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Kiss of the Cartel

Page 10

by Slater, Nikita

  “Yes, he would,” I say calmly. “But he’s king of this territory. Under intense scrutiny from enemies and allies alike. He can’t misstep. The man I want dead is untouchable, his life has been sanctioned. Luis can't kill him without good reason. Not without weakening his position in the eyes of our rivals.”

  Arturo sucks in a breath. “Who?” he demands.

  “Renaldo Garcia.”

  Arturo stares at me. I can see the gears in his brain working as he absorbs the implication of what I’m proposing. Arturo may come across as slow, but I know better. He lacks impulse control, but he isn’t stupid.

  “Luis pardoned Renaldo himself. He can’t touch the man or what’s left of that family.”

  “No, he can’t,” I agree. “So Renaldo’s death can’t look like it has anything to do with this family.”

  Arturo nods absently, as he thinks. Then his eyes flash to mine. “Didn’t like that we left him alive. I know why Luis made that decision, but Renaldo feels like a loose end.”

  “Yes,” I say coolly, rubbing my hand over the peak of my belly and resting it just below my breasts, a consciously maternal gesture. Arturo’s eyes follow the movement. “A loose end that holds a grudge against this family. One day he might go after its most vulnerable member.”

  Arturo sighs heavily and rubs a hand over his forehead, before looking back at me. I know he doesn’t like doing this kind of work without my husband’s express consent. I don’t like it either. But what Luis doesn’t know, can’t come back to hurt him. And I will do anything, sacrifice anything, to protect my small family. The people that I love.

  “Consider it done,” Arturo finally says after a moment of heavy contemplation. “It’ll look like an accident.”

  I smile my relief and reach out to squeeze Arturo’s arm. “Thank you. You’re going to be the best godfather a baby could have.”

  He grins back, his face turning almost boyish at the prospect of becoming a godfather to our child. It had already been decided, but this is the first time I’ve acknowledged Luis’ decision.

  “Help me up,” I say, sliding foreword off the stool. “These fucking bar chairs are murder on my back.”

  Arturo takes my arm in a light grip and holds his other hand against my back, helping me slide off the stool. I nearly sigh in relief as I straighten and then groan out loud as the pain in my feet hits. I’m so over this pregnancy. I hope that Luis is fine with only having one, because fuck this bullshit, pregnancy is the worst. I know for a fact I’m not glowing except for the constant sweat that beads my forehead. And while I am excited to meet my little one, I wish to god I didn’t have another month to go.

  “Why exactly are you touching my wife?”

  Luis’ voice comes from behind us. He sounds casual but we all know better. Luis doesn’t like anyone touching me. Only him. Always him. And I’m fine with this. I love my husband’s hands, whether they’re bringing me to orgasm or simply soothing an ache.

  Arturo drops his hands as though I’m on fire and steps away from me. “Was just helping her off the fucking stool. But good to know you’re okay with her falling. Fuck man, you need to chill.” Arturo picks up his drink and drains it.

  I step away from the bar and face my husband. He’s eyeing us both suspiciously. Not like he thinks we were fucking around on him, he knows he’s the only man for me. No, he thinks we’re up to something. I smile softly and walk toward him. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I bury my nose against his jacket. He smells like leather, fresh air and Luis. A mouth-watering combination. I go on my tiptoes and kiss his throat.

  “I’ll leave you two to talk business,” I whisper against him.

  He grunts, takes my hair in his hand and tugs my head back. “You’re in trouble, sweetheart. You know that, don’t you?”

  My heart pounds in trepidation. Does he know what Arturo and I are planning? How could he? Yes, I’ve been worrying the problem for a while, but only this morning decided to involve his cousin.

  Luis raises an eyebrow. “You fired your fucking obstetrician, Lena. What are you thinking? You could go into labour at any minute. You’re small and this baby is big. You need constant care.”

  I blink up at him, trying to switch gears from planning murder to planning for a baby. “But Luis, the man is 200 years old and doesn’t know the difference between an epidural and Tylenol. I don’t want him anywhere near me or the baby.”

  “He was my mother’s doctor when I was born,” he says, as though it explains everything.

  I roll my eyes. “Case in point, Luis. The man is ancient.”

  He stares down at me, love warring with impatience. Finally, he drops a quick, hard kiss on my lips and steps away. “We’ll discuss this later. Wait for me in our bedroom.”

  I grin at him. “Yes, sir!”

  He slaps my ass as I pass by and my heart sings. When Luis is happy, I am happy. When we’re happy together so is everyone else. I will do what it takes, kill whomever it takes, to ensure this happiness lasts forever.


  Excerpt: Driven by Desire

  “Fuck,” Riley grumbled, twisting to make sure she was correct. Nope, she didn't have the right tool.

  It was late at night and all the guys had gone home so she couldn’t call out to one of the other mechanics and ask them to hand it to her. Damn. With an aggrieved sigh, she pushed herself out from under the car. Shoving her long ponytail out of the way, she crawled toward the toolbox and rifled through until she found what she was looking for. Loud, thumping music filled the garage from where her iPhone was plugged into its port on top of one of the tool benches.

  Turning back toward the ‘69 Camaro, Riley adjusted her lamp and prepared to slide back under. This baby was a thing of beauty. It called to her from the moment it entered her shop, which is why she was still working on it at 2:00am. If she did it up right she’d be able to turn a pretty profit on this little sweetheart and take Cilia on vacation. They desperately needed some bonding time.

  The music switched off and a deep voice reverberated through the darkness of the garage. “I’m looking for Mr. Bancroft.”

  Riley froze for a few precious seconds before her head snapped up, judging the distance between a shadowed man and the gun in her toolbox. He stepped forward into the circle of her light, closing the distance between them. Riley’s heart slammed against her ribs as his face became visible and she recognized the most ruthless man in the city. Soloman Hart, mafia kingpin, was standing in her garage, staring down at her with cold intent. He now stood directly between her and her gun. Not that she thought it would do any good against a man like him.

  Riley felt incredibly small and grimy next to his large, well-dressed frame. She sat crouched on the concrete beneath him, wearing her usual tank top and grimy, oil-stained overalls with the top left to hang down. Her shiny, dark brown hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail and she wore no make-up.

  He seemed to be looking her over, taking in every inch of her with interest. Her eyes narrowed in return. She was used to guys staring. She was a thirty-year-old female mechanic, working in a garage full of men. She looked younger than she was and knew she was attractive. Definitely fantasy material for some guys. Which is why she tended to work in the office and on cars in the back, well away from the clients. Very few people knew who actually owned the garage.

  “How did you get in here?” she demanded, pushing herself up and standing to her full height, which was still several inches shorter than him. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and glared at him. She had a damn good security system or she wouldn’t have been alone in the shop blaring music in the middle of the night.

  He ignored her question and raised a dark, thick brow. “Mr. Bancroft?” The single question sent a chill down her spine, letting her know that the next words out of her mouth better be an answer, because Soloman Hart was not a man known for patience.

  Riley pressed her lips together for a moment and wondered how best to answer him. The trut
h of ‘Mr. Bancroft’ was complicated. And Riley was starting to suspect she may be in some danger. The likelihood of a man of this caliber showing up in her garage for any reason was slim. Which meant something not good was going down. Soloman had men to deal with his car issues, he didn’t deal with things like this himself.

  She moistened her lips and then stopped when his sharp eyes followed the movement. Taking a breath, she said, “Mr. Bancroft is dead. He died two years ago.”

  His brows drew together in a frown that made Riley shiver from head to toe. Yeah, he didn’t want to play games with her. His next words confirmed this thought.

  “Don’t fuck with me, little girl,” he growled. “Everyone knows Alan Bancroft is dead. I’m looking for the owner of this garage. Alan’s son, Riley Bancroft.”

  “Okay,” she whispered. “Why are you looking for Riley?”

  Holy shit, she was going to die! The look on his face suggested that the last person that questioned him instead of instantly giving him the answers he was searching for had died a really extra terrible death.

  Surprisingly, he answered, his deep voice clipped as he spoke. “Someone stole one of my vehicles yesterday. It was my favourite and I want it back. Thought it might show up here.”

  Shock flickered across her face. Who would be stupid enough to steal one of Soloman Hart’s cars? Well, that explained why he would show up on her doorstep himself at 2:00am looking for answers. She ran the biggest chop shop in the city. Only very few people knew she ran the garage. She had a very good team of mechanics, mostly inherited from her father, that helped keep her safe behind the scenes. Few people even knew the name Riley Bancroft. Except, somehow Soloman did.

  “Wh-what kind of car?” She asked hesitantly, hoping like hell it hadn’t gone through her shop. She usually did her homework and found out where the vehicles came from so this kind of shitstorm didn’t come down on her head, but that didn’t mean things didn’t get under her radar once in a while.

  “Koenigsegg Regera.” His voice held no inflection as he named one of the most expensive vehicles in the world. A car that would be one of a kind in the United States.

  Riley took a few seconds out from her terror to be impressed. Damn. Soloman must like him some nice luxury racing automobiles. Too bad the man was such a cold-hearted, ruthless bastard. Under different circumstances she wouldn’t mind getting under the hoods of his fleet, see what he had going on up in there.

  She breathed a sigh of relief. “Nope, I definitely would’ve noticed one of those. Never even seen one in person, let alone had one in here.”

  He nodded, still studying her carefully as though taking in every minuscule expression that crossed her face. Finally, he said, “I’d still like to have a conversation with Mr. Bancroft.”

  Fuck. That was going to be a problem since there was no Mr. Bancroft. Instead, she nodded her head.

  “Sure, no problem. I’ll have him call you tomorrow.” She’d get one of the other mechanics to call and reassure him that his car was never there and if it showed up he would be the first person they called.

  He reached out and took her hand before she realized what he was about to do. He held her fingers in a grip that told her she shouldn’t pull away from him. He had tattoos over his hand and knuckles. He looked down at the black, chipped nail polish and rubbed his broad thumb over the tops of her much smaller nails. She shivered at his touch. Based on his reputation and the few glimpses she’d had of him she’d always considered Soloman Hart cold, but his hand was surprisingly warm.

  “What’s your name?” he demanded, his voice deep and compelling.

  Riley tried to pull her hand away, but he continued to hold her. She turned her body away and said in a haughty voice, “None of your business.”

  He stiffened next to her and she bit her lip, worried that she was about to find out what made this powerful man so feared among their underworld set. He chuckled lightly, running his thumb over her knuckles. “I think you’ll find I can make it my business.”

  She shivered and dropped her eyes, still refusing to answer. She did not want this man finding out who she was. For more reasons that the obvious. When he was alive, Alan Bancroft had taught Riley everything he knew, but he’d kept her existence on the down low in case they ever needed to pack up shop and run. There was also the complication of her mother. Cilia Bancroft, shady accountant to the super rich, was a handful and best kept out of the notice of men like Soloman Hart.

  “You can fly, little bird,” he said quietly. He looked down at her, capturing her brown eyes with his bottomless dark eyes. “I will let you go for now.”

  “F-for now?” Riley asked hesitantly.

  He released her hand and stepped closer, towering over her, his chest nearly brushing hers. Riley gasped at his unexpected movement and tried to move back. Her leg bumped against the car she’d been working on and she was forced to stand still next to him. Her head swam as his subtle, masculine scent enveloped her. It made alarm bells go off in her head. He didn’t immediately move away from her.

  “For now,” he confirmed. “I think the day will come that we will see… a lot more of each other.”

  Her mouth opened and she stared at him. Was that a threat? He was looking down at her with something she couldn’t entirely define. Speculation? Possessiveness? But how was that possible? He didn’t even know her. Though she’d seen him before, they were just meeting officially for the first time.

  His eyes brushed over her one last time and she had a keen awareness that she was being granted some kind of reprieve. But it came with a time limit. One that would eventually run out. Her heart slammed against her ribs.

  “Do you know who I am?” he asked.

  She blinked and then nodded slowly.

  “Say my name,” he demanded.

  Riley gaped up at him for a moment and then, desperately wanting the dark man to leave, she gave him what he wanted. She licked her lips and whispered, “Soloman.”

  He turned and strode away from her, resetting the alarm before leaving the garage.

  * * *

  Soloman slid into the passenger side of his second favourite vehicle. Turning to his friend and bodyguard, he said, “Did you catch that?”

  Roman nodded. He had been standing in the shadows near the door where he’d disabled the alarm and unbolted the lock to allow his boss entry to the garage. Though Soloman didn’t need back up, the two rarely worked separately, especially since Soloman’s climb to the top had earned many enemies. Both knew it was better to have a loyal man guarding each other’s backs than to go it alone.

  “I want her,” Soloman said quietly, not taking his eyes off the passing street lights.

  Roman grunted, but didn’t say anything. He already knew. The boss rarely pursued women, beyond having them brought in for a quick fuck. That he even asked for this one’s name was surprising. “I’ll find out who she is.”

  Soloman nodded. “I want to know everything. There’s something about her… I think I might keep her for a while.”

  Roman grunted. He’d get their information guy out of bed and working on the problem of the chick immediately. Find out who she was so the boss could get laid. Soloman Hart wasn’t used to being denied. No one needed to be around the man when he wasn’t happy. Much better to just bring him the woman’s information and then the woman herself all wrapped up and tied in a bow. Fewer people would die that way.

  “And find out where the fuck Riley Bancroft is,” he snapped, drumming his fingers restlessly on his leg. “I want my goddamned car back.”

  * * *

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  Also by Nikita Slater

  If you enjoyed this book, check out some other works by #1 International Bestselling Author, Nikita Slater. More titles are always in progress, so check back often to see what's new!

  Angels & Assassins Series

  Book One – The Assassin’s Wife

  The Queens Series

k One – Scarred Queen

  Book Two - Queen’s Move

  Book Three - Born a Queen (coming 2020)

  Alejandro’s Prey (a novella)

  Fire & Vice Series

  Book One – Prisoner of Fortune

  Book Two – Fight or Flight

  Book Three – King’s Command

  Book Four – Savage Vendetta

  Book Five – Fear in Her Eyes

  Book Six – Bound by Blood

  Book Seven – In His Sights

  Book Eight - Burning Beauty (Coming 2019)

  The Driven Hearts Series

  Book One - Driven by Desire

  Book Two - Thieving Hearts

  Book Three - Capturing Victory

  The Sanctuary Series

  Book One - Sanctuary’s Warlord

  Book Two - Sanctuary on Fire

  Book Three - The Last Sanctuary (coming soon)

  Standalone books

  Because You're Mine

  Mine to Keep (a novella)

  Kiss of the Cartel


  After Dark

  In collaboration with Jasmin Quinn

  Collared: A Dark Captive Romance

  Safeword: A Dark Romance

  Chained: A Mafia Marriage Romance

  Good Girl: A Captive BDSM Romance

  Hostile Takeover: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (coming soon!)

  Visit for more information

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