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Crescent Vendetta

Page 12

by Desiree L. Scott

  “It’s faint,” he said, hating the idea, but again, nothing he could do about it. Not yet. “He’s been too quiet. Something is bound to happen soon. I have our borders tight with patrols and our men in town asking questions and keeping a look-out. Someone is bound to see something.”

  His mother put a plate of food in front of him, and the smell made his mouth water. Within seconds, he was digging in. Sam of the same mind. Travis never knew when he would be interrupted, so he wasn’t taking the chance of not being able to eat.

  Vanessa looked down at her daughter lying in the crib and smiled again. For the first time in months, she was truly happy. Hell, probably in years. The shift, though painful, hadn’t felt as weird as she thought it would, especially given it was over seven months since she had been herself. Well, as herself as she could be with a baby growing inside of her.

  Her eyes misted over as her child moved in her sleep, brows crinkling in thought.

  What was she thinking about?

  Even after everything that had happened, Vanessa wouldn’t trade this treasure for anything. If she had to, she would go through it all again.

  “I’ll never leave you, darling. I’ll always protect you,” she cooed, stroking the little one’s soft cheeks. Her daughter would never feel like an outsider, never feel unwanted. She would make sure of that.

  Hearing a noise at the door, she looked over, stiffening. She relaxed when she saw who it was…Travis resting in the doorway smiling over at her.

  Vanessa rose up slowly and nodded, wary. She was unsure of where they stood…where she stood with the whole situation. She was now a new mother, but more than that, she was no longer a wolf. In its place, a woman unsure of her place in this world. And he seemed to like what he saw, which made her blush unwillingly whenever…whenever he looked at her like that. It was extremely frustrating and terrifyingly wonderful all at once. She couldn’t look at him when he watched her like that and had to fight the grin that overpowered her reason.

  But this whole business with Dominic, it wasn’t his fight. It was hers, and hers alone. Alpha or not, he had to understand her position, but she had a feeling that if she mentioned her logic, he would be a tremendously pissed off man.

  Travis walked closer, staring at her. His eyes scanned her face and then down rest of her body, and she had to once again battle that blasted smile from showing up on her face.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered, stopping inches from her.

  Okay, maybe it was a little exciting.

  “Thank you,” she whispered back, her voice soft and near breathless as he came closer.

  He leaned down and paused as if giving her time to object. She couldn’t find the words. She didn’t know if it was smart, but she had dreamed of him, of this, while a wolf. She wanted to know if she was wrong.

  After enough time had passed to satisfy him that she wasn’t going to object, he stepped nearer. She felt his arm slink around her back, and he gently pulled her to him as if he thought he was hurting her. That almost brought out a chuckle. The big, strong, sexy alpha was being as tender as a lamb.

  His lips parted as he leaned in. She wasn’t sure if it was his intoxicating scent, his lovely body, or his hypnotizing eyes, but any resistance she had built up dissipated. Vanessa tilted her head, an exhale escaping as her lips met his. They were softer than she’d imagined, and she felt her insides heat as his tongue began its silky probe. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, one sliding up the back of his head as she intensified the kiss.

  A noise from the bed made her stiffen, and he drew back. Their gazes went to the little bundle moving in the crib.

  The tiny noise quickly became a cry, and Vanessa broke the embrace and went to her, taking the baby in her arms and whispering to her. Within seconds, the crying stopped as mother and daughter gazed at each other.

  “I’ll let you feed her,” he said. “When you’re done, come out to the living room. Everyone wants to see her. And you,” he added.

  She smiled as she sat on the bed, and her daughter turned her head, searching, seeking, her little mouth open and grasping at anything she could. At the moment, it was her white blouse, and they could both see the tiny lines on her forehead pinch together in frustration at not finding what she was looking for.

  She nodded, lowering her blouse, and her daughter grabbed onto the nipple as if her life depended on it. A soft sucking sound broke the silence, and Vanessa stroked the soft head and cradled her close.

  Once done, she righted her clothing and stood up. Before heading out the door, she looked at herself in the mirror. Oh, God! How could Travis kiss her when she looked like this? A beaming grin tugged at her lips. They’d kissed. And it made her want to grab him, kick everyone else out of the house, and…

  She sighed and retrieved the brush that Samantha had no doubt put on the desk for her. After quickly running it through her mop of a hair, she put it down and went to pick up her baby.

  “Okay, sweet pea. Ready to meet everyone?”

  She pulled the child to her chest and made her way downstairs.

  Travis stared out the kitchen window still reeling from Vanessa’s kiss. He couldn’t get her out of his mind. It wasn’t just because she was beautiful, which she certainly was with her black hair falling halfway down her back, her pale complexion and green eyes, but it was what he saw in those eyes that had him so enthralled, so hooked. He saw gentleness, a vulnerability he wanted to treasure forever. He wanted to protect her and the child, to love them as much as she would allow. And more.

  He felt her behind him and turned, taking in her tight jeans and white blouse, her freshly combed hair that framed her oval face. Her green eyes met his, and she smiled. A small tilt of her lush lips had his pants tightening.

  Damn it. If he didn’t get his thoughts under control, she would–.

  Too late.

  Her eyes flashed down and widened. Well, shit.

  “Sorry,” he muttered, shifting to adjust himself.

  Red stained her face as she blushed, her eyes returning to his. She opened her mouth, but a squeal from the living room caused them both to flinch. They’d been spotted.

  Anna, having returned home, rushed in from the living room where everyone had been waiting. Samantha and Emma followed.

  “Good Lord, Anna. You didn’t have to scream.” Exasperation laced her voice as Samantha walked up from behind her, rolling her eyes.

  Anna ignored her sister as she stood in front of Vanessa with her gaze on the baby and arms out. “Please? Can I hold her?”

  She smiled and nodded, handing her child over, her eyes watchful as Anna gently cuddled her.

  The other two women crowded around, stroking her little arms and cheeks as they whispered words of protection and love. The little one adored the attention, but her eyes kept Momma in sight at all times as she was passed around.

  “She’s adorable, Vanessa,” the older woman said, her regard soft as she looked down at the puckered mouth obviously looking to be fed.

  The infant started to whimper, and Vanessa jumped up from the chair where she had just been sitting and took her from Emma.

  She chuckled. “Thank you. She’s been eating a lot. I just fed her.” Shaking her head, a soft smile crossed on her face.

  “Have you chosen a name yet?” Anna asked standing beside her mother, rubbing the baby’s cheek.

  “Ava,” she said softly. “After my mother.”

  “That’s a beautiful name, honey,” Emma said as she doted.

  Travis emptied the kitchen with a quick hand. One look was all it took. Vanessa missed it as her eyes traced her beloved child’s soft features and small body. Lost in her own thoughts and love, she jumped slightly when his deep voice vibrated behind her. “How are you feeling?”

  Looking up, she noticed the kitchen was empty for the first time.

  She shot Travis with a sheepish smirk. “I’m always tired it seems.”

  After soothing sweet Ava for a while, they
all reconvened in the living room to talk. Momma kept a watchful eye on her baby as the girls cooed over her. Travis shook his head in awe. It didn’t matter that these women had killed more people and more wolves than they could count, they were just like any other human when it came to babies.

  When the night crickets were loud enough to be heard through the walls of the house, Travis lifted a hand.

  “All right, ladies. That baby is probably exhausted with all the attention she’s getting.”

  Vanessa gave Travis a thankful smile as she rose to retrieve her child laying in Emma’s arms. “She was just about to fall asleep.”

  The infant seemed thankful to be back with her mother and curled up against her chest. Travis walked over to her and put his hands on her shoulders.

  “Let’s get you to bed.”

  Vanessa flushed as he helped her walk up the stairs and settle into her room. She gave him a smile of appreciation.

  “I’m okay, you know,” she said, gently placing Ava in her crib. “I can walk on my own.”

  “I know, but–.”

  “You just wanted the excuse to get me alone?”

  Travis’s cock grew at the sly look she flashed him. She slowly rose and turned to him, freezing him in place. What kind of sorcery was this? She closed the distance between them, halting just inches from his face.

  He looked down at her. His thoughts plummeted, and his gaze shifted to her mouth. Heart pounding, he took a step close. Eyes on her, Travis searched for any signs of discomfort and didn’t find any. His head lowered.


  She acknowledged him with a purr in her throat, the happiness on her face wearing on him. He couldn’t have this, this woman making him hard all around the house. With people in it no less.

  Her mouth slightly parted, she waited, her breath held. He let out a groan as he kissed her.

  Her warm tongue slid inside, softly tangling with his and caressing the inside of his lips. She pressed closer and moaned into his mouth. His hands traveled down her back, rubbing her ass, tugging her closer.

  The baby’s cry once again interrupted them. Vanessa gasped as Travis jerked back. Together, they looked over at the crib.

  He chuckled and took a few steps back, his hands dropping, allowing mother to tend to her child. She picked up the fidgety baby, rocking her until she settled. Eyes meeting his once again, they just looked at each other.

  “Vanessa,” he suddenly said, breaking the silence, “I–.” He stopped, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “You feel it too, don’t you?”

  She hesitated but finally nodded. “Yes.”

  He returned the gesture. “That’s good enough for now.”

  He didn’t want to leave her but knew she needed sleep. He could see it all over her face. There would be time enough later for them to talk, to discuss their bond that seemed to be growing despite her mate bond to Dominic. He had a lot of thinking to do. After everything she had been through, he knew she was afraid of anything emotional. He could feel it and understood that he had to tread carefully.

  Stalling by her door, she walked past him to the bed.

  “Do you need anything else?” he asked.

  She shook her head, her eyes on her daughter before shifting upwards and meeting his eyes with a small smile. “No, not right now. Thank you, Travis.” She lifted her baby slightly. “This wouldn’t have been possible without you.”

  A lump formed in his throat. He wanted to go to her and tell her everything. How much he cared for her and little Ava, how he wanted them to stay with him, maybe have a couple more pups together, but he swallowed it down. It was too soon.

  I’ll take what I can get right now.

  “My pleasure, Vanessa,” he responded.

  Travis clenched his fists behind his back to keep from reaching for her, to pull her closer and promise her that no one would ever hurt her. He closed the door behind him as he exited. Standing there for a few more minutes, he struggled to think of a reason to knock again, to stay, but he didn’t have one. Sighing, he returned to his office, determined to get some pack business done before he went insane.

  Closing the door to his office, he turned and felt a presence there. He stared into the corner, not moving and then suddenly relaxed.

  “Jackson. What have you found out?”

  “The fire was started from the left corner of the territory. I chased the scent across the border into the Carson Pack’s territory but then lost it.”

  “The fuel source?”

  “Gas. That much I could tell.”

  “And bodies?”

  Jackson shook his head, his brown eyes hard. “One body burned beyond recognition. I don’t even think they’ll get an ID from it, but it was human.”

  Travis cursed and paced the office, his thoughts racing. “It was Dominic’s pack. It had to be.”

  Jackson remained quiet as the alpha paced, his hands fisted at his side. He wasn’t part of the pack, but the two men had known each other for years. Travis was the only one who could get ahold of him, the only one he would willingly drop everything for.

  Their past spoke for itself.

  “I’m still doing some digging. He’s going to slip eventually,” Jackson said grimly.

  Travis’s eyes darkened, and his gaze shot over to the window and the burned mess laid out before him. That’s what he was worried about.

  How many more would be going down with the bastard?

  Chapter 18

  Travis heard giggling coming from the living room and smiled as he hit the bottom of the stairs. He didn’t think he would ever get used to the sound, and if he were lucky, he would continue hearing it. He hadn’t come up with a plan to break the fucking bond between Dominic and Vanessa yet. The fact that he could still smell the son of a bitch on her enraged both him and his wolf, but they also knew that it wasn’t her fault.

  He approached the living room and spied Vanessa sitting on the floor giggling and tickling the baby. The little girl kicked and waved her arms, a big smile on her face. It had been two months since the birth, and everyone at the house was in love with the child. She was a bright spot on an uncertain horizon for them all. Even the men cheered up when they saw her, tickling and making funny noises as they passed. Travis even noticed they didn’t look at Vanessa, as it was well-known of his interest and stake in her.

  He stood still and watched mother and daughter from the doorway, his throat tight at the sight of their interaction. Nothing had happened since the fire, and though he was thankful, his whole pack and even Vanessa was on edge. They knew Dominic and his men hadn’t given up. It wasn’t in his makeup.

  The body found at the edge of the field had been identified as one of his enforcers, a young man by the name of William. His throat had been slit in his human form, which told Travis that it was a surprise attack.

  Vanessa must have felt his eyes on her because she glanced up, the wide grin on her face a stark contrast to the way she had been a few months ago.

  “Hi.” Her demeanor turned shy.

  He grinned as he sat on the couch. “Hi.” He looked down at the flailing arms of the baby on the carpet and chuckled. “She’s hyper today, isn’t she?”

  Vanessa laughed. “Yeah, she is. Had me up at five this morning.” She shook her dark-haired head, strands from the ponytail sticking to the side of her cheeks.

  God, she’s gorgeous.

  Her smile suddenly faded. “I can feel him. He’s close,” she muttered, her hand shaking slightly as she stroked her little girl’s matching hair.

  Travis stilled, his eyes on her.

  “Feel him?” Travis said calmly.

  “Yes. Dominic’s close. He’s going to make a move soon.” Her words froze his heart, but she wasn’t telling him anything he didn’t already know.

  The sun broke through the cloudy day and streamed through the living room, highlighting her silky hair through the open window and bringing out the natural colors of red, gold, and brown. He was enthralle
d, almost mesmerized by the pure beauty of her, both inside and out.

  “Let’s get away for the day,” he said suddenly. They had done nothing but worry since escaping, and they both could use a break. It would give them a chance to get to know each other beyond their current situation. He racked his brain for the answer when it hit him.

  “The fair. It’s in town this weekend.”

  Her eyes widened. “The fair?”

  Travis nodded, getting excited at the thought of spending the whole day with her.

  He looked down at Ava.

  “I know the baby’s only a few months old, but you know she will get a kick out of it.”

  Travis held his breath as indecision ran across Vanessa’s angelic face. She looked down at her daughter and nibbled her lips. He wanted to lean down and do a little nibbling himself but held back. The end result would be worth it. He was determined to do all he could to show her that they were meant to be together, even if it meant personal restraint and patience.

  Whatever it took, he would do it.

  The smell hit her first, a mix of popcorn, cotton candy, and fried food. Vanessa’s mouth watered as she took in the fair’s surroundings. A nervous energy ran through her as she pushed the stroller in front of her, her baby safely tucked and strapped in.

  “Are you sure we’re safe?” she whispered, eyeing the large crowd.

  Even though it was loud with children screaming and the announcer’s voice, Travis heard her question as he walked beside her. His arm brushed Vanessa’s waist, and she shivered as the tingle hit her stomach. The attraction seemed to be getting stronger, and her wolf was in total agreement.


  She wanted to snap at the animal but choked it down and settled for mind communication, short and curt.

  Shut up.

  And then the guilt hit her. If it weren't for her wolf’s sacrifice, she would have died, and Ava might never have been born. Before she could apologize, Travis interrupted her.

  “Yes,” he answered. “My pack is following us; we just can’t see them. Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you or your baby, Vanessa.”


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