Life = Death - volume 6 - Poems on Life , Death

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Life = Death - volume 6 - Poems on Life , Death Page 2

by Nikhil Parekh

Every ominously malicious hostility that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be a gloriously marvelous dusk of victory; beamingly bequeathing upon you the never-dying spirit of; timeless survival, 

  Every painstakingly feeble globule of sweat that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be the scent of astronomical courage; unequivocally escalating you into the clouds of; bloomingly unshakable success, 

  Every disdainfully disgusting dirt that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be a planet of irrevocable purity; beautifully cleansing every pore of your devastated countenance; with the profuse yearning to forever surge forward in life, 

  Every lecherously abominable hatred that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be a fountain of pricelessly unconquerable love; unbelievably caressing each invidiously corrupt element of your soul; with the sparkling goodness of creation, 

  And every vindictively sullen corpse of death that you encountered in your way; eventually proves to be a divine sky of existence; making you immortally stand

  up to the devil; and gloriously spawn once again; into a tale of mystically undefeated life.



  In today’s murderously barbarous world outside; life without money was like that bumble bee; boisterously buzzing and harboring unprecedented love all right; but without even the tiniest iota of mesmerizing honey, 

  In today’s satanically uncouth world outside; life without money was like that ocean; blissfully undulating and harboring unsurpassable love all right; but without even the slightest pinch of tantalizing salt, 

  In today’s delinquently treacherous world outside; life without money was like that tree; celestially breathing and harboring invincible love all right; but without even the most diminutive trace of enchanting fruit, 

  In today’s derogatorily disdainful world outside; life without money was like that sky; endlessly extending and harboring insurmountable love all right; but without even the most infinitesimal trickle of voluptuous cloud, 

  In today’s ignominiously salacious world outside; life without money was like that rose; majestically crimson and harboring unshakable love all right; but without

  even the most mercurial shade of ingratiating scent, 

  In today’s lugubriously monotonous world outside; life without money was like that bird; gleefully flying and harboring unstoppable love all right; but without even

  the most ethereal speck of quintessential nest, 

  In today’s plaintively parasitic world outside; life without money was like that pinnacle; unflinchingly towering and harboring perpetual love all right; but

  without even the most transient ray of Omnipotent Sunlight, 

  In today’s remorsefully licentious world outside; life without money was like that eye; flirtatiously fluttering and harboring insurmountable love all right; but without even the most evanescent mirror of resplendent sight, 

  In today’s preposterously invidious world outside; life without money was like that well; mystically hollow and harboring tremendous love all right; but without even the most minuscule speck of indispensable water, 

  In today’s vindictively vandalizing world outside; life without money was like that dwelling; incomprehensibly vast and harboring unconquerable love all right; but without even the most reminiscent twig of sequestering roof, 

  In today’s disastrously sinful world outside; life without money was like that rainbow; artistically appearing and harboring bountiful love all right; but without even the most obsolete shade of vividly enthralling color, 

  In today’s pathetically morose world outside; life without money was like that waterfall; stupendously uninhibited and harboring indomitable love all right;

  but without even the most remotest fraction of spell binding freshness, 

  In today’s notoriously commercial world outside; life without money was like that candle; spell bindingly sculptured and harboring limitless love all right; but

  without even the most transient waft of eternally optimistic flame, 

  In today’s venomously crippling world outside; life without money was like that child; blissfully burgeoning and harboring unprecedented love all right; but without even the most infidel impression of immaculately tantalizing mischief, 

  In today’s baselessly incarcerating world outside; life without money was like that soldier; patriotically blazing and harboring unequivocal love all right; but without even the most inconspicuous trace of glorious victory, 

  In today’s dreadfully asphyxiated world outside; life without money was like that butterfly; harmlessly nestled and harboring pristine love all right; but without even the most dwindling mentions of untamed frolic, 

  In today’s manipulatively sick world outside; life without money was like that brain; astoundingly synchronized and harboring undefeated love all right; but without even the most ephemeral mist of exotically fragrant fantasy, 

  In today’s thoughtlessly estranged world outside; life without money was like body; tirelessly moving and harboring insatiable love all right; but without even the most invisible cistern of Omnisciently blessing breath, 

  And in today’s miserably beleaguered world outside; life without money was like that heart; thunderously scarlet and harboring ecstatic love all right; but without even the most capricious innuendos of immortal beats.



  The wheels of symbiotically proliferating humanity; ebulliently galloped on the roads of uninhibitedly peerless freedom, 

  The wheels of timelessly exhilarating charisma; euphorically galloped on the roads of enigmatically silken fantasy, 

  The wheels of ingratiatingly titillating sensuousness; enchantingly galloped on the roads of perennially unconquerable compassion, 

  The wheels of inimitably congenital mischief; exotically galloped on the roads of merrily beautiful flirtation, 

  The wheels of blazingly undaunted patriotism; fearlessly galloped on the roads

  of benevolently bountiful selflessness, 

  The wheels of effulgently triumphant scent; resplendently galloped on the roads

  of stupendously unbelievable freshness, 


  The wheels of tirelessly blessing proliferation; handsomely galloped on the roads of quintessentially glorious attraction, 

  The wheels of inevitably iridescent magnetism; synergistically galloped on the roads of boundlessly benevolent belonging, 

  The wheels of marvelously internal enrichment; majestically galloped on the roads of spell bindingly unflinching solidarity, 

  The wheels of royally sparkling brotherhood; indefatigably galloped on the roads

  of aristocratically benign oneness, 

  The wheels of impeccably miraculous divinity; unassailably galloped on the roads

  of irrefutably undefeated righteousness, 

  The wheels of impregnably passionate speed; gleefully galloped on the roads

  of pristinely unparalleled confidence, 

  The wheels of insatiably untamed empathy; celestially galloped on the roads

  of unequivocally unfettered bonding, 

  The wheels of everlastingly placating melody; regally galloped on the roads

  of synergistically serene tranquility, 

  The wheels of pricelessly quintessential peace; gorgeously galloped on the roads

  of blessedly blissful simplicity, 

  The wheels of unshakably ubiquitous truth; vibrantly galloped on the roads

  of Omnisciently mellifluous godliness, 

  The wheels of fascinatingly eclectic success; vivaciously galloped on the roads

  of jubilantly boundless prosperity, 

  The wheels of poignantly gratifying enlightenment; incessantly galloped on the roads of unendingly heavenly optimism, 

  The wheels of fathomlessly inexorable happiness; limitlessly galloped on the roads

Omnipotently brilliant life, 

  And the wheels of irrevocably kingly faith; perpetually galloped on the roads

  of immortally immaculate love.


  5. WHY SHOULD I ? –PART 2 


  Just because its never ever been experimented before; no one’s had the time to

  profusely surmise its unfathomable repertoire of; poignantly delectable intricacies, 

  Just because its never ever been fantasized before; people had disdainfully shrugged it like a chunk of infinitesimally threadbare shit; stupendously overawed by its unrelenting cascade of stupendous exhilaration, 

  Just because its never ever been executed before; the most invincible of warriors metamorphosed into grassless meadows; when it came to feeling its regally ebullient goodness, 

  Just because its never ever been worshipped before; the conventionally ludicrous society preferring to obnoxiously spit on its heavenly rhythm of solidarity; rather than wholeheartedly embrace it as the eternal elixir of their life, 

  Why should I also be a part of the same obsoletely dilapidated belief; for if a thing is harmonious; holistic; heartfelt; humanitarian and portraying the immortal splendor of love; I would irrefutably blend every bit of my mind; body and soul with it;

  irrespective of what the entire world outside; preposterously preached and said .


  Just because its never ever been saluted before; monotonously cowardly corporates; vengefully pulverizing it as an ignominiously abominable thorn in their way to spuriously sanctimonious success, 

  Just because its never ever been idolized before; the whirlwinds of bizarrely insane commercialism; giving it not the slimmest of chance to marvelously burgeon, 

  Just because its never ever been disseminated before; lecherously satanic ganglords assassinating it to inconspicuous mincemeat; even before it could waft a mercurial whisper, 

  Just because its never ever been practiced before; ruthlessly baseless maelstroms of spurious religion; caste; creed; tribe; egregiously overshadowing it wholesome entirety, 

  Why should I also be a part of the same indiscriminately meaningless wagewar; for if a thing is everlasting; enigmatic; euphoric; egalitarian and unfurling the sky of immortal love; I would irrefutably blend every bit of my mind; body and soul

  with it; irrespective of what the entire world outside; preposterously preached and said .


  Just because its never ever been symbolized before; ungainly eunuchs preferring tawdrily raunchy flesh; rather than its mist of timelessly sacred ecstasy, 

  Just because its never ever been spoken about before; powerhouses of maliciously abhorrent greed preferring expletives befitting the sordid gutter; rather than its heart-rendering litany of vividly scintillating life, 

  Just because its never ever been crowned before; corpses of cadaverous betrayal; asphyxiating its astoundingly eclectic demeanor; even before it uttered a single word, 

  Just because its never ever been felicitated before; horrendously desecrating jailhouses of salacious greed; tyrannically superceding its heavenly exhilaration; with the swords of prejudice, 

  Why should I also be a part of the same worthlessly decrepit bedlam; for if a thing is patriotic; princely; pristine; peace loving and culminating into the island of immortal love; I would irrefutably blend every bit of my mind; body and soul with it; irrespective of what the entire world outside; preposterously preached and said .


  Just because its never ever been written about before; the most sagaciously righteous of hands; uncontrollably trembling to portray its essence of blazingly

  flamboyant truth, 

  Just because its never ever been sung before; vindictively gratuitous elements of the miserably corrupt globe; indefatigably wanting to praise the anarchists of truculent power instead, 

  Just because its never ever been accepted before; the disheveled commoner showing a profane incline towards fugitively sleazy entertainment; rather than its virtues of everlastingly bonding pricelessness, 

  Just because its never ever become the hottalk of the town before; with entities finding gossip regarding gory blood; intoxication and war more rewarding; than

  its bountiful rudiments of panoramically spell binding calm, 

  Why should I also be a part of the same cold-bloodedly criminal campaign; for if a thing is Omnivorous; Omnipotent; Oligarchic; Omnipresent and consecrating

  the majestic shades or immortal love; I would irrefutably blend every bit of my mind; body and soul with it; irrespective of what the entire world outside;

  preposterously preached and said.



  Let not even the most ferociously blazing rays of the Sun ever conquer you; as you skyrocketed on your indefatigable mission to save bereaved humanity; come

  what may in your impoverished way, 

  Let not even the most treacherously parasitic scorpions ever conquer you; as you blazed like the ultimate thunderbolts of righteousness; despite the satanically derogatory stings that perpetuated every cranny of your diminutive countenance, 

  Let not even the most truculently devastating of earthquakes ever conquer you; as you culminated into a festoon of compassionately amiable belonging; perpetually embracing your compatriots in gorily inexplicable pain; although the earth slipped from beneath your feet, 

  Let not even the most vindictively swirling oceans ever conquer you; as you innocuously frolicked beyond the moonlit hills with orphaned infants in your

  gregarious arms; although each wave salaciously tried to asphyxiate the very last iota of breath from your lungs, 

  But be conquered in mind; body and soul by the winds of immortal love; be conquered in mind; body and soul by the dewdrops of eternal friendship; be conquered in mind; body and soul by symbiotically tantalizing beauty; becoming the robustly redolent shimmer of your eyes.


  Let not even the most dictatorially coldblooded chains ever conquer you; as you uninhibitedly liberated every trace of uxoriously fretting slavery on this boundless

  Universe; with your unassailable mantra to fearlessly survive, 


  Let not even the most diabolically gargantuan of dinosaurs ever conquer you; as you irrefutably transcended over every speck of ruthless devil on this fathomless planet; with your voice of sacredly Omnipotent truth, 

  Let not even the most remorseful corpses of stagnating hell ever conquer you; as you ebulliently blended every element of your blessed countenance; with the spirit of goodness for times immemorial, 

  Let not even the most acrimoniously ghastly thorns ever conquer you; as you paved your very own path of scintillatingly altruistic patriotism; although the

  entire planet lambasted you without the tiniest of respite, 

  But be conquered in mind; body and soul by the mists of immortal love; be conquered in mind; body and soul by the elixir of everlastingly victorious freedom; be

  conquered in mind; body and soul by the spirit of sparkling benevolence; becoming the insuperable tenacity of your every stride.


  Let not even the most venomously blatant of lies ever conquer you; as you towered as the tallest entity on this Universe; harmoniously disseminating the wave of unflinchingly heavenly togetherness, 

  Let not even the most horrifically rampaging maelstroms ever conquer you; as you timelessly floated as a celestial harbinger of humanity; euphorically surpassing the indiscriminate boundaries of caste; creed; color; and spuriously sanctimonious tribe, 

  Let not even the most repugnantly ignominious of abuse ever conquer you; as you blissfully enlightened the lives of countless deprived and hapless; with the mellifluously fragrant luminosity in your voice, 

  Let not even the most invidiously strangulating blackness ever conquer you; as you miraculously radiated into a candle of optimistically burgeoning hope; at the footsteps of every dwindling d

  But be conquered in mind; body and soul by the sky of immortal love; be conquered in mind; body and soul by the strings of divinely peace; be conquered in mind; body and soul by the meadows of enthralling adventure; becoming the heart of your destiny lines.


  Let not even the most sordidly decrepit of stench ever conquer you; as you blossomed into a fountain of unrelenting ecstasy; philanthropically becoming the

  smile of every obsoletely beleaguered face; as the day unfurled into sensuous night, 

  Let not even the most heinously cataclysmic of nightmare ever conquer you; as you unconquerably diffused the scent of symbiotically priceless existence; to far and wide across this endless planet, 

  Let not even the most delinquently dilapidated corruption ever conquer you; as you rhapsodically galloped with your comrades in turbulent pain on your selfless shoulders; although the embers of gruesomely smoldering viciousness sadistically greeted you on every lane you took, 


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