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Sugar Creek 3: Sara's Mates (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Becca Van

  “It wouldn’t be charity, sugar,” Chase said, and then went on to explain what Luc had said.

  Sara rose to her feet and began to pace. At first she nibbled on her lower lip as she thought things through, and then she began to chew on a thumb nail. Chase wanted to walk over to her, wrap her up in his arms, and kiss her until they were both breathless, but he knew if he did that, that he may not just stop at a kiss. He was scared that if he so much as laid a finger on her his wolf would take over and claim her. The next time he and Tony touched her—or maybe that should be an if—it would be to mark and claim their mate. He had a feeling his wolf wasn’t going to be happy with anything less.

  Sara stopped pacing and turned to face him and Tony. “I’d need to give at least two weeks’ notice.”

  “We can live with that,” Tony said.

  “I’d have to let my landlord know I was going to end the lease. Plus I’d need to pack up all my stuff,” Sara muttered, and began pacing again.

  Chase stood up and walked toward her, but stopped when he was a few feet away from her. Again he worried about touching her in case he lost control of his animal, but he wanted to touch her in the worst way. “We can help you pack your things, baby. You won’t have to deal with everything yourself.”

  “My boss is going to be so pissed. We’ve just landed a large account and I’m supposed to start working with the new client tomorrow,” Sara said, but then she began to mutter under her breath and Chase had to use his wolf hearing to hear what she said next. “Although I won’t be upset about not having to work with that creepy guy, Spicer. Jarvis would be able to take over my job. He’s been hankering for my position for the last six months anyway and he’s more than capable of doing the work. He’s just as icky as Spicer. Those two assholes will probably end up being good friends.”

  Chase’s alarm bells started ringing. He didn’t like the knot of dread forming in his gut, but if he started questioning Sara about the men she worked with, it may seem as if he was jealous and controlling of her, and that was so far from the truth it wasn’t funny. But he didn’t like the way she’d said one of those men’s names. It had sounded like she was afraid of that Spicer guy.

  “How much notice do you need to give your landlord, baby?” Tony asked.

  Sara frowned as if she was trying to remember when her lease would expire. “If my memory is right then I think I only have a week and a half left. Let me go check.” She rushed from the room.

  “Do you think she’s going to agree to the mating?” Tony asked him in a low voice.

  “From what she’s said so far, things look promising, but don’t close the gate just yet, Tony. We need her confirmation before we’ll know for a certainty.”

  Chase looked up at Sara when she came back into the living room. “I was wrong.”

  Disappointment permeated his soul but Chase hoped that her lease wasn’t for too much longer.

  “How long?” Tony asked.

  “It runs out Wednesday next week.”

  “That’s only a week from today,” Chase said. “Do you think your boss will accept a week’s notice instead of the prerequisite two? That is, if you want to be with us of course. Don’t feel like we’re trying to push you into making a decision you don’t want or aren’t ready to make.”

  “I’m not sure, but the only way to find out is to ask, right?” Sara walked over to the armchair opposite the sofa and met both his and Tony’s gazes. “Let me get a few things straight. I don’t want you two telling me what to do all the time. I have been on my own, raising Melissa since I was seventeen years old. I am a grown woman and can decide what’s best for me.”

  Chase leaned forward with his elbows resting on his knees. “The only time we will ever dictate to you is if you’re in danger. It is our privilege, honor, and job to protect you at all costs.”

  “Okay, I can live with that.” Sara frowned again. “Are you going to be like Lucien and want to know where I am and who I’m with all the time?”

  “Yes,” Tony answered, “but not because we won’t or don’t trust you. We’re werewolves, baby, and we like to know you’re safe. We also won’t want to be away from you for more than a couple of hours at a time, but if there is a time that you need some space from us, we’ll respect your wishes, but we will expect you to use your mind link to contact us so we’ll know that you’re okay. All right?”

  Sara nodded.

  “You might get sick of us popping into the Alpha’s office throughout the day, and we will need a hug or a kiss or just to touch you. As we said before, wolves are pack animals but we’re also very tactile. To keep our animals from pushing at us all the time and driving us crazy we’ll come and see you.”

  “Don’t you have jobs that will need all of your attention? Won’t you get into trouble from Lucien and his brothers if you take time out to see me?”

  “No. They understand what it’s like for a mated wolf to want to be with his mate. That’s the whole reason Lucien jumped at the chance of hiring you to work for the pack. He also asked me to make you an offer.” Chase named the figure and nearly smiled when Sara’s mouth gaped open.

  “Are you serious?”

  “As a heart attack, sugar. Lucien said that was how much it would cost him to hire someone from outside the pack to do the work, but since we can’t let our existence get out to humans, he decided against it.”


  Sara’s stomach growled and Chase wondered when she’d eaten last.

  “Have you had dinner?”

  “No. Have you?”

  “No. Why don’t we order in?”

  “Okay, what would you like?”

  “You choose, sugar. We’ll eat anything.”

  “What about pizza?”

  “Sounds good, baby,” Tony said.

  Sara got up from her chair and headed for the kitchen. Chase and Tony followed behind. She pulled a take-out menu from a drawer and pushed it over the counter toward him.

  “Is there anything you don’t like, sugar?”

  “Anchovies.” Sara grimaced. “Way too salty and mushy for this little black duck.”

  “Do you want to order some garlic bread?”

  “Will you be eating it, too?”

  “Hell yes,” Chase and Tony answered, simultaneously making Sara giggle.

  Chase loved that sound and hoped to hear much more of it, but she still hadn’t told them whether she was going to mate with them. He wanted to ask her again, but she may think he was trying to push her into something she wasn’t ready for so he bit his tongue.

  “Okay then, order two, because I’m starving.”

  “Okay, two garlic bread and four large pizzas it is.”

  “Four? You’re shitting me, right?”

  “No, sugar,” Chase replied. “We have a fast metabolism and tend to eat a lot. We can down two pizzas each without any trouble.”

  “Maybe we should order five then?” Sara asked skeptically.

  “Can you eat a whole pizza by yourself?” Tony asked.

  “Hell no. I have trouble getting through half of one.”

  “Four will be fine, sugar.”

  “I have frozen apple pie and ice cream in the freezer, if you’re still hungry after the pizza,” Sara suggested.

  “Is it store bought?” Tony asked with a grimace.

  “No.” Sara laughed. “The last time I made apple pie I made two and froze one.”

  “Sounds good, sugar.” Chase took the phone off the hook on the wall and placed their dinner order while Sara went to the fridge. After he got off the phone she looked at him and Tony over her shoulder and caught them ogling her ass.

  She smirked but didn’t say anything about where their eyes had been directed. “I don’t have any soda, but I have beer. Do you want one?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Sara grabbed the beers and passed them over and Chase was pleasantly surprised to see her take a sip from her own open bottle.

? Did you think I only drank wine? I like a beer every now and then.”

  “That’s good to know, sugar. Why don’t we go and watch a movie or something?” Chase suggested.


  Sara followed them into the room, but when he and Tony sat on the sofa he was as happy as a pig in shit when she sat down between them. He inhaled her sweet peaches-and-cream aroma, drawing it deeply into his lungs. Her perfume had changed slightly and his wolf was going crazy inside of him. He glanced over Sara’s head as she flicked through the channels on the TV and saw that Tony was having as much trouble controlling his wolf as he was. His brother’s eyes were glowing and he figured his probably were too.

  “What do you want…” Sara met his gaze and she gasped, but she didn’t break their visual contact. “Your eyes…They’re glowing.”

  “Our wolves are close to the surface, sugar. Don’t be afraid of us. We’d never do anything to hurt you.”

  Sara frowned. “I’m not afraid, just curious.”

  “Our wolves can scent the change in your body,” Tony explained.

  “What change?” Sara turned to face Tony.

  “You’re in heat,” Chase practically growled the answer and then took a deep breath to try and calm his wolf. That didn’t help at all. In fact, it only made his need for her worse.

  “Heat? Like a dog or something?” Sara turned to scowl at him.

  “No. The human term is ovulating,” Chance said.

  “Oh. Oh!” Sara’s face turned pink.

  “You have nothing to be embarrassed about, sugar. It’s a natural body function. And I promise we won’t pounce on you or anything.”

  “Okay,” Sara whispered and then turned back to the TV.

  “Do you want kids, baby?” Tony asked.

  Chase glared at him, and he knew his brother could see him from his peripheral vision but he ignored him.

  “Yeah,” Sara said in a pensive voice. “I always wanted kids. Especially after looking after Melissa for so long.”

  Chase’s cock was so hard it was throbbing against his zipper. He wanted to reach down and adjust the fit of his jeans, but he didn’t want to embarrass Sara or alert her to the fact he had a huge boner.

  “Are you on birth control, sugar?” Chase cursed under his breath. He hadn’t known he was going to ask that question until he heard it coming out of his own mouth.


  “If you agree to mate with us you might get pregnant straight away.”

  “Okay.” Sara sighed and the dreamy expression on her face went straight to his heart.

  Chase couldn’t wait to see her swell with their pup.

  Whoa, cut that out. She hasn’t even agreed to the mating yet.

  He jumped from the sofa when the doorbell rang, paid for their dinner, and carried it into the kitchen. Sara came in and got out plates and paper napkins.

  “We can eat straight from the box, sugar. It will save on washing up.”

  Sara nodded, grabbed the napkins and garlic bread from the counter, and went back to the living room. Chase carried the pizzas in and placed them on the coffee table.

  The next couple of hours passed slowly as they ate and watched the movie, although Chase was too intent on watching Sara to even know what was playing on the screen. She took small delicate bites of the pizza and when she licked cheese from her finger he nearly came in his pants. He could just imagine those sweet lips wrapped around his cock as he fucked that sexy mouth.

  He pushed those thoughts aside before he did something they would all regret.

  And then his heart stuttered and excitement fluttered in his belly.

  “Yes,” Sara said.

  Chapter Six

  Sara was beside herself with desire. Every time she inhaled she was assailed by their musky, pine mating musk. She was so hungry for them and didn’t want to ever be without them by her side again. It had been pure and utter hell being alone over the last three days and even though she now knew the symptoms of their mating musk would abate over time, she didn’t want them to.

  Now that they had answered more of her questions and they were willing to let her work, she felt a lot more comfortable about being with them. Mel had already told her that werewolves fell instantly in love with their mates, but she had been skeptical. However they had proven her wrong. She hadn’t expected to see them ever again, because she had decided that if she wanted to see her sister that Mel would have to come visit her. Neither man had given up on her like she’d expected them to, and even though she’d hated the last few days, she was glad they had given her some time and space to think things through. She needed them more than she’d ever imagined she would need a man, and they needed her.

  There was no way in hell she was going to condemn them to a long and painful death. Just the thought of them dying sent pain piercing into her heart. But that wasn’t the only reason she wanted to be with them. She had strong feelings for them already and knew that they would only grow stronger over time.

  Sara wanted to be with them in the worst way, and not just on a physical level, although she hungered for that, too. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with them by her side. Living, laughing, and arguing together, and eventually loving of the emotional kind. Neither man had said that they loved her but she could see how much they cared for her in their eyes. The hunger and yearning was so profound it got to her every time. She felt like a real bitch for putting them through the last three torturous days, but she’d needed to make her decisions without any influence from them and their wolves’ mating musk. It wasn’t that their musk caused her to be incognizant, but it was easier to think when she didn’t have to see the sadness, desire, and longing in their gazes. Plus she was trying to make a decision that would affect the rest of her life. That was never something to take lightly.

  They had both been so patient with her over the last few hours. Neither of them had tried to push her into making a decision or sway her in any way. But she decided they had all suffered long enough.

  “Yes,” she whispered but kept her gaze on the TV.

  “What?” Chase asked.

  “Are you saying…” Tony gulped.

  Sara turned to look at each of them and placed her hands on one of their thighs. “Yes, I will mate with you.”

  Tony threw back his head and howled. Sara laughed and then covered his mouth. The last thing she needed was her neighbors to come running to investigate whether she had wolves stashed in her apartment somewhere.

  Chase cupped her cheek and turned her face toward him. “Are you sure, sugar? If we mate and mark you, you will be ours for the rest of our lives.”

  “I’m sure,” she answered.

  Chase gazed deeply into his eyes and then he slowly bridged the gap between them. His lips met hers tentatively at first, as if he wasn’t sure what she’d said was real. But when she moaned and reached out to grab hold of his T-shirt he deepened the kiss.

  His tongue swept into her mouth and a low rumbling sound rose up from his chest. When he lifted her into his lap so she was straddling his hips and thighs and facing him, she moved her hands up to his shoulders. His hands moved from her waist to her ass and he squeezed her cheeks as he brought her crotch up against his hard cock. She whimpered with arousal and began to rock her hips against his. It felt so good to have his erection rubbing against her wet pussy, but it would have been so much better if they were naked.

  “Bedroom,” she gasped after breaking the kiss.

  Chase growled, but he stood up, taking her with him, and rushed down the hall toward her bedroom. She didn’t have to look back to know Tony was following close behind. She could feel the heat emanating off of his body.

  When they got to her room, Chase lowered her down the length of his body. She gasped when she felt how big his cock felt and couldn’t help but look down at his crotch. Tony came to stand beside his brother and she gawked at his denim-covered erection, too.

  Tony stepped forward and cupped her face
between his hands, bringing her eyes up to his. His eyes were glowing and she knew his wolf was close to the surface. When she glanced at Chase she saw that his eyes were in the same condition.

  “Baby, I need you so much,” Tony whispered before his mouth came down onto hers.

  Watching Tony kiss Sara was a huge turn-on, and Chase’s balls were so hard, so full of cum roiling around in his testes, they were aching. He moved up behind Sara, brushed her hair away from her neck, and began nibbling on her sweet flesh. She moaned and then shoved her hips back against his crotch, making his wolf rumble with contentment as well as famishment. He slipped his hands beneath her T-shirt and began to caress over the warm, silky skin on her belly, but it wasn’t enough. He wanted her laid out on the bed naked for his and Tony’s delectation but he didn’t want to interrupt his brother’s kiss. So he called a little of his wolf forward until claws protruded from the end of his fingers and he tore up the middle of her cotton shirt.

  Sara gasped and moaned but the sound was swallowed up by Tony’s mouth. Chase cut into the sleeves of her shirt, and it brushed over her skin before falling and dropping to the floor. He unclipped Sara’s bra, eased the straps over her shoulders, and pushed it off.

  Tony slowed his hungry kiss and finally lifted his head, his and Sara’s panting breaths the only sound to be heard for a few moments as they tried to regain it. Chase whipped his T-shirt up over his head, kicked his shoes off, and then shucked his jeans and underwear. She couldn’t take her eyes off of his big, brawny, sexy body. His cock was large, the head a dark purple color, and she watched with fascination as pre-cum leaked from the small slit at the top.

  “Fucking beautiful,” Tony rasped as he looked her over.

  “Sexy as sin and stunning.” Chase wrapped his arm around her waist and drew her against his naked body.

  Sara turned to look at him over her shoulder, and he was glad to see she was just as aroused as he was. She started swaying on her feet, her back rubbing against his naked chest, and pushed her lower back into his hard cock.

  “Take her pants off, Tony.”


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