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Hide: Part One (The Black Letters Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Brooke Page

  Rod nodded as he watched me. “Put your tank top and skirt on before you go,” he commanded while packing our things.

  I squinted at him, unsure why it mattered. Quickly putting on my skirt, I grabbed my tank, carrying it with me as I walked toward the bathhouse.

  “Jamie Rae!”

  I froze, realizing someone recognized me when I didn’t want to be seen. The voice belonged to Kevin, my older brother’s friend. My eyes searched the group he was with, and thankfully Landon was nowhere to be seen.

  “Hey there, cutie pie, what are you doing at this beach?” he questioned, his eyes hazy from drinking, and most likely other substances. His arm moved around my neck, pulling me to his side as we walked to the bathhouse.

  “Just soaking up the sun,” I said as nonchalantly as I could.

  “You by yourself? Come hang with us. You need to stop being such a downer, Jay,” he teased, hugging me closer.

  “She’s not alone,” Rod’s low voice muttered from behind us.

  Shivers ran up my spine from his tone. He wasn’t happy.

  Kevin turned, keeping his arm around my shoulders. “Hey, how’s it going, bro?” Kevin greeted in his stereotypical Floridian surfer accent.

  “It’d be going wonderfully if you’d get your hands off my girl.” Rod’s eyes were on fire, his fists balled at his side.

  I gently nudged Kevin with my elbow. “This is Kevin, my brother’s best friend.”

  “Um, yeah… Who the hell are you?” Kevin said protectively, the hint of my elbow nudge not enough for him to let go of me.

  “I’m her boyfriend.” Rod reached for me, yanking me from Kevin.

  Kevin crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Does Lando know about this guy?”

  I was dying inside now. “Of course he does. See you later, Kevin.” I quickly darted under Rod’s arm, walking quickly toward the parking lot.

  This wasn’t going to be good. I didn’t feel him following me right away, but by the time I’d found the car, he pressed his body into mine, forcing my back against the car.

  “I told you to put your fucking clothes back on,” he growled, his eyes murderous.

  “I was.” My voice was small, taken back by his anger. “Kevin stopped me before I could—”

  “You’re not allowed to see him again. I don’t even want you to look at him.” His voice was like venom as his eyes bore into mine.

  I was stunned, shocked by his anger at the situation. “He doesn’t mean anything to me—”

  Rod’s hands found my neck again, his thumbs pressing against my throat. “You will not associate with him. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” I gasped, fighting the uncomfortableness of his hands.

  He dropped his arms, stomping to his side of the car. “Let’s go.”

  My hands found my knees as oxygen filled my lungs. The look in his eyes was terrifying.

  I never wanted to disobey him again.

  Chapter Ten

  I was thankful for his silence as we drove to his penthouse last night. He knew something was off, but didn’t press me for information. That was the best part about our relationship; we didn’t hover. I found those were the only successful friendships I’d ever had.

  Curling my body into his high thread count sheets was too easy. Sleeping with them all day sounded more appealing than what was planned.

  “Becca texted me last night wanting to know where you were since you didn’t answer your phone,” Nathan said as he sat on the bed next to me. “I told her you came home with me instead of staying at the hotel.”

  I winced. “Did she seem mad?”

  Nathan shrugged. “Not really, but it was a text. She’s got her hands full with Tyler lately.”

  I nodded, glad Becca wasn’t mad about my lack of appearance at her party. I wasn’t a very good friend sometimes. “You said he punched a drug dealer?” I asked, trying to keep the conversation flowing so we wouldn’t talk about my change of direction in mood last night.

  “Yes, Tyler punched Chino. He’s the one we think Mitch is helping to hide drugs on our properties.” His eyes narrowed at me.

  Talking about Mitch wasn’t going to happen. Not today.

  “I’m sure everything will be fine,” I sighed, turning over to reach for my phone from Nathan’s hand.

  Nathan bit his cheek. “You’d tell me if you knew something, right?”

  “Of course. Not sure why I would know something, though?”

  Nathan gave me a look. “Don’t feed me that bullshit.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “Nothing is happening between us. Like I’ve said before, he’s annoying, and so not my type.” Sexual tension had nothing to do with liking someone, and I didn’t feel the need to discuss it with Nathan.

  “All right. I’m leaving for the golf course. Curious to see what kind of shape everyone is in from last night. Although, I think we’re the only ones who didn’t have sex.” Nathan sighed.

  Guilt rushed through me. “I’m sorry, Nathan. I didn’t mean to put a kibosh on your night.”

  He waved his hand at me as he stood. “Please. There weren’t any worthy takers at that club. I was ready to leave anyway. Besides, I didn’t sleep alone.”

  I returned his smile. He was way too good for me, especially when I’d been such a bitch to him the week prior.

  I left shortly after Nathan. I needed to find my hotel room and grab my things. As comfy as Nathan’s sweatpants and undershirt were, I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing them at Becca’s wedding shower. I could only imagine the bank accounts of the people who’d be in attendance.

  As I made my way into the hotel lobby, the receptionist gave me a knowing smile. I hid behind my hair as I found the elevator, heading to my floor at an agonizingly slow speed. He probably thought I’d had a one night stand. At least I wasn’t still in my dress. Then I thought about that blonde Mitch was all over last night. My ears burned at the thought of seeing her disheveled and walking out of his room.

  Prick. Why did I let him get to me?

  The key card to my room took my forceful swipe. I’d only spent a half hour in this room yesterday when I’d dropped off my things but, I knew the massive bouquet of deep red roses were a new decorative piece. My body sunk into the sofa chair twenty feet from the table where the flowers were located, and tears pricked my eyes the moment I saw the black letter sitting next to them.

  How did he know I was here?

  My hand instinctively reached for my throat, my fingers rubbing along the front of my neck, the control he still had over me clawing its way through my body. I jolted from my seat, storming toward the flowers and letter. I grabbed the vase and chucked it against the opposing wall, shattering the glass into tiny pieces with a loud crash. My fists formed balls as I pounded them into the mattress.

  The black envelope was rough on my fingers as I tore it into several pieces, giving myself more than one paper cut in the process. Blood dripped down my fingers as tears of anger and frustration fell down my cheeks, mixing with the blood from my hands onto the crinkled pieces of black carbon.

  I hated him. He didn’t own me. Not anymore.


  I managed to pull myself together for Becca’s shower. My flowing coral dress fit in appropriately with the crowd, even though my mind most certainly wasn’t on the same page. Becca was in a trance as well. We fit perfectly together, methodically going through the motions while our brains were fixated on other issues.

  “Sorry I left without saying goodbye last night,” Becca said in a monotone voice.

  “Don’t sweat it. I left quickly, too. I wasn’t feeling well.” It wasn’t a total lie. “How are things with Tyler?”

  She shrugged. I hated seeing my best friend so unsure. “It’ll work itself out,” I said positively, setting my hand on her shoulder. She gave me a grateful smile, then continued her bride duties.

  “Jamie, great to see you again,” Mary Conklin said enthusiastically as she gave me a big hug. I returned
her hug as comfortably as I could. We’d met while dress shopping yesterday, but by the intensity of her hug you’d think we’d known each other our entire lives. She definitely moved to the beat of her own drum; eccentric and in her own world, according to Becca. Nathan’s description was similar, just slightly more tender. He loved his mother but knew she was a handful.

  “Thank you for letting me tag along today.”

  Mary waved her hand as if I were speaking a foreign language. “Of course I’d invite the maid of honor. Besides, Nathan talks about you all the time. Only good things. We must get to know each other better.” She laughed.

  I grinned at her, a small amount of warmth filling me knowing that Nathan told his mother about me. The green of her eyes had a gleam in them as she smiled, and they reminded me of Mitch’s. I had to look away from her. The way Mitch’s lust-filled eyes bore into mine last night made my core tighten, and the weirdness of that feeling rising inside of me while I talked to his mother was awkward as hell.

  “You’ll be at dinner tonight, right?” Mary asked. She clearly had more social rounds to make. I nodded enthusiastically.

  The pretend smile stayed on my face throughout the rest of the party. It was shockingly easy for me to act a completely different way around others, even if they were people I loved.

  Just as the crowd was dwindling the men made their appearance. They had been playing golf at the country club during the shower. I inwardly growled as I saw Mitch walking inside. He looked odd dressed in black slacks, polo shirt, and a matching hat. I liked him better in his work jeans and T-shirt.

  Stop it. You don’t like Mitch at all! Well, maybe his body…

  I needed to find something to keep me busy so I wouldn’t be tempted to bicker with him. Fortunately, Nathan saved the day. “You’ll be happy to know, I didn’t lose today,” Nathan said with a grin.

  I returned his smile. “That’s a first.”

  He rolled his eyes as he sat down at a table dressed in fine linens. “How’d the shower go?”

  “Fine,” I said calmly, moving ribbons around the makeshift bouquet for Becca’s rehearsal dinner, wondering who’d originally thought of such a silly tradition.

  “That much fun, huh?”

  I laughed under my breath. Nathan could read me too well.

  “Need a ride back to your hotel?”

  An icy chill ran through me. Visions of the deep red roses sprawled over the floor amongst shards of glass filled my mind. Going back to that room scared me. For all I knew, he’d convinced the hotel that he was staying with me, had got a key, and would be waiting for me to come back. He hadn’t made a physical appearance in seven years, but he’d also never followed me out of Florida, or found his way into my own personal space like an office or hotel room. “Jamie,” Nathan prodded me out of my thoughts.

  I gulped, my hand moving to caress my throat. “Actually, I wanted to go shopping for something new to wear tonight. Want to come with me?”

  Nathan scrunched his face as though he ate something sour, but agreed. “I could use something new I guess.”

  “Do you care if I ask Becca to join us? I feel bad for ditching her last night.” Nathan shrugged in agreement as he stood, leaving the table to go chat with his mom.

  “Why don’t you ask me to come shopping with you?”

  The audible groan that came from my mouth seemed to please Mitch as he sat down next to me. “You’re not invited.”

  “Come on, you know you love my company.”

  “Hmm, what’s that saying? Misery loves company?” I tapped my chin. “Seems to be the case when I’m with you.”

  “Nah, I’m always happy with you, Jamie,” Mitch flirted with a wink. “Have dinner with me tonight.”

  I rolled my eyes. “We’re all having dinner together tonight.”

  Mitch’s lip quirked. “It’s a date. See you then.” He left as though he’d won me over.



  Becca declined my invitation to go shopping so she could spend some time with Tyler and her family, but I was okay with it. I hadn’t gone shopping with Nathan in a very long time. It was fun to pick out clothing for him, and he had good taste for what a woman should wear.

  He shooed me from the clearance rack stores and drove to Michigan Avenue, also known as the Magnificent Mile. Those clothes were way too expensive, even with the very generous Conklin salary.

  “That royal blue color would look great on you, Jay,” Nathan said as he pointed toward a rack of pricey dresses at Giorgio Armani.

  “At $575.98, I think I’ll pass.”

  Nathan scowled and stormed toward me, grabbing a dress that was in my size. “Try it on. Think of it as a monthly bonus.”


  “Really. I want to do this. Try it on, please.” Nathan was stern with his words, but I knew he secretly felt bad for arguing with me the week before. He hadn’t verbally apologized, but I knew he would make nice gestures to make himself feel better for being a jerk. This wasn’t the first time I’d gotten a random ‘bonus’.

  “I’ll throw in matching shoes and maybe some jewelry if we have time.”

  Giving in, I took the dress from him and headed toward the fitting room. Once I was in the dressing room, I overheard Nathan chatting with an employee. He was always a good talker.

  “There are a few suits that would go perfectly with your girlfriend’s dress in our men’s section.”

  “I’d love for you to show me. My girlfriend loves when we match.” I covered my mouth to contain my snort. He loved toying with people.

  I stepped out of the dressing room, searching for the three-way mirror. Nathan was putting on his charm for the employee, carrying back a cashmere sweater with the same color blue as my dress. “Wow, Jay. That looks great,” he said kindly as he examined me.

  “I agree,” the woman said enthusiastically. “We have some heels that would be perfect. I’ll grab them for you to try on. What size?”

  “Seven and a half,” Nathan said instinctively. He took his eyes off me and held his sweater out in front of him. “What do you think?”

  “We’d match,” I said with a slight laugh. “It’d look great, though.”

  “Then I’m buying it. We both know I need to make us look good.”

  He was dead serious, and it made me love him even more.

  The employee rushed back with a pair of matching blue heels with black toes. I thought they were adorable and couldn’t wait to try them on. The blue jeweled necklace she showed me was stunning and completed my ensemble perfectly.

  “You two are such a cute couple,” the employee said. Nathan gave her a quick grin, then went back to his phone.

  “Thank you,” I said with a sly smile. Nathan smirked while looking at his phone. We were always on the same page.


  The restaurant was on the ninetieth floor of the Hancock building. The dining was elegant and tasteful, along with its patrons. “Nathan, always first to the occasion,” Mary Conklin greeted her eldest son warmly. His smile was sincere as he leaned in to kiss her cheek. “Jamie, I love your dress,” she added, reaching to give me a hug.

  Soon Becca’s parents arrived along with her sister’s family and brother. Tyler and Becca followed, his hand firmly on her lower back as they walked into the waiting area. Both of them looked distracted, I’m sure because of Tyler’s run in with the supposed drug dealer from Grand Rapids, but I still had my doubts.

  Mitch graced us with his presence and my eyes went wide when I saw him. He’d only ever worn jeans and T-shirts around me, usually with a Cubs baseball hat. But this time he had on well-fitted dress slacks and a polo shirt tucked in neatly with a belt. His short sandy blond hair was styled perfectly, making a faux hawk but just slightly to the side. He was mouthwatering, and I hated the immediate fantasies that exploded in my mind when I saw him, but they all too soon vanished when a bright-eyed brunette gracefully followed him, wrapping her arm around his. The closer Mi
tch and his date got to us, the bigger his smirk became. I was beginning to think he loved to piss me off as much as I loved to despise him.

  My heart sank, then my anger fueled. Scowling at him was easier to do when he was acting like a dick.

  My anger subsided into horror when I recognized his date for the evening. She was the attendant at Giorgio Armani who’d thought Nathan and I was a couple. My head dipped low, leaning into Nathan. How were we going to pull this one off? She was too friendly not to say hello and recognize us

  “Nathan, this night might get interesting,” I murmured into his shoulder. His brows crinkled as he looked down toward me then followed my line of sight. The slight laugh that escaped his lips made me feel more at ease.

  “Yes, it just might,” he added, holding his arm out to me. I took it easily, leaning in closer than normal, making sure Mitch saw the gesture. His eyes darkened and his mouth formed a thin line. Just the reaction I was hoping for. I flipped my hair as I turned, feeling satisfied to have wiped the cocky expression off his face.

  “Mary, this table is gorgeous. And look at the view.” Becca’s mother gasped as we scattered around the table to find seats. Nathan and I took the far end by Becca and Tyler and, to my terrible luck, Mitch and Armani girl sat directly across from us.

  “Oh my goodness, you two came into the store today,” Mitch’s date finally realized. I nodded politely, not wanting her to make a big deal about it. “I knew that dress would look great on you. And so does that sweater.”

  “Well, the person makes the outfit, I always say. Isn’t that right, Mom?” Nathan said, raising his hand to the waiter. “I’ll have a vodka tonic. You want the same, Jay?”

  Nodding politely to Nathan didn’t go unnoticed by Mitch. His lip quirk was obvious from the corner of my eye. I was waiting for him to order me a beer instead.

  “I’ll have the same,” Mitch replied, startling me slightly that he hadn’t ordered his usual Labatts. His date looked at Mitch longingly as though she were waiting for him to order for her as Nathan did for me, but soon gave up and asked for a martini.


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