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Legacies of Love: Six Seductive Stories to Steal Your Heart

Page 24

by C. L. Roman

  He set her down and noticed the new face. “Who’s this?”

  Kai hesitated.

  The man clasped Seth’s forearm. “I’m Odin, but you can call me Woody.”

  Seth questioned Kai with his eyes.

  “It’s a long story.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Do you remember what happened after you entered the gate?” Kai asked Seth.

  After Seth tumbled to the floor and rose a complete, healthy man, Cecily sent Pat to an all-night liquor store. Black coffee was only so strong. He returned with a dozen bottles of booze and a six-pack of beer, claiming he didn’t know what anyone wanted.

  Seth put his second empty can on the table. “I remember you pushed me. I saw the motorcycle drivers darting around you. You went down, and I ran to help.”

  “Unbelievable.” Woody poured more Macallan in his glass. Kai did the same. Her father looked at her and smiled. If he felt bonded to her now because they both liked scotch, Kai wasn’t feeling it. “I have never had a warrior as willing as you to come back to their home. I barely finished telling you to go back.”

  “I don’t remember any of that.”

  “You will, given time.”

  Cecily propped up her feet on the table. “What do we do now? Your crazy sister still has your key. She wants to kill you, and Winston and Liberty are BFF’s now.”

  Woody stood. “That is the other reason I came. I’ll be right back.” He walked down the ramp to the backdoor but turned before he opened it. “Daughter will you join me?”

  Kai’s face paled. Seth squeezed her hand. “Do you want me to come with you?”

  She finished her drink and shook her head.

  Outside, the early morning humidity hung in the air like a fallen soufflé. The contrast from the air-conditioned garage soured Kai’s mood even more. She followed Odin to a raised Ford truck.

  “You drove a truck? An American truck?”

  He scoffed. “I told you I’m working on a more modern image. This truck is as powerful as Sleipnir. But don’t tell him I said that. He’s getting more high-strung as he ages.”

  “How is The Slipper? Still fighting with everyone but you?”

  “And you, if I remember correctly.”

  “He’s a magnificent horse. He liked me because I fed him beets when no one noticed.”

  Odin reached back and touched Kai’s shoulder. It was a tender gesture, a loving gesture between father and daughter. Kai’s heart squeezed with unexpected emotion. She closed her eyes and rubbed her cheek against his hand. Her family was close, but the years away erased the familiar love she had as a child. No matter how strong the resentment against this man, in this moment they were family. Tears welled in Kai’s eyes. For the first time since she became a Valkyrie, she experienced peace knowing she wasn’t alone.

  He hugged her tight. “Daughter, there is no need for sadness. I was wrong to leave you here alone. I will make this right.”

  They stood in the alley, the sound of garbage cans in the distance and a cat in heat screeching somewhere close by, holding each other the way fathers and daughters have since time began.

  Odin stepped back, and Kai wiped her face with the bottom of her shirt. “Let me show you what I brought.” He clicked a key fob, opened the door, and pulled out a black case. They walked to the back and he placed the case on the opened tailgate. Inside nestled foam lay Thor’s hammer.

  “You can’t give that to him. There’s no telling what he will do. And we don’t even know if he has the key or if Dahlia has the key.”

  “Dahlia does not have the key.” He closed the case and sat on the truck.

  “How do you know?” Kai joined him.

  “If your sister had the key, she would have no more use for her partner. Before I came to you I found her with him. I can only assume he hasn’t given it to her yet and is still holding out for this.” He smiled. “I may have also sent a messenger letting him know I would be interested in a trade.”

  “But this doesn’t make any sense.” She crossed her arms.

  “I don’t intend on letting him keep it. Right now, he believes he is in control, but he couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve made a few inquiries and I found a certain demon who isn’t very happy with his second in command.”

  Kai furrowed her brow. “Is there like a club or a bar where all forms of other world deities hang out?”

  He rubbed his fingers along his beard, tugging at the end. “Yes, there is.”

  Kai jumped up, shocked. “Are you kidding me? I was just messing with you.”

  Odin laughed. “So am I. Of course, there isn’t a club or anything like that. Most of us don’t get along. Have you ever met Zeus? No one likes him. But we do keep an eye on things to make sure our worlds don’t interfere with each other.”

  “Are you talking about Lucifer?”

  “Yes. That’s Winston’s boss. He and his daughter, what’s her name?”

  “Bella Donna,” Kai answered.

  He snapped his fingers. “Yeah that’s it. They’re going to meet us at the exchange.”

  “Exchange? You have a better plan than ours?”

  “I do. Let’s go back in and share with your friends. We will need all of them to make this happen.”

  Kai stopped Odin before they opened the door. “Thank you. Be careful.” She stood on tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

  “That’s what fathers are for. I’m Odin. What can anyone really do to harm me?”

  Thirty minutes later, Woody told the others about his plan. The team agreed it should work, but Phil and Bill grumbled that once again they were left to run the garage. Cecily told them to put on their big angel drawers and deal with it. They grumbled, but organized schedules and assigned cars to the morning drivers.

  Woody left in search of fancier coffee and Cecily needed a quick nap before they left.

  “Can we talk?” Seth asked Kai.

  “Sure.” They sat at the center table, but there was too much noise and hustle for Seth to focus. Frustrated, he searched for a quiet spot and settled on the backseat of the taxi they used the previous night.

  “I don’t know if this will work. We have a better chance this time, but who knows? This may be the last chance to tell you how I feel.”

  “You don’t need to say anything.”

  “Yes, I do.” Seth’s hard voice surprised her. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, but you’re more than that. Your sincerity and strength gave me the will to do what I needed to do. I don’t know where Woody will want me to fight after this, but I won’t leave you. I’m prepared to stand up to him and let him know that.”

  “You stand up to Odin? You have no idea what he’s really like. What you’ve seen here is tame.”

  “I don’t care. I know what I want, and I will fight him if needed.”

  “We will deal with that when this is over.” She snuggled against his shoulder. “Can we just rest for a few minutes?”

  He adjusted the driver’s seat to give them more leg room then sank against the seat holding her tight. They closed their eyes and fell asleep.

  An hour later Cecily knocked on the car window.

  “Time to get up lovebirds. We need to leave.”

  Kai sat up rolling her stiff neck. Seth stepped out of the car then held his hand out to help Kai.

  “My, oh my, Hot Pants. I didn’t think it was possible you could get much prettier, but to see you now…” She shook her head.

  “In my world,” Seth started, “that’s considered sexual harassment.”

  Cecily patted his behind. “Then I guess it’s a good thing you’re part of my world now isn’t it?”

  “Cecily, leave him alone.” Kai put her arm around his waist.

  “Don’t worry, hon. He’s your man for sure, but if the two of you ever want company, let me know.” She winked, then walked away calling for Pat.

  “Is Pat her personal assistant?” Seth asked.

  Kai watched her lecture
Pat on something.

  “I don’t know what their relationship is like.”


  Kai smirked. “Yeah, they’re lovers. Have been for a long time.”

  “I would have never expected that. I don’t see it.”

  “Pat is the best thing that happened to Cecily. He’s the only one who can put up with the whole Cecily package.”

  Seth and Kai sat in the back of Pat’s taxi with Cecily in the passenger seat.

  “Why did your dad set up this party at Liberty’s? She hates you,” Cecily asked.

  “He said it was the best way to ensure everyone’s cooperation. Apparently, Winston and Dahlia are still there.”

  “You trusted your sister and she stabbed you in the back. Do you trust your dad?” Cecily took a hit on a vape that whistled like a bird as she inhaled.

  “I want to trust him. His motivation is different from Dahlia’s.”

  “What I don’t understand is,” Seth interjected. “If he’s a god why can’t he go in and take it?”

  “There’s protocol, for one thing, but he has always been one for flare and pizazz.”

  “There are rules in your world?”

  “Absolutely. Not everyone follows them, though. Aren’t there rules for this world?” Kai pointed out her window.

  Seth nodded.

  “It’s the same.”

  “So wh-wh…at is he?” Pat asked.

  “We don’t know. If he has to be classified, Odin refers to his warriors as berserkers.”

  Monday morning traffic flowed onto the streets, intersections backing up and horns covering the obscenities the drivers exchanged. The four rode in quiet across the city. As they neared Trinity Church, Kai noticed a couple of Liberty’s girls walking home. They looked tired and sad. One walked barefoot carrying her shoes in her hands. Kai knew of the various forms of entertainment Liberty provided but chose to stay in the casino rather than wonder upstairs to the more private rooms.

  One girl called to the others. They waited for her to catch up to them. The young girl wore an off the shoulder dress exposing her daylight tattoo. Vampire, and from the freshness of her tattoo, a young one. Kai decided to inquire about Liberty’s offerings when this was all finished. Something about the depressed faces she saw didn’t sit right with her.

  They parked a block away. Hamlet greeted them as they entered.

  “Kai—” the sprite landed on her shoulder, “—I didn’t expect to see you so soon.”

  “I hope I didn’t cause you any trouble the other night.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I know too many secrets about our clientele for anyone to stay mad at me.”

  “So, what do you know about today’s meeting?”

  “I know you need to be careful. Liberty has brought in a pair of special guests. They came in the back way. I don’t know who they are.”

  “There’s a back way?” Kai asked.

  “Silly girl. There’s a left way and a right way too.” Hamlet laughed at his joke.

  “You are so punny,” Kai kidded. “Here’s one for you. I used to be a banker, but I lost interest.”

  The sprite laughed so hard he fell off her shoulder. The others groaned. “Come on,” Kai pleaded, “that was a good one.” Hamlet noticed the case Kai carried. “Is that it?”

  She nodded.

  “Then let’s wait to exchange any more jokes until this is over.”

  Pat led the way down the stairs holding Cecily’s hand. Seth took Kai’s and they followed. The doors to the grand room stood open and a gargoyle stood guard on each side. Winston sat at the head of a table with Liberty and Dahlia on either side of him. Liberty wore the Valhalla key around her neck. Winston still hadn’t given it to her sister. Dahlia was a fool and she would lose this game.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Come in my lovelies.” Winston indicated the empty chairs. Kai and Seth moved to the same side as Liberty, but Winston directed Kai to sit next to her sister. “I want to look at them together.”

  Kai wanted nothing to do with her sister. A cold sweat formed on her back. The success of today depended on too many factors.

  “Mr. Mendez.” Winston nodded to Seth. “I see you feel better these days. Oh, and Cecily has joined us. We had Vegas fun, no?”

  Cecily blew him a kiss. “Winston, you are as handsome a devil as always.”

  “Mi nuh really hav much fi complain bout, mi life irie.”

  Kai didn’t like Winston sitting at the head like a king on his throne. He was too cocky. But cocky enemies were the easiest to defeat.

  Winston whispered to Liberty and she rang the bell sitting next to her. Four gargoyles paraded in wearing tuxedo tails and white gloves. Each carried a tray of cutlery, crystal, or china. When they finished setting the table, they brought in silver covered platters filled with rich foods that made Kai’s stomach growl and her mouth water. She wanted to protest but couldn’t turn down free food. Especially food like this.

  “We didn’t come here to eat,” Seth said. “We need Kai’s key and we have what you want.”

  “I find business better when everyone is full. Liberty made me a yardie meal for my empty tum.”

  “I know this is breakfast time,” Liberty started, “but I’m sure none of us have been to bed yet. Please enjoy your dinner.”

  The gargoyle butlers circulated among the guests, filling glasses and serving food. The spicy jerk seasoning melted with creamed sweet potatoes and fresh vegetables.

  Kai kept her chair as far away from her sister as she dared. Dahlia did not acknowledge her. Seth sat on the other side with his hand on her knee, reminding her to play the scene Winston created. This bizarre social interchange reminded Kai of a Tim Burton movie except Johnny Depp was way hotter than Winston.

  The servers cleared the table when they finished.

  “Now do you feel like doing business?” Seth asked.

  Winston pushed his chair back and stood behind Liberty. He snaked his hands through her cleavage and held the key in his hand. Kai threw up a little in her mouth.

  “This key came to mi mind one night as the only way to win my bredren and my lovely.” He strolled to Dahlia’s chair, pulled it away from the table, helped her stand, and moved her to face Kai. He licked her neck from the collar bone to the ear and nibbled on her earlobe. If he planned on more vulgarness, Kai would lose her meal. Dahlia however, closed her eyes, reaching her hands behind him.

  “Then my wish granted. I met your sister. Do you know how hot she is?” Kai blanched and studied the carpet pattern. Winston slithered between her and Seth, ignoring him as he ran a finger down her face. “I like sisters. You join us, no?” Kai refused to face him. “You feel that way now, but maybe not soon.” He clapped his hands and two gargoyles dragged in a man and threw him on the floor. He was bleeding from several cuts on his face, one eye was swollen shut and his shirt was torn. He moaned when he hit the floor.

  Kai recognized the flannel pattern and gasped. She fell next to the man and cried, “What did you do to my father? Do you know who this is?”

  Winston, Liberty, and Dahlia laughed. “We know. Now I have the key, the Great Odin, and Thor’s Hammer.” The case flew from Seth’s hands to Winston’s. “There is nothing stopping me from being a king in hell.”

  “Not so fast,” a male voice came from the door.

  With Winston distracted, Kai helped her father stand. “Are you okay?” she whispered.

  He winked. “This is nothing. You should see the other guy.”

  The newcomer waltzed into the room, with a striking, dark-haired woman at his side. The man dressed in a double-breasted, tan, linen suit and a Panama hat decorated with a wide, brown, grosgrain ribbon. His companion wore a floral halter dress and red strappy heels. Her wide deep-set eyes and red full lips created a pleasant contrast to her pale creamy skin.

  The man noticed Odin and Kai on the floor. He took off his hat, set it on the table, sauntered to Winston, and slapped him acros
s the face. “Do you dare assume you can take my place,” Lucifer scolded. “We do not start wars with Gods from other realms.”

  Winston wiped the blood from his face. “You are weak. He is weak. It is time for a new reign of power.”

  “There is a time for attacks, but it is not today. You think me weak?”

  Winston peered around Lucifer. Bella Donna stood, no emotion on her face. “I know you weak. I will have your daughter and I will take your—”

  Winston never finished that sentence. His head made a hollow sound when it bounced off the floor. Lucifer took out a handkerchief and wiped away the sprayed blood from his face.

  Dahlia screamed, raced for Liberty, and yanked off the necklace. Kai lowered her glamour and flew to attack. Her sister’s bodyguards blocked Kai’s advance.

  Cecily and Pat tackled her in the foyer. They postured against her. “Let her go,” Odin commanded. With Cecily and Pat confused, Dahlia ran up the stairs.

  The gargoyles retreated, and Kai took off after her sister. “Kai, I said let her go.”

  No matter how confused, Kai was duty-bound to obey her God. With blood boiling in her veins she snarled at her father demanding to know what the hell was his problem.

  Liberty’s gargoyles busied themselves cleaning up the mess from Winston’s body. Bella Donna asked for a glass of wine, looking bored and annoyed. Lucifer and Odin met at the table.

  “I believe we are even,” Lucifer said.

  “Yes, your debt is paid in full.”

  “And mine?” Liberty asked.

  “Madam your debt is erased as well.”

  “If we meet again on a battlefield—” Lucifer adjusted his tie and put on his hat, “—there will be a different outcome.”

  “I look forward to the experience.”

  Lucifer motioned for his daughter to join him. She pouted. Her wine was just served. Frustrated, Lucifer grabbed the glass and finished it. “Now, it is time to leave.” Bella Donna stomped out the door.

  Odin turned to Liberty. “Now, let’s drink to our success.”

  “Success? You call this success? My sister has my key.”


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