Life = Death - volume 6 - Poems on Life , Death

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Life = Death - volume 6 - Poems on Life , Death Page 3

by Nikhil Parekh

  Let not even the most insanely tyrannizing betrayal ever conquer you; as you Omnisciently propagated the mantra of triumphant solidarity; till the very last

  puff of air that you exhaled, 

  But be conquered in mind; body and soul by the Universe of ubiquitous love; be conquered in mind; body and soul by the entrenchment of vibrantly mystical life; be conquered in mind; body and soul by the invincible armor of simplicity; becoming the profoundly impregnable embellishment of your passionately beautiful heart.




  Just because you dastardly shut your malicious eyes; doesn’t mean that the entire of gargantuan earth outside; also submerged itself into a pool of languidly morose and treacherously stuttering blackness, 

  Just because you abhorrently shut your cowardly lips; doesn’t mean that the entire of colossal earth outside; also besieged itself with tornados of inexplicably whipping misery, 

  Just because you vindictively froze priceless blood in your parasitic veins; doesn’t mean that the entire of fathomless earth outside; also coldbloodedly marauded

  even the most infinitesimal trace of ecstatic triumph in the royal atmosphere, 

  Just because you satanically relinquished to fabulously dream; doesn’t mean that the entire of vivacious earth outside; also heartlessly trampled the essence of bountifully ebullient creation, 

  Just because you baselessly exonerated all your ardently sensuous urges; doesn’t mean that the entire of boundless earth outside; also frigidly hung itself upside down; like a grotesquely impotent lynchpin, 

  Just because you horrendously emaciated your forlorn stomach; doesn’t mean that the entire of unassailable earth outside; also starved beyond the realms of decrepit rebuke; worthlessly slandering panoramic imagery into cadaverous graveyards of castrated grime, 

  Just because you tawdrily abrogated your quintessential job; doesn’t mean that the entire of mesmerizing earth outside; also dolorously stagnated in maelstroms of truculently prejudiced unemployment, 

  Just because you ruthlessly kicked every benign goodness with your insanely bohemian feet; doesn’t mean that the entire of unsurpassable earth outside;

  also nonchalantly rotted in obnoxiously stinking gallows of bizarre dilapidation, 

  Just because you viciously strangulated the venomous chords of your throat; doesn’t mean that the entire of iridescent earth outside; also became preposterously oblivious to the timelessly ingratiating enchantment of mellifluous sound, 

  Just because you sadistically sodomized every pore of your staggering visage with snake hoods of lethal despair; doesn’t mean that the entire of fructifying earth outside; also wandered like a wastrel lunatic towards disparagingly penalizing depravation, 

  Just because you torturously crucified nails into your flaccidly pallid skin; doesn’t mean that the entire of eclectic earth outside; also hedonistically metamorphosed every element of its perpetually gratifying bliss into gutters of diabolically self

  inflicted pain, 

  Just because you devastatingly torched your reproductive abilities with daggerheads of ghastly illwill; doesn’t mean that the entire of silken earth outside; also put an abysmally feckless end to its chapter of perennially heavenly proliferation, 

  Just because you impudently slapped your sacrosanct mother; doesn’t mean that the entire of rhapsodic earth outside; also luridly sold every iota of its sacrosanct rudiments; in exchange for a measly cascade of sanctimonious silver, 

  Just because you bawdily tonsured your ghoulishly disappearing scalp; doesn’t mean that the entire of triumphant earth outside; also mercilessly assassinated every flower of godly truth with unrelentingly senseless whiplashes of criminal lies, 

  Just because you morbidly extricated your own fanatically aimless brain; doesn’t mean that the entire of blooming earth outside; also tyrannically snapped the fangs of its exhilaratingly enthralling and victorious evolution,

  Just because you dementedly slaved the uncontrollably shivering; doesn’t mean that the entire of righteous earth outside; also flagrantly divided symbiotically coalescing mankind into spuriously sleazy barricades of; religion; caste; creed and tribe, 

  Just because you barbarously stifled even the most fugitive iota of your delinquently gratuitous breath; doesn’t mean that the entire of impregnable earth outside; also salaciously abnegated forever; the winds of perpetually bestowing life, 

  And just because you violently stopped the murderously castigating beating in your heart; doesn’t mean that the entire of immortal earth outside; also abandoned the spirit of unshakable love for the dogs; pulverizing dinosaurs and ambiguous devils; to

  growlingly eat.

  8. I LOVED IT 


  I loved it for its unrelentingly euphoric waves; as it culminated into a festoon of handsomely poignant froth after clashing against the jaggedly machismo rocks, 

  I loved it for its majestically pristine shores; the unfathomable expanse of regally sparkling oysters and shells; timelessly enamoring with their bountifully ultimate splendor, 

  I loved it for its enchantingly crimson tanginess; as it piquantly flamed like a fireball of enrapturing delight; as first rays of the Omnipotent aristocratically Sun; descended from crystalline blue sky, 

  I loved it for its protuberantly ebullient adventure; as it intrepidly philandered through every conceivable trajectory of this boundless Universe; all sweltering

  day and voluptuously tingling night, 

  I loved it for its incessantly dancing assemblage of divine water; the timeless rhapsody that it marvelously radiated; as the wind triumphantly drifted across its spell binding contours, 

  I loved it for its royally ingratiating fleet of poignantly charismatic sharks; gliding like insatiably untamed streaks of silken lightening; through even the

  most unprecedentedly stormy channels, 

  I loved it for its unsurpassably unending depth; the splendidly eclectic variety fish; enigmatically morass algae and octopus perpetually inhabiting its compassionately vivacious caverns, 

  I loved it for its unequivocally candid spray; the unconquerably reinvigorating essence of vibrant camaraderie that it wonderfully disseminated; across one and all of this gargantuan planet; alike, 

  I loved it for its surreally resplendent periphery; the countless colors of robust optimism that it timelessly blossomed into; every unfurling instant of victorious existence, 

  I loved it for its spirit of unshakably unflinching loyalty; perennially flowing as the most unparalleled mass of united rudiments; even as the fiercest Sun tried to hedonistically evaporate its every trace, 

  I loved it for its artistically burgeoning splash; beautifully replenishing even the most treacherously sadistic of dwindling palette; with insurmountably vivid charm and prolific graciousness, 

  I loved if for its invincibly symbiotic solidarity; exuberantly fulminating into a paradise of uncontrollably tangy happiness; as the ravishing carpet of clouds towered over it like a priceless prince from above, 

  I loved if for its innocuously uncanny cries; the fathomless civilization of blissful freshness that it unraveled into; tantalizing even the most morbid of carcasses from the heart of their graves, 

  I loved it for its seductively exhilarating rhythm; the exotically mesmerizing cadence of its profoundly revitalizing fabric; which profusely inundated nothing but cisterns of unfettered compassion; in every entity on this gigantic earth, 

  I loved if for its never ending wind of rubicund ebullience; as it indefatigably whispered the tunes of holistically gratifying existence; on every trace of mud that it blessedly kissed, 

  I loved it for its ingeniously celestial philosophy of tireless continuity; as its froth swirled high and handsome in the mellifluous air; even as vicious thunderbolts of demonic savagery; pelted intransigently from the graveyards of hell, 

  I loved it for its panoramically nubile beau
ty; the tinge of a freshly embellished bride magically pronounced on its emerald belly; although it was wholesomely barren without the slightest of asphyxiating clothes, 

  I loved it for its inexorably untamed uninhibitedness; its limitless ambition to emolliently coalesce with boundless sky; even as the horizons seemed an ephemerally obsolete cry, 

  I loved it for its blazingly outspoken bravery; as it supremely transcended over even the most hideously satanic of impediments  that came its way; with the astounding dexterity of an unconquerable prince, 

  O! Yes; I loved the sea more than I could ever love my life; as it gloriously taught me the value of priceless companionship; as it sagaciously taught me never to divide; as it timelessly taught me that love was the most quintessential elixir to heavenly survive.


   No problems; even if I had to wear the same nonchalantly bedraggled shirt; drape my chest with its disdainfully torn periphery; as the Sun crept up wonderfully in the sky; everyday, 

  No problems; even if I had to eat the same lugubriously lackadaisical chunks of leftover bread dissolved in gutter water; as the Sun unfurled from the mesmerizing horizons; everyday, 

  No problems; even if I had to bathe in the same derogatorily urinated pool of fetidly castigating water; as the Sun enlightened all colossal Universe; everyday, 

  No problems; even if I had to interact with the same sleazily manipulative people; to sustain my parsimonious livelihood; as the Sun brilliantly sprang up in blue sky; everyday, 

  No problems; even if I had to answer to the same savagely parasitic devils; as the Sun unveiled into fantastic vibrancy; everyday, 

  No problems; even if I had to inhabit the same disdainfully dilapidated lavatory; as the Sun cast its flamboyantly Omnipotent rays; everyday, 

  No problems; even if I had to iterate the same malicious abuses to pave my way amidst torturous ganglords; as the Sun bountifully blossomed into profound radiance; everyday, 

  No problems; even if I had to sign the same raunchy registers to perpetuate my boss to smile; as the Sun gloriously dazzled in the profusely crimson cosmos; everyday, 

  No problems; even if I had to frequent the same obsoletely ghoulish and scurrilously crackled roads; as the Sun culminated into a festoon of Omniscient shimmer; everyday, 

  No problems; even if I had to work like an unrelentingly uxorious ass for the same employer; as the Sun fulminated into blazingly overpowering glory; everyday, 

  No problems; even if I had to adorn the same savagely rusted rings on my nubile fingers; as the Sun wholeheartedly smiled from the heavens; everyday, 

  No problems; even if I had to meet the same depravingly dastardly cowards; as the Sun majestically removed all traumatized agony with its Omnipresent glow; everyday, 

  No problems; even if I had to sleep on the same acrimoniously barren treetops; as the Sun enchantingly illuminated even the most infinitesimal cranny of mother earth; everyday, 

  No problems; even if I had to walk the same number of steps to the remorsefully sulking corporate office; as the Sun gave birth to new rays of prolifically burgeoning hope; everyday, 

  No problems; even if I had to witness the same vindictively abhorrent impediments in my way; as the Sun beautifully spawned an unfathomable civilization of triumphant happiness; everyday, 

  No problems; even if I had to drink water from the same flaccidly flatulent tyre tube; as the Sun unraveled into an unassailable entrenchment of divine charisma; everyday, 

  No problems; even if I had to exist with the same venomously truculent and indiscriminately trampling entities; as the Sun thunderously flamed into everlastingly heavenly light; everyday, 

  No problems; even if I had to chant the same treacherously nondescript mantra of religion to save my scalp; as the Sun bountifully blessed every organism on this earth one and alike; everyday, 


  But grave problems; murderously morbid death; salaciously pulverizing bloodshed; lasciviously infinitesimal nothingness; obsessively maniacal frustration; unforgivably diabolical devils; torturously lambasting death; O! Almighty Lord, 

  If my mind couldn’t spawn into an unsurpassable world of newness; if my mind couldn’t unrelentingly perceive the timelessly mushrooming beauty of this gigantic

  Universe; if my mind couldn’t bask in the glory of symbiotically mesmerizing creation for infinite more births yet to come; not just as the Sun showered its first rays of optimism from the sky everyday; but every unveiling instant of the night

  as well as day.



  I would rather unflinchingly embrace the corpses of staggering defeat; than worthlessly entangling myself in the webs of sordid corruption and feeling severely


  I would rather hang myself bizarrely upside down without the most inconspicuous of regret; than being luridly lured by spurious politicians all the time and feeling torturously depressed, 

  I would rather mercilessly annihilate every chord of my intricate throat with a blazing smile; than being maneuvered like a pompous puppet by the chains of the turgidly conventional society and feeling flagrantly depressed, 

  I would rather plummet wide-eyed from the epitome of the towering mountain; than being abusively molested by the sanctimoniously rich and feeling invidiously depressed, 

  I would rather parade bare skinned amidst the pack of hedonistically menacing tigers; than being baselessly pulverized by the dungeons of feckless unemployment

  and feeling nonchalantly depressed, 

  I would rather uninhibitedly scream the very last iota of voice in my throat towards blue sky; than being transcended by the rules of emaciating monotony and feeling treacherously depressed, 

  I would rather fearlessly transgress on a blanket of truculently acrimonious thorns; than being drawn into the aisles of unbearably prejudiced greed and feeling

  horrendously depressed, 

  I would rather patriotically behead myself in a pool of fragrantly crimson blood; than surrendering to the traitors of my sacrosanct motherland and feeling barbarically depressed, 

  I would rather proudly digest a meal of threadbare mud and lackadaisical stone; than feasting at the cost of my comrades in tumultuous grief and feeling sodomizingly depressed, 

  I would rather altruistically thrash every cranny of my brain till it indiscriminately bled; than targeting my own comrade’s scalp for parsimonious wads of debasing money and feeling pugnaciously depressed, 

  I would rather tirelessly walk on the road towards my eternally triumphant freedom; than being ghastily incarcerated by the devastating clouds of perniciously debilitating solitude and feeling cold-bloodedly depressed, 

  I would rather unabashedly proclaim my love to even the most infinitesimal quarter of this colossal Universe; than drowning in the insipid ponds of betrayal and feeling tyrannically depressed, 

  I would rather timidly pulverize myself into diminutive bits of meaningless ash; than diabolically overpowering the symbiotic empathy of ever holistic organism and feeling lugubriously depressed, 

  I would rather honorably exonerate apart even the most mercurial vein of mine; than fiendishly propagating the strings of raunchy terror in synergistically existing tribes and feeling doggedly depressed, 


  I would rather gloriously jump from the high flying aircraft without a single parachute on my impoverished demeanor; than gregariously blending with the traumatizing hijackers and feeling horribly depressed, 

  I would rather exuberantly immolate my body in flames in my quest for everlasting truth; than being lasciviously enticed by graveyards of abhorrent manipulation and feeling remorsefully depressed, 

  I would rather deliberately blind my eyes with swords of scintillating righteousness; than inevitably witnessing evil burgeoning on every quarter of earth just because people wanted it to and feeling haplessly depressed, 

  I woul
d rather intransigently listen to the voices of my immortally throbbing heart; than being made a worthless object of transient ridicule; by every fraternity of the disastrously penalizing society and feeling stupidly depressed, 

  O! Yes; I would rather intrepidly abrogate breath this very instant from my lungs; than living life like a livid insect; horrifically crippled by the feet of malevolent power and feeling zanily depressed.




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