could not follow, a place where the Future would be shaped by what the prophecy foretold.

  Mountains and valleys became rushing landscapes in their passing. Zelspar silently implored, Great Ancestor of all Dragons, this warrior, this girl you see flying as One, she is the One foretold in the prophecy; guard her well! We have been her guardians, her protectors on Urthe, I ask for your protection of her and Zlemtec once they leave our fold. Hesitating a wingbeat, he added, My years are stacked high, behind me. I have no fear of Death. My fear is this could be the last time I see them and it torments my soul. I ask of you this selfish desire: that I, that we all, live to see the day of their return.

  Heavy mist gathered from all directions and formed a looming vision in the distance. The Great Ancestor appeared from the swirl of mist, his head the size of mountains. Thunder rolled in an otherwise cloudless sky. The Great Ancestor’s body continued to form, drawing up from the Urthe the vapors hidden in its depths, unexplored. Colossal wings spread out as the rest of his form took shape. The vision turned, exposing a tail that whipped across the sky, streaming a path towards the portal.

  Explosive roars filled the air as all Dragons and riders followed the apparition. Zlemtec swung his head over his shoulder expecting to see Kaida’s ever present smile but was met with eyes of blue lightning, and a jaw clenched with determination. She glanced down to meet his gaze, leaned in against his neck, driving him on.

  As the sunlight retreated behind them, the landscape grew familiar to all but the Queen.

  Destiny lie ahead and they all felt its grip.

  The scattering of trees opened to reveal the one towering tree above all others, the tree that holds the portal the yellow-haired people used to return to their home. Zlemtec honed in on the sight, his break-neck speed blurring Kaida’s vision. Closing in, he circled the tree once and then landed with all others close behind.

  Sliding down Zlemtec’s side, Kaida’s dismounted and waited for the others to do the same. As they did, she found herself not only surrounded by her friends and family but engulfed with a fervor of love. She embraced them one by one, voicing not the thoughts in her heart but let her embrace speak her volumes of words.

  Dragon tears pelted the ground. It was left to the noble Zelspar to give the parting words.

  “Our little Dragon. Your presence in our lives has marked us all. Not a day we have shared could have been filled with more pride. No matter how far your journey or what you find there, we are your family and we will always be your home. As I told you before, to find the answers, the solution, you must start at the beginning again, as all Dragons do, to seek their inherent knowledge.”

  As all eyes watched as he continued, “This is then, by definition, your beginning. We will celebrate it as your re-birth, a journey of discovery and a metamorphosis of Change, for you were borne of the very seeds of Change. When our words have all ended, stay your footsteps, allow us to give you and Zlemtec our tribute, the circling of Dragons overhead, honoring our warriors.”

  Fighting the overwhelming avalanche of emotions, both Kaida and Zlemtec nodded briefly. The Queen of Mursei fidgeted with Kaida’s necklace, ensuring it was placed in full visibility. Each of the peoples made a slow pass and embrace of the two warriors, then each of the Dragons had their turn.

  Zelspar added, “Both of you use your Invisibility Magic before you go through the portal, you will not know
if it will deliver you in the very midst of danger. By opening your Heritage orb, you can alert your birth mother’s guardians to your presence, but if you find yourself in danger, search for the way to the Golden Dragons. You are Dragon-borne and they will sense it. Seek out family, for they will shelter you even if danger follows you to their lair. Rely on your Dragon Magic. Trust your instinct.” His eyes bore holes through Kaida’s with his fierce scrutiny. “You have been given all that you need to assure your victory. Know that. You must own it!”

  His eyes softened their blaze, as did his voice. “You will write into History a glorious Future, the chance for peace between all. This is not an ending, but a beginning. Now, Kaida, Zlemtec, we will honor you with a warriors’ salute.”

  The peoples once again climbed onto the Dragons’ backs, looking at the two standing by the towering tree.

  First, the King of Mursei lifted to the air, followed by the Queen, Galdean and finally, the Elder of the Qyrdrom Hail, Zelspar. They made one slow circle above Kaida and Zlemtec, then circled higher. Each Dragon thundered their strident roars. They circled slowly a total of five circles, and watched from above as Kaida and Zlemtec used their Magic and then, disappeared into the tree’s portal. The sky became ignited by Dragon-fire as their roaring traveled up from the lowest pit of their bellies, the place reserved for the deepest attack of loss.

  The Queen broke rank and dove for the tree, all other Dragons chasing her. She landed with a resounding thud, steps away from the portal. The King quickly darted in front of her path with Galdean and Zelspar behind her.

  “Move!” she commanded to her Bonded. “Move or I will go through you.”

  Grief had covered her in its suffocating hold, and her eyes glazed over in its grasp.

  “Starleira!” Her name boomed from in front and behind. The three Dragons surrounded her, wings outspread: a fortress she could not break.


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