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Life = Death - volume 6 - Poems on Life , Death

Page 5

by Nikhil Parekh

  You’ve got to learn to speak it; if you relentlessly want to free your sacrosanct motherland; from the viciously pernicious maelstrom of; severely adulterated raunchiness, 

  You’ve got to learn to speak it; if you jubilantly want to frolic in the aisles of untainted innocuousness; even as the abominable globe outside were busy perpetuating pints of victimizing venom into the mouths of the newly born, 

  You’ve got to learn to speak it; if you unstoppably want to become an optimistic ray of hope for all those miserably shattered; even as crime lethally proliferated on every quarter of this earth; as the clock ticked, 

  You’ve got to learn to speak it; if you want to perpetually bond with the spirit of your true love; even as the most mercurial element of the world outside ignominiously lambasted you with dirt and unforgivable abuse, 


  The word was easy yet unassailably strong; the word consisted of just two alphabets yet bestowed you with the power to confront even the most Herculean of impediments; the word was negative yet imparted you with the tenacity to do whatever right you chose, 

  So c’mon folks; get ready to celestially fulfill your every dream; get ready to take over the entire conventional planet for the cause of immortal love; get ready to transform this world once again into an enchanting paradise; but before you could do anything;

  get ready to look the devil in his eye; and say a big no.



  I didn’t want to smile; not even express even the most infinitesimal iota of my happiness, 

  I didn’t want to run; not even drift my euphorically exhilarating foot even a fraction forward; to gallop with the perniciously dying winds, 

  I didn’t want to wrestle; not even bulge even an insipid swell of muscle; out of my profoundly poignant and knotted shirt, 

  I didn’t want to sing; not even stretch even the most inconspicuous chord of my throat; to pump melody in the disdainfully bereaved atmosphere, 

  I didn’t want to emulate; not even copy even the most capricious of actions of cold-bloodedly wandering devils; flaming and around, 

  I didn’t want to embrace; not even swirl even the most remote chunk of my poignantly robust flesh; towards devilishly abhorrently entities on this colossal


  I didn’t want to sleep; not even close my heavenly eyelids an ephemeral inch; to replenish my devastated countenance with spell binding sleep, 

  I didn’t want to flirt; not even liberate even the most fugitive glimpse of my mischievous visage; towards the viciously adulterated ambience around, 

  I didn’t want to triumph; not even unfurl into the most diminutive shadow of blazing vibrancy; amidst the parasites ghastily sucking blood outside, 

  I didn’t want to fantasize; not even tax the crannies of my brain a mercurial shadow; to perceive about thissalaciously penalizing and gory world, 

  I didn’t want to yawn; not even relax my exasperatedly beleaguered body a parsimonious trifle; to relish the fruits of this miserably blood-soaked globe, 

  I didn’t want to eat; not even satiate my horrendously famished tongue an ethereal component; with the fodder of truculently dictatorial tyranny, 

  I didn’t want to stare; not even concentrate an obfuscated bit with my diligent eyes; worthlessly whiling away my time sighting the ungainly rich mercilessly thrashing the diminutively deprived, 

  I didn’t want to bless; not even shower even the most oblivious trace of my empathy; to all those erecting their palaces of gold on bountifully innocent soil; and then opening their discordant mouths to whine, 

  I didn’t want to pray; not even ask the Almighty Lord even an evanescent showering of bliss; with all baselessly marauding and massacring politicians metamorphosing this earth into the most ultimate of disaster, 

  I didn’t want to preach; not even waste even the most faintest rhythm of my sagacious voice; for all those dastardly rascals who sold their own mothers; for

  bathing in raunchy cigar smoke and wine, 

  I didn’t want to breathe; not even fill my lungs a threadbare trace; with the maliciously venomous graveyard of air; perfidiously lingering outside, 

  I didn’t want to love; not even fulminate even the most inaudible beat of my heart; towards an entrenchment of vindictive lies and worthlessness; that brutally incarcerated me in this robotic age; from all sides, 

  O! Yes; I have no shame whatsoever in divulging that I didn’t want to live anymore in this treacherously lambasting world today; for if this planet as manipulative as it was for just one more minute; then it was better to commit suicide and die; than to kiss

  the fireballs of celestially sacred life.


  16. 1 AND 100 

  When I turned 1; I incoherently mumbled threadbare gibberish; although was blossoming every unfurling minute into an entrenchment of unfathomably never-ending newness,

  At 100 I still found myself incoherently mumbling threadbare gibberish; but each word of mine irrevocably led me towards; the valley of remorsefully ghastly and torturously inclement death.

  When I turned 1; I found even the most vibrantly opalescent of colors as immaculately satiny white; although was blooming with the scent of symbiotic

  mankind more ardently as each day unfurled into enchantingly exotic night,

  At 100 I still found even the most vibrantly opalescent of colors as immaculately satiny white; but each perception of mine truculently led me towards; the gutterline of squalidly indescribable and baselessly massacring death.

  When I turned 1; I gave an inquisitively blank stare at everything alien; although was fascinatingly painting the barren palette of this colossal Universe; with majestically fructifying shades of my innocuous artistry,

  At 100 I still found myself giving an inquisitively blank stare at everything alien; but each stare of mine irretrievably led me towards; the corpse of lethally penalizing

  and grotesquely vicious death.

  When I turned 1; I got thunderously astounded at even the most mercurial speck of sound and light; although was fulminating into a cloudburst of unrelenting energy as each instant unveiled into a wholesome minute,

  At 100 I still found myself thunderously astounded at even the most mercurial speck of sound and light; but each astonishment of mine perniciously led me towards; the hell of diabolically savage and horrendously abusive death.

  When I turned 1; I felt mystically overawed at even the most ethereally meek rays of the evening Sun; although was transcending above the realms of Omnipotent heaven; to be the absolute favorite of Almighty Lord,

  At 100 I still found myself mystically overawed at even the most ethereally meek rays of the evening Sun; but each exhilarated sensation of mine ominously led me towards;  the graveyards of discordantly dilapidated and vindictively

  crucifying death.

  When I turned 1; I exploded into a mountain of uncontrollable giggles at witnessing even an insipid replica of my reflection in the scintillating mirror; although was spawning into a wave of ebulliently flirtatious timelessness,

  At 100 I still found myself exploding into a mountain of uncontrollable giggles at witnessing even an insipid replica of my reflection; but each laughter of mine insatiably led me towards; the train of horrifically sardonic and lecherously pulverizing death.

  When I turned 1; I inevitably stumbled on every step that I tread in my illusionary quest to reach the sky; although was diffusing a wave of unsurpassably benign

  graciousness; embracing the religion of humanity wherever I went,

  At 100 I still found myself stumbling at every step that I tread in my illusionary quest to reach the sky; but each step of mine intransigently led me towards; the gallows of salaciously nonchalant and parasitically gloomy death.

  When I turned 1; I got overwhelmingly petrified at even the most parsimonious outrage of people around me; although was uniting more prolifically every

  second with
all stupendously enthralling goodness of the celestial atmosphere,

  At 100 I still found myself overwhelmingly petrified at even the most parsimonious outrage of people around me; but each scream of mine immutably led me towards;

  the shadows of gruesomely despicable and tyrannically traumatizing death.

  When I turned 1; I inconsolably cried as sordidly blackened night approached; although was paving a path of ubiquitously unassailable and blazing righteousness

  with my sacredly innocent wails,

  At 100 I still found myself inconsolably crying as sordidly blackened night approached; but each cry of mine intractably led me towards; the pigstacks of

  abhorrently stinking and criminally vengeful death.

  When I turned 1; I groped in utterly collapsing darkness about various aspects of life even as incredulously brilliant rays of light wholesomely encapsulated the trajectory of fathomless sky;

  although was the most eternally sparkling mate of angels in the heavenly cosmos,

  At 100 I still found myself groping in utterly collapsing darkness about various aspects of life even as incredulously brilliant rays of the light wholesomely encapsulated the trajectory of fathomless sky; but each wavering of mine cold-bloodedly led me towards; the shattered glasses of invidiously sinister

  and insanely dolorous death.

  And when I turned 1; I found even the most nimbly subservient entity around me as an unfathomably towering monster; although was embarking onto the road

  to triumphantly unending existence with the fires ofenchantment slowly entering into my nostrils,

  At 100 I still found even the most nimbly subservient entity around me as an unfathomably towering monster; but each bewildered sensation of mine incorrigibly led me towards; the dungeons of disparagingly disconsolate and gruesomely

  gory death.


  17. 100% NATURAL 


  At times an inferno of poignantly towering emotions; while at times a meadow of resplendently blissful tranquility that stretched for times immemorial, 

  At times an astoundingly prolific bombardment of restlessness; while at times a river of celestially milky and exotically unending enchantment, 

  At times an untamed volcano of tantalizing voluptuousness; while at times as beautifully heavenly as the mystical mists on the spell bindingly gregarious mountaintops, 

  At times a ferociously undulating sea of unbelievably ecstatic exhilaration; while at times the majestically sleeping castle of fathomless dreams, 

  At times an indefatigably reverberating catharsis of the countenance; while at times the ingratiatingly innocuous pearl floating in holistic harmony; at the bottom of

  blue sea, 

  At times an impudently overpowering monster transcending over the realms of pragmatic sagaciousness; while at times the boundless fleet of silken birds regally sweeping through the clouds,

  At times a passionately never ending fire that Omnipotently enlightened the complexion of this dreary planet; while at times a phlegmatically lazing tortoise; paying an absolute deaf ear to the conventionally turgid society, 

  At times wave of endlessly swirling and enthralling excitement; while at times a nimble dewdrop sensitively curled; and waiting for the very first rays of; fantastically ephemeral dawn, 

  At times a blazingly marching patriotic soldier for whom even the ghastliest of death caused no fear; while at times at river of amiably drifting contentment; in complete synergy with the Lord Divine, 

  At times a profoundly ambiguous wind incessantly vacillating between the limitless shades of vivacious life; while at times the rejuvenating incense sticks of irrefutably sparkling truth, 

  At times an unrelenting cistern of ebullient happiness; while at times inevitably entrenched by obfuscated skies of disparaging sadness, 

  At times a perennial whirlwind of insurmountable rhapsody; while at times a timidly retreating butterfly sandwiched in cocoons of sordid remorsefulness, 

  At times a fireball of indefatigably uxorious fantasy which never ends; while at times

  an impeccably sleeping angel wholesomely oblivious to the unfurling of rapid time, 

  At times an unparalleled storm which took the entire living race by radically dramatic surprise; while at times a sheepish leaf wilting towards even the most infinitesimal draught of breeze, 

  At times carving a way of its very own amidst countless others engulfed with baseless rigidity; while at times stooping like an obeisant angel in front of the Almighty divine, 

  At times an eternally frolicking peacock vividly flirting behind the hills; while at times fretting and fuming in the aisles of treacherously betraying morbidity, 

  At times an unsurpassable caravan of philanthropic goodness; while at times lured by fabulously eloping and nubile damsels as the bodies euphorically titillated in

  the moon soaked night, 

  O! Yes; at times this; while at times an unfathomable shade of that; but one thing was intransigently undeniable; that whether I lived forever in the paradise of heaven; or whether I forever rotted in the gallows of hell with the word die; my heart was; is

  and would always remain 100% natural. 



  Call me a lump of infinitesimally squashed tomato; or Call me the diminutive tip of a sordidly despicable matchstick rotting in the abominably fetid garbage heap, 

  Call me a languid spider nonchalantly fretting on the damp walls; or Call me the wisp of that capriciously fleeting cloud which didn’t know even the slightest of how to enchantingly rain, 

  Call me an insipid molecule of threadbare dust being blown to far and obsolete places with the tiniest draught of wind; or Call me a preposterously pot-bellied whale devouring countless innocent in a single mouthful, 

  Call me a ghastily unforgiving demon blowing my worthless trumpet at will; or Call me a lecherous parasite sucking innocuous blood even as midnight unfurled into the scintillatingly spell binding day, 

  Call me a baseless moron staring purposelessly into boundless bits of blue sky; or Call me a sleazily mud coated pig aimlessly wandering without even contributing an ethereal iota to the fabric of this colossal planet, 

  Call me an insane lunatic paying a wholesomely deaf ear to the inclement orders of the conventional society; or Call me an irately impudent brat; indiscriminately feasting on the wealth of my sacrosanct ancestors, 

  Call  me an invidious ant horrifically stinging the chapter of glorious existence; or Call me the grotesquely menacing crocodiles tooth ever ready to pulverize anything in vicinity; to inconsequential pulp, 

  Call me stray gutter water meaninglessly gushing across the dusty street; or Call me uxoriously fanatic behind the tantalizingly raunchy seductress, 

  Call me a graveyard of utterly deplorably loneliness; or Call me a lackadaisically nonsensical flower without even the most obfuscated insinuation of scent, 

  Call me a dastardly traitor turning my back to my sacred motherland; or Call me a wave of unendingly treacherous obsession which could never ever end, 

  Call me a pugnacious insect buzzing in cacophonicallydiscordant incoherence when the world slept; or Call me a demon having a gargantuan appetite for every insidious thing in the chapter of vibrant life, 

  Call me the most curled bristle of the sweepers avaricious broomstick; or Call me a complete misfit to symbiotically exist with the harmoniously melodious society, 

  Call me a miserably maimed organism without hands and feet; or Call me abysmally dumb when it came to matters of synergistic pragmatism, 

  Call me a punitive curse for the trajectory of this boundless planet; or Call me a bizarre eunuch pathetically unable to procreate even an element of my own kind, 

  Call me a brutally massacred and orphaned egg; or Call me the disdainfully abhorrent grime on the shoe; which intractably refused to move even an mercurial inch, 

  Call me a ludicrously fading re
flection eventually blending with the oblivious horizons; or Call me an impotently undulating ocean without even the tiniest

  trace of poignantly ravishing salt, 

  Call me a disastrously slithering fish without any aim or direction; or Call me a destructive volcano of negative energy; born only to annihilate civilizations to traceless ash, 

  Call me gory impediment for one and all on this globe alike; or Call me a ghoulishly venomous spirit spreading its remorseful jinx even centuries after veritable death, 


  And you could Call me by whatever name that you could ever conceive; But for those of you who like me; and even for all those of you who detested even the most remote

  fraction of my quavering shadow; I would still and forever remain the way I am today; immortally bonded with love; immortally bonded with a fathomless entrenchment of poetry; poetry and just; sensuously Divine Poetry. 


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