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The Rancher’s Unexpected Baby: Brothers of Cooper Ranch Book Two

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by Leslie North


  The Cowboy’s Forgetful Bride

  The Rancher’s Unexpected Baby

  The Cowboy's Stubborn Sweetheart

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.

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  Copyright © 2019 Relay Publishing Ltd.

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  All rights reserved. Published in the United Kingdom by Relay Publishing. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover design by LJ Mayhem Covers.


  To Maxwell Cooper’s great pleasure, his horses of quality Quarab stock have been well received by American buyers. His goal of selling to the Arab royal family would give his breeding business international credibility and prove that he wasn’t the bad apple everyone had assumed. After missing his opportunity at auction two years in a row, he’s been invited to back to back VIP sales and word on the street is that the royal family is going to be in attendance. And nothing will stop him from keeping his eye on the prize this time.

  * * *

  Lena Fudge had been traveling the circuit as a newbie horse trader, but found herself fired after she passed along a hot tip while having hot sex with Maxwell Cooper. Now disgraced, she finds herself back in her family’s home in the middle of nowhere horse country. Learning she’s pregnant adds insult to injury, and despite her best efforts she’s fulfilling her family’s curse of living at home. She knows she has to tell Maxwell about the baby, but she refuses to ask for his help till she has her ducks in a row. That is until she runs into Maxwell at the auction stables after being rejected from a last ditch attempt to get her old job back.

  * * *

  Maxwell has been dreaming of Lena since their night of passion four months ago. One look at her, and being pretty sure he was the one to pop her cherry, he realizes he’s the father. But Maxwell knows Lena’s pride would not allow him to take care of her, so he asks her to work with him as a horse trader. It’s not charity. As it turns out, Lena is the full package. She’s a dream in the stables, amazing with buyers, and not adverse to a roll in the hay. But when things begin to go deeper than just a sale or sex, they’ll find them find themselves racing toward a bidding war that will either have them living a life of love or losing it all.


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  (Brothers of Cooper Ranch Book Two)

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  End of The Rancher’s Unexpected Baby

  Thank you!

  About Leslie

  Sneak Peek: The Cowboy's Stubborn Sweetheart

  Also By Leslie



  "Surprised as hell to see you here, Mr. Cooper."

  Maxwell Cooper was some-circle-of-Hell less surprised to turn and find Lewis Lowry leaning over the stall door. His former stable hand grinned, and the stalk of alfalfa wagged between his teeth.

  "Slow season? Did Henderson hire you on so you could make some extra dough?" Lewis inquired. The other man all but batted his eyes. He knew damn well what the answer was.

  "I'm here volunteering." Maxwell chuckled, stabbed a pile of soiled straw, and flung it into the wheelbarrow beside him. He knew Lewis was just making conversation…and likely avoiding whatever chore he was getting paid to do out in the barn. "Girl Scouts coming tomorrow. I heard through the grapevine that Mrs. Henderson needed extra help cleaning the barn." Can't imagine why, he thought with another glance Lewis's way. The other man was examining a dirt-encrusted split in his knuckles. Lewis could at least pretend to work while he's out here. He's not even wearing gloves. Gotta admire his commitment to spurning commitment.

  Maxwell wore gloves, but he had shed his shirt a half hour back. Beads of sweat coasted down his back as he flexed forward to spear another shovel.

  "You're here to help out Mrs. Henderson?" Lewis repeated, and his voice was loaded with innuendo. "You know, the thing I hear said most around here is that the way to Dan Henderson's heart is through his wife."

  And there were Maxwell's motives laid bare. Used to be he occupied a permanent spot in his neighbor's heart. He and Dan Henderson were competitors in the horse trade, sure, but Dan had liked Maxwell's father, and Maxwell tended to be the Cooper son who most took after Pa. It was only in recent days that Dan Henderson made his displeasure with him known. Maxwell couldn't figure why.

  But he had a suspicion.

  He paused working for a moment to grab his water bottle and to snatch his discarded shirt off his duffle bag. He mopped the sweat from his brow and shoulders. A copy of Reins peeked out the corner pocket of his bag. He had tried to leave the magazine at home. He had tried to put the article out of his mind, but no amount of physical labor could keep its contents from intruding on his thoughts.

  A bad apple, the self-satisfied writer had labelled him. He was a two-bit cowboy wannabe who devoted his energy to pleasure horses out in the middle of Montana; worse, he was the Cooper brother who lacked a real education. Every success he had found, the article suggested, was due to his family's wealth and connections. None of it was to be credited to Maxwell's own skill (or lack thereof, the article hinted).

  He might have been able to ignore the hit piece if it didn't have a point. Maxwell had yet to lasso a real prize in the horse buying market, and most days it felt like the whole world knew it. If they hadn't, they certainly did now.

  Maxwell mopped his face again and looked up. He felt eyes on him, and it wasn't just Lewis. A cluster of the barn's female riders were grouped together by the water cooler. When they saw him looking, their hanging jaws snapped shut, and they quickly turned back to one another in an awkward chorus of giggles.

  "Why do they keep staring like that?" Maxwell wondered aloud.

  Lewis shrugged. The piece of grass he chewed gave a particularly fibrous crunch, but other than that, he had no answer to relieve Maxwell's puzzlement.

  Which was fine. Maxwell could come up with plenty of reasons for all the attention he received on his own—starting with that damn article. No doubt everyone was discussing it endlessly behind his back. Why else would those women gawk so openly until he glanced their way, then avert their eyes and conversation quickly away from him? He knew they were talking about him; even from across the s
table, he could read the syllables of his name on their lips. Maxwell Cooper.

  Maxwell bent back to his work, and Lewis vanished into the stall next door to continue whatever it was he did out here at Henderson's. If Maxwell knew Lewis—and he did, having both hired and fired him last year—the stable hand probably spent the majority of his time sneaking off to smoke. Man had a habit like you wouldn't believe, especially in this enlightened and for the most part nicotine-free day and age. It was why he was always chewing on something—it helped to keep the cravings at bay in the barns.

  Lewis harbored no hard feelings for Maxwell that he could discern. Maxwell knew he was a good employer because he never made his decisions personal, and any Montana-grown cowboy, even one as half-assed as Lewis, could appreciate a straightforward decision.

  Maxwell wasn't sure he could say the same for Dan Henderson. Dan was feeling an ill will toward him, all right. Their encounter down at the bar the other night had been frostier than Maxwell's after-work beer.

  A few more scoops of straw, and he decided he couldn't take the suspense any longer. He needed to get to the bottom of why Henderson was pissed at him. Maxwell leaned his rake against the wheelbarrow, tucked his shirt into his back pocket, and headed for the office.

  He was surprised to find the door shut. Maxwell always kept the office door open at his own barn. Leaning in, he realized Dan was already in conversation with someone else.

  Or, more accurately, Dan was already in a furious argument with someone else.

  "I'm not the one who fumbled the fucking tip!" Henderson roared. "Do you have any idea how much those loose lips of yours may have just cost me?"

  Maxwell leaned away from the door, even though every horse trading instinct told him to press in and see what else he might overhear. Whatever underling Dan was currently upbraiding had his full sympathy. Fiona, Dan's wife, had taken on the show barn as her pet project, and her management had contributed mightily to the barn's success. It was no secret that Dan, simultaneous to his wife's achievement, was trying to make his own way in the horse selling game. If one of his employees had given up a valuable tip to a competitor, then no wonder they were having their ass handed to them.

  A muffled voice responded. Maxwell couldn't hear the words said in reply, but he could hear that it was a woman facing Dan's wrath—and his heart sank into his stomach the instant he recognized who it was.

  Lena Fudge. The underling who had fumbled Dan's tip was Lena. Even with the door shut, Maxwell's memories were enough to conjure the beautiful newbie horse trader: dazzling, eager green eyes, a blinding white smile, and a head of rioting gold curls that would tempt any hot-blooded country boy to take a tumble in the hay. And those were just the features Lena presented to the world. She was even more phenomenal without her clothes on…

  "Please, Dan, I understand why you're angry, but I won't fail you again. I…I really need this job right now—"

  "After a blown tip of that proportion, Lena? Are you serious? You might as well have ripped up your own paycheck! You cost me a fortune by casting those Arab Princes out into the public!"

  Maxwell's heart, relocated to his stomach, now sank into his boots. He was pretty sure he knew why Dan wasn’t speaking to him now.

  He knew what tip they were talking about. It was the Lena had given him. Snuggled in close, basking in the afterglow of explosively good sex, she hadn't been able to suppress herself. And Maxwell, just as intoxicated by her naked, sweat-shimmering body pressed against his own, hadn't thought to advise her against it.

  The Arab princes were notorious throughout the horse-trading world as a group of elusive high-rollers. No one had known they intended to visit the Montana horse shows in the coming months until Lena had found it out—and found out they were looking for flashy pleasure mounts. He had just the horse in his own stable.

  The tip about the princes was a good one—the best he'd ever received, and he hadn't even paid for it. Well, I did make a deposit of a sort, Maxwell mused, and was half-ashamed for the lewdness of the thought.

  From the sound of things, Lena was the one paying for the tip now.

  "I told one other person. One," Lena said. "The tip isn't public. And when I realized how badly I'd screwed up, I came to you immediately! And…I can't be fired, Dan. Not right now. Please. You can probably see it for yourself, but I…"

  "I can see very well why you might want to retain your job, Miss Fudge." Did Maxwell detect a sneer in Dan Henderson's voice? His blood rose, and his sense of chivalry sharpened its sword. "You're certainly taking up more of my office than you were five months ago."

  What the hell? Maxwell had no idea what they were talking about, but it chafed him to think that Dan might be making a dig at her weight. He had never known the other man to stoop this low. Now more than ever, he wanted to break down the door and come to Lena's rescue. His hand was already on the door handle when another memory hit him, and he paused. In the days and weeks following their torrid passion, he hadn't been able to find her; Lena had almost completely disappeared from the circuit. He had waited for a phone call, but as the months passed, he gave up hope of ever hearing from her again.

  Getting ghosted by Lena had hurt more than he expected. He thought they had a real spark of a connection between them. What's more, he knew he had been Lena's first. He considered it an honor and a privilege to be the first man to take the virginal beauty in his arms and make her see stars… But now he wondered if those same stars weren't aligning for a reason. Maybe Lena hadn't felt the same things that night as he had.

  The conversation was breaking up. Maxwell glanced down, and was appalled to see that he was still shirtless. This was definitely not how he had imagined meeting Lena again: half-naked and eavesdropping in his neighbor's barn. The door handle was already turning. Maxwell took a quick step back, raked a hand through his tangle of sweat-soaked hair, and resigned himself to being discovered.

  The door opened. Lena Fudge stood before him, shoulders hunched in defeat. She looked up the same instant he looked down. Their eyes met halfway, before Maxwell found his attention inexorably pulled to her rounded middle.

  Lena was pregnant.



  She would recognize that set of abs anywhere.

  "Maxwell?" Lena's voice was all bewilderment as she stared at the half-naked, Adonis-like apparition before her. It seemed completely unfair that the afternoon sunlight should stream past his shoulders like that in threaded, come-hither golden rays.

  Lena had thought her day couldn't possibly get worse until she saw him. First her mother tells her she’s sold the house and diner—her move to Florida planned before Lena’s bombshell unstoppable—and now this. Desperation clawed at Lena's insides, but she decided to pass it off as hormones. God knew those little chemical monsters had been her constant companions these past months.

  But hormones hadn't just made her beg Dan Henderson for her job back. And they weren't about to deliver her from this situation now with Maxwell. His eyes rounded in disbelief as they drank in her distended belly. Lena, conscious of just how public the aisle of the barn was, grabbed him by the bicep—hard to miss those—and all but dragged him into the tack room. She yanked the sliding door shut behind them, and it closed with a rattle.

  "Lena?" Now it was his turn to utter her name in confusion. His eyebrows pulled together as he stared at the sliver of her belly poking out from beneath her too-tight T-shirt. She hadn’t made the transition to maternity clothes yet. She could practically see the pages of his mental calendar flying backward as he tried to pin a date on her mistake.

  Might as well put him out of his misery.

  "It's your fault I'm in this situation!" she hissed. She jammed a finger into his abs, as if she were accusing them rather than the man who owned them. Maxwell flexed against her assault and made the situation ten times worse. "If you hadn't fooled me into leaking that damn tip to you…!"

  His hands steadied her shoulders, and Lena realized
she was unbalanced in more ways than one. She still wasn't used to the pregnancy weight. Her frame had remained slender overall, which meant that there had been little doubt what was happening to her the minute she started to show. Her boobs and hips were giving her curvaceous stomach a run for its money, and as Maxwell's eyes dragged down her again, she couldn't help flushing at his look. She was self-conscious enough with all the physical changes without him staring at her as if she was a favorite delicacy he hadn't sampled for years.

  The doctor had warned her that all her own appetites would be returning with a vengeance now that she was in her second trimester. Lena could practically feel his inspection of her body as his eyes continued to drag over her. She cleared her throat and settled her hands atop his. She pressed his touch into her shoulders as she summoned the courage to deliver the news. There was no sidestepping the issue shut up in the cramped tack room.


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