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Sugar Creek 3: Sara's Mates (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Becca Van

  “Oh my God,” Sara whispered, and when Chase glanced at Tony he saw that he had changed fully. “Look at all that fur. It’s so golden and it looks so soft.”

  “Do you want to feel it?” Chase asked.

  “Can I? He won’t try and bite me, will he?” Sara looked over her shoulder at him.

  He smiled and shook his head. “No, baby. We would never hurt you. Not in our wolf or human form. In fact we would do anything and everything we could to keep you safe.”

  “You would?”

  “Yes, Sara, we would.”

  Tony whined as he moved closer to them. He’d expected Sara to try and get away from his brother in his animal form but she held still. And then she lifted one of her small hands from his arm and held it out toward Tony’s wolf. Tony rumbled low in his throat, and if Chase hadn’t reached out and taken hold of her arm to hold it still, she would have pulled back.

  “It’s okay, little one. His wolf is letting you know that he likes being close to you and that he wants to have your hands on him.”

  “He is?”

  “Yes, he is.” Chase placed her hand on Tony’s neck, and as her fingers curled into his brother’s wolf fur she giggled. “That’s it, baby. Don’t be scared or nervous of him. You would know if a wolf didn’t want you near him. He would bare his teeth at you and his ears would lie back closer to his head.”

  “I can’t believe how soft his coat is, or how big his body is. His head is nearly level with mine and I’m sitting down.” Sara dug her fingers deeper into Tony’s fur and then she moved her hands up toward the back of his head and scratched behind his ears. Tony groaned, and then he licked the inside of her arm near her elbow. “Hey, that tickles.”

  Tony gave her a wolf grin, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth and his lips pulled back into a parody of a smile, and he had to hold the chuckle building in his chest down. He didn’t want to startle Sara and break the spell she seemed to be under. But he was the one spellbound when she buried her face in the side of Tony’s neck and rubbed her cheek against his brother.

  “You lucky bastard.”

  “Hey, she’s sitting on your lap. She smells so fucking good my wolf wants to lick her all over and eat her up.”

  Sara gave Tony a final pat, and then his brother stepped back and called to his human side. When he stood up her eyes ran over Tony’s nakedness from head to toe and then wandered back up to his brother’s hard cock. Chase couldn’t resist telling her how she affected them.

  “See what you do to us, sugar? We can’t help our bodies’ responses to you. You smell so good. You are a gorgeous, sexy woman, Sara. Can you deny the connection you feel with us?”

  Sara shook her head and finally met his gaze when Tony had finished pulling his clothes back on.

  “Did you know that wolves mate for life?” Chase asked.

  Sara shook her head again.

  Tony sat down next to them once more. “Once they’ve found their mate they don’t want to even look at another female, let alone touch one.”

  “How do…What happens…”

  “Are you trying to ask how a werewolf claims his mate?” Chase asked.


  “We would have sex with you and when we get close to climax our canines drop down, so then we would bite you on the shoulder near your neck.”

  “Damn, that would definitely hurt. I saw those teeth.”

  “Baby, it wouldn’t hurt for long. From what the other women said when they were claimed, yes, at first it did hurt, but only for a very brief moment. The bite of a mate seems to enhance their woman’s orgasm, making it more intense and a lot stronger than it would normally be. In fact, from what I’ve heard Tessa saying, everything is more extreme and passionate.”

  Sara pushed to her feet with a sigh and began pacing. Chase and Tony watched expressions flit over her face. There was trepidation, desire and confusion. He would love to have known what she was thinking. If she voiced her concerns then they would be able to help her unravel her worries.

  “Damn, what I wouldn’t give to experience just a little of that,” Sara muttered as she spun on her heel.

  Chase knew she’d forgotten that they could hear her again, but he was glad. She wasn’t averse to them at all, but she was trying to think logically about everything. Their mate was a deeply compassionate woman, and her looking after her sister was a testament to that fact, but she also had a very analytical mind. She was the type of woman that needed to know all the pros and cons of something so she could weigh them up and decide her plan of action. But he was having a hell of a time keeping his wolf at bay. Tony seemed a little calmer than he was since he’d had the opportunity to let his wolf out for a few moments, but his animal was getting more insistent and impatient with him. He wanted to mark her so they would be connected to one another for all time, but he couldn’t and wouldn’t do that without her permission. But there was another way he could get control over his wolf, and that was to have a small sample of his mate.

  With a groan of resignation and anticipation, he stood up and slowly walked toward her. Her head snapped up and her nostrils flared, and he knew she was smelling his wolf pheromones, but what gave him the confidence to continue over to her was the fact that her pupils dilated and her nipples hardened. He stopped when he was close enough to feel the heat emanating off of her, and after placing his hands on her shoulders he slowly but gently pulled her close. The moment her body pressed against his he was lost. He stared into her beautiful blue eyes, giving her ample time to push him back or pull away from him, but she didn’t move, she just kept gazing into his eyes.

  Chase lowered his head and the moment their lips connected and her scent enveloped him he devoured her. He wasn’t tentative. He moved in with gentle aggression, taking her mouth with a carnal, passionate kiss, sliding his lips over hers and then thrusting his tongue into her mouth, trying to taste every inch of her.

  Sara moaned and then her arms crept up around his neck, and she melted into him. No woman had ever tasted so good and he knew no woman would ever be able to take the place of his mate. Not that he wanted them to. The thought of touching another woman was abhorrent to him and so was smelling her scent. When she rubbed her belly against his erection he pushed back. His cock pulsed, the ache in his hard dick and balls almost more than he could stand. He slanted his mouth over hers, again, and again, and again. She tasted like coffee and her own sweet flavor and he was so hungry for her he was shaking with need.

  When she whimpered he swallowed the sound, pride filling him that she was so caught up in their passion she couldn’t hold back. If he had his way she would be his and his brother’s until he breathed his last breath, but he had a feeling that convincing Sara of that was going to be a lot harder than he first thought.

  But he was determined to woo her, and when they had her in their sights they weren’t ever going to let her go again.

  Chapter Three

  Sara inhaled through her nose and his wonderful scent assailed her senses. It didn’t matter that she tried to stop smelling him, both of them. Her instincts just seemed to take over and she drew his wonderful aroma through her nose and deep into her lungs again, and again, and yet again.

  When she groaned, he did too, and she found herself responding. He tasted so good. A mix of coffee and mint which had her craving to taste more and more of him. Her tongue slid along his and twirled when his did. When the tip of his tongue flicked against the roof of her mouth she mewled and shivered as heat pooled in her blood and raced to all her female bits. Cream leaked from her pussy when her vagina clenched, and her nipples were so hard they would have rivaled diamonds. When he lifted her into his arms she didn’t pull away to protest or open her eyes to see where he was taking her. She clung to him when her back met something soft and she realized he had carried her to a bed. It was too comfortable to be the sofa in the living room and he’d walked further than the few steps it would have taken to get to the couch. She shifted on the
mattress and moaned when he started thrusting his tongue in and out, with a mimicry of what she wanted to him to do to her body.

  Sara groaned deep in her throat at the exquisite pleasure Chase was giving her, and was only vaguely aware of the mattress dipping at her other side when Tony moved onto the bed, too. Chase finally slowed the kiss and when he lifted his head she couldn’t meet his gaze. She couldn’t believe that she’d let him kiss her so passionately or that she had responded so avidly. Her whole body was on fire and quivering with unrequited desire. When the bed moved again, she glanced to the side and met Tony’s hungry, green-eyed gaze. She licked her lips nervously and was about to look away, but he reached out and cupped her cheek, making her eyes stay locked with his. Her breathing still hadn’t come back to normal after sharing that kiss with Chase, and every time she breathed in she inhaled their wonderful musky pine scents. Their fragrances were so yummy she just had to have more and more, but what worried her was the way her body reacted to each breath she took.

  Even though she wanted to go back out to the living room and put some much-needed distance between them, she just couldn’t find the strength to move, or the words to voice what her head was telling her. From the moment she’d set eyes on them near her sister’s and her sister’s husbands’ cabin, she’d been drawn to them, and it wasn’t just because they were as handsome as sin and had bodies any woman would drool over. They were like magnets to metal, bees to honey, and any other paradigm she could think of.

  Tony slowly leaned toward her and even though she could have stopped him, protested in some way, she didn’t. When Chase’s mouth first touched hers her body rocked with shock as the heat inside her went up another notch. But the moment Tony touched her too, she was lost. Tony placed one hand on her hip and another on her shoulder as if he was holding her in place in case she tried to escape, but escaping was the furthest thing on her mind. Her body was humming with need and even though she knew she should be alarmed over her reaction, she loved the way her body responded to both of them touching her, kissing her. Electricity sparked where their lips connected and a shudder ripped through all of her synapses as goose bumps rose up on the surface of her skin, making all the fine hairs on her body stand on end.

  She was drowning in their touch, taste, and scent. It was like a fog had enveloped her entire body, making her feel drunk on lust, but she was more cognizant than she’d ever been in her whole life. The need to touch them back was a yearning deep inside and her body shook as she tried to control that urge. She wanted to run her hands all over their warm, naked skin and revel in the sensation of having their hard-as-steel muscles beneath the tips of her fingers and the palms of her hands.

  Sara had never felt this type of hunger in her life and wasn’t sure how to deal with it. Tony’s tongue pushed into her mouth and glided along the inside of her cheeks, over her teeth, before sliding along her tongue again. She was so wet and horny she was drenched and the fire inside her was burning out of control.

  Tony withdrew his tongue from her mouth but continued kissing her, slowing the pace down until he was sipping at her lips. When he finally broke the kiss, she was breathing heavily, and even though she was shocked by her own response, she was also pleased to see that he was in the same state as her. Without saying a word to her, both men laid down beside her, pressing their bodies against hers. She was surrounded by their large, warm, masculine frames and intoxicating scents and although she knew she should get up off the bed and leave, she didn’t want to.

  For the first time in her life Sara felt like she was where she was supposed to be, and that puzzled her even more. How could she feel this way with men she’d just met? How had they been able to get her so horny, to want them so much, when she’d believed that no man would ever make her feel this way, let alone two? Liquid arousal was still dripping from her pussy and she was aching so much with desire for them she wanted to beg them to make love with her.

  Sara hadn’t even realized her eyes were still closed until Chase moved. She forced her heavy lids up to see Chase leaning with his head resting on his hand, angled over her and staring down at her.

  “You are so damn beautiful, Sara. I want you so much.” He breached the distance between them and kissed her again. He claimed her mouth gently by nipping on her full lower lip, and sliding his tongue across the seam of her mouth until she opened her lips to gasp for another breath. He took immediate advantage, sliding his tongue between her teeth, kissing her so rapaciously she thought she may just spontaneously combust.

  “We both want you, baby,” Tony whispered against her ear, causing another quake to wrack her body.

  The whimper which escaped her mouth was muffled by Chase’s when two hands pushed beneath her shirt and caressed up and up and up. She cried out when those hands cupped her breasts and then kneaded her sensitive globes. Her boobs were heavy and swollen and although those hands helped appease the ache, they also made them throb for more.

  She groaned with frustration when those hands released her breasts, but then moaned with hunger when the palms rubbed over her hard nubs through the lace of her bra, making fire shoot straight down to her clit and everywhere in between with a plethora of pleasure. She arched her back, pressing her breasts further into their touch as Chase devoured her with a carnality she’d never even dreamed of.

  They kept her on a roller coaster of pleasure and need, and she loved every touch, lick, and sip. Chase weaned his mouth from hers and she looked down her body to see that her T-shirt had been pushed up above her breasts. The sight of two large, tanned, masculine hands on her bra-clad breasts was so erotic she had to close her eyes, otherwise she was afraid she might just end up begging them to take her. The only thing that would make everything much better, more intense, was if they removed her bra.

  “Let us give you what you need, baby,” Tony whispered against her ear, causing another shiver of hunger to wrack the length of her body.

  “We can make you feel real good, sugar.” Chase stroked a finger down her cheek and when she opened her eyes, she found herself once more drowning in the depths of his green orbs. “Will you let us do that for you?”

  His question had been asked so quietly Sara had to strain to hear him, and even though his voice was quiet it had sounded almost hoarse with need.

  Sara was so damn horny she wanted everything with them. She wanted to feel their hands and mouths on her body again, but she also wanted to feel each of their cocks sliding in and out of her pussy. Not at the same time, of course, since that would cause her untold pain, but she didn’t think having just one of them would be enough to appease the famishment raging through her insides.

  She gave a slight nod of her head, but when Tony gripped her hand and brought it to his mouth and licked the back of it, she inhaled raggedly.

  “We need to hear the words, baby.”

  “Tony’s right, Sara. If you want more we need to hear it from those sexy lips.”

  Sara exhaled in a rush and then gasped in another breath. “Yes, I want that with you.”

  “What is it you want, sugar?” Chase asked.

  “I want you to take this ache away. I want you to make me feel good.”

  “If we do this there is no turning back, baby. Do you understand?” Tony stared at her intently and she found herself nodding even though she wasn’t really sure what he meant.

  She was a grown woman. Of course she knew if she went along with them that she couldn’t turn the clock back and erase what had gone by.

  Did they think she would regret being with them? She just may well end up doing that in the long run, but she couldn’t seem to gather the strength to deny them. She wanted them more than she’d ever wanted anything in her life and if things went awry she would just have to learn to live with the consequences. But that was something she’d been doing for a long time now and it wouldn’t be any different than any other day.

  Now you’re just lying to yourself, Sara. This is the most monumental thing that
has ever happened to you.

  She just hoped that she wasn’t making the biggest mistake of her life, but then she remembered them saying that if they had sex with her their wolves would want to claim her. She needed to know they wouldn’t do that, at least not now, today. She needed more time before she even thought about being with them permanently. She’d only just met them for God’s sake. Was this how Melissa had felt when she’d met Damian and Luke? Was this why her sister had agreed to mate and marry them, because she couldn’t stand the thought of not being close to them?

  Chase reached in under her back and his fingers fumbled with the hook on her bra.


  Chase froze and met her gaze and when she looked over at Tony she could tell that he was tense, too. Both of them looked like they were clenching their teeth. She could see the muscles at the sides of their jaws twitching, but neither of them spoke as they waited for her to continue.

  “I need you to promise me that you won’t let your wolves claim me. I’m not anywhere near ready for something like that. I just don’t know…”

  “Shh, baby.” Tony placed a finger over her lips. “We wouldn’t do that without gaining your permission first.”

  “Tony’s right, sugar. We wouldn’t take your choices away from you. We’ll keep our clothes on so that if we get carried away we won’t go too far.”

  “Carried away?” Sara asked, swallowing convulsively, audibly, and nervously.

  “We won’t let our wolves take over, sugar,” Chase began to explain. “But you need to know the longer we are with you, the more time we spend with you, the harder it will be to control our animal instincts. Just know that we would never, ever mark you without your say-so. If you haven’t decided what you want with us and our wolves feel like they’re becoming too much to handle, we will have to refrain from touching you.”


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