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Pleasure Control

Page 2

by Cathryn Fox

  Which one did she want more?

  She reached for the curtain. Her fingers froze in midair when a soft knock on her door drew her attention. She spun around and sucked in a quick, sharp breath. Her pulse leapt in her throat.

  God, she was a bundle of nerves. It wasn’t every day her job required her to entice the guy she’d been fantasizing about for months. A guy who was completely out of her league.

  She tightened her robe around her waist and slowly padded across the floor. Slipping her hand around the knob, she twisted it open and eyed the man casually lounging against her doorjamb.

  She took a moment to peruse the length of him. Sculpted muscles stretched the cotton fabric of his T-shirt while broad shoulders tapered to meet a tight waist and firm stomach. With symmetry and a lethally honed body, he was designed to satisfy the most insatiable.

  Dressed in a pair of jeans that hugged his physique in all the wrong places, this bad boy had trouble written all over him.

  He presented her with a sexy, lopsided smile. “Hey,” he said, handing her a bottle of wine.

  “Hey yourself.” Taking a small step back, she placed the bottle on a side table, waved her hand, and gestured for him to enter. “Come in.”

  Without taking his eyes off her, he stepped inside. A shiver skipped down her spine at the sound of the deadbolt clicking in place.

  Damn. He was so handsome. So perfect. Some deeper emotion stirred within. She moistened her lips and shrugged it off. It wasn’t like she was going to fall for him if he kissed her, touched her, or made sweet love to her all night long. She knew better than to fill her head with fancy notions of love. J. C. Penney’s weekend white sales were known to last longer than his relationships.

  The predatory gleam in his eyes made her pulse rate kick up a notch. She began to warm in the most interesting places. She fanned her face and loosened the lapels of her robe, exposing the lace on her teddy. Was it getting hotter in here?

  Schooling her expression, she banked her desires and asked, “How are you feeling? Any side effects yet?”

  He shrugged, his eyes shifting downward to examine the rise and fall of her chest. A feminine thrill ran through her.

  He cleared his throat and raked his bangs off his forehead. “So far, so good. I still have all my hair and I’m not drooling.” His gaze roamed her body. “At least not yet,” he said playfully.

  She glanced at his crotch. Purely for research purposes, she told herself. “Anything going on down there?”

  He grinned. “A few twitches. Nothing out of the ordinary.” His eyes sparkled with mischief and something else. If she had to guess, she’d say promise. “We’ll know more when we put him to the test.”

  She shivered with a mix of excitement and nervousness as she toyed with the belt on her housecoat. She didn’t want to seem too eager, too anxious to start putting Little Jay to the test, but the promising look in his eyes prompted her into action. With renewed concentration, she plastered on an air of professionalism and fought to ignore the fine tremor of heat rippling through her.

  She lowered her voice. “Perhaps we should get started. We have no idea how long this will take.”

  Powerful muscles shifted as he took a step closer and angled his head. His heady male scent intoxicated her and fired her senses. “Yes, perhaps we should.”

  Drawing a fueling breath, she inched open her housecoat, revealing a silky white chemise, lace panties, and matching garter.

  A rich, decadent rumble of pleasure sounded low in his throat. Her body trembled in response. She watched his eyes darken with lust as his gaze caressed her.

  Lust! In his eyes! When he looked at her!

  Hot damn!

  Her nipples swelled under his devouring eyes. She felt her cheeks flush from heat and desire.

  His fingers bit into her hips as he pulled her hard against him. A fever rose in her when her breasts crushed into a wall of thick muscle.

  His voice was husky, sensual. “How did you know?” His eyes reflected his every emotion, his every desire.

  “Know what?” she rasped.

  With excruciating gentleness, he skimmed her curves with his palms. “That white lace is my favorite.” The deep timbre of his voice covered her like warm butter.

  She cleared her throat and drew in a steadying breath. “I once read that white lace will raise any man’s eyebrows.”

  The turbulence in his eyes made her skin grow moist and tighten. He tangled his hands through her hair and urged her mouth closer.

  “Yes, well, what we’re looking to raise is nowhere near my eyebrows.”

  She resisted the urge to scream, Hallelujah!

  Jay watched the graceful, erotic sway of her curvy backside as she made her way into the kitchen to pour the wine. Waves of long curls cascaded down her back and bounced with each sensual movement. He smiled. It pleased him that she’d worn her hair down, the way he liked it.

  He stood there, staring at her retreating back until she rounded the corner and disappeared from his line of vision. He remained motionless, unable to form a coherent thought as her exotic signature scent perfumed the air. Well, almost motionless. There was still one part of him that involuntarily twitched.

  He adjusted his jeans to alleviate some of the discomfort. Christ, he knew he should have taken the time to relieve his sexual tension. Another glimpse of her curvy body covered in white lace and he was likely to go off like a Roman candle. But he’d been in too much of a damn hurry to see her to consider such matters.

  A slow burn worked its way through his veins and settled deep in his groin. He’d never reacted so physically to a woman before. He couldn’t understand it. Everything from her bewitching green cat eyes to her creamy flawless skin and deep silky voice aroused him.

  It didn’t really make a difference to him what she wore, a shapeless lab coat or a baggy robe, she still looked as sexy as hell. But hot damn, when she’d revealed her lace-clad body, the sudden need to lose himself in her became so intense it was almost painful. It took all his restraint not to grab her, bend her over, and fuck her right then. He knew it was much too soon to lose control. He wanted to take it slow, to lay her body out like a banquet so he could feast on every delicious inch of her hot naked flesh.

  Ignoring his physical discomfort, he stepped farther into her roomy apartment. It was warm, inviting, and comfortable. Soft rays spilled from a corner lamp and bathed her sofa in a sensual golden glow. He grinned. That’s where he wanted her. Right there. Sprawled across those plush cushions.

  A raspberry candle burned near her open window. The flickering light cast shadows on the tan-colored wall while the sweet fragrance scented the air.

  Raspberry. His favorite. “Mmmmm…” he murmured low in his throat.

  He found her stereo and put on some mellow music. The kind that set the mood for seduction.

  Her voice sounded from behind. When he spun around, his brain stalled. Fuck, did she know how sexy she looked when she nibbled on her lower lip like that? His nostrils flared as he drew in a ragged breath.

  She stood before him, holding two glasses of wine. An erotic pink flush colored her neck.

  With the crook of his finger he beckoned for her to come to him. “Come here, Laura.” His voice was soft, coaxing, urging her closer.

  She took three measured steps forward and handed him his glass of wine. He took a long drink, placed it on the table beside him, and angled closer until her body was only a hairbreadth away from his. He inhaled her. She smelled so damn delicious. He gazed deep into her alluring eyes, his expression letting her know this would be good. For both of them.

  Jay reached out and traced the delicate curve of her jaw as he brushed his thumb across her bottom lip. Her mouth was so soft and smooth, like spun silk. His fingers traveled lower to skim her neck. An erratic pulse drummed against his touch. For a brief moment his body tightened in anticipation as he envisioned himself caressing her flesh with his lips.

  He dragged his hand lower.
She drew a shuddery breath when he surfed his fingertips over the milky swell of her breasts. She shifted from one leg to another, her hips bumping against his groin.

  He stifled a moan and eased open the thick cotton until he glimpsed her lacy chemise.

  “I really like your robe.”


  “Now take it off.”

  Chapter 3

  Take it off.

  A shiver prowled through her and she became hyper-aware of the dampness pooling in her panties. She took a moment to recapture her breath and met his challenge with one of her own.

  “Tell you what, Jay. I’ll strip if you do. Since we’re both in this project together, I think that’s only fair. Don’t you agree? Besides, I’m going to have to see Little Jay so I can observe his responses.”

  A muscle in his jaw flexed. His nostrils flared. Jay took her glass from her fingers and set it beside his. He circled strong arms around her waist, splayed big warm hands over her back, and put his lips close to her ear. His sweet breath whispered over her nape like a lover’s caress. Languorous warmth stole through her. The resulting pleasure was most exquisite.

  He murmured seductively, “I knew it, Laura. Underneath that professional white lab coat, you’re a rebel.”

  She shrugged and brushed off his comment. She knew everyone around the office called her the Ice Princess. Little did they know that deep inside she burned hotter than her Bunsen burner. It just took the right man to ignite the flame.

  Jay gathered the lapels of her robe in his hands and stroked the material before cushioning her in his arms. He groaned low in his throat.

  Her flesh came alive. She fought to recover her voice. “Are you game?”

  “How about we take this game one step further?” He reached into his jeans and pulled out a coin. He smiled. A slow, sexy smile that curled her toes.

  She slanted her head, clearly interested. “Enlighten me.”

  “How about we flip a coin? Whoever wins gets to call the shots. Sort of like strip poker, with a coin.”

  She skated her tongue over her bottom lip. Now, that was a move she hadn’t anticipated. Apparently Jay hadn’t gotten his “Wildman” nickname for nothing. “What are the rules of this game?”

  “We each take turns flipping. You flip, I call it, and vice versa. After each toss, whoever loses has to do whatever the other one asks.” He pressed the coin into her hand. “Are you game?”

  She turned the coin over in her palm and met his gaze. Her brow rose. “And this game is to test the serum? In the pursuit of science?” More like in the pursuit of seeing him naked.

  “Of course.”

  “Well, if it’s for research, then naturally I’m game.” She blew a lucky breath over the silver coin and tossed it in the air. She caught it and pressed it into the back of her hand. “Call it.”

  “Hmmm. Heads or tails? Heads is great.” He scrubbed his hand over his face as though deep in thought. “Heads is something you can really sink your teeth into, if you know what I mean.” He winked playfully.

  She squeezed her thighs together. Oh yeah, she knew what he meant.

  “But tails, oh baby, tails works for me, too.” He licked his lips and she wondered if he knew the allure of his charm.

  Her breathing hitched. God, she loved his witty humor and this playful side of him.

  “Call it, Jay.”

  He chuckled. “Tails.”

  Laura peeked at the coin and blew out a breath. Looked like the luck gods weren’t with her tonight. Probably because she was playing with the devil himself.

  “You win.”

  He rubbed his hands together as his gaze left her face and roamed over her body.

  His voice was low, whispery-soft. “Remove your robe.”

  Forging ahead, she stepped back until she reached the wall and hastily began to shrug the oversized housecoat off her shoulders.

  He stilled her movements with a quick shake of his head.

  She tossed him a perplexed frown. “What?”

  An easy grin curved his mouth. “Slowly.” He strolled over to the stereo and turned up the volume. “Feel the music, Laura. Let it guide you.”

  The light from the candle silhouetted his tall, muscular body. She tipped her head to look into his eyes. Her heart fluttered. He was so damn handsome.

  Blocking her mind to the sudden riot of emotions rushing through her, she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and let the music wash over her. Her hips began to undulate in time to the easy beat.

  She listened to Jay’s footsteps as he came back to stand before her. Her lids fluttered open. She watched him, his stance casual, his eyes tracking her every seductive movement.

  She unbelted her robe and inched it open, exposing the swell of her breasts. Gracefully, she slid it down her body until it pooled at her feet. The soft cotton stroked her skin, leaving goose bumps in its wake.

  When the breeze from the open window kissed her flesh, she shivered. Although she was certain the shiver had more to do with the man watching her undress than it did with the night air.

  His features softened. “Are you cold?” The tenderness in his tone overwhelmed her and made her heart turn over. She looked into his eyes and saw genuine concern. This was yet another one of the qualities that had drawn her in. While working long into the night with him, she’d witnessed a side of him that was quiet and reflective, nurturing and caring. A side that not only stirred her physically, but emotionally as well.

  She moistened her lips. “A little.”

  Jay crossed the room to close the window, then came back to stand in front of her. He trailed the backs of his fingers down her cheek.

  “Comfortable now?” His tender voice chased the chill from her body. Suddenly she felt warm all over, inside and out.

  She nodded. “Yes, thank you.” His soft tone, gentle gaze, and intimate touch stirred her soul, filling her with warmth and unfamiliar longing.

  He held his palm open and sidled closer. “My turn.” He was standing so close his warm breath fanned her face. She handed him the coin and hugged herself, trying to stave off the rush of emotions surging through her.

  He tossed it, stole a peek, and asked, “What’s your call?” The warm masculine tenor of his voice made her shiver.

  “Tails,” she whispered.

  Jay lifted his hand and showed her the coin. “Looks like it’s your lucky day.”

  She wiggled her fingers at his chest. “Take off your shirt.”

  In one swift movement, he peeled his T-shirt off and tossed it aside. She stood there staring, slack-jawed. Her sharp intake of breath seemed to please Jay. His masculinity and virility made her tremble with need.

  Jay passed the coin back to her. “You know, Laura, once I have you naked, I’m going to have my wicked way with you.” His voice was dripping with desire.

  Laura’s throat closed as her internal temperature soared. Was he serious? Was “Wildman” Jay Cutler really interested in her? Interested in having his wicked way with her, to be precise? Was this game no longer in the pursuit of science?

  Had she died and gone to heaven?

  She worked to keep her voice steady. “You’ll have to win a lot more tosses first.”

  Sexual tension hung in the air as he reached out and brushed her hair from her face. God, she loved how he touched her in such a familiar way.

  “So you have no objections?” he asked.

  She showed him the coin and worked past the knot in her throat. “A deal is a deal. I don’t have much choice.” Nor did she want one. She was both intrigued and excited by the possibility. Besides, Jay having his wicked way with her was right up there with winning the state lottery. Hell, who was she kidding? Winning the lottery paled in comparison.

  She flipped the coin and won the toss. Pointing to his jeans, she said, “Take them off.”

  He practically ripped off his jeans and kicked them across the room.

  She glanced at his shorts. Her breath stalled when
she saw the huge bulge straining against the thin cotton.

  Her whole body quivered in delight as her lips parted involuntarily. “Nice…” The word rushed from her mouth before she had time to censor herself.


  With reluctance, she tipped her head to look at him. “Yes?” she asked dreamily while her mind refused to tear its focus from a spot a little farther south. To think only a measly piece of cotton separated her mouth from his bulge. Mercy! Where had that delicious thought come from?

  “My turn.” As though he read her every sinful thought, he smiled and leaned into her, caging her body between his muscular chest and the wall.

  He took the coin from her and tossed it. Laura called it and lost. “I win,” he said. A slow, sexy bad-boy grin touched his mouth and made her pulse leap. “You know, Laura, I don’t need you completely naked to have my wicked way with you. The rules are you have to do what I say. That might not involve removing any clothes.” He glanced at her breasts. His gaze was like a rough caress.

  She shivered almost violently. It was a shiver of anticipation, not fear.

  “What is it you’d like me to do?”

  He cleared his throat before speaking. “Watching a woman dance really turns me on. Do you think you could dance for me?” She noted the darkening of his eyes.

  She rolled her tongue around a dry mouth and began to sway to the rhythmic beat of the music. Silence ensued as she smoothed her hands down her sides and rested them on her hips. Jay’s glance wandered from her mouth, to her breasts, to the apex between her thighs.

  He pressed his knee deep between her legs and urged her thighs apart. His invading touch ignited her blood. “Open your legs for me.” His voice was hypnotic, mesmerizing, and did magical things to her nerve endings.

  She felt her nether lips inch open. Heat pooled low in her belly and high in her loins, filling her with a restless ache. She drew a shuddery breath as her skin grew tight.


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