Luring Light (Royal Bastards MC Tampa Chapter Book 2)

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Luring Light (Royal Bastards MC Tampa Chapter Book 2) Page 20

by K E Osborn

  I brighten at her words, they’re exactly what I need to hear. I always thought I had to preserve her, to stop her from crossing into the dark with me, but why does being in the dark have to be so bad? She has this luring light about her, but maybe it’s the fires of hell burning so fucking bright that I can see the same fire which burns inside of me.

  We’re the same, it’s why we work.

  Deep down, we’re both tainted, depraved souls searching to be good when all we really need is another dark soul to be bad alongside.


  Dash had my father brought down to the bricking cell. He’s been drugged and is out of it. He’s tied up, propped up, and hooked against the bricks ready for us to do our thing. I thought Nycto would be down here with us, seeing as this whole ‘bricking people behind a wall’ is his thing, but he decided to let Ivy have this one. She will be his protégé where bricking is concerned.

  That should scare me.

  It should terrify me.

  But honestly, all it does is electrify me because it lets me know anything this club throws Ivy’s way, she can handle.

  There’s an energy in the air, a spark between the two of us that we’re doing this together. I move in, holding my father’s body back against the wall as Ivy opens the mortar bucket and stirs the contents. Her eyes light up as she picks up the trowel, lathering the first row of mortar at his feet. I don’t even need to tell her where or how far out to do it. She’s a natural.

  Ivy lays the first row of bricks perfectly. I swear my cock is aching, seeing her in her element right now. Watching Ivy turn from this virtuous saint into this rebellious devil has been the highlight of my time here at this club. Hell, it’s been the highlight of my damn life.

  Who knew when she stepped off that boat from Cuba, she would fall into my arms and change not only herself but me in the process?

  The bricks continue to be built into a wall, entombing my father behind them. I can’t say I haven’t thought for years about this very moment. About getting my vengeance on him for all the torment he put me through when I was growing up. But with him behind bars, it was never something I thought would come to pass.

  Now, with Ivy’s help, we’re doing this as a team.

  Because together, we’re unbreakable.

  I would walk over hot fucking coals for her. Put my life on the line time and time again.

  Her eyes shift to me as I take my hand away from my father’s chest as she bricks up in front of his torso. I can’t help but feel like this has all come full circle. My father tried to make me be like him. In a way, I suppose I am, just not in the way he thought. He would bend people to his will, make them submit to him, make them do utterly indescribable shit—the man’s pure fucking evil.

  I’d never make Ivy do anything she didn’t want to. She’s a free spirit and has her own mind. I couldn’t make her submit to me in that way, even if I tried. She’s far too alpha for that. But my father’s blood runs through my veins, that evilness inside him is inside me too, but I choose to use mine differently.

  Ivy bricks up to his chin, the adrenaline surging through me right now pumps so hard it’s like I’m high. Ivy tries to fight back her excitement as well as she moves in to place another brick, but then she hesitates. “Shall we entomb him completely? Or leave it open, so we can watch him waste away over a few weeks?”

  A slow grin slides up my face. This woman!

  “Leave three bricks free, so we can watch the fucker dwindle. You’re a twisted fucker, sweet thing!”

  She giggles but not in a cute way. It’s more maniacal, and it makes my cock rock hard.

  Fuck, I love her! My eyes widen at the realization, but I don’t give anything away.

  “What’s even more twisted is the fact he’s right outside my bedroom. I’ll be able to hear his moans of pain… I love it!”

  I grin, shaking my head. “One more thing,” I state, pointing to the cage on the floor.

  She chuckles. “I can’t believe I nearly forgot, this is the best part!”

  Ivy picks up the small rodent cage from the ground, lining it up with the opening. The giant rat inside itching to get free. “In you go, little guy, cause as much havoc as you can.”

  The evil glint in her eye is turning me on even more as the rat lets out a little squeal when it drops to the bottom of the entombment.

  She places the cage back to the ground, then pulls out the mesh screening to block the hole, so the rat can’t get out. I grin, helping her fit it in place, all while my father is still out cold. I pull Ivy to me pressing my lips to hers.

  She is intoxicating.

  She might be fucking insane, but I adore her brand of crazy, and right now, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere fucking else than right here, sharing this moment with her.

  We took my father down together, and in the end, we’re still here fighting.

  Fighting for each other.

  My tongue collides with hers as a deep groan echoes from inside the wall beside us.

  “What the hell? Cade? Why am I in the fucking wall? You can’t leave me here! What the fuck? Is there something in here with me? Ouch, fuck. It bit me! Cade? Cade,” my father yells, but we don’t break our kiss, all it does is spur us on more, my tongue colliding with hers frantically as I push her up against the wall Andrés is locked behind.

  She whimpers in my mouth.

  My hands tingle as I run them along her still damp, silky skin.

  I’m one lucky sonofabitch.

  A Couple of Days Later

  It’s been a few days, and everything is finally settling back to normal. After the chaos of having Tony come after Ivy, then my father’s bullshit as well, it’s good to kick back and have a breather.

  Sitting in the chapel with my brothers is like the most normal thing in the world to me. Though, I’m not sure what this meeting is about exactly. I’m hoping there’s no more shit hitting the fan right now. I want some time out.

  Nycto takes a drag of his cigarette, then exhales, a plume of smoke filling the medium-sized room. “So, there are a couple of reasons I dragged you all in here toda—”

  “If the club’s in trouble again, I’m out. I’ve had enough drama over the last few days,” I mock jokingly.

  Everyone chuckles while Nycto grins. “You’ve got Ivy hanging off your arm. You’re constantly gonna be in trouble, VP.”

  “Here, here,” resounds around the room.

  I fold my arms over my chest, trying to appear angry, but I can’t hold in my laughter. “Fuckers!”

  “Anyway, first call of business… Voltage, you need to up the security on our cells. How the fuck those programs were able to be downloaded so easily on every damn phone in the entire clubhouse is inexcusable. That can never fucking happen again!”

  Voltage dips his chin. “I’ve done a full wipe of everyone’s cells. They’re clean of the software that was installed remotely, and I’ve encrypted them. Also, I added a commercial software firewall, but I’m looking into other avenues of defense… something I will program personally.” He exhales. “I let the club down, Prez. It won’t happen again.”

  Nycto hums under his breath, seemingly unimpressed. “Moving on… let’s discuss Dash.” Nycto’s eyes meet mine, and I sit up taller listening. “The prospect has done a fucking lot for this club. Not just his bravery in helping rescue Ivy, but also in helping with Sage and Miami. He was a good kid when going through his recovery. Never batted an eyelid when one of us asked for something until shit got weird with Void and Ivy. Pussy will make men go crazy, and he’s learned his place where Ivy’s concerned.”

  I raise my chin. “What are you saying?”

  Nycto slides the club logo patch across the table.

  “You wanna patch him in?” I question.

  Nycto glances around the table to my other brothers. “We need a vote. It’s gotta be unanimous.”

  Whiskey places his closed fist on the table. “Aye.”

  We’re doing this now?

>   Ominous slams his fist down. “Aye.”

  “Aye,” Nerve chimes in next.

  “Aye,” Brass and Voltage both say at the same time, leaving me sitting here with everyone looking at me.

  It only takes one vote.

  One single vote for Dash not to patch in, then he’ll be gone from the club for good.

  It would be so simple for me to rid him from our lives.

  To get him the hell away from Ivy forever.

  But if she found out it was me who sent him packing, I’m not stupid enough to know she will never forgive me.

  Plus, he did come in and save my damn ass.

  I owe him.

  Maybe he isn’t such an asshole, after all.

  “He’s gonna need a mentor,” I grunt.

  Nycto hums under his breath. “Yeah, he will.”

  Groaning as I run my hand through my hair, I sink into my seat. “Fine. I’ll do it. He did save my ass, he deserves a patch… as much as I fucking hate it.”

  Everyone dips their chins at me.

  “He gets the patch, but you got the girl. Remember that,” Nycto reminds me.

  “Mmm,” I mumble under my breath.

  There’s only one way to make sure.

  “Now there’s one more item of business. The thing you came and talked to me about a while back, Void. I spoke to our brothers while you and Ivy were away. We’re gonna have another vote on it now, if you’re sure?”

  My eyes widen. “Really?”

  Nycto tilts his head. “Yeah, brother. We’ve seen enough to warrant it.”

  “Well, then, let’s vote!”


  We walk out of the chapel, and there’s a pep in my step as we go.

  Dash’s patching-in ceremony is going to be in a couple of days, but right now, I need to tell my woman something in front of everyone. As we all enter the main room, Eva and Ivy are sitting on the sofa. Dash and West are at the bar drinking while Stacey’s behind serving them. A fantastic aroma’s wafting out from the kitchen, so I’m sure Trixie’s in there, while Pepper’s wiping down the small tables to get ready for dinner.

  All eyes fall to us as I walk over to the pool table, sending out a whistle to grab everyone’s attention. They all turn to face me as my brothers fan out around me in a semi-circle.

  “I have news.”

  Ivy and Eva both jump up from the sofa, fear etched across their faces. “Oh God,” Eva mumbles, grabbing Ivy’s hand for support.

  “Ivy, can you come here?”

  She glances at her sister, giving her a supportive nod. Eva is hesitant to let her go, but Ivy detaches from her, then slowly walks my way. I reach out, taking her hand in mine with a slow smile creeping up on my face.

  Ivy scowls, throwing a punch into my pec. Hard. “Fuck you, asshole, I thought something was wrong.” But she can’t fight the corner of her lips turning up.

  Everyone chuckles as I shake my head. “Always fighting. You’re so fucking strong, Ivy. Your inner strength is what astounds me, time and time again. I made the mistake of thinking because you didn’t have the same life experiences as the rest of us, it meant you were meek and mild. Yeah, I was so goddamn wrong.”

  She tilts her head as if she’s mocking me. “True story.”

  I gesture to Nycto as he moves in behind me. “You, Ivy Pérez, are tougher than some of the men I’ve met. Your fire, your fight, your will to outdo is intoxicating—”

  “Void… what is this?” she questions.

  “You have a dark side, Ivy. It flows inside you. We used to call it your poison, poison Ivy. But I’m willing to take every last drop of your crazy even if it kills me.”

  She tilts her head. “Used to call it poison? I’m not following, Void… what’s going on?”

  I tilt my head at Nycto, he steps forward with a club cut.

  Ivy raises her brow at me. “You’re claiming me? This is my property patch?”

  I let out a small laugh. “Yes and no… I am claiming you, Ivy, but this isn’t your property patch.”

  She scrunches up her face.

  Nycto turns it around, pointing to the prospect patch on the front. “This is a club cut, Ivy. Tampa has never had a female prospect in our ranks, but we’ve voted. With the strength, determination, and courage you’ve shown, you’d make a fucking incredible Royal Bastard if you wanna join us?”

  Ivy’s eyes widen so fucking huge it’s like she can’t even think, let alone speak. “So, wait, let me get this right, I’m prospecting in, and I’m an Ol’ Lady right now?”

  My hands grip tighter on hers. “You’ll now be known as Toxin. Generally, we don’t give road names until you officially patch in, but seeing as you’re being claimed as well, we agreed to having your name known early.”

  She lets out a loud laugh as she races forward, threading her arms through the club cut.

  Damn, it looks good on her.

  Everyone cheers as she turns then hurtles herself at me, her lips pressing against mine. I wrap my arms around her, my fingers creasing against the leather of her cut. Fuck! I can’t help it, my damn cock begins to harden.

  She’s perfect.

  We pull apart, and my eyes lock onto hers. “Thank you, Void. Thank you for doing this. I’m sure it was you who suggested I join the club and is sponsoring me. I can’t imagine not being part of it. It’s like this is where I belong like this is what I’m meant to be doing.”

  I bring my hand up, caressing the side of her face. “I know. I knew from the second I saw you bricking Andrés up behind that wall, you were born for this club. And now, you’re my Ol’ Lady, so every fucking thing is perfect.”

  She grins at me. “Toxin, huh?”

  I shrug. “Thought you’d like it.”

  “I love it.”

  I lean in to kiss her again.

  Dash walks out of the clubhouse. A few moments later, the telltale roar of a Harley booms outside. It takes off so fucking fast I wonder if he’s had time to change gears.

  Dash has feelings for Ivy, and I know that.

  But maybe now I’ve claimed Toxin, he can finally let her go.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Elation flows through me. I had no idea this was coming. Prospecting in and being claimed at the same time, I was not expecting this at all. Everyone’s surrounding Void and me, sending their congratulations when all I want to do is rip Void’s clothes off.

  I should be out there celebrating with the guys.

  And I will.

  Fucking hell, I will—but I’m also an Ol’ Lady, and right now, I need to let my Ol’ Man know how much I appreciate what he’s done for me here today.

  Eva’s bouncing up and down, her hands gripping mine as she smiles at me. “I’m so excited for you. This is exactly what you need, Ivy, an outlet. Being part of the club is going to be amazing for you.”

  “I was already part of the club, they just needed to accept it,” I tease.

  “With the way you handle the crop, not to mention Andrés and Wyatt. Yeah, I agree, Toxin. That’s why it was such an easy vote for us,” Nycto insists.

  I spin back to Eva. “I’m so glad we’re here.”

  “This is the best place for the both of us,” Eva agrees.

  I grip hold of Void’s hand. “I couldn’t agree more, but honestly, I need to go celebrate all this with my Ol’ Man right now.”

  Everyone chuckles as Void waggles his eyebrows at me. I take off, leading him toward the hall for his room. I practically break the door down in my impatience to get inside. I need to show Void how much I care about him.

  He slams it shut behind me, and I shove him up against the door. His eyes widen as my lips slam to his. That spark, that undeniable chemistry that ignites when we touch, illuminates my body as my tongue dances with his. Void’s hands slide up under my shirt then along my skin, his fingers heading toward my bra. He unclips it before I can even take my cut and shirt off.

  I chuckle against his lips pulling back, shrug
ging out of my cut, then place it on his desk. He quickly does the same as I yank my shirt over my head, my bra immediately dropping to the floor.

  Void’s eyes fall to my taut buds, and he groans. “I’ll never get sick of looking at you.” His voice is low as he pulls his shirt over his head.

  I step back, letting him have a good view as I thread my hands into my jeans and pull them down, leaving me in my red lace panties. He rearranges his cock in his pants as I tilt my head toward him. “C’mon, Void, keep up.”

  He smirks, his hands falling to his buckle, quickly undressing. I kick my flats off while watching his cock standing tall, hard as a fucking rock against his belly button. I haven’t seen any other cocks in my life to compare with Void’s, but I know that his is fucking glorious, and I can’t wait to have it inside me again.

  He stalks toward me, a devilish glint in his eyes. Excitement bubbles inside me as he reaches me, his hands moving to my panties. With brute strength, he tears them to shreds, and they fall like lifeless scraps to the floor as I run my hands up his tattooed pecs.

  “There you are. Hello, sir.”

  He rolls his shoulders. “I think Sir and Toxin can both play tonight. You game?”

  My hand slides up from his pec, and I quickly grip his throat, staring into his eyes. I tighten as excitement flows through me like never before. His nostrils flare as he tries to suck in air. I grin so fucking wide as my other hand moves to his cock, wrapping around it, and I begin to stroke. “I’m game. The question is, are you?” I dare him.

  His hands move up, gripping my shoulders so firmly I’m sure it will bruise, and he spins me, breaking my hold. He turns me, pushing my front down over the bed as he picks up a paddle, I didn’t even know he possessed from under his bed. My eyes widen as my pussy tingles.

  “Let’s play!” He groans as he slams the paddle against the apex of my pussy and ass.


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