Bayou Whispers: Prequel of Exordium included

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Bayou Whispers: Prequel of Exordium included Page 6

by Lily Wallis

  “Violet,” he smiles, reaching out his hand to me.

  Placing my hand in his, his smile grows larger, and he leads me away through a door at the opposite end of the dining room. To my surprise, it leads into his library, and by now I’ve lost track on how many doors this room has. We don’t stay in the library, instead, continue on to his sleeping quarters. Locking the door behind us, he walks me to a table in the middle of the room with a white porcelain bowl filled with water. He picks up a towel beside the bowl, wetting it before handing it to me.

  “Here you go,” he smiles, taking off his hat and setting it on the table.

  “What?” I ask, caught off guard since I’ve never seen him without a hat.

  “You wanted to see me without the paint. I want you to wash it off.”

  “Really?” I ask, floored, feeling my hand shake holding the towel.

  “Yes,” he says, grabbing my wrist, bringing my hand and the towel up to his face. “Just this once.”

  Slowly, I begin to wash the paint from Malvado’s face, all while his eyes stay fixated on me, as if he is studying every single one of my reactions. With every stroke, the mysterious man begins to disappear, and once I’m finished, I step back to look at a person completely foreign to me. He is handsome, very handsome, and I am at a loss for words.

  “What is it, ma chérie?”

  “Umm,” I begin. “I don’t know what I was expecting. I can’t find my words.”

  “You weren’t expecting to find a human?”

  “I’ve only ever seen you with the paint. I knew you were human, though,” I reply.

  “Am I?” he asks, stepping closer.

  “I think so,” I reply, my eyes growing larger.

  “I’m only teasing, my dear,” he replies, and relief washes over me. “Do you remember the night in your room where my lips touched yours?”

  “I thought I was dreaming,” I admit.

  “Most certainly not. I felt your desire, your want, your need. Every emotion you felt within you, I felt as well,” he explains, his hand brushing my cheek. “I have longed to feel you, Violet, to connect with you, to become one.”

  With his hand still on my cheek, his thumb moves to my lower lip, gently brushing over it. I can feel the want build inside of me, the desire to have him, the lust that is pulsing through my veins. My heart is pounding, goosebumps covering my skin, and every word of his rings through like a beautiful melody I can’t get enough of. I want him, I need him…I want to be his, forever.

  “I want you,” I whisper as his thumb still massages my lip.

  “And you shall have me,” he replies, removing his thumb.

  In an instant, his lips touch mine and my arms drape around his neck. His hands find the laces of the corset I am wearing, but after a few attempts to free me, his hands leave me.

  “Turn around,” he demands, his voice full of need.

  Turning my body around, I am still breathing heavy, lusting for more. I feel him grip the bottom of the corset and within moments, the tightness is gone, the straps now loose on my shoulders. Malvado walks to the front of me, holding a knife with a smile.

  “Much faster,” he grins, throwing it across the room.

  Taking my face in both of his hands, he kisses me again, this time, much deeper. One of his hands runs down my throat, while the other removes the strap on my right shoulder, moving to the left. With that, the dress falls off my body, leaving me standing in bloomers and the thin chemise. My hands carefully navigate to Malvado’s vest, undoing the buttons, one by one. We continue this dance of disrobing one another while our passion increases beyond measure. Leading me to his bed, he plays me like the strings of a violin. My body responds to every single touch, every single kiss, and every movement of his. I can’t explain what I am experiencing because I’ve never felt anything like this before. His movements make me claw at his back, my heavy pants filling the room. He continues to speak, but this time, in French. Chanting gorgeous words that fill my soul with more desire than I thought capable.

  “Vous êtes à moi,” he whispers, looking into my eyes. “Say yes.”

  “Yes,” I say without hesitation, and that is when I feel myself explode, closing my eyes and moaning.

  “Yes,” he replies, his lips close to my ear. “You are mine.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Waking up the next morning, I turn to see Malvado sleeping next to me. Taking a deep breath, I replay the entire night in my head and I’m left…speechless. I still feel an explosion inside of me, and my heart flutters like a million butterflies. Staring up at the canopy, a thought crosses my mind. The card. Gran Ibo, the meeting of a kindred soul. The voodoo queen has been right about everything so far. My past, the plantation, and now, Malvado. The card of my future marked a new beginning, and that is what I have found, a new beginning.

  “Bonjour ma chérie,” Malvado says, as his hand brushes my collar bone. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Good morning,” I smile, turning toward him. “I slept amazing.”

  “Merveilleux,” he replies, kissing my lips. “My day will be taken up with urgent matters, but I will see you tonight, my love. You stay here as long as you like. When you are ready to leave, pull the string on the wall, and Elodie will come to take care of you.”

  I watch him get out of bed, and my eyes follow him as he walks over to a large mirror on a table. Picking up a brush, he begins to decorate his face with the markings I’ve grown to know. It saddens me, for I have seen the man behind the mask. It doesn’t take long, and the canvas is completed. He does the same with his hands, and neck, every part visible to the outside world. While watching him, I wonder if anyone else has seen him the way I have last night, and then I wonder, if I will ever see him this way again. After getting dressed, he grabs his hat and places it on his head.

  “Have a wonderful day, my love.”

  As the heavy door shuts, Malvado disappears and I’m left feeling a void. Never in my life have I connected with a person like this, and never do I want to find another. I can’t explain it, but he consumes me in a way I didn’t know was possible. His gentle nature is so opposite of the first impression I had when I laid eyes on him. I used to think I was caught in a nightmare, but now, I hope it isn’t a dream that I will wake up from one day.


  Two weeks have passed and life couldn’t be better. I am enjoying every second and have even grown to accept Madame Benoit. She is the one that mostly accompanies me during my walks, although Malvado has as well on rare occasions.

  “Did you sleep well, Violet?”

  “I did,” I reply, as Madame Benoit and I walk down a path lined with trees.

  “Wonderful,” she smiles. “It’s a nice day out, isn’t it?”

  “Beautiful,” I say.

  Even though Madame Benoit and I are on friendly or cordial terms, I can’t stop thinking about the cellar and the women that were there…or are there. Every time I walk past the wooden door in the main hall, I feel terrible. Terrible for being the one that was lucky, terrible for what may still occur down there, and a massive amount of guilt. I haven’t seen any new women in the mansion, so my wishful thinking is that maybe it has come to an end

  “Madame Benoit,” I begin, not really wanting to know the answer. “The cellar. Are women still being kept down there?”

  “Just for punishment,” she replies, making my stomach turn.

  “Whenever I walk by that door,” I say, feeling my body shiver. “Where is Caroline?”

  “Caroline?” she asks, as if she doesn’t know who I am talking about.

  “Yes, the young woman who was there with me. The one missing the hand.”

  “My dear, those memories should be far and away. You have a new life now, don’t concern yourself with the past,” she replies, taking a deep breath. “But knowing you, Violet, you won’t give up. Caroline is doing very well and has been assigned to work in the gardens.”

  “Can I see her?” I ask, hope fill
ing me.

  “As long as our King allows it,” she replies. “I will ask, my dear. You have to remember, currently you hold a different position. There is no need for you to mingle with the help.”

  No need for me to mingle with the help, isn’t she the help? Smiling at Madame Benoit, I let it go. Maybe she’s right. The past is the past, and her saying Caroline is well will probably have to suffice.

  “Mother,” I hear Theroux’s voice behind us.

  “Yes, my son?”

  “Lazare needs you in the library,” he replies.

  “Of course, he does,” she huffs. “What is it now?”

  “That I do not know.”

  “Well, I better get going then. Don’t want to keep him waiting. Theroux, stay with Violet.”

  “No,” I say. “I don’t want him near me.”

  “I’m sure Violet can manage on her own,” Theroux reports, surprising me since I expected some kind of blowback. “She understands the severity of going too close to the perimeter, don’t you Violet?”

  “Yes,” I reply, and I can tell Madame Benoit isn’t friendly with the idea.

  “All right,” she finally says. “But I want Theroux in the general area, I won’t have it any other way.”

  “Fine,” I reply before turning to continue my walk.

  Theroux. One of the most handsome men I’ve ever seen besides Malvado. I still remember the night I first met him. His eyes, his smile, that little smirk…I was swooning, almost charmed. Actually, I was charmed, otherwise I wouldn’t have let him in. Sighing, I hear the wind and the whispers soon follow. Looking at my jewel, it isn’t glowing, so I am still far enough away. Standing there for a moment, I try to decipher the whispers. I want to know what they are saying. Are they evil? Minutes later, I still can’t hear an intelligible word. The sound I hear is the same that you would whisper to your friend when you were five years old, just a bunch of nothing to make it seem like you’re telling a great secret. About twenty minutes later, I walk towards Theroux who is keeping a watch in the distance.

  “I’m ready to go back,” I say, and he gives me a hint of a smile before walking beside me.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Malvado and I meet at dinner just as we do every evening. After dinner, we retire to his quarters and he claims me, body, mind, and soul. Each time is more intense than the last, taking me to the depths of my core. My body aches with anticipation as soon as we step into the bedroom.

  “My dear, you are truly beautiful,” Malvado says as he trails kisses down my side. “My Goddess.”

  “You spoil me,” I say, as his fingers find the curve of my hip.

  “As I should. Un jour, tu seras peut-être ma reine.”

  “What does that mean?” I ask, curiously.

  “One day, you may be my queen.”

  Giving him a small smile, I continue to enjoy his touch. One day? What am I now? I spend every single night with him. He says I am his. The others respect me as his. What will it take for me to become his queen?”


  “Yes, ma chérie?”

  “You said one day I may be your queen. When?”

  “With time, my love. With time.”

  He silences me with a kiss while his body towers over mine. I close my eyes and enjoy this sweet moment of ecstasy while my body anticipates the high I am about to feel.

  With time…I have time.


  Sitting outside on the bench with Malvado in the middle of the night is one of my favorite things. I love spending time outside, especially with him. He uses this time to tell me about the future of the kingdom, his views on the world, and what our future could look like. As we sit there, fireflies surround us, giving off the most beautiful glow.

  “Are you happy here, Violet?” Malvado asks.

  “I am,” I say, as he pulls something out of his pocket.

  Looking at his hand, he opens it and reveals a light-colored powder. My eyes go to his in a questioning look, making him smile.

  “What is your favorite flower, Violet?”

  “Hmm,” I say. “I would have to say a rose.”

  “Any specific color?”


  Waving his free hand over the powder, he mumbles something in French, and seconds later, small glowing flecks float in the air above his hand. Blowing the powder forward, he catches something with his hand.

  “A beautiful pink rose for you, love.”

  “Oh my God, was that-”

  “Magic, yes.”

  Handing the delicate rose to me, my fingers touch the petals, and they are as soft as a rose should be. Bringing the flower up to my nose, I inhale its scent, and close my eyes. Such a sweet, fresh smell, more fragrant than I remember. Looking at Malvado, a smile comes to my lips.

  “Thank you,” I say.

  Placing his fingers on my chin, he brings my lips to his, kissing me tenderly. It’s the kisses I can’t get enough of. It’s a feeling of intoxication that makes me feel as if I am floating above the clouds, never wanting to return. Pulling away, he kisses the top of my head before looking into my eyes.

  “Caroline is doing well,” he says.


  “Madame Benoit said you inquired about her. If you would like, you can see her.”

  “I would,” I say, and Malvado gives my hand a little squeeze.


  It has taken a few weeks, but I am finally seeing Caroline. A part of me is very nervous since I remember the state she was in when I first got here. The other is a bit relieved, knowing that she’s no longer in the cellar. I don’t know what to expect, but I will find out any minute.

  Theroux is the one to escort me to a small house near the stables. Even though I’m not his biggest fan, he and I have become more acquainted than I would like. I can fully well walk around the property on my own now, but I would still rather be accompanied by someone. The whispers. They are so mysterious, so eerie, and whenever I hear them, I want to crawl out of my skin. As far as I can tell, the land is very large, surrounded by swamps and cypress trees. That is where the whispers begin. Well, most of them. There are a few just a bit closer. In my mind I’ve mapped out the entire perimeter about a million times, but still can’t seem to figure out where anyone enters or leaves. Maybe that is magic as well. I’ve seen it with my own eyes on more than one occasion. Malvado is anything but humble when it comes to his abilities, and maybe that is what attracts me. A very confident man, one that knows what he wants, but endearing at the same time.

  “Let me see if she’s here,” Theroux explains, knocking on the front door.

  “Theroux,” a man smiles, giving him a pat on the back. “What brings you here?”

  “Malvado asked me to escort Violet to visit Caroline. Is she here or still in the gardens?”

  “She is here, come in, please.”

  Stepping into the small cottage-like house, it is nothing like the mansion. In comparison it is very simple, but still gives off a type of homey feel. Looking around the room, I see Caroline sitting at a long table and I exhale in relief.


  “Oh, Violet,” she says, getting up. “It is so wonderful to see you again.”

  “You too, I was so worried about you,” I say, taking her in. “Wait, your hand. It was gone.”

  “What?” she asks, giving me a confused expression.

  “When I met you, your hand was cut off. You were bleeding all over the place.”

  “You must be mistaken,” she replies, looking sincere. “I’ve never had my hand cut off.”

  For a moment I look at her as if she is insane, but quickly I wonder if I am the insane one. It was gone, I know it was. Grabbing her hand, I begin to inspect it, but quickly realize that I don’t know what it is I am looking for.

  “Are you all right, Violet?” Theroux asks.

  “Her hand was gone. It was cut off because she scratched,” I say pausing for a moment. “Malvado.”

  “Oh, I would never do that,” Caroline reassures.

  “Caroline, where was it that we met?” I ask, doubting everything.

  “In the cellar,” she replies. “I was new as well, and still waiting for a position.”

  Stepping a little bit closer, I study her, making sure it is really her…and it is.

  “Caroline,” I say, leaned in close. “Do you not remember all of the abuse at Madame Benoit’s hands?”

  “Abuse?” she whispers back, while Theroux and the other man step away. “No, not at all. Here, would you like some tea?”

  As the four of us sit down for a cup of tea, I feel as if my mind is playing tricks on me. Did I make it all up? Was it just a dream? I keep a close watch on her as the four of us engage in conversation around the table, each of us having a cup of tea. Everything feels so normal. Taking another sip of my tea, I start to feel nauseous, holding my hand over my mouth.

  “Violet, dear. Are you all right?” Caroline asks, reaching for my arm.

  “I’m going to be sick,” I get out before turning my body to vomit onto the floor.

  Caroline gets up immediately, pulling my hair behind me, and rubbing my back. Theroux grabs a bucket from the fireplace, holding it in place underneath me since I am still hunched over, and again, I begin to vomit. After a third time, I begin to feel better, and sit up.

  “I am so sorry,” I begin, looking at Caroline. “Let me clean this up.”

  “Oh no,” she smiles. “I will take care of it. Maybe you should go and rest. Perhaps you’ve had too much sun today.”

  “Perhaps,” I say as I get up from the table.

  As Theroux and I walk back to the mansion, I stop, making him turn and look at me.

  “Her hand was cut off,” I insist. “How can this be?”

  “Violet,” he begins. “How much do you remember of what happened after we stepped out of the bar in New Orleans?”

  “Not much,” I say. “Just walking out with you, feeling dizzy. I remember two men.”

  “Do you remember a powder being blown into your face?”


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