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Alien Slavers II: Breaking Brandi

Page 9

by Stacey St. James

  This was the beginning of their ritual, however, and that meant things would grow progressively more uncomfortable for her. She suspected the next would be bigger and the one after that larger still. She tried not to think about the possibility that she had made them so angry they might decide to sacrifice her by splitting her body on a stone cock.

  Something hot, moist and faintly rough raked over the skin of her leg, sending a shock wave through her. It felt much like a tongue, except rougher, and longer. In an almost leisurely manner, it ‘licked’ her belly. Moving upward, it stroked first one breast and then the other, making her nipples pebble painfully and stand erect. Heat and moisture gathered in her sex as it continued to stroke her breasts, alternating between them. Within a few minutes, she was moaning and panting with pleasure instead of fear. The pleasure escalated rapidly until she began to squirm and shudder, the muscles of her passage tightening spasmodically around the stone cock. She struggled harder and harder to drag enough air into her lungs as the tension inside of her approached its peak.

  Abruptly, sharp teeth fastened over one breast, digging in almost painfully, and a mouth closed around her, sucking so hard it flung her over the precipice into scalding, mind drugging ecstasy. When she’d ceased to shudder and gasp hoarsely, the mouth was withdrawn.

  Slowly, the shaft was pulled from her body.

  The warmth of her release vanished as abruptly as the shaft was pulled from her for she knew her ordeal had only just begun. She waited in tense dread for the next assault upon her senses.

  When her body had cooled completely, she felt fingers tugging at the lips of her sex. A heated, round-tipped shaft spread the mouth of her channel. Her belly clenched in resistance as it was pushed deeply inside of her. After a few moments, the tongue began stroking her flesh again, bringing her to heat. This time, however, instead of feeling a mouth and sharp teeth on her breast as she began to tremble with release, fingers pulled her nether lips back and she felt the hot, rough stroke of the tongue on her clit. The fourth stroke brought her to a shattering orgasm.

  Weak as she was after two hard climaxes, dread filled her when she felt the shaft removed. A few moments later, she was stretched wide to receive an even larger shaft. She panted as it was forced slowly inside of her, stretching her until her muscles quivered and cramped painfully around it. The rough stroking of the tongue began almost at once. Her body responded with reluctance, tense from the probing shaft. The caresses became more and more insistent, demanding a response. The stroking of the tongue ceased and her breasts were sucked into a hot mouth, teased unmercifully until her body began to quake in nearly painful spasms around the hard lance stretching her passage.

  She was left to rest while her body cooled. All too soon, she felt the touch on her sex again. She fought the suffocating terror that filled her as she felt the size of the thing they wedged into her opening, telling herself it was no bigger than the stone demon’s cock, that her body would adjust.

  She didn’t know whether it was or not, but she realized very quickly that if it wasn’t, she’d forgotten more of the experience than she realized. She was weeping by the time they’d forced it inside of her.

  Despite the pain, relief filled her as the manacles were removed from her wrists, for she knew, hoped, it meant that she would not have to endure having anything bigger forced inside of her. A moment later, her thighs were released and her legs lowered. As the weight of her body shoved the enormous thing more deeply inside of her, she uttered a choked gasp.

  Her feet touched--nothing. Her whole body rested on the hard shaft as her arms were bent behind her back and her wrists bound together and for many moments her mind was so clouded with red hot pain that she could not even think. As the pain began to subside, she realized her buttocks were resting on something hot and covered with hair.

  She was not even vaguely curious to know what it was, however. She could think of nothing but the huge, hot thing inside of her, stretching her to the point of pain until she could only pant for breath, couldn’t seem to fill her lungs. So long as she remained perfectly still, her body merely pulsed and throbbed on the edge of pain. The slightest shifting dug the thing deeper and sent a new wave of agony through her.

  When the stroking began, she fought to close her mind from it. After a few minutes, however, the tenor of the caresses changed to a demand. The sharp teeth clamped over her flesh, bearing down just hard enough to promise suffering if she resisted. Her nipples were stimulated with the heat and adhesion of a hot mouth, the abrasion of the rough tongue until she began to pant and moan with rising need and moisture flooded her passage.

  The need rose and fell, climbing until she felt close to release, then dropping from under her when the muscles of her sex clamped painfully around the thing that yielded not at all.

  The fondling moved down her belly. The fleshy lips of her sex were pulled back and the tongue began stroking her clit. She could not hold back the rising tide of fire inside of her then. Within moments, her body was scaling the heights, flying off the edge in a wracking orgasm that drew a sharp cry from her throat.

  She’d barely caught her breath when the stroking began again, wringing a response from her, forcing her body to explode in ecstasy. Even as the last tremors of release shuddered through her, it began again.

  She began to hope for unconsciousness as her body was wracked over and over by climactic seizures until she was exhausted, trembling all over. It did not come to her rescue, but weariness eventually did. When she’d reached the point where her body simply ceased to respond with more than a twitch, she was pulled from the hard shaft and borne away.

  The hood was removed when she had been taken to a small cell. She was left to attend her needs and rest. She managed to choke down a few bites of the food that was left for her, but she felt no hunger, only complete and utter exhaustion. Her entire body throbbed. Her sex pounded harder, clenching each time her mind settled on the memory of that enormous thing that she’d been impaled on. Despite that, exhaustion held the upper hand and she slept. She was rested when they came for her again, but tired still.

  The hood was placed over her head once more when she’d been prepared and she was taken to the offering chamber, bound as she had been the day before. She should have learned long since that the only thing that she could count on, ultimately, was that she couldn’t count on anything. No matter how similar her ordeal began, it always differed from what she expected.

  Dread instantly filled her when they placed the hood on her head, but so, too, did the half formed thought that the tremendous, stone cock was something she would not have to face at once. She was bound just as she had been the day before.

  She began to get her first inkling that it would not be the same when her sex was swathed with something slick… and still she expected they would allow her to gradually accept a larger and larger shaft. Instead, when her flesh was pulled back, the frighteningly huge thing was forced into the opening, the pressure relentless until she had been impaled on it to the root. The lubricant helped them force it inside of her. It did nothing to help her body adjust to the massive size of it.

  She was sobbing by the time they ceased to push it into her, her body spasming painfully around it. The pain subsided after a few moments, because of a numbing heat that seemed to radiate outward in every direction and finally began to leave her as the hot stroke of the tongue moved over her body.

  Tortuous hours seemed to pass in a heated, mind numbing haze. She came to dread the touch of that rough tongue, the sharp teeth and hot mouth almost as much as the thing inside of her, for they forced her to climax over and over again and each time she did the pitch of rapture was excruciating.

  When she passed the point of exhaustion, she was left pinioned on the shaft. All too soon, they began anew to torment her. She realized after a while that the hood itself seemed to prevent her from blacking out completely. Before, when she would begin to gasp air in really quickly, blackness would begin to crowd i
n around her. Now, no matter how desperately she gasped, oblivion eluded her.

  That was enough in itself to make her want to rip it away.

  In time, it filtered through the haze of her exhaustion that the ritual didn’t seem to have summoned Nhewa—although ‘he’ had supposedly appeared every other time.

  Was she wrong in thinking that was the objective? To summon their god to partake of carnal pleasures?

  Had he decided not to take the offering? Had she failed to please him?

  Fear tickled at the back of her mind, but she was in far too much distress for it to overtake her. When she had rested a second time, they began again and she felt like weeping. Her body was no longer her own, however. It responded with or without her consent, no matter how tired she grew, no matter how sated she was. Her body responded to the determined stimulus even when she thought she couldn’t anymore.

  At last she reached the point where her throat was so raw from screaming that she couldn’t even make sound anymore, when her body had climaxed until it merely quivered. The torment stopped. The hood was removed. Slowly, as her bindings were released, her eyes adjusted to the light in the room.

  Beneath her was the man beast Nhewa, not a likeness wrought from stone that she realized had greeted her at the entrance of every temple, the beast himself. His lower body was strongly reminiscent of a ram, his upper body that of a man.

  His head—it looked like nothing so much as the face and head of a lion—certainly feline.

  It was ‘high priest’ she realized, who’d announced their ‘treachery’ and punishment and torn Ulrich’s back to shreds with that horrible whip.

  He grinned at her and sat up. Wrapping his arms around her, he thrust his tongue from his mouth and dragged it along the side of her neck. A shiver went through her as she felt the roughness of it, her mind simply refusing to accept for many moments that she had been pinned astride him for nigh two days, that it had been his mouth, his tongue—his cock that had brought her to such ecstasy that she’d thought she would die of it.

  After a moment, he lifted her from his cock, caught her against his chest and stood. She was too weak with exhaustion even to feel fear. She hung limply in his arms as he strode across the chamber. When he stopped, she glanced around vaguely, wondering why.

  Ulrick, she saw, was chained to the wall so that he could watch as Nhewa pleasured himself with her—as Nhewa dragged cries of pleasure from her. For an instant, she thought she saw a flicker of rage and hate in his eyes as he faced Nhewa, but it was gone so quickly she wasn’t certain of it.

  “Go. We will hope that you have learned your lesson. I may return the woman to you when I am done with her,” Nhewa growled. “Or not, but it is for me to decide.”

  To Brandi’s relief, she fainted dead away.

  She swam upward toward awareness after a time, but she fought it until she sank into exhausted slumber. When finally she awoke, she saw that she was staring up at a vaulted ceiling. She lay still, allowing her gaze to encompass the room she found herself in.

  It looked like a cavernous bedchamber. She was lying upon a bed.

  She felt a tug on her clit and nipple rings and glanced down to discover a chain had been threaded through them once more. Her gaze followed the chain to the hand that held it. Nhewa was studying her through narrowed, feline eyes. “Come here, my pretty, and mount me,” he said in a rumbling growl.

  Brandi swallowed convulsively, glancing at his erect cock and the gleaming wetness that coated it. Finally, she rolled over, crawling to him on her knees. Her heart was in her throat as she studied the monolith, trying to figure out how, and if, she could take it inside of her when it had been forced inside of her before. Finally, she simply straddled his belly. He lifted her, perching her on top of it.

  She put her fingers between her legs, spreading herself so that he could push the head of his cock into the mouth of her passage. Her body objected, but the slickness coating his shaft, and the pressure as he bore down on her defied the resistance. She squeezed her eyes shut as he seemed to fill her beyond capacity, panting as she tried to catch her breath when he’d ceased at last to force her over his rigid member and she’d sank fully upon him.

  Finally, as the discomfort eased, she opened her eyes. She saw that he was watching her expectantly. When she did not move at once, he tugged on the chain. Dragging in a shuddering breath, she lifted away from him and pushed down again. His eyes began to glaze with pleasure as she moved over him. After a moment, he sat up, flicking at one of her nipple rings. A shaft of pleasure arched through her at the touch and her muscles clenched around his hard shaft.

  “These are pretty things,” he murmured, flicking at the other ring. “How clever of the priests to adorn our pretties.”

  His mouth covered her entire breast. She jerked reflexively as she felt the prick of his sharp teeth, but as his mouth closed around her breast and he began to suck her, her entire focus became centered on the pleasure. She began to move up and down his shaft faster as her body heated toward culmination, spurred by his thorough attention to first one breast and then the other.

  Suddenly, she felt his cock jerk. The movement sent her over the edge. He growled a long, rumbling growl as his body convulsed with ecstasy. He lay back when the shudders abated, studying her once more through narrowed eyes. Brandi held herself upright with an effort, struggling to catch her breath.

  His hands moved from her hips to her thighs, stroking them for several moments before he skated his hands upward, following the curve of her hips and waist until he had cupped her breasts. He kneaded them for several moments before he moved his hands to her back. Slipping one down to her buttocks, he sat up, turned and laid her on the bed.

  Gripping her hips, he began to pump his cock in and out of her, slowly at first, but quickly increasing the pace until he was slamming into her painfully. She came, uttering a hoarse cry. He did not. He continued to pump into her until her body convulsed yet again before he followed her.

  To her relief, he pulled his cock from her.

  “Rest,” he growled. “I would not like to break my pretty so soon.”

  If she hadn’t been so exhausted, the command would have terrorized her, but she was well beyond fear. Sometime later, as she drifted toward awareness once more, it was with the feel of his tongue in her cunt. Reflexively, she tried to close her legs. He placed his hands on her thighs, holding them against the bed, and continued to lap at the walls of her passage as if feeding off of her. Her belly clenched at the rough stroke of his tongue. It brought her to crisis within moments, but she discovered very quickly that that hadn’t been the objective. He continued to lap at her until she would’ve screamed if she’d been able to force the noise past her raw throat. She came again. Her body had already begun to quake in a third wracking climax when he withdrew his tongue from her passage and fastened his mouth over her clit, sucking and lathing it with his rough tongue. He lingered over it, feasting off of her until her body was convulsing almost endlessly and she blacked out from the overload to her senses.

  She knew she could not have been unconscious more than a few moments, for when she became aware again, she felt his tongue lathing her thighs. Slowly, he worked his way up her body, over her belly and breasts and when he was satisfied, he worked his way down again.

  Apparently, he liked the taste of her cunt best. He began lapping at it once more, lifting her hips off of the bed to give himself better access. After a while, when Brandi had begun to think she would die if he didn’t stop, and to pray for it, he withdrew with obvious reluctance and allowed her to drift away again.

  Days, she knew, passed. She had little conception of time when she spent almost every waking moment in a haze of desire, but she knew that it must be days. She didn’t know whether to be glad or sorry that Nhewa was, very obviously, far more interested in tasting her than mounting her. Occasionally, he would sprawl out on his back, tug her over to him with the chain through her rings and command her to mount h
im and ride him until he came. Sometimes, he would press her into the bed and pound his huge cock into her until she thought he would split her in two.

  Mostly, he was content to run his tongue inside of her cunt and lap her until she was mindless.

  Finally, however, he seemed to either reach a point of satisfaction, or boredom, and summoned the priests to return her to the cell where she’d been housed when she and Ulrich were first brought to the temple.

  Fear had been the constant companion of her dreams when she did not sleep the sleep of the deeply exhausted—which she had most of the time. Her waking hours had been so filled with carnality that she’d had no mind for thought.

  It wasn’t until the priests returned her to the cell, though, that she was cognizant enough of her situation for real terror to set in. She only vaguely recalled that Nhewa had sent Ulrick away, but it jolted through her with absolute clarity the instant she was escorted to a cell and locked in.

  Because Nhewa had made certain that she understood him when he’d dismissed Ulrich.

  The message, she realized, had been meant for her, too, not just Ulrich.

  * * * *

  It took all that Ulrick could do to call upon the years he had spent in slavery and hide his true feelings.

  But the rage was there nonetheless.

  He was a free man now! How dare Nhewa take from him that which was rightfully his and dismiss him as if he was of no consequence?

  He would have his satisfaction. Nhewa was the one who would learn a hard lesson.

  Chapter Nine

  By and large, Brandi was too exhausted from the hours Nhewa spent entertaining himself with her/punishing her to spare much time for thought. She was almost too exhausted to eat, but thoughts flickered through her mind from time to time, prodded into existence by some circumstance that brought Ulrich to mind.


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