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Hide: Part One (The Black Letters Series Book 1)

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by Brooke Page

  “Did he ask for a new on-site manager?” I challenged.

  Nathan’s jaw ticked in irritation. “No.”

  I raised a brow, proving my point. Nathan sighed in frustration with his fists balled to his sides. He knew I was right, and that was something Nathan never handled well.

  “You still need to stay away from Mitch.”

  I spun on my heel to go inside. I didn’t need to be lectured by Nathan anymore.

  “He may not be using, but he’s involved with Chino and his drug scheme in Grand Rapids. Besides, he only sleeps with whores.”

  “And what exactly would you consider a whore? A one night stand?” I spat, throwing my purse on the table. Nathan closed and locked the door, then proceeded to undo his tie.

  “You’re too good for him, Jamie.”

  “Who said I was into him? He’s obnoxious and conceited, just like his brother.”

  “I may be obnoxious and conceited, but I’m not a drug dealer.”

  “Give me a break. Mitch isn’t smart enough to deal drugs. I’d sure hope you’d be able to figure that out.” I scoffed, flopping down on the couch. Nathan stood in front of me with his arms crossed. He was prepared to keep arguing, and I really wasn’t in the mood.

  “Someone is hiding drugs on our properties in Grand Rapids through Chino. Considering he’s always on-site, we have a strong belief it’s him.”

  I crossed my legs and arms. “I’m telling you right now, that man isn’t capable of handling a multi-location drug scheme. You and Tyler need to look elsewhere.”

  “Do you think I want Mitch to be the one who’s hiding drugs? Of course not, but he knows our building sites the best. That’s why we think it’s him.”

  “Well, it’s not.”

  Exasperated with the conversation, I stood and made my way toward my bedroom. I slammed the door shut before Nathan could come after me. I was tired of listening to his bullshit business side. I’d talk to him in the morning when we weren’t fuming.

  My mind flashed back to the moment Mitch’s nose brushed my ear and how it made my skin come alive with need. I pulled open the bottom drawer of my nightstand to find every woman’s secret joy. Setting BOB down on my pillow put a small smile on my face. I’d clean up for bed and then be put to a peaceful sleep by some vibrating magic.

  With brushed teeth and no clothes, I crawled into bed, covering myself with a warm and fuzzy blanket. My skin was sensitive to the soft fabric, and tingles spread like wildfire the second the gentle buzzing sound filled my ears.

  My thoughts wandered to sexy visions of half-clothed men with tanned skin and bulky biceps. Everything was going smoothly until Mitch’s face popped into my fantasy, his strong hands grasping my hips as I had my dirty way with him. My hand moved faster as my breathing sped up, imagining how his piercing green eyes would examine my body. I loved the look men gave me when I took control. Their excitement made me feel confident and powerful. Being on top was important to me. I needed it in my life; otherwise, I’d have crumbled a long time ago.

  In my fantasy Mitch sat up, his abs flexing as his strong hands worked their way up my sides and to my back, gripping my shoulder blades. My breath caught as I pictured him lifting me off his lap, laying me down on the bed and crawling on top of me. I opened my legs wider as my legs began to twitch, imagining his hips pressing into my pelvis and the bulge of his biceps over my small frame as he took control.

  My insides contracted rapidly once dream Mitch pushed into me, his eyes wild as he lay above me.

  More thrusts of BOB sprung from my wrist, just as his thrusts would plunge deeper. I was coming hard and fast, my entire body shaking with the erratic thoughts of Mitch having his way with me.

  Once I came down from my high, I groaned in frustration. An orgasm was supposed to fix my stress but this one had only confused my brain more. I had to stop thinking about Mitch.

  He was arrogant, self-centered, a complete moron, and—

  And I didn’t want him to get hurt.

  The haunting notion that Rod was back in my life was something I couldn’t take lightly. He was dangerous to everyone I crossed paths with, and his note today made it clear that Mitch was a target.

  I threw BOB on the ground and rolled over, pulling the blanket to my neck and wishing I hadn’t made my life so complicated.

  Chapter Seven

  Now you’re getting it. Remember who’s good for you.

  Wear those stockings more often.


  Relief swept through me once I got on the plane to travel to Chicago. I always felt safer when I was in a completely different state than that crazy loon.

  We’d just finished finding Becca’s wedding dress, and somehow Becca’s sister and I had to get her in the mood to go out. She and Tyler were still rocky since his father’s death, so a good night out would help clear both their minds. Except the party wasn’t totally put together yet. Nathan and I hadn’t hashed out our issues, so our phone calls were clipped and party planning was slim. All of the necessary reservations were made, but I hadn’t talked to him all week. I was still frustrated with his actions toward me and his stupid kid brother, and the more I thought about how he’d acted, the more irritated I got.

  Screw Mitch for turning into a prick the second it was time for me to leave. So what if I was leaving with Nathan? I’d let temptation get the best of me, and even though I was pissed off at Nathan and his grumpy attitude, I was thankful he pulled me from a possible careless decision. I shook my head and let out a huge breath of air. That could never happen again. Thankfully, Mitch had been busy in Grand Rapids all week. Hadn’t stopped his one-liners from filling up my inbox, though.

  Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Because you have a pretty sweet ass.

  “Oh come on, you’ll be smoking in that dress. Tyler won’t be able to keep his hands off you,” Heather, Becca’s sister, squealed with excitement. I rolled my eyes. She wasn’t supposed to tell Becca we were meeting up with them.

  “Tyler? I thought we were having a girl’s night?” Becca asked.

  I smiled at my best friend. “Yes, but I figured you’d want to see him since things have been tense between the two of you.”

  “Then I most definitely want to wear this dress tonight,” Becca purred.

  Maybe I could find a good Mr. One Night who’d take my mind off Mitch. I knew my chances weren’t likely.

  “I was thinking my red dress, you know the one that shows a lot of back?”

  “And shows a lot of cleavage too.” Becca giggled. “Wear my red Jimmy Choos with it. It’ll look awesome.”

  I smiled brightly at Becca. She always had amazing clothing.

  Once we were dressed and ready to impress, we headed to Enclave, one of Chicago’s most exclusive night clubs. I couldn’t wait to see inside. I had spoken to the manager and scheduled our VIP room for tonight. Becca and her sister had their arms laced together as we breezed past the line to the bouncer. We flashed our ID’s and he immediately let us inside where a hostess directed us to the VIP section.

  “Mmm, I can’t wait to jump Ray,” Heather said about her husband.

  Becca blushed as she saw the wild look in Heather’s eyes. I knew she was secretly thinking the same thing regarding Tyler. The few shots we did before coming tonight had made us frisky. The only problem was that I didn’t have someone to attack.

  “I’m going to go get a drink at the lower bar then hit the ladies room,” I said in Becca’s ear.

  She gave me a nod. “Okay, be careful. See you soon.”

  I rolled my eyes jokingly at her constant need to make sure I was taken care of and being safe.

  The number of prospects were high at first glance. There were sexy men everywhere, and I couldn’t wait to grab one by the tie. Tonight I was going to be reckless, and I didn’t care what anyone else would think. I needed to get Mitch and Rod out of my head, and a super hot and half drunk sex session would be the cure.

  A gentleman with designer glas
ses approached me. His hair was stylish and flipped to the side. If I had to guess, I’d say he was an accountant or a banker by his tie and button up dress shirt. He was sexy and screamed, “Take advantage of me.” Just how I liked them.

  “What are you drinking, gorgeous?”

  “A vodka tonic.” I fluffed my hair then put my eyes toward the bartender. I didn’t want Mr. Handsome to think I was too interested. He would have to work for it if he wanted to come to my hotel room for the night.

  “If it’s okay with you, I’d love to get you one.”

  “I’d be okay with that. I’m Jamie,” I said politely as I bit my bottom lip. His blue eyes lit up and his smile widened. This might be too easy.

  “Now don’t lie to the man. We both know you’d prefer a nice cold beer.”

  My teeth ground at the sound of his voice. My prospect’s smile faded as he looked over my shoulder. “What are you doing here?” I grumbled, whipping my head in Mitch’s direction.

  My coarse greeting didn’t faze him, only putting a smile on his smug face. “I’m here for my brother’s bachelor party of course.”

  “No shit. But why are you standing behind me like a big creeper?”

  Mitch put his arm around my shoulder and smiled down at me as I shot an invisible death glare out of my eyes. He was ruining my chances with this guy, and the fact that he was wearing a backward baseball cap with faded jeans and a button up dress shirt bugged me.

  Because he looked really sexy.

  “Um…” Mr. Handsome said awkwardly.

  “Um nothing, pretty boy. She’s taken. I’d suggest you go find some chick who’s in your league.”

  Mr. Handsome turned sheepishly on his feet while I elbowed Mitch hard in the rib.

  “Why did you do that?” I scolded Mitch, shoving him away from me. “He was hitting on me.”

  “He was a tool. You’ll thank me later.” Mitch sat down on the stool that was now open. “What kind of beer do you want?”

  My scowl was in full form. “Actually, that guy was going to get me a vodka tonic.”

  Mitch raised a brow in my direction. “She’ll have something light that’s on tap.”

  “Um, NO. I’ll have a vodka tonic, please.” The bartender laughed to himself, then turned to make my drink. “You’ve got some real nerve,” I muttered toward Mitch.

  “Do you even like tonic water?”

  “Why would I order one if I didn’t?”

  Mitch leaned in closer to me. “Because you secretly want to fit in with this group. You’ve told me you prefer beer.”

  “On that one occasion,” I said irritably. “And I don’t give a shit what ‘group’ I’m in.”

  “Were you actually into that stiff?” His lack of seriousness toward my pissed off attitude annoyed the shit out of me. It pissed me off so much that I was left speechless.

  Mitch’s smile widened. “Jamie, I don’t think you realize I know exactly what you need.” He stood from his stool so he was towering over me, his hands crossing his chest as his green eyes looked at me devilishly. “You need a man who can handle your fire. A man who’s going to pin you down, pull your hair, and make you moan his name. Not some nerdy loser who wouldn’t even last five seconds.”

  I laughed in his face. “You’ve got me pegged all wrong. You want to know how I like it?” My voice was sultry as I stood, getting close enough so my chest was touching his arms. He looked at me intently, a slight smile still noticeable on his face. “I like my men to do whatever I say. I’m in charge. I pull their hair, and I pin them down. The man who I choose to go home with moans my name.” My hand found the front of his jean pocket as I whispered close to his face. “You’re right, that stiff couldn’t handle me. I’m wild and out of control in bed.”

  Mitch dropped his hand and snaked it around my waist, pulling me so I could feel his erection on my hip. I gasped at the contact.

  “See, I almost bought that,” Mitch said in all seriousness, his lips moving closer to mine. “But the way you just reacted tells me otherwise. You totally gave me all control just now. I wrapped my arm around you, and your body went lax. Those big brown eyes widened with vulnerability, and those sexy as sin lips whimpered. You want someone to take control of you, Jamie.”

  Before I could respond, he let go of me. “I’m going to go find someone to dance with.” He turned and walked away.

  I grumbled, then turned to sit on my stool, slamming my drink in only a few gulps. The nerve of that asshole! He was a fucking moron to think he could ever control me like that.

  “I’ll have a Coors, please,” I said irritably to the bartender. He started to give me a look, but I quickly squashed it with my scowl. Before my drink came, Heather and Becca joined me.

  “Becca is being a chicken shit,” Heather said with annoyance.

  “No, I’m not.” Becca said, waving down the bartender. “I just need another drink. When we went to the suite, Tyler looked pissed off. Lately, I don’t know how to handle him when he’s mad.” She was still intimidated by Tyler when he was in one of his weird moods, something she needed to get over if she was going to marry him.

  Taking a deep breath, I turned to talk to my best friend. “Becca, he’s going to want to fuck you on the dance floor the second he sees you. You don’t need to be nervous. I’m sure you’ll put a smile on his face and a tent in his pants.”

  She gave me an awkward smile and ordered six shots of Patron.

  “Oh my God, Becca. We have to be able to get off tonight,” Heather scolded.

  Becca ignored her, and I smiled. I knew Becca could put away the drinks like a champ. We clinked glasses and downed each shot one after another.

  “Whew!” Her face scrunched from the burn of the liquor. “Okay, let’s do this!” Becca encouraged herself. “You coming?”

  I shook my head. “I’ll be up in a bit. I’ve got to look for someone.” Maybe Mr. Handsome was still wandering around like a lost puppy.

  She nodded and leaned in to give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Good luck. Go get some!”

  Heather and Becca made their way to the VIP section to join the guys. I sat in my seat, my eyes skimming the pool of dancers, secretly hoping I could find the man who had offered to buy me a drink earlier.

  Then my stomach turned in disgust at what I saw.

  There was Mitch, practically screwing some perfect, beach bunny type on the dance floor. Her front was to him, and her ass was nearly hanging out of her short white dress. Mitch’s eyes found mine, then gave me a smug wink as he grabbed her hips, forcefully swinging her so her ass was grinding against him.

  Mitch leaned her slightly forward, his hips still moving into hers. I shook my head at him. Did he not realize how ridiculous they looked? Her boobs were practically hanging out, just like her ass was. If he thought he could get to me this way, he was wrong. He could dance with whoever he wanted for all I cared.

  Getting under his skin was a sick game that I enjoyed, and I planned on doing just that.

  I stood tall from my stool, feeling refreshed from the two shots courtesy of Becca. With a devious smile, I walked toward Mitch and the girl he was dancing with. Some guy next to Mitch was dancing with a group of guys and girls. From the looks of it, he was the odd man out, and my plan quickly turned. As cliché as it was, I wanted to make Mitch jealous.

  I tugged on the guy’s arm, getting his attention. He turned his head and smiled when he saw me, quickly diverting his attention. He started to talk, but I turned so my back was against his front before he could say anything. Finding his hands, I placed them on my hips, urging him to move with me. The guy had decent rhythm, and the excitement he held was way too obvious. Mitch’s eyes turned darker as he watched, pulling his dance partner's dress up further on her thigh.

  “What’s your name?” my stranger asked as he pressed his body to mine, his hands finding my hips.

  I turned to face him, wrapping one arm around his neck and the other around his waist. “Jamie, what’s yours?

  “Marshall. You’ve made my night.”

  My lip quirked. I didn’t want to make his night I only wanted to use him to piss Mitch off. Just as his hand went to find my ass, I quickly turned again, grinding it into his groin. His groan of pleasure didn’t go unnoticed and I rolled my eyes. Mitch caught it, and his lip twitched.

  Damn it! I needed to step this game up a notch.

  I found Marshall’s hands and moved them to my stomach, letting one roam dangerously close to my breasts and the other even lower on my hip. His hand squeezed my side, and a tremor climbed through his other hand. Wuss. Secretly, I was happy for his modesty.

  Mitch laughed under his breath, then quickly pushed the blonde to the side, causing her to grunt. “Mitch, why’d you do that?” she whined.

  “Sorry, sweetheart,” he said, not at all apologetically. Before I knew what was happening, Mitch grabbed me from Marshall, pulling me flush with his body.

  “Dude, we were dancing.”

  “You suck at dancing. Lady in red needs someone who can take the lead.” Although his words were directed at Marshall, Mitch’s eyes were on me.

  I couldn’t contain my lip from quirking in a triumphant smile. My plan of making him jealous had worked.

  Mitch’s strong arms caged me, his hips moving in a seductive pace, his hands firmly holding me. He knew what he was doing, and every part of me wanted to succumb to his passionate intensity.

  His breath was hot on my neck, his lips dangerously close to tasting my skin. “What’s going on, Jay? I thought you liked to be in charge?”

  The fire burned deep inside of me at his cockiness.

  Taking hold of his neck with one arm and wrapping my other around his waist, I began to move to the rhythm of the latest Iggy song. Our eyes locked again, and the smug gleam in his eyes wasn’t one I wanted to stare back at. I wanted to see one emotion within those green demons: pure, unadulterated lust.

  Snaking my hand into his back pocket was my first move, urging his groin as close to me as possible. I wanted him to feel my heat and understand that I knew what I wanted. I moved the hand that was around his neck slowly down his shoulders and across his firm pecs. He was solid and strong, and fuck if I wasn’t turned on by the dips of muscle my fingers found the lower down his front I went. Once I reached his belt, my fingers boldly slid under his shirt, feeling his damp skin. They followed the V of his abdomen, something I knew he’d be rocking. If I ever wanted to rip a man’s shirt off, this was the time, and I was damn tempted. As my thumbs brushed gently over the line, Mitch’s grasp grew firmer on my waist, his other hand traveling lower on my back. Every inch of me wanted him to reach down and grab my ass, but I had a point to prove, and my hormones weren’t going to get in the way.


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