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Crescent Vendetta

Page 2

by Desiree L. Scott

  We can’t win. Not yet. Stay calm.

  Travis choked back the rage, the fury that threatened to bring on more drugs, and forced himself to watch as they put the collar around Vanessa’s neck, her body limp.

  Within minutes, she started to come around, her head slowly rising. Stumbling to her paws, she took a halting jump towards the men. The taller one shot back and laughed as he pushed a button on the black remote he held. The beautiful white wolf whimpered and lowered her head, her chest heaving as she stood in the open doorway of the cage, defeat etched in every line of her bruised body.

  A collar. Suddenly, Travis felt the device on his own neck.

  The man chuckled, and the other stood behind his partner rolling his eyes.

  “They’re almost ready. You done fooling around yet?” He looked down at Vanessa and shook his head. “You should know better, bitch. We’ve been over this before.”

  “Ah hell, Mitch. Don’t be giving her a hard time. I like playing with her!”

  The man called Mitch rolled his eyes again and sighed.

  Vanessa growled but didn’t move.

  Tom raised his brow, his stocky body leaning against the wall beside the cage.

  “Really? You want it again?”

  He raised the remote towards her, daring her. She stayed still, her eyes full of hate and rage.

  “Oh come on,” he taunted. “I don’t feel a thing!” He grinned. “Besides, I can tell the boss you ain’t being nice. You know how much he looks forward to showing you who’s in charge.” The grin turned to a leer as he laughed.

  “Keep the remote ready,” the other man ordered. He stepped up closer to her and opened the cage wider. “You know the drill. Let’s go.”

  Travis watched as she walked between the two men and out the door. It slammed shut behind them, and the locks clicked into place.

  What the fuck was that about? Who the hell is the “boss”?

  Vanessa made her way down the narrow hallway, the steps leading to the basement in front of her.

  The fighting ring was below ground, which made discovery that much harder. Most people didn’t know it existed, but this was a walk she had made too many times before. If she moved one tiny step outside of the normal path, the man named Mitch—the fucking lowlife—pushed a button that sent the electric pain through the collar around her throat and brought her to the ground.

  I should be thankful I’ve had the last day to recover.

  She healed faster in wolf form, so she had that going for her, but the process was slowing down. It was taking longer to rejuvenate between fights. She felt the added drugs move through her system, loosening up her body yet forbidding the change. It had been months since she last shifted, and she wondered if she was even able to shift back. At times, she couldn’t remember what she looked like human.

  Her wolf wanted to whimper, to howl. Vanessa knew the animal was beyond tired. If only she could shift, she would give her wolf a break, but it was impossible.

  Choking the growl down, the rage darkened her eyes and extended her claws even further. She had to save her strength for what lay ahead. There was always a chance she wouldn’t win; that she would be the one they were carting out to be dumped out back.

  After six months, she still didn’t know their location, but it must be isolated because of the bodies. She hadn’t been outside or felt the sun and the surge of freedom in so long…

  The door at the base of the stairs stood open before her, but this time, she didn’t hesitate. She had learned the hard way how trigger happy Mitch was. Vanessa would have killed him if given the chance, but she never was. They were too careful.

  She walked through the crowd, and they went wild, screaming for blood. A large wolf stood in the corner, his head lowered as he watched her, his gaze hungry.

  She read the deep desire and death in his eyes, but the battle, the fight, would be close. He was black, his broad head massive, and legs thick, pure muscle. Knowing the asshole in charge of this entire operation personally, the other wolf would rape her first before he killed her. She could read the intent in his eyes.

  Swallowing hard, Vanessa stopped in her corner, her eyes never leaving him. Muscles tensing as her focus tightened. The crowd disappeared as the fight for survival kicked in. She crouched down and waited, a low rumble initiating from her throat.

  Seconds ticked by, the roar growing as their gazes locked.

  The whistle blew, slicing through the yells of the bloodlust coming from the ring. The wolf charged, his fangs growing and jaw open, dark eyes locked on her.

  Leaping towards the right, she landed behind him as he lunged by, and with another surge of strength, jumped on his back. Her fangs digging deep into his neck. She tightened her jaws as he sprang and landed on his feet hard, twisting as he tried to throw her off.

  If he succeeded, she was dead.

  He howled as her incisors went deeper, and the taste of blood filled her mouth. She flailed her head; the more damage, the better.

  Flopped across his back, her legs hugged him, and her teeth embedded in his flesh. The blood flowed faster, and she felt him growing weak. For being such a big wolf, Vanessa could tell he wasn’t an alpha. Maybe a beta; maybe a loner. All he had going for him was his size, but he obviously didn’t have the strength behind his muscles. Still, it was getting harder to hang on. She knew they wouldn’t blow the whistle until he was dead. Her fangs sank deeper.

  He howled again, fighting to throw her off. Just as she thought she would make it, he jumped high and twisted. Her teeth dislodged from his torn muscle.

  She felt herself fly through the air, crashing against the side of the wall. The crowd’s volume grew, screams and chants filling the arena. She stumbled to her feet as a whimper escaped, but her eyes locked on the heaving wolf, blood dripping from her fangs.

  Seconds ticked by as they stared at each other, the crowd roaring.

  Her opponent charged again, and this time, she wasn’t fast enough. She managed to turn, her neck barely missing his jaws, but he locked onto her back leg, and she went down. She kicked, turning herself, but he was clamped on tight. Pain exploded as her bone snapped in his grip.

  Suddenly, he was on her back, pushing her down. Dirt filled her mouth as he slammed her head into the ground. She felt him behind her and knew what was next.

  Giving a jerk, she flipped to her back as she kicked the underside of his chest. He grunted and rolled away from her. She stumbled to her feet again, her back leg dragging, useless. The room started to spin, her body on fire as her wolf struggled to heal what was broken

  He didn’t give her time but charged again.

  This time, she didn’t dodge but charged as well. She went down and caught him by surprise. He was over her, and she jerked up, sinking her fangs into the underside of his neck. She felt bone snap and blood gush out of him.

  He jerked once, twice, twisting, and then fell on top of her.

  Just as his body went limp, the life gone, her world faded, faces swirling, and her eyes rolled back as blackness invaded.

  Travis paced along the cage as the crowd went wild again, the cement floor shaking beneath his paws at the volume. Screams mingled with the howls and roars of the wolves as the fight continued. He didn’t know how much time passed since they had taken Vanessa away, but he swallowed his fear as he continued to pace the confined space.

  Where the fuck were they? Who was in charge? Were they his enemy?

  Travis didn’t think so. If it had been the old alpha of the Outlander Pack, he wouldn’t have hesitated to believe it, but he had heard the son was different. That he was fair and struggling to build over the mess his father had left. In fact, the son had killed the alpha. The hatred was deep for that pack, but even Travis didn’t think they would kill off their own kind.

  He paced the small cage, the nervous energy of the fight above him and the trapped helplessness he felt stealing his breath. He wasn’t used to feeling like he couldn’t conquer his enemies. Havin
g never lost a fight yet, he loathed the feeling.

  He looked at the bars, the metal locks, and the cage itself. It was made to withstand the strongest pressure, and he didn’t think he could break out. That left tricking his way out of here, but how?

  The wolf’s eyes shot over to the door as it opened to reveal a tall man clad all in black. His midnight-colored hair lay rumbled on his head, and his dark eyes found Travis. Heavy, confident steps made their way over to the cage and stopped mere feet from him.

  “Close the door behind you,” he ordered, his voice deep and commanding.

  Without a word, the door closed, leaving the two in silence beyond the uproar beneath his feet.

  “So you’re the alpha of the Crescent Ice Pack.” The visitor raised a brow and chuckled, as if finding a private joke hilarious. Travis was amused.

  The peak lifted higher, and Travis growled, his head lowering as he glared up at him. He hated the fucker on sight and knew this meeting had a motivated reason behind it.

  Who the fuck is he?

  The asshole shifted right before him, and Travis waited until the black wolf stood before him.

  Is this better?

  He ignored that idiotic question with one of his own.

  Who the fuck are you?

  Dominic Parker, Alpha of the O’Sear Pack. At your service.

  With that, the bastard actually bowed and then straightened, his lips pulled back in a grin.

  Why was I kidnapped? If this dick was talking, he wanted some answers.

  Dominic shook his head, a sigh floating over to Travis.

  Kidnapped is such a strong word. We prefer volunteers.

  Oh, really? Are you fucking insane or just suicidal?

  One thing was clear to Travis: he would enjoy shoving those words down the fucker’s throat.

  Dominic’s eyes narrowed, and the grin left his thin lips. The fangs grew as the blaze of his menacing gaze lit with rage. Travis expected him to lash out, but he didn’t. Instead, the light dimmed as the lock clicked.

  He noticed Dominic hadn’t turned his head, but his stomach sank as the man who had been with Mitch entered, Vanessa’s body thrown over his shoulder. The human didn’t even glance at him as he walked straight for her cage and flung her in.

  Travis flinched as her body hit the ground, and he heard Dominic’s chuckle come through the link. He wanted to tear the fucker’s throat out, but he could do nothing but watch as Dominic turned and headed towards the door, pausing next to Vanessa’s cage before he left the room.

  Travis could barely hear her as her chest rose with her shallow breathing. Her heaving side was caved in, the ribs broken. He watched as movement rippled along her stomach, the wolf repairing the damage. Her legs, mangled and broken, dripped with the blood of fresh cuts that marred her white coat as she lay on the ground. The hard surface quickly pooling red. He wondered how many times this had happened. Her cage had been caked in dried blood when they first met.

  Vanessa? Can you hear me?

  No answer.


  He paced along the edge of the cage as he watched her. Her body slowly putting itself back together.

  Come on, wake up.

  Cheers erupted from all around him, but he didn’t break his concentration. He willed his strength into Vanessa any way he could. Not knowing how long she had been kept in the cage fighting, he didn’t think she had much longer before she was either defeated or killed.

  Probably the latter, he thought, baring his fangs at the murderous thought. He wanted to howl, to draw the blood of everyone within a twenty-mile radius, and even then, he didn’t think it would be enough.

  Looking around, he took in the metal enclosures and impenetrable floors. It wasn’t a very big room and had no chance of escape. The drugs made that impossible. Returning his gaze to Vanessa, he watched as her chest rose and fell in shallow breaths, the blood slowly drying on her matted fur, and the cuts healing into new scars.

  Travis stood up, his body shaking with the rage.

  Unable to hold it in any longer, he let everything out and gave the wolf control. Howling and ramming the cage, his large body hit the metal rods as hard as he could.

  Over and over again, primal screams filled the room. He heard shouts on the other side of the door, feet running towards him, but he didn’t care. Pummeling the bars harder, his wolf craved the blood of the humans running through the door.

  A gun was raised, and two shots fired. He felt the impact, his howl cut off as the breath left his body. He felt himself fall, striking the ground hard. He shook his head and started to stand again, the ferocity bursting forth.

  Another shot and he was gone, his world black.

  Chapter 4

  Vanessa couldn’t believe it.

  What the hell had he been thinking?

  Lying on the ground, breathing ragged, she watched the men leave the room and returned her gaze back to the still wolf in the other cage. She had been impressed with his power, with his rage, and now she knew with certainty that she wouldn’t win, not against him. Her time was coming to a close. She would be the next one taken to the trash, thrown out like human waste.

  Her throat tightened at the loss of life inside of her.

  I’m so sorry, baby.

  Sighing, she closed her eyes. Her body was limp with pain and defeat, even as the wounds started to heal, the shattered bone mending and reforming anew. The pain was familiar; something she had been through too many times to even make a noise.

  I’m so sorry, Aiden.

  She pictured her brother, the only person who had ever cared about her. Her father had been a mean bastard and on his last killing spree had returned to the pack and Aiden’s fury.

  Their father died that day, and no one was sorry about it. He left behind more enemies than they could count, and the hatred for their pack had been high. Even three years later, Aiden was still working his ass off to repair the damage, mend the mistakes, and create allies. It was hard, but other packs were slowly coming around. One, the Crescent Ice Pack, didn’t want to have anything to do with them, not that they could be blamed. Aiden and Vanessa’s father had murdered a lot of their wolves, the old alpha himself being one of them.

  It wouldn’t do to think about the past. Hell, from the way it looked, Vanessa didn’t have much of a future, either. She glanced over at the prone figure. They had shot him three times, and she knew the boss would be pissed. That put him out of commission for a few days, but hopefully, that meant Vanessa could have more time to recover before she had to fight again.

  Probably not.

  Money was lost with each day that went by without a fight. They will just have to bring in another wolf for her to go up against.

  Time passed without a sound; the crowds silent for once. Drugs hadn’t been introduced into her system again, so within a few hours, she was up and pacing. She had run out of ideas to escape, and the resignation of her fate was sinking in.

  Suddenly, Vanessa saw his eyes open, and her own widened in astonishment. After a fight and a round of drugs, he should have remained passed out.

  She watched as he strove to stand, the bars supporting him as he slowly made it to his feet, wavering as he looked over at her. They stared at each other; no thoughts were even needed. She could see the anger hidden behind the gold irises of his eyes. Even dazed, he was magnificent.

  How were you captured?

  Her eyes widened again.

  For him to be able to communicate after so little time…

  She didn’t finish the thought as she sighed and laid her head on her paws, her eyes on him as she answered his question.

  I was out running, not far from my pack.

  She lifted her head, her eyes going to the one lone window at the far top of the wall. It was the only thing that told her of the nights and days. A stream of light, a dark patch of moonlight, gleamed on the wall. The days knew no meaning for her anymore.

  She returned her eyes back to the intensity
of his.

  I was ambushed and hit before I knew it. Not a damn thing I could do about it.

  Is your pack looking for you?

  She scoffed at that. Her pack? Looking for her? If she had the strength, she would have roared with laughter. She couldn’t even remember when she had last smiled, let alone laughed.

  There would only be one man looking for me, and he probably thinks I’m dead by now.

  What pack are you with?

  She eyed him for a moment. The Outlander Pack.

  She watched him stiffen as her quiet words, the words of ownership and loyalty, hit him.

  The Outlander Pack? Shit.

  She met his gaze without flinching, direct and unafraid.

  Your father is dead.

  It wasn’t a question, and she didn’t bother to elaborate on it.

  Aiden Burns is your brother.

  Again, it wasn’t a question.

  She just stared at him, wondering where he was going with this conversation. So far, he knew more about her than she did of him. She couldn’t believe she was actually talking about herself, but hell, if she was going to die by him, then he could at least know who she is. Or was. Whatever. She hadn’t given up, but she wasn’t fooling herself either.

  He’s looking for you, he suddenly said, his words shocking her. Her heart pounded, and she lifted her head slightly as their eyes met.

  And how would you know that?

  I make it my business to know about my enemies.

  She stiffened. We haven’t caused any problems in three years.

  That doesn’t mean your pack won’t. Your father killed my father.

  Her heart stopped. What?

  His eyes narrowed. Don’t tell me you don’t know that.

  She found it hard to swallow as their gazes locked.

  When? she whispered.

  Ten years ago.

  My brother wasn’t involved.

  Silence, and then a raised eyebrow.

  I know that. It’s why I didn’t destroy your pack when he took over three years ago but make no mistake, I’ve been watching.


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