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Legacies of Love: Six Seductive Stories to Steal Your Heart

Page 20

by C. L. Roman

  “Mom would want you to help,” Dahlia said.

  That stopped Kai mid-step and she glanced at her sister over her shoulder. Her mom once meant everything to her. If Renato was the moon, Kai’s mother was the sun. Late at night, she missed the tender touches and warm embraces from her mother more than from Renato. If her mother lost another daughter, she might not recover.

  Kai stomped back to her sister. “I will help you get the key back. Seth deserves a better life than roaming this one as a soulless being. Get out of my sight, for now. Come back here Sunday morning and pray that I have come up with some kind of plan that will fix this mess.”

  “I will. I know you can think of something.” Dahlia motioned for her guards to follow.

  Cecily walked up behind Kai. They watched Dahlia saunter out of the garage. “That’s your sister?”

  Kai nodded.

  “She’s some piece of work. Not even a thank you or a goodbye.”

  “Dahlia only lives for one thing. Dahlia.”

  “Do you have any ideas what to do?”

  “None.” She checked her watch. “But I have about twelve hours to come up with something. You’ve got coffee, right?”

  “Always, honey.”

  Cecily clapped her hands. “Alright, everybody. I don’t make any money if I don’t have cars on the road. The show’s over for now. Get to work.”

  Chapter Ten

  Kai told Seth everything about her conversation with her sister. He paced around the office, clenching and unclenching his fists, then plopped down on the couch.

  “Do you believe everything she says?” he asked.

  “For the most part. I’m sure she trusted her plan, but as usual, she didn’t account for the small details,” Kai said.

  “Like working with a grade-A asshole demon,” Cecily interjected.

  Kai started a new pot of coffee. “What can you tell us about him?”

  “He’s hotter than melted cheese on a pizza, but his appearance has nothing to do with what you need right now.”

  “Is he vain?”

  “As vain as they come. He never likes to lose face. I remember one time the blackjack dealer accused him of counting cards. He was but didn’t like being caught. Casino security made a much bigger deal about it than they needed to and the next day, a couple of those guys went missing. As far as I know, they still haven’t been found.”

  Seth asked Cecily for a marker. He wrote the word “Winston” in big letters on the window. “Okay, so what do we know about him.”

  “What are you doing? You can’t just screw up my windows.”

  Seth rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry, it washes off. Tell me what we know.”

  “It better,” Cecily mumbled.

  “He’s in love with Bella Donna,” Kai called.

  “He’s an asshole who doesn’t like to lose,” Cecily added.

  The three of them spent the next fifteen minutes brainstorming every detail they knew. At the bottom of the mind map, Seth wrote, “Winston wants Bella Donna” and circled it.

  “This is the key to the whole situation. Winston wants the girl, but she only wants someone more powerful than her father.”

  “So how do you propose we get him what he wants?”

  Seth rolled the marker between his hands. He stopped pacing, opened his eyes wide, and smiled. “Is Thor’s hammer the only thing that will kill Lucifer.”

  Cecily shrugged, and Kai answered, “I don’t know. I suppose not.”

  “Then why is he intent on getting Thor’s hammer?”

  Cecily and Kai looked at each other. “Dahlia.”

  “Exactly. She went to him, desperate. He saw an opportunity, a connection to the hammer,” Kai said.

  “Could Odin order him to give it away?” Seth sat on the coffee table opposite the two ladies.

  “Odin can do anything. He’s Odin.”

  “Winston is counting on Odin’s fear of a missing key. What exactly can this key do if it falls into the wrong hands?”

  “The key opens doors to any realm or world,” Kai answered. “It also allows for anyone to get back. I suppose if the wrong person used it, they could steal anything from another world or bring over enough manpower to conquer a world.”

  “Would Odin risk something like that happening?”

  “I don’t know. Thor’s hammer is about as powerful as a key and he’s really attached to it.”

  Cecily stood up and snapped her fingers. “What if he thought there was something better than the hammer?”

  Seth tapped his nose with his forefinger. “Exactly.”

  “I’m confused,” Kai admitted. She poured a cup of coffee for everyone.

  Seth took a drink, then went back to the window and scribbled three boxes. “It’s like this.” In the first box, he wrote, “Winston wants to take over hell.” In the second box he wrote, “Needs a strong enough weapon.” In the third box, he wrote, “Thor’s Hammer” then crossed it out and drew a fourth box where he added, “Or another weapon.”

  “But where are we going to come up a weapon on such short notice? It’s not like we can go down to the local magical weapons pawn shop,” Kai said.

  “We don’t have to have a real weapon. We need to make Winston think we have the weapon he wants.”

  “He’ll find out we don’t have a real weapon once we show up empty-handed.”

  Seth watched the movement downstairs. He rubbed his shoulder. He opened and stretched his hand.

  “Is the pain getting worse?” Kai asked.


  Kai didn’t believe him. She went to him and took the pen out of his hand and examined his arm. She compared both his arms. The wounded one appeared pale with a gray tint. “You’re dying.”

  “I already did that. Are you telling me I can do it again?”

  “I don’t know what this means. But it’s not good. We need to get you across.”

  Cecily stood next to Kai and examined Seth’s arm too. She mumbled an incantation and stroked his arm with her hand. As she did, a slight yellow glow radiated underneath her palm and the color changed to a more natural, healthy tone.

  “What did you do?” Seth jerked his arm back.

  “Don’t worry, just a slight healing prayer. It won’t last though.”

  “Do I owe you something now with you being a genie and all?”

  “Honey, you still don’t get it. We, and I mean I, are not like the characters you see in movies and on TV. Those stories are only partially true and mostly used for entertainment. You don’t owe me anything, but a ‘Thank You’ would be nice.”

  Seth flexed his arm and shook it. “Sorry. I don’t know what to do with all of you. This is new.” He held out his arm. “Thank you.”

  Cecily pushed his hand away and brought him in for a hug. She held him tight and groped his butt cheeks. “Man, you are a fine piece of meat. Ever thought of wearing leather chaps or maybe getting tied up in rope?”

  “Cecily, could please stop manhandling my charge?”

  Seth smiled his thanks as Cecily slowly released him. “What? I can’t appreciate a handsome man?”

  “Appreciate, yes. Fondle, no.”

  Cecily crossed her arms. “Tsk, you’re no fun.”

  “Okay, if we do this, where do we get a weapon? It has to be something that no one really knows about, but we have to make it look like everyone knows about it. It needs to look like something special, but not be special at all. Gee, those sound like easy things to do.”

  “Mateo,” Seth said.

  “What does your cousin have to do with this?” Kai finished her coffee and poured the last bit from the pot into her cup.

  “I told you he was a computer genius. He’s wicked smart. He could create something from nothing.”

  “I gathered that.”

  “You heard me mention the parking tickets thing. But he also created some very complicated computer programs that allowed the users to create secret files that deleted if anyone who didn’t hav
e the password opened them. A few bookies used his services too many times. He served his time and works at the docks. If his former clients knew he was available for freelance again, they wouldn’t take no for an answer.” Seth sat behind Cecily’s desk and noticed her stash of vapes. He pulled out a handful and asked her, “How many of these do you have?”

  She scoffed. “I have enough to match every outfit and mood. Now kindly put those back.”

  He made a big show of placing them back in the drawer one at a time.

  “Can he help us again without attracting unwanted attention? What if he got in trouble?” Kai asked.

  Seth wrinkled his brow. “I don’t know. I also don’t know of anyone else I trust to do the job. You promised to take care of him. I’m holding you to that. As far as his parole most everyone has no clue that this world exists. As far as I know, Paranormal Americans have no real rights. So what law did he break?”

  Kai glared at him. “I really hate that term. It was cute the first time you said it. Now, it’s annoying.”

  “Paranormal Americans?”

  “Yes. It sounds too icky.”

  “Icky?” Cecily asked. “Huh, I kinda like it. Maybe we should form some kind of union or something and push for civil rights.”

  “Whatever. Get real, Cecily. Do you really want everyone all up in our business?”

  Cecily made a pouty face. “Yeah, I guess it would be a drag.”

  Seth clapped his hands. “Ladies, can we please get back to the subject? Mateo can help us establish the cred we need for this thing, but first, we need to get a weapon.” He pumped his thumb behind him. “Any of those drivers down there good at making weapons?”

  Cecily and Kai stood by the window and watched the drivers. The wolf shifter sat at the same table working on the same crossword puzzle. The angel mechanics argued over another car and Pat dozed on a dingy couch.

  “It’s no wonder I’m not rich,” Cecily said. “No one around here works!”

  “Those two mechanics—” Seth pointed to the angels, “—you think they could make something?”

  “Phil and Bill?”

  “Their names are Phil and Bill?” Seth shook his head.

  “Well, their full names are Philemon and Bildad, but it’s a lot easier to call them Phil and Bill,” Cecily said.

  “What are they?”

  “They’re angels,” Kai answered.

  “Angels? Are they just mechanics, too?”

  “Best I’ve ever worked with,” Cecily said. “They could make a weapon I suppose. Let’s ask them.”

  The three descended the stairs and stopped in the center of the garage.

  “Alright, you lazy bums,” Cecily addressed the crowd of drivers. “If you were here earlier, you met our most unwelcomed guest. If you weren’t, ask around. I’m sure someone will fill you in. Kai’s in trouble and we need to put our heads together and develop this plan.”

  “What kind of help can we give you? If a Valkyrie and Djinn can’t tackle it, then what do you expect of us?” the wolf shifter said.

  “Nate, stop being so pessimistic,” Cecily scolded him.

  “Is this about W…w-inston, Mistress?” Pat asked.

  Cecily licked her lips and smiled at him, then shook her head. “Not here hot cheeks. Your cousin has something that belongs to Kai. Now normally, I don’t interfere with you fools and whatever you’ve got going on, but this is different. Winston has something that is way too much for someone like him to handle. And if I understand it right, it could affect all of us before the problem is solved.” She pointed to Seth. This is Seth Mendez. You’ve watched the news and seen the papers. He died early yesterday morning. He needs help to get to his final resting place. He has a good plan. Listen to his idea, slackers.”

  Everyone focused on Seth as he shared his idea for a fake weapon. Cecily nudged Kai away from the group. “Do you know what you’re doing?” she asked her friend.

  “What do you mean? I think this plan is as good as I could create.”

  “That’s not what I mean. Are you falling for this guy?”

  Kai glanced over Cecily’s shoulder to focus on Seth. He managed full engagement from everyone in the garage. They nodded and added input when needed. She also noticed the way his arm muscles moved as he gestured with his hands. He showed a genuine interest in all the ideas and comments. His smile created a sense of success, even from grumpy Nate.

  Exasperated, Kai said, “I don’t know.”

  Cecily nudged her further away. “Well, you better figure that out real quick. Falling in love with him could force you into a decision you’re not ready to make.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know, and you won’t either until the time comes. But figuring out how you feel now will make it easier later.”

  “I know you’re right. He’s destined for another place. He doesn’t belong here.”

  “True, but if there is a connection between you, and he feels it too, you never know what the power of love can do. I’ve seen a lot of crazy stuff in my life.”

  But that was the real question for Kai to figure out. How did Seth feel about her?

  Chapter Eleven

  Mateo was reluctant to help at first. He was concerned about getting into trouble again. Kai convinced him nothing would get back to his old friends and she’d keep him and his family safe.

  Kai coaxed Seth to join her in Cecily’s office. She worried he was getting worse. They sat on the couch.

  “I shouldn't have gotten him involved in any of this. If this goes bad, and he loses his family, I’ll never be able to forgive myself.” Seth rested his arms on his knees.

  Kai sat next to him, reached over, and took his hand. “Mateo wouldn’t be here if he didn’t want to help. It was his choice.”

  “My head knows that. When we were growing up, he was always the one who looked after me. It’s because of him I got into the academy and became a cop.”

  “How so?”

  “We were in one of the neighborhood markets one day when I put a six-pack of beer in my backpack. The owner saw us. Mateo grabbed the backpack and told me to run. He stayed in juvie for six months because of that. He told me he liked it better than his house because he didn’t have to share a room. I don’t know what happened there though. It changed him.”

  “We all sacrifice for the ones we love.”

  “Like you did?”

  Kai took her hand out of his and walked to the refrigerator. Inside she found two bottles of water. She tossed one to Seth then leaned on Cecily’s desk. “We aren’t going to talk about me.”

  “Why not? Renato must have been a heck of a guy for you to disobey a God.”

  The lid of her water bottle would not twist. She struggled, then set the bottle on the desk. Seth picked up the bottle and tried to unscrew the lid.

  Kai pointed to herself. “Valkyrie. Did you forget? If for some reason I can’t open it, what makes you think you could?”

  Seth pointed to himself. “Man. We think we can solve everything and must prove our strength. Didn’t you know that?”


  Seth chuckled. He nudged her arm with his. “Come on. Tell me about him. Was he as handsome as I am?”

  “He was different. You both know how to command an audience and you both have a killer smile.”

  “Oh, you like my smile? Are you flirting with me? Can Valkyries flirt with people?”

  “Yes, you have a nice smile and maybe I am flirting with you. Would that be a problem?”

  He took her hand and led her back to the couch. Kai shivered.

  “Are you cold?”

  Embarrassed, she answered, “Yes, that must be it.”

  “Tell me about your world. What is it like to be a Valkyrie?”

  She moved away from him enough to turn and bring one leg under her. “No one has ever asked me that question before. I don’t know if I can put it into words.”

  He put his hand on her knee. “Try.”
r />   “In some ways, it’s exhilarating. Crossing a battlefield of fallen soldiers crying out in pain, reaching out to the worthy ones and bringing them peace is an honor.”

  “Are there some that aren’t worthy?” He ran his hand up her thigh.”

  “Of course. Odin only takes those who are most honorable and deserving. Sometimes, it is hard to see a fallen soldier not be selected, but it is not my call to make. I only follow orders.”

  “How do you know who Odin wants?”

  “I smell roses.”

  “Your cab smelled like roses when I got in.”

  “No one has ever smelled the roses before. That’s something that happens only to those connected to Valhalla.”

  He put his free hand on the back of the couch and caressed her arm. Kai looked at his hand and stiffened.

  “Does this make you uncomfortable?” he asked.

  “I’m not uncomfortable. I don’t want either of us to get the wrong idea.”

  Seth nuzzled her neck, his whispered voice sending electricity throughout her body. “I don’t see anything wrong with this idea.”

  She inhaled, rubbing her cheek against his scruffy face. Neither of them had showered. His day-old growth tickled her face and neck as he planted small kisses and nibbles on her neck.

  She used her hands on his chest to separate herself from him. “Seth, we need to stop.”

  He leaned in closer and nuzzled her neck. “If that’s what you want. But it’s not what I want.”

  “It doesn’t matter what I want. I can’t do anything that jeopardizes your chance of crossing over. You don’t deserve to be stuck in the afterlife like this.”

  “Do you know for sure I’ll be stuck?”

  “No, I don’t know for sure. Renato is the only other person I know who didn’t cross when Odin called. After Odin found us, we begged for forgiveness, but Odin would not let him cross. Pain and remorse filled his afterlife until his soul shriveled into nothing.”

  Seth took her hands in his. “I can’t even begin to understand why you are so concerned about me and what happens to me when this is all over.”

  “It’s my job.” Kai scooted across the couch.

  “I think it’s more than that.”


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