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Aryn's Desire: A BOLD Security Novel (Finding Submission Book 1)

Page 10

by Derrick, Zoey

  “What is that?” I ask him, true curiosity in my voice.

  “It’s called flash cotton,” he says as his eyes light up. He makes no secret of looking me up and down, but it doesn’t bother me, considering he has Diamond laid out on the table. I take it more as a sizing up than anything else.

  “Flash cotton?” I ask.

  He smiles as he lays it out across her stomach and along her breastbone. Ironically enough, the first thing I notice is the fact that she is strapped down, not the fact that she has shed her corset and is wearing only a pair of black boy shorts. He reaches into his pocket for a lighter and my heart rate increases momentarily when I realize he is going to set whatever this is on fire.

  I want to stop him as I’m momentarily panicked by the prospect of what he’s about to do. Diamond squirms on the table with a most delicious sound of pleasure coming up her throat. Okay, she’s obviously consented to this or had it done to her before, so I let it go.

  Master Caden brings the lighter to a raised point in the cotton near her belly button and he rolls his thumb across the lighter and ignites it, also igniting the cotton on her stomach. My breath hitches as the cotton goes up in a quick puff of smoke and Diamond squirms again. Her light pink colored nipples harden and she writhes, silently begging for more.

  “Wow,” is all I manage to say.

  I’m still a little unnerved by what I saw, playing with fire and all, but I am also intrigued by what exactly the purpose of that was. He sets her up for another round. “What’s it feel like?” I ask. The words spill out of me before I can catch them.

  Master Caden cocks his head at me. “Would you like to try?”

  The look in his eyes tells me that he’s pushing for more information from me, or he has this unsettling need to get me laid out like Diamond is on this table and it makes my skin crawl.

  “No thanks. Was just curious what Diamond thinks about it.”

  There is displeasure and maybe even disappointment that crosses Master Caden’s features at my rejection. For the first time in my life, I feel the overwhelming sludge of disappointment slide over me, along with a desperate need to please him and I cannot wrap my head around why that is.

  The thought of pleasing him takes control of my thoughts and the instinct to lower myself to my knees before him becomes almost too much to bear.

  Lost in the idea that I’ve somehow managed to disappoint someone I don’t know sends me walking toward the kitchen, down the hallway and as far away from Master Caden as I can get, as fast as I can get there.

  *~* CADEN *~*

  “Well, that didn’t go as well as I’d planned,” I grumble as I finish with Diamond. We hadn’t set any ground rules for playing together. The cotton was something that got brought up in a discussion with someone else and she was itching to try it. And while I was more than willing to take things further, play with her some more, my urge to play walked out the door with Aryn.

  What did I say that sent him running for the door?

  I shake my head, vowing to let it go.

  Derek’s words come back to me, “he’s straight…” and I inadvertently backed him into a corner.

  “You gave him that look,” Diamond says.

  We have no rules for Top and bottom etiquette because she and I aren’t partners. “What look?” I ask her.

  “That look, Master Caden. Your Dom face. He wouldn’t be the first Dom that has had problems with your Dom face. You have an uncanny ability to make even the strongest Tops weak in the knees. What makes you think he’s any different?”

  “I do? Huh, I guess I never considered it that way.”

  She smiles at me before cheekily replying, “It’s why subs flock to you.”

  I help Diamond off the table, unsure of what to say to that. I guess maybe she’s right, but I’ve found so many subs lacking in what I desire. Like I told Derek tonight, I’m ready for someone steadier, more permanent to play with regularly. My eyes wander toward the door Aryn left through. I have an intense need to follow him.

  *~* ARYN *~*

  “Shit,” I grumble as I round the corner into the security team’s area of the house and smack straight into Celeste.

  “Where’s the fire?” She smiles at me.

  “Uh, nowhere?” I raise an eyebrow at her, but I slide past her, heading toward my room.

  Without a second thought, I turn around to look at her and I’m not at all disappointed in what I see. I need to find a way to get rid of this rising storm within me. I turn toward her, pinning her with a gaze that says ‘I’m not fucking around anymore’ and ask, “Are you off?”

  “No,” she states simply. “Just roaming through, why?”

  Her response is like ice water being poured over my head and it only takes me a second to realize that I need to maintain a professional relationship with her I simply respond with, “Nothing.” I turn back around, open my door and close it quickly, though slamming it might be a better description.

  I lean against the door and bang my head on it trying to wipe away the memory of Caden’s eyes as he stared me down. The eyes that had me uncomfortable and running for the hills. But it’s no use. My cock, which grew hard as steel under his gaze, twitches in my jeans and I groan. Pushing off the door and stripping off my shirt, I head into the bathroom.

  I turn on the shower, my third for the day, a record, and I strip out of my shoes and jeans.

  My cock stands straight out, stiff and desperate for release.

  I grip the base as I step into the shower.

  I stroke up, hard, tugging on it, wishing it would go away, hoping that I am not about to do what I’m going to do. Jerk off, compliments of a very demanding, overwhelming and sexy as fuck Dom.

  I let the water cascade over me, warming me, and I close my eyes, pulling up images of Celeste, and what she looks like under that get up.

  Gorgeous tits, suckable nipples, devouring her clit with my mouth, sliding my fingers deep inside her slick sex. The longer I suck on her clit, the harder and fuller it gets…the longer it gets, the more…the minute I explode all over the shower walls, I’m staring hard into the dominating eyes of Master Caden.


  I AVOID BREAKFAST the next morning. The advantage of one night stands is the ability to disappear and never have to look at that person again. In this case, I didn’t sleep with anyone, but I can’t find it in myself to look at Caden. Not only because I got off thinking about him last night, but I ran away from him so abruptly.

  I’m still not entirely certain what it was that sent me running for my room, but I’m pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that I’m not entirely sure I’m ready for this lifestyle.

  Okay, fine. I am ready for it, but I never expected to feel the way I did last night from a simple look. I’ve seen similar looks in Dex’s eyes when he looks at Raine, though I didn’t understand them until this week. They’ve always been there. It’s a typical Dom expression. One meant to have maximum impact of disapproval and it’s highly effective.

  I text Dex around one, asking if they have plans for the day and he comes back letting me know that Derek’s guests have left and they’re just going to hang out and watch the game.

  Dex isn’t much of a football buff, but we’ve watched games together before. Usually in bars. He asked me to join them and what the hell, Caden is gone, right?

  The next two days are filled with various errands, including Christmas shopping in Charlotte with Dex and Raine. I was glad I finished my shopping back in Los Angeles because these two are the only two I’d be buying presents for.

  The mall was ridiculously crowded and to my surprise, Dex was recognized twice. He was gracious, for once, and signed some autographs. After that we’d left the mall for another one. With today’s social media network, it was only a matter of time before the word was out that we were there. Again, this is Dex and the band’s drummer, but most people will take whoever they can get from 69 Bottles. Casey’s had the same problem with
Mouse and Peacock and Talon has resigned himself to avoiding public shopping at all costs.

  The day after was a mess of activity around the house. I spent the entire day with Sean, Cyrus and Celeste learning about the house and the security procedures, should anything happen during the big Christmas Eve party. Because I’m technically a guest of Derek’s, Sean insisted that I get an inside post. I argued about it, telling him I’d be suited best where he needs me.

  I lost the argument when Derek insisted that I could keep a better eye on Dex and Raine from inside, since they’re my responsibility. I shrugged it off at that point. I honestly don’t care where I am. I know that because Dex and Raine are guests of Derek’s they fall under Sean’s responsibility too, so I know I’ve honestly got nothing to worry about.

  Not to mention the fact that we’ve had a secret service sweep of the property so I’m pretty sure the risks for tonight are very limited.

  There is an actual agenda for tonight’s event and because of that, I spent the time while eating lunch memorizing the itinerary. The entire event takes place in the main room with limited access to first floor rooms, like the bathroom and a couple of sitting areas (bedrooms that are unused and were converted for tonight). These rooms are for privacy, though there will be a guard posted near each and there are assigned staff to maintain the space.

  I’ve been around wealthy people since I got into this business, but Derek’s wealth is very overwhelming. His ability to not only host an event of this size, but to have it in his home is staggering. The more reading of the guest list I do, the more I realize just how many people this man knows and the shear amount of money coming into this house is astronomical.

  Knowing I’m the help is an uneasy feeling. Regardless of the fact that I’ve been around the rich and the famous, it never stops the feeling of inadequacy. I’ll never be rich, I’ll always be protecting the coat tails of those who are.

  I am standing close to the kitchen door and if I’d thought the great room had been cleaned out for the play party, that was nothing compared to this. The room is now one, with no divisions except for the fireplaces that are scattered throughout the room. There are tables that surround a stage and a dance floor. The stage is occupied by an instrumental band that will provide the entertainment for tonight. In the corner opposite of me and the room, is a massive Christmas tree that nearly touches the thirty foot tall ceiling.

  There are two additional guards inside that I can see. One standing just off the door and the other is opposite me at the hallway to the bathrooms and the private rooms. There are at least two more guards down the hall. Right before the guests started arriving, myself and Cyrus went through locking all the room doors except the private rooms that are open to anyone.

  My eyes scan the room. While it isn’t full, there is a steady stream of people flowing through the door. My scanning has me watching the front door as guests come through. Just outside the door there is a tent reception area that checks off the guests as they arrive and then they’re screened before coming through the door to the house.

  Not that I expected to recognize anyone who arrived at this party, but I’m surprised to see someone coming down the stairs, two someone’s actually. Her eyes catch mine and she smiles. Cami has such an infection personality, it’s impossible not to smile back at her. I’m a bit surprised to see them; they’re usually off in Tahiti or something like that this time of year. But they’re not my detail so I don’t question it much past that.

  Although I do find it odd that Tyson, Tristan’s bodyguard, isn’t with them, but he could be somewhere else on the property. Sean isn’t required to tell me everything, but if he’s here, it’d be nice to catch up with him.

  Cami and Tristan approach me. “Hello, Beck,” Cami greets me and I say hello back. “You remember Tristan?”

  “Of course. Good to see you, man.” I extend my hand to him. “I didn’t know you guys were coming.”

  Cami smiles. “We got in early today, we’re staying until Sunday.”

  “Oh, awesome.” I smile at her.

  “How are things going?” she asks and I scan the room instinctively, ever on duty.

  “They’re good. Been a pretty relaxing week. It’s been kind of nice. How about you?”

  “We’re good,” Tristan answers.

  “Where’s the little man?” I ask them.

  Cami lights up. “He’s upstairs with our nanny. We never travel without him.”

  “Speaking of which, don’t you guys usually spend Christmas in the Bahamas or something?” I ask candidly.

  Tristan frowns. “Tahiti, but I have to work next week, so we couldn’t go this year.”

  Our conversation continues for a few more minutes about mundane things until Dex and Raine come down the stairs followed by Derek and Dacotah. Cami and Tristan leave me to my post and I continue doing what I’m good at. Holding up a wall.

  An hour later and the room is filled with men and women wearing extravagant attire enjoying the food and drink. The entrance has settled quite a bit now that the majority of guests have arrived, but there’s still a steady trickle as people come and go.

  Dacotah and Raine look stunning in black gowns while Dex, in true Dex fashion, is wearing a white dress shirt, no tie, a vest and his sleeves are rolled to the elbows. And judging by the way Raine keeps looking at him, she’s thinking about taking it off him. That’s one thing about Raine, once you get to know her, it’s not hard to pick up on her subtle signals to Dex and it makes me smile.

  Derek and Dacotah are playing gracious hosts, stopping to chat with people as they make their way around the room. Derek talks to a few of the attending celebrities and I wonder how someone makes friends like that. I know from Dex that he has his hand in more than a few hotels in Vegas, but other than that, I’m not entirely sure what it is that he does. On Sunday, following the play party, I spent some more time trying to research what it is that Derek does and while his public profile is extensive, a lot of what’s there doesn’t even begin to explain his exorbitant wealth.

  Dex, Raine, Cami, Tristan, Derek and Dacotah are the only ones here that I know directly. Some of the celebrities on hand I know of, but have never met. Regardless, it is a very interesting mix of company and I wonder why it is that Derek would host such an extravagant event without some sort of charity benefit to it. I get having friends, but jeez, this is almost excessive if you ask me.

  About twenty minutes into dinner, I’m relieved by one of Sean’s guys to take a dinner break. I step into the kitchen where there are a couple of other security guys there, a couple of them have plates in their hands and my stomach growls. One of the staff hands me a plate as I walk past them and I join the others to eat.

  Other members of the security team come and go as I finish my plate, and all are offered food as they come in. The kitchen staff operates like a well-oiled machine between feeding us and preparing the next course and dessert, which looks fucking amazing. If my dinner is anything to go by, then it will be delicious.

  When I resume my post, dinner is in full swing. Though there are a few people lingering about, most everyone is in their seats and the volume level has reduced to a dull roar and the band is playing gentle music. If it wasn’t for the fact that I have no choice but to stay awake, I’d be dozing off.

  “Good evening, Aryn.” A voice from out of nowhere greets me and I’m taken aback by the name. There are only a handful of people who know that name. I turn to the man standing to my left and my breathing stops altogether. “It’s great to see you again.”

  It takes me a moment to find my voice. I can’t help raking my eyes over the man before me dressed spectacularly in a black Armani suit, vest and tie. “Caden,” I finally manage to say.

  There is a coy smile playing at his lips as he takes in my demeanor. I doubt he missed my reaction to his presence here tonight.

  “How are you?” he asks me and I finally manage to find my brain and pull it out of my stomach.

�I’m good, you?”

  He smiles then, “I’m great. Having fun tonight?”

  “I should ask you that. I, unfortunately, am working.”

  “I noticed. But you didn’t answer my question.”

  He doesn’t unleash the look that sent me running the other night, but the one he does give me is a close second. “I’m having a great time,” I tell him. “How about you?”

  “Better now.” He smirks and turns on his heel, returning back to his seat, which is in the middle of the two tables that have Dex, Derek and Cami in them. He’s sitting between Derek and Cami and he picks up a very animated conversation with Cami. Making me wonder if they know each other and that thought sends a million things racing through my mind.

  Who is he? Why is he talking to Cami? Do they know each other? Why would Derek invite a club friend to a big Christmas extravaganza? How many other people from the other night are here?

  I struggle to pull my eyes away from him and the thoughts keeps me occupied as I scan the room.


  *~* CADEN *~*

  “Are you going on the tour?” Cami asks me.

  “I hadn’t planned on it. Most of the time I’m just in the way.” I chuckle, “No one usually wants to talk to me.”

  She laughs too, “I doubt that. Without you, that movie wouldn’t have been done.”

  I smirk at her. “You’re too kind. I may or may not hit the Nashville premiere. I’ll be there at the time.” I shrug and take a drink of my scotch.

  “You know Beck?”

  I can’t help but raise an eyebrow at her. “Beck?”

  She cocks her head in Aryn’s direction. “I saw you talking to him a little while ago?”


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