Life = Death - volume 6 - Poems on Life , Death

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Life = Death - volume 6 - Poems on Life , Death Page 4

by Nikhil Parekh

Suicide; is a ghastily lingering spirit between resplendently sparkling heaven and diabolically ghastly hell, 

  Suicide; is the most desperately hedonistic crime committed against every conceivable fraternity of all mankind, 

  Suicide; is the most truculently unforgivable outburst of any organism; murderously imperiling the crux of symbiotically mesmerizing existence, 

  Suicide; is a ghoulishly amorphous abode; without the most infinitesimal trace of doors; windows and robustly functioning entities, 

  Suicide; is an indescribably treacherous venom; which brutally asphyxiates the impoverished ghost; even after the wholesome end of priceless life, 

  Suicide; is the most preposterously scurrilous corpse that incarcerated you from all sides; morbidly dampening every quintessential iota of your blood, 

  Suicide; is the most luridly mortifying death that an entity could ever undergo; ensuring that he indefatigably suffocated in diminutive lidfulls of water while the other world danced; everytime it was born, 

  Suicide; is the most ultimate curse of the devil upon every civilization; religion and tribe; afflicting the fabric of society like an uncontrollably lambasting tumor; which simply had no end, 

  Suicide; is perniciously sinister balderdash; the most incongruously distorted and heartlessly inclement fantasy; that the stinking pigs could ever construe, 

  Suicide; is a coffin of disparagingly bludgeoning solitude; a measly quavering insect being blown away into the aisles of nothingness; at even the most mercurial draught of infidel wind, 

  Suicide; is a salaciously jinxed witch casting her spell of unsurpassable doom; even upon the most blissfully gratifying of destinies, 

  Suicide; is a vindictively hollow and lecherously gawky edifice; baselessly wavering

  towards the gallows of emptiness; without the most infinitesimal of foundations, 

  Suicide; is an inexplicably cancerous sorrow that gruesomely crucifies your soul; disdainfully maiming you on every step; for infinite more births of yours yet to unveil, 

  Suicide; is a flagrantly whipping extinction that had not the tiniest chance to ebulliently revive; stagnating in the prisons of torturously bleeding hell, 

  Suicide; is a flaccidly corpulent mosquito parasitically sucking blood every single day of its life; heartily preferring to sleep on a lavatory of derogatory shit; abrogating the most majestic of silken delights, 

  Suicide; is a chain of fanatically unpardonable misery; which perilously dries up every trace of mellifluously golden voice, 

  Suicide; is the most prurient caricature of vibrantly ecstatic life; slithering like an obnoxiously infected worm; in the junkyards of dissolutely demonic dilapidation, 

  Suicide; is dreadfully sinful abnegating of breath without the Lord’s consent; a misdeed which even his Omnisciently magnanimous grace; could never ever condone, 

  Suicide is a tunnel of blindness without any end; Suicide is the most punitive betrayal of truth; desire; dream and immortal love; Suicide is an unrelentingly bloodstained night which inconsolably cries, 

  Therefore massacre the very thought before it transcends you to commit forlorn suicide O! Man; and instead embrace timeless sensuality; instead embrace

  enchanting beauty; instead embrace unconquerable life.




  Could you disastrously empty the sky of its voluptuously crimson clouds; and still expect it to torrentially shower bountifully blissful droplets of sparkling rain ? 

  Could you ruthlessly extricate the battlefield of its valiantly patriotic warriors; and still expect it to bring scintillatingly triumphant freedom for its sacrosanct motherland ? 

  Could you barbarically pulverize the petals of the gorgeously imperial lotus; and still expect it to fulminate into a river of unfathomably enchanting scent ? 

  Could you unabashedly strip the regale Sun of its flamboyantly sizzling rays; and still expect it to profoundly dazzle into an ocean of unassailably beautiful shine ? 

  Could you murderously evict the earth of even the most infinitesimal of seed; and still expect it to salubriously glisten and blossom into the aisles of optimistically burgeoning prosperity ? 

  Could you cold-bloodedly snap the wings of the boisterously soaring bird; and still expect it to exuberantly zip forward in cocoons of jubilantly azure sky and tirelessly fly high ? 

  Could you treacherously evaporate every ounce of water in the limitless oceans; and still expect them to ravishingly undulate into ecstatic waves of rejuvenatingly thunderous froth ? 

  Could you devastatingly bury the glittering diamond infinite feet beneath drearily threadbare mud; and still expect it to unceasingly radiate into a fountain of mesmerizing golden glimmer ? 

  Could you mercilessly thrash the poignantly intricate spinal chord of the infant; and still expect it to unflinchingly gallop towards the skies of eternally triumphant freedom ? 

  Could you preposterously chop the rosy stub of tongue in the mouth; and still expect it to unfurl into the most melodiously spell binding tunes of vivacious existence ? 

  Could you savagely bombard the silken web into a countless incongruously debilitating pieces; and still expect the spider to merrily bounce in the corridors

  of insatiably uncontrollable ebullience ? 

  Could you horrendously kill both the celestially compassionate parents; and still expect the child to timelessly bloom and invincibly smile ? 

  Could you treacherously inundate the entire dwelling with acrimoniously jejune and prejudiced cockroaches; and still expect the rainbows of irrefutable truth to

  unconquerable enlighten; even after the very end of veritable time ? 

  Could you diabolically suck every iota of blood from the harmonious body; and still expect it to intrepidly confront every impediment that vindictively confronted

  it in its way ? 

  Could you devilishly maraud the resplendently impeccable whites; and still expect the eye to diffuse effulgent empathy; vividly sight beyond the contours of beauty and satiny graciousness ? 

  Could you viciously pluck even the most diminutive blade of grass from the everlasting meadow; and still expect the cows to innocuous graze; romantically

  philander and exude into cisterns of immaculately divine milk ? 

  Could you lay a gory battalion of blood-coated thorns in even the most ephemeral of his path; and still expect the traveler to dance in the winds of perennial exuberance for times immemorial ? 

  Could you ruthlessly lambaste the stomach with whiplashes of bizarre emaciation; and still expect it to indefatigably languish in the entrenchment of gorgeously blessed replenishment ? 

  Could you crudely lynch a harmlessly symbiotic organism; and still expect it to holistically proliferate countless more of its kind; continue God’s chapter of Omnipotent creation till its very last breath ? 

  Could you truculently destroy the impregnable foundations of the towering edifice; and still expect that it relentlessly blazed as the most handsomely highest peak towards; regally crystalline sky ? 

  Could you lasciviously deluge the nimbly placid atmosphere with sleazily tantalizing seductresses; and still expect the impressions of glorious righteousness to reign supreme; on every step that you resolutely tread ? 

  Could you dictatorially assassinate every trace of stringent light; and still expect the pathetically destitute to find the needle from the incomprehensibly colossal haystack ? 

  Could you deliberately constipate every glorious constituent of your body; and still expect to mitigate every fraternity of tumultuously bereaved mankind ? 

  Could you indiscriminately devour an unsurpassable bucket of ghastly needles; and still expect an aura of unparalleled serenity to linger across your persona; for decades limitless more to come ? 

  Could you heinously masticate the one eyed vultures egg; and still expect the bird to bless you with all marvelously scintillating richness of philanthropically magn
animous life ? 

  Could you insanely nail the silken ears with criminally torching iron bars; and still expect them to effusively decipher even the most mercurial trace of non-existent sound ? 

  Could you grow a desert of penalizingly serrated cactus in your backyard; and still expect to witness exotically pristine angels to spawn at even the most evanescent unveiling of ingratiatingly velvety dawn ? 

  Could you lethally maim the legs of the withering old man; and still expect him to victoriously transcend past the barriers of the 1000 M; marathon race ? 

  Could you baselessly terrorize the sordidly trembling and orphaned urchin; and still expect fireballs of inexorably unending love to euphorically leap from every conceivable element of his hapless countenance ? 

  Could you ominously shatter the mirror into boundless bits of obsolete fragments; and still expect it to irrevocably portray the most candid reflection that darted from your dastardly persona ? 

  Could you unimaginably cut all fingers with the nondescript farmaxe; and still expect the palm to unravel every unleashing instant of the day; into an compassionately overflowing barrage of stupendously raw artistry ? 

  Could you wildly run without a cloth on your body abreast the busy traffic street; and still expect the most eclectic accolades of civilized culture to be bestowed upon you; till the earth lived and countless births beyond your time ? 

  Could you vanquish every compassionate draught of air that cascaded from the nostril; and still expect the heavens of passionately pulsating life to flower into

  the mists of fantastically unending desire ? 

  And Could you tyrannically strip life of the immortal love it throbbed every minute for; and still expect it to become the most pricelessly prosperous; aristocratically rise above every other entity on this gargantuan Universe and ardently survive ? 

  13. RETIRED 


  There was a time when I incessantly coaxed my boss to relieve me early; liberating me an infinitesimal trifle of my debilitatingly coercing schedule,

  While today; every bone in my body irascibly itched to step outside; at even the tiniest insinuation of bird cry or flickering light.

  There was a time when I gritted my teeth an indefatigable moment in the realms of snobbishly pretentious office; insatiably wanting to nestle in the lap of wholesome solitariness and far away from the impudent hustle-bustle of the sickening corporate


  While today; I found the most spuriously lackadaisical of reasons; to tirelessly converse with every stranger that I encountered on the streets.

  There was a time when I profoundly felt like charring every cranny of the lecherously asphyxiating office into threadbare ash; uninhibitedly staring at fathomless bits of azure sky without a soul to interrupt my unassailably ebullient fantasy,

  While today; I pleadingly looked at even the most sordidly cloistered dustbins; to relentlessly talk to me; share with me the experiences of their life.

  There was a time when I was ready to pay any price on this earth to be wholesomely relieved of polishing my devilish boss’s shoes; feeling like audaciously slapping every entity in the match-box conference room whiling away its time in slang; smoke and wine,

  While today; I unrelentingly envied flamboyant youth euphorically darting towards work at the crack of nine; the spirit of profuse accomplishment in their bones; which had since long left mine.

  There was a time when I had truculent nightmares of approaching death very soon even in the most brilliant of daylight; as I had to inevitably blend with the

  dogmatic corporate world to pay the rent for my very own soil,

  While today; I attended every pulsating party without even the slightest of invitation; fervently trying to engage all; from the prince to the butler in my tales of vibrant life; while they kicked my dithering skeleton on the dusty pathways and out.

  There was a time when I felt pathetically staggering for fresh breath; amidst unruly crowds of politicians; my tycoon compatriots; and my boss’s unreasonable

  lambasting me for achieving the best; although it meant digging countless feet beneath my grave,

  While today; every element of my countenance was disastrously suffocating in the interiors of my own dwelling; with the society rejecting my quaintly quavering voice like frigid nothingness; and without even the most mercurial mission in my

  decaying hands.

  There was a time when I vomited even the last morsel of food in my stomach at the very mention of travelling; dismally sick of putting a pompous smile in front of the inhumanly tight lipped customer; although I felt like spitting on his worthless mercedes,

  While today; I felt that the biggest achievement of my life was in my insipidly laborious morning walk; as that was the only opportunity I could salvage; to

  drift my ailing form from my purposeless house.

  There was a time when I obnoxiously detested people who superfluously adorned their bodies with meaningless jewelry; wasting their entire wealth on baseless ostentation; when countless deprived just needed two morsels of food to lead life,

  While today; my greedy eyes uncontrollably sighted the postman every sweltering afternoon; ardently waiting for greetings; gifts; just anything to come my way;

  enlightening my derogatorily deadened eyes; amidst my lackluster activity of

  snapping flies.

  There was a time when I ferociously jeered at extra population and pertinently perpetuating cries; wanting my very own free space to majestically lead the

  chapter of vivacious life,

  While today; I passionately longed for an unfathomable clutter of voices round my ghoulish abode; incorrigibly clung to the feet of every bystander who passed my trajectory; even as my very own blood; gruesomely abandoned me to die.

  O! Yes; there was a time when I was euphorically young; squandering whatever I wanted to; malevolently complaining about dastardly office one in a while; at

  the same time falling in immortal love; achieving even the most parsimonious of dreams floating in the aisles of unprecedented desire,

  While today; I didn’t know which direction to tread although the earth beneath me still reverberated with ecstatic cheer; although the planet around me still

  continued to blossom into triumphant newness; while I perennially craved for those golden days once again; as I had now retired.

  14. NO 


  You’ve got to learn to speak it; if you profoundly want to become something in life; transcend beyond the realms of desperate malice for times immemorial, 


  You’ve got to learn to speak it; if you dazzling dare to revolutionize the complexion of this dreary planet; inundate its trajectory with unbelievably mesmerizing streaks of raw artistry, 

  You’ve got to learn to speak it; if you holistically want to lead a life of irrefutable self-dignity; hold your head always high irrespective of the most ghastliest of hell raining on you; from all sides, 

  You’ve got to learn to speak it; if you ardently wish to metamorphose even the most infinitesimal of benign dreams; into an unflinchingly eternal reality, 

  You’ve got to learn to speak it; if you unshakably crave to evolve an entrenchment of your own voluptuous fantasies; in the very midst of monotonously crippling politics and salacious prejudice, 

  You’ve got to learn to speak it; if you indefatigably yearn to philander intrepidly in the heart of resplendently twinkling midnight; tantalizingly romance with the majesty of seductive blackness; while the tycoon world huddled in blankets of disdain inside, 

  You’ve got to learn to speak it; if you unequivocally want to blissfully survive; embrace the winds of heavenly triumph; amidst a pack of parasitically blood

  sucking and insidiously manipulative wolves, 

  You’ve got to learn to speak it; if you irrevocably perceive to fulminate into a fireball of unconquerable righteousness; for infinite more births of yours; yet to unveil, 

  You’ve got to learn to speak it; if you unsurpassably want to mitigate all truculently lambasted humanity; miraculously free them from the clutches of the remorsefully morbid devil, 

  You’ve got to learn to speak it; if you unrelentingly dreamt to blend with the waves of brilliant exuberance; paying a deaf ear to the inclemently meaningless norms of the sardonically turgid society, 

  You’ve got to learn to speak it; if you insatiably want to spawn your very own inimitable personality; blossom into a legend from the very grass roots; without emulating any of the luminaries even an inconspicuous trifle, 

  You’ve got to learn to speak it; if you invincibly want to embody our cornucopia of priceless truth; amidst an unfathomable civilization of invidiously derogatory corruption, 

  You’ve got to learn to speak it; if you intransigently want to accept the treacherously orphaned as your very own ingredient of blood; despite indescribably gory objection from the worthlessly barking society, 

  You’ve got to learn to speak it; if you uncompromisingly want to exist every minute for the cause of Omnisciently sparkling mankind; symbiotically mélange with all caste; creed; tribe and religion; bountifully alike, 


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