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Legacies of Love: Six Seductive Stories to Steal Your Heart

Page 43

by C. L. Roman

  Melodie finishes, her voice barely audible, “…that when you held it, she would be there with you.”

  Pops gasps, “Yes. How did you know that, m’dear?”

  Melodie gulps and looks up at Seth, wide-eyed, unsure of what to say.

  Seth touches her cheek to comfort her. Turning back to Pops, he explains, “She saw you and Grams in a dream last night.”

  Pops collapses against the chair back again. Seth paraphrases the dream for Pops as Melodie is now so shaken that she can’t speak. She just clings tightly to Seth’s arm.

  Once Seth is done, Pops releases a deep belly laugh, taking several seconds to just laugh.

  Seth can’t help but smile in response. His grandfather has an infectious laugh.

  Pops finally gathers himself, “I knew that thing was magical. I knew it! When me Melanie gave it to me, I felt like energy was flowin’ from it. I thought I was mad as a box a’ frogs! Then, I reckoned it was because I was sayin’ goodbye to me Melanie for a bit that my emotions were a li’l wonky.”

  He continues, “But, every time I missed me love, I held that cross in my han’ and it would call to her. She would ring me or I’d see somethin’ that reminded me of her and I’d have to ring her. I believe we were linked by that necklace, there. Sure do.”

  Chapter 9

  Seth’s mouth is agape, then he blurts a string of thoughts, “Yeah, I definitely think it is. I got this extreme cold wave through my body when I touched it and it made me really tired. It ended up around my neck somehow and I don’t remember putting it on. Then Melodie came to my door because her car stalled. Other crap, too…her phone was dead and a call still came through, this crazy snowstorm, we couldn’t open the doors to see outside. It’s just crazy shit, Pops.”

  Seth takes a deep breath after his word blast. Melodie kisses his cheek and whispers, “It’s all going to be okay, Seth.”

  Seth nuzzles his face into hers, “I know. It’s just all so hard to believe.”

  Pops agrees, “It sure is. I reckon I shouldn’t be surprised. That necklace kept us close while we were apart…made it bearable. Melanie and me were married when I lost it. I don’t know how or where it happened. Boy, I was sure effin’ and blindin’. We looked high and low for it. Never found it, I tell ya.

  To the day me Melanie passed, we never stopped lookin’ for that necklace, hopin’ it would show up somehow.”

  Pops’ brow furrows, “Seth, you say you found it in an old acoustic guitar?”

  Seth nods, “Yeah, an antique 1928 Nick Lucas model. I’ve had my eye on it for a while now and I broke down and bought it.”

  Pops laughs again, “I think you must’ve bought old Alma! She was me second love.”

  Seth blurts, “Shit, Pops! So, the Gibson was yours, too?”

  Pops shakes his head as he laughs, “Yep, she sure was. The cross musta come off after a gig one night and fell in tha sound hole.”

  Seth mumbles, “I just can’t believe this.”

  Pops seems to be highly amused now, “It’s fittin’ that the necklace and Alma have been together all this time. That necklace an’ your gran’mother were the inspiration for many a song I wrote on Alma. I reckon you could say they were my songwritin’ trinity.”

  Suddenly, the smile morphs to a wistful expression as Pops becomes solemn, “I’m so happy that ya have them both. They’re back in the family, right where they belong..”

  Pops wipes a tear from his eye, prompting Seth to softly ask, “Are you okay, Pops?”

  He nods, “Oh yeah, I’m fine. Just makes me miss me Melanie even more.”

  Seth squeezes Melodie’s hand, “I understand.” He pauses a moment, “Pops, why did you sell Alma?”

  Pops shrugs, wiping another tear from his cheek, “Had to. We needed the money when Melanie got pregnant with your daddy. I had a cheaper guitar that I could use for shows, but Alma was me love. Killed me to hafta sell her, she was the only thin’ we had worth somethin’.”

  He pauses a moment, “I reckon I never realized that the necklace went missin’ around that time, too.”

  Seth rubs the back of his neck with his hand, “This is too much…”

  Pops laughs again, “Nothin’ surprises me anymore, m’lad. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that your Melodie’s name is so like me Melanie’s. You two are meant to be together, just like we were.”

  Melodie speaks, surprising Seth, “Pops, do you happen to know someone named Jack Sheehan?”

  Pops’ mouth drops open, “Jack? Jack Sheehan?”

  Melodie nods, “Yes, sir.”

  Pops smiles broadly and replies, “Jack was me best friend growin’ up. We did everythin’ together, y’see. Got into some trouble, I’ll tell ya that. This was back in Ireland before we came to the States, y’know? When we got to higher classes, Jack’s family moved away. Then, when Melanie and me got married, we came over here. I’m afraid I’ve lost track of ‘im. I surely think about ‘im often, I’ll tell ya.”

  Melodie giggles, sending familiar chills up Seth’s spine, “Jack is my grandfather.”

  Pops and Seth simultaneously exclaim, ”Your grandfather?”

  She nods as she looks into Seth’s bewildered eyes, “He always told us stories of living in Ireland when he was a boy and how he’d had this best friend named Seth. The two of you played music together even then, right?”

  “Yes, oh yes! We both played the guitar since we were wee lads.”

  She continues, “He always said that he thought you’d ended up being a musician.”

  Pops asks, “Miss Melodie, where did you grow up?”

  She replies with a smile, “Here, in Nashville.”

  Pops exclaims, “Oh my glory! You mean that me old friend, Jack, was that close to me all these years?” He stops suddenly and meekly asks, “Is he still with us?”

  She laughs, “Yes! He’s a tough old thing. Still feisty as ever.”

  Pops releases a breath, “Oh, thank heavens!”

  Seth turns to Melodie, “What made you think to ask Pops about Jack?”

  She replies, “Well, everything else has been such a monumental coincidence, I remembered Grandpa telling me stories of the shenanigans that he and his friend had gotten into. He would just laugh and his face would light up when he talked about them.”

  Pops smiles broadly as Melodie continues, “He would always play his guitar for me. It was the only thing that would put me to sleep as a baby.”

  She smiles sweetly as she looks into Seth’s eyes, “I thought that maybe with all of the connections that have happened today, Pops might be the same Seth. I thought it was worth a shot.”

  Pops claps his hands together, “I would love to see ol’ Jack!”

  Seth laughs, “I think we can make that happen.”

  Melodie giggles, her eyes lighting up, “I think we’ll all be seeing a lot of each other in the future.”

  Pops replies, “That sounds marvelous! Now kids, I reckon I should sign off. I’ve had about all this old heart can take today.”

  Seth smiles into the screen, “Thanks for everything, Pops. I love you.”

  Pops grins, “I love you, too, m’boy. Goodnight, Miss Melodie, I look forward to meeting ya soon.”

  She smiles, “I look forward to that, too. Goodnight, Pops.”

  “Goodnight, kids.”

  Pops’ image disappears from the screen, and Seth and Melodie sit in silence for a few moments.

  He finally turns to face her, “I don’t know what to say right now. This is just so…”

  She finishes, “Freaky?”

  He laughs, “That pretty much covers it. Is this the moment that I should say that someday we’ll look back on this day and laugh?”

  Melodie giggles, “Yes, that was the perfect moment. Let’s go see if it’s still snowing.”

  “Good idea,” he says as he stands and offers his hand to her. She takes it and stands up beside him. They walk hand-in-hand to the back of the den to the large picture window and S
eth opens the blinds. Snow is still falling heavily. It’s dark out and the safety light at the rear of his house seems to cast a bluish glow as the snow falls through it.

  The scene looks almost surreal.

  Pulling Melodie tightly into his body and holding her close, Seth murmurs, “That’s absolutely beautiful.”

  She snuggles into his chest and sighs contentedly. “It sure is.”

  Chapter 10

  They stand for a few moments just looking out the window when Seth asks, “Are you hungry?”

  She lifts her head from his chest, “Yes, actually, I’m very hungry.”

  Seth laughs, “Let’s go see what we’ve got in the kitchen.”

  The two inspect the contents of the kitchen and decide to have breakfast for dinner. Bacon, scrambled eggs, grits and toast.

  They prepare their dinner together, moving seamlessly, as if they know each other’s movements.

  To look at them, one would believe they’d been together for months.

  After they’ve eaten and washed the dishes, Seth and Melodie return to the den. While they met only hours ago, they have both become sure that the two of them are meant to be together. They’re already so comfortable with each other.

  Seth looks at her and takes her hand, “I’ve got an idea, come with me!”

  He takes her hand and rushes down the hall into his bedroom. Melodie stops at the door uncomfortably. Seth continues into the room and pulls out his chest drawer, pulling clothes out. She asks, “Seth, what’re you doing?”

  He replies, “You need something comfortable to sleep in.”

  She laughs, “Oh! I was worried you were moving a little fast there.”

  He turns to look at her, his mouth scrunched in confusion. In a moment, a look of understanding passes over his face, prompting him to smile, “Ah. I’m not a dog, sweetheart. I don’t roll like that.”

  She blushes, “I’m really glad to hear that.”

  He returns to stand in front of her, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, “There are some clothes for you. Just get comfortable. I’ll see you in a few.”

  He kisses her forehead and shuts the door.

  Melodie re-enters the den in Seth’s baggy sweatpants, oversized Hootie and the Blowfish t-shirt and sock feet.

  Seth turns from watching the snow falling to see her. He blurts, “God, you’re adorable.”

  She laughs, “Okay, if you say so.”

  As he looks her over from head to feet, he gulps, “I really say so.”

  Gathering himself, he clears his throat, “Okay, now that you’re back, I’ll set the proper mood.”

  He scurries around the room, turning the lights off, one after another. He then moves to the picture window and pulls the cord to raise the blinds all the way up.

  Melodie crosses her arms over her chest as she watches him with interest, but doesn’t ask any questions.

  Done with his task, he returns to her and intertwines both of their hands down by their sides. He smiles, then kisses her tenderly.

  When the kiss ends, Melodie combs her fingers through his hair, “What was that for?”

  Seth smiles, “I just had to. You’ve done something to me, Melodie Sheehan. I haven’t felt anything like this before. It’s like a part of me that I didn’t know was missing has made me whole. I feel like I can do anything now. I can write the shit out of some songs!”

  She giggles, “I know what you mean. I feel the same way,” she pauses, “Seth, how do you think this happened?”

  Without hesitation, he replies, “Fate. Destiny. We were meant to be together.”

  She stands on her tiptoes and kisses him. The kiss deepens, their tongues joining for the second time. The kiss progresses into a passionate, tongue-tangling, out-of-breath, wonderful kiss that leaves your lips numb and your toes tingling.

  With her eyes still closed, Melodie touches her lips with her fingertips, “Woah…”

  Seth looks down at her face, his eyes trying to focus, “Yeah…woah…”

  She murmurs, “Did you feel that?”

  Seth snorts, “Oh yeah, I felt a lot of things.”

  Melodie’s eyes flash open, then she giggles, “Seth, my goodness…”

  Seth shakes his arms and stretches his neck from side to side, “I mean, just…damn!”

  Melodie blushes, “Well, just damn here, too!”

  Seth looks down at her exquisite face, shadowed only by the light from outside, and pulls her into him. She looks up at him, her eyes sparkling, “You pulling me into you like this isn’t exactly helping our ‘just damn’ plight, now is it?”

  Seth laughs heartily, “No, my dear, I guess it isn’t.” His smile fades as he becomes somber, “I need you to know that this is not normally how my body behaves or how I feel after knowing a woman only hours.”

  Melodie replies without hesitation, “I know.”

  His brow furrows, “How do you know?”

  She shrugs, “I don’t know. I just do.”

  He stammers, “Do you, I mean, has this ever…um…”

  She smiles, “No…never.”

  He pulls back abruptly, “You’re not seeing anyone, are you?”

  Melodie laughs hard enough that she’s unable to speak for a moment. Seth snaps, “What’s so damn funny?”

  She manages to pull herself together, “No, Seth, I’m not seeing anyone. It wouldn’t matter if I was, anyway.”

  He pulls her closer to him, “Why is that?”

  She gulps as the distance between them shortens, “Because you’re the one…”

  Suddenly, Seth picks her up and swings her around, “Yeessssssssss!”

  Melodie giggles as they spin, the room and their surroundings becoming one big blur.

  Finally, he stops, both of them trying to get their sea legs back.

  Seth rests her face in his hands, “You’ll never be sorry about that.”

  She grins, “I know.”

  He shakes his head in disbelief, “You’re something else, you know that?”

  She grins broadly, “I know.”

  Seth laughs as Melodie says, “Can I ask why all the lights are off?”

  Looking around the room, he smacks his forehead and replies, “Oh shit! I’m sorry. I was going to ask you to lie down with me on the sofa so we can watch the snow fall together. I used to do that as a kid, and it’s one of my favorite memories.”

  She replies, “Oh, that’s lovely. I’d love to.”

  He takes her hand and leads her over to the sofa. He lays flat and motions for her to lie down between the back of the sofa and his body.

  Melodie settles in and lays her head on his chest, “Mmm, this is perfect.”

  Seth agrees, “Yes, it certainly is…”

  He tugs the throw blanket on the back of the sofa, allowing it to fall on top of them. The two cover themselves.

  As they settle in, Seth sighs in contentment. He looks at the window as the fluffy white flakes dance in the bluish light.

  Life seems absolutely perfect right now. This woman…this moment…this day…

  Melodie’s soothing voice breaks the silence, “What’re you thinking about?”

  Her hand lightly rubs his chest as she waits for his response, “How perfect this moment is.”

  She whispers, “I know.”

  He smiles slightly as he watches the snow fall.

  After several minutes, Seth blinks heavily, fatigue washing over him. He mumbles, “I’m so tired…”

  Melodie murmurs something incoherent against his chest. She’s almost asleep.

  Seth kisses the top of her head, breathing in the honeysuckle fragrance of her hair. He turns his head back toward the window.

  Between heavy blinks, he watches the white, fluffy flakes falling rapidly against the background of the bluish glow from the outside light. Contentment washes over him. He never remembers a time that he felt this good, like everything is perfect at this moment.

  He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
br />   As he exhales, he opens his eyes. A pale white mist has formed between them and the window.

  Seth blinks and tries to focus, but the vision is very faint. Something seems to be forming in the mist. While Seth is surprised, he isn’t scared. He is still completely relaxed.

  An ethereal form emerges. The familiar, sweet voice sounds very far away, “Seth, honey…”

  Seth sees the figure clearly, clad in a flowing white dress, her beautiful face, flawless and beautiful. She looks so young.

  He blinks heavily, “Grams?”

  “Yes, my dear boy. Oh, how I miss you.”

  Seth replies, “I miss you, too, Grams.”

  She smiles the most radiant smile, beautiful light seeming to emanate from it, “I know.”

  Seth smiles at hearing the words that Melodie has said so many times this evening. She continues, “She’s been sent to you. Consider her the most precious gift you will ever receive. Hold tight to each other, dear Seth. Your journey together is just beginning. It will be beautiful.”

  A tear escapes down Seth’s cheek, “We’ll take care of each other, Grams.”

  She nods, “I know.” She smiles that radiant smile once again, “Go to sleep now, child. The daylight will bring new joys.”

  Seth’s eyes close and he falls fast asleep.

  Melodie shakes Seth’s shoulder gently, “Honey, wake up.”

  Seth blinks heavily as he opens his eyes. His eyes focus on Melodie, who is smiling down at him. He murmurs, “You are real…”

  She grins, “Of course, I’m real.”

  She brushes her hand across his stubbly cheek, “Get up, you have to see this!”

  He groans as he pushes himself up to a sitting position. He sits for a moment to allow his head to clear, “Man, I slept hard.”

  She replies cheerfully, “Me, too, and it was glorious sleep!”

  He stands and kisses her forehead, “Because you were with me.”

  She giggles, “Yep.”

  She takes his hand and pulls him over to the picture window. The blinds are still open to the top. Melodie points outside, “Look! Someone made a snow angel in your back yard!”

  Seth’s mouth falls open as he sees the outline of a perfect snow angel in the deep snow. Melodie’s brow furrows as she says, “I don’t see any footsteps, though…and the snow is so deep.”


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