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Hide: Part One (The Black Letters Series Book 1)

Page 22

by Brooke Page

  “So you do know what it’s like to lose someone you love,” Mitch said gently, still stroking my hair. I nodded, taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry you lost him.” My hand curled around his waist, but he reached for it with his free hand, lacing our fingers and kissing each knuckle.

  “Do you believe in heaven?” I asked.

  He was quiet for a moment. “Yes, I think our loved ones are looking down on us, making sure that when God says it’s our time, they’re there to greet us with open arms.”

  Nuzzling him again, I said, “I like to think he’s flying, protecting our family and friends. Just like he would if he were still here. Maybe he’s even in his uniform. He died in it after all,” I sighed, needing to stop talking before I broke down and ruined our post-coital moment.

  “I bet he is,” Mitch soothed. “I bet he’s flying over us right now, his missiles pointing directly at me.”

  I snorted, a mix of crying and laughter combined. Mitch laughed at my reaction, lovingly kissing my forehead. He began playing with my hand, intertwining and untwining our fingers, pressing the pads together, then tracing circles on my palm. The touch was methodical, and watching was making me sleepy. “Can I stay?” I asked with a yawn.

  Mitch’s hand still against mine, his arm tightening around my shoulders. “If you get out of this bed before it’s light out, I’ll tackle you.”

  “Hmm,” I groaned as my eyes began to close.

  He was the first man I’d be okay with tackling me for his own pleasure.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  A heavy body covered mine as I laid on my stomach, cozy in the sheets. Warm breath caressed my neck, lips beginning to trace a trail down my spine and back.

  “Mmm, that feels nice,” I groaned.

  Hands replaced the sensual caresses of lips, becoming firmer as they moved from my butt to my shoulders. I was in pure heaven, enjoying the massage. The steady movement of hands changed to a more rapid pace, squeezing harder.

  “Ah, getting out the knots, are you?” I winced, wiggling against the mattress.

  The course hands found their way past my shoulders to the back of my neck, squeezing harder, causing me discomfort. I squirmed, beginning to feel uneasy as the other hand pressed my stomach further into the mattress. Attempting to move turned difficult, only causing his hands to work my body harder.

  “Mitch, that hurts,” I mumbled into the pillow.

  Suddenly, my head was yanked backward by my hair, causing me to gasp, my hands immediately pushing to my sides. The hard body above me flattened, pinning me down, holding my other hand securely. My insides tightened as fear filled my bones.

  “I told you to stay the fuck away from him.”

  My body flew upright on the bed, reaching for the front of my throat protectively as I gasped for air. I was trembling, a cold sweat forming on the back of my neck. My brown eyes frantically searched the room, trying to comprehend where I was and what had just happened.

  I sighed in relief, hugging myself to find comfort. Once my eyes found Mitch, watching his back gently rise with his steady breaths, the pounding of my heart began to slow. He looked so peaceful; a feeling I longed to share with him.

  The room was beginning to lighten, the sun was still making its way to start the day. I stood from the bed, walking toward the window. Rod was out there somewhere, but I was prepared to play his game. He’d shed blood once already, and I knew he wouldn’t be afraid to do it again, but this time, he wouldn’t get away with it. I wouldn’t let him hurt the ones I loved.

  “I thought I told you not to leave this bed,” a groggy voice muffled by the pillows said.

  My lip twitched, glancing back toward him. He was facing away from me, head buried in the pillows. “I thought you were going to tackle me if I did?” I said slyly, making my way back into the bed. I curled into his side, causing him to rotate and cuddle me back.

  “I’m too tired,” he yawned, his arms bulging as they caged me.

  I giggled. “Did I wear you out last night?”

  One eye opened to examine me. “Maybe the second time.”

  I kissed his neck, ready to rock his world again. “I haven’t tasted all of you yet,” I flirted, my hand skimming down the tight bumps of his abdomen.

  “Mmm, Jamie Rae, making all of my dreams a reality,” he sighed, moving one arm behind his head to get comfortable.

  “I was talking about your toes,” I teased.

  Mitch glanced down at me, taking my wandering hand in his and wrapping it around his thick cock, showing me the motion he liked. “I bet you were.”

  I came to my knees, working my hand faster after he let go and moved his arm back behind his head. My hand let go abruptly, tracing its way downward as I moved to the end of the bed. “Yes, I need to taste your ankles, your shins, knees, thighs…”

  He stuffed a few pillows under his head so he could watch me. “Oh yeah?”

  My lips pressed against his big toe, then traveled to his ankle, my eyes never leaving his mischievous grin. The moment I stuck my tongue out to lick up his shins and circle his knee, his chest puffed, his grin fading into lust.

  “You sure know how to work that mouth.”

  I smiled, kissing my way up his thighs. Once I reached his pride and joy, I studied it, my chest rising and falling at a faster pace. I wanted to taste him, excited about the way his eyes would roll to the back of his head and how his body would shiver. “Is there something you want?” I asked seductively, mimicking his words from earlier.

  He sat up on his elbows, looking at me intently. “Put it in your mouth, Jamie.”

  “It?” I asked innocently, my salacious grin in place.

  He moved one hand to the back of my neck, eyes boring into mine. “I want the tip of my cock to feel the back of your throat.” His voice was deep and commanding, telling me I should do as I was told. I licked my lips in anticipation as my hands moved up his muscular thighs. The urge for this moment to lock in his brain for the rest of his life was a goal I needed to obtain. I wanted to make him crave this feeling for the rest of his life.

  One hand grasped him firmly, my tongue traced my teeth as a tease. His chest rumbled while his hand tensed around the back of my neck. My eyes were still entranced with his, enjoying the way his jaw ticked in anticipation. I jerked my hand faster, making his blood pump fully.

  “Jamie, stop fucking teas—”

  Mitch hissed as my mouth came crashing down on him, taking no precautions or reservations. Groaning loudly, his hand moved from my neck to my hair, pulling it from my face so he could watch me devour him. Both my hand and mouth were working in unison, my mouth sucking rapidly as my tongue flicked and swirled. I covered my teeth with my lips, taking him farther than I’d taken any man willingly.

  “That’s it, take all of it,” he commanded, his voice feral and full of need.

  I loved every moment of it until his hand pulled at my hair, his hips beginning to move upward as I took him in my mouth. Flashbacks of Rod forcing me to go down on him invaded my memory. My attempt to push them away was impossible, remembering wanting to stop, but he’d hold my head, forcing me to go deeper.

  A gag escaped me as I thought about Rod, my body tensing remembering his torment.

  Mitch’s hips stopped, his hand letting go of my hair. I pulled back, my trembling lips kissing his hip as a distraction from my brain. I didn’t want to stop making Mitch feel good, but my head was playing games with me.

  “Whoa, sorry, you okay?” he breathed, stroking my cheek.

  I nodded, my hands pushing his body so he was lying on his back. I had to regain control to get out of this state of mind.

  Mitch fought me, rolling so he was pinning me on my stomach. “That was fucking amazing, now it’s my turn,” he promised against my ear. His lips trailed down my back, reminding me of the dream I’d had only moments ago. Sweat formed on my skin as he reached my behind, gently nipping each cheek as he positioned himself behind me. My hands reached for the pillow,
rubbing the soft threads for comfort. He wasn’t going to hurt me, my brain reassured, but I pictured Rod laughing behind my conscience.

  Rough hands grasped my hips, pulling them upward so I was on my knees. My legs trembled, fearful what was going to happen next. His cock laid heavy on my ass while his front pressed against my back, giving kisses that were meant to feel sweet and affection to the back of my neck.

  “You’ve got a nice ass,” he murmured against my ear. I gulped as my nerves took over. “Relax, baby,” he said sweetly, the tension in my body obvious.

  The tone of his voice should have eased me, but my heart wouldn’t stop racing. All I could picture was Rod forcing himself behind me, slurring demeaning words and threats as he’d pump forcefully inside of me. Mitch reached for my jaw, gently caressing with his hand as his lips found my neck. His hips began searching and my body instinctively moved forward, fighting him. Suddenly, his hands were too close, his body was surrounding me, and I couldn’t get out. I clawed the pillow, wanting to escape the dark and scary place my mind had drifted too.

  Mitch’s hand released from my jaw. “Jamie?”

  When I didn’t answer, he moved to my side, his hand moving over the length of my back. My knees fell to the bed, curling underneath my stomach as I hugged the pillow.

  “Jamie, what’s wrong?” Mitch asked, his hands reaching to pull me closer to him.

  Tears ran down my cheeks into the pillow. My head was playing a video of Rod ramming me from behind, laughing as his hands pinned down my shoulders. It wouldn’t go away.

  “Jamie!” Mitch shouted, yanking me from the pillow and onto his lap.

  My eyes sprung open, Rod’s demonic laugh morphed into Mitch’s panic-stricken face. “I’m sorry,” I choked, mad at myself for letting the monster control my thoughts.

  Mitch’s hands cradled my face. “Sorry for what? Did I hurt you? Could you not breathe?” My arms latched around his shoulders for comfort as I came back to the now. I couldn’t let Mitch see my past; he’d run far away from the stupid teenage girl who’d let a man control her and ruin her life. His arms hooked around me, rocking me back and forth to help calm me. I was thankful for his silence the next few minutes while I collected my thoughts. “I’m sorry, I just wasn’t sure what you were going to do,” I finally mumbled into his shoulder.

  “Tell me to stop next time,” he said softly, his hand cupping the back of my head as it rested on his shoulder. “The way your body was shaking, I thought you were excited until I saw you were crying. The last thing I ever want to do is make you feel uncomfortable.”

  I nodded into his neck, squeezing him tighter. Calloused hands found my cheeks, pulling me from the crook where I’d found comfort. Forcing me to meet his gaze, he said, “I could be three thrusts away from coming, and I’d stop if you asked. Do you understand?”

  The sincerity in his words helped to warm my body from the distress it had just gone through. “Yes, I believe you.”

  He gave me a genuine smile. “How about I go make breakfast? You can stay in bed if you’d like and I’ll bring it to you.”

  I returned his smile, climbing under the covers. He stood from the bed, retrieving his boxers and sliding them on. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t fun to watch. With a gentleness I wasn’t used to, he tucked me in the covers, kissing me softly. “I hope you like French toast.”

  Mitch stopped by the nightstand, grabbing my phone. “Looks like Daddy’s texting you,” he said with a smirk while tossing me the phone before he left for the kitchen.

  I furrowed my brows, curious why my dad would text me, and if he actually knew how to text. I shook my head when I saw it was Nathan.

  Nathan: You going to make it to the meeting at 10? If not we’ll manage.

  I probably could.

  Nathan: If you’re currently lying in my brother's bed, I’m not expecting to see you the rest of the day.

  How the hell did he know? Oh well, I wanted to give Mitch a chance. There was no shame in hiding it.

  Maybe the rest of the week…

  Nathan: Now let’s not get carried away.

  I chuckled.

  I know, I’ll see you on the plane Tuesday morning.

  Nathan: Figured. I don’t want to hear about how shitty of a lay my brother is ;0)

  Fighting the tingling between my legs was hard. Thinking about how amazing his head was between my legs would stick with me for a while.

  There’s no need to tell you how good of a carpet muncher your brother is.

  Nathan: GROSS. See you tomorrow.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Mitch and I stayed in the rest of the day and night. He’d blown off visiting a construction site in Ludington to stay with me. Usually, I wouldn’t encourage such behavior, but I was being greedy now and wanted to get lost in him.

  He’d cooked three meals, and had impressed me with each one.

  His gentleness was heartwarming, especially when he was one who liked control as much as I did. The night had gone by too quickly, and I needed to head to the airport in a few hours. Mitch was already moving around, freshly showered and making coffee.

  “Here you are, cream and sugar, masking the taste of coffee. I’ll have to get some of that flavored shit for you,” he teased, handing me a mug.

  I grinned, then took a sip. “I don’t know how you drink it black.”

  “It’s to wake me up, not give me a sugar rush.”

  I giggled. His smile was sincere as he reached for my cheek. “What are we? I don’t want to play games, Jamie. I want this, more than just when you lose the feeling to fight wanting to be with me.”

  “I don’t fight you.” My voice was small. He’d nailed it on the head, but I was done fighting my feelings for him.

  “I love you, Jamie.”

  My eyes were wide and I was at a loss for words. I’d only said those words to one other man besides my father, and he’d had a fucked up version of what love was.

  “I know I just took a huge chance by telling you that, but it’s the truth. Ever since you started working in Miami, I’ve been enamored with you. At first, I did just want you physically. But then I got to know you and your witty, no bullshit attitude. It was sexy as hell. I love to argue with you, but I love your soft side when you let me hold and protect you. You hold your own, yet you’re willing to be held by me as well.”

  Both of Mitch’s hands found their way to my cheeks, his thumbs stroking each side. “You don’t have to say anything, but I needed you to know before you got on that plane with Nathan to go back to Miami. I’ll be there in a few days, okay? Maybe we can have dinner?”

  “I’d like that,” I choked, not wanting him to leave. My brain couldn’t wrap around my words fast enough to tell him how I felt. He leaned in to kiss me, opening his mouth for me to come and explore. My hands wrapped around his shoulders, holding him as tight as I could. Reluctantly, I pulled away.

  “Going back to Miami won’t change my mind about giving us a shot.”

  He offered me a small smile, and I knew he was guarding his heart, afraid I’d change my mind. I’d screwed him over before, so I didn’t blame him for being apprehensive.

  “Text me when you land.”

  I nodded, kissing him one last time before he left.


  Nathan ended up taking a separate flight back to Miami. It was probably better since I’d been woozy the entire flight. When I arrived at my condo, I expected to find one of those stupid ass letters, but nothing was on the doorstep. I’d even expected something to be inside my condo since Rod seemed to be a ghost and could get anywhere he wanted.

  But there was nothing.

  I couldn’t contain the smug smile that crossed my face. Maybe he’d realized that I wasn’t afraid of him anymore and was ready to fight back for my life, just as my older brother had ordered with his last breath.

  Nathan: Taking a red eye in tomorrow night. Can we do breakfast the following morning?

  I smiled. I was sure h
e was treating the breakfast as a meeting, but would most likely give me shit about Mitch. He was typically all business, but when it came to his family, he felt privileged enough to be involved.

  Sure. Guess I can hold down the office without you until then.

  Nathan: Don’t miss me too much. Text you with a time later.

  Mitch would be in town that day, and I couldn’t wait to see him. I’d missed him the moment he left, walking out the door in his work boots, worn jeans, and white shirt. He was so sexy, even with shorter hair that I had to really grasp to tug on. My heart fluttered. Was this what love was supposed to be like? Then my stomach dropped again.

  Maybe it was just the stomach flu.


  I felt nauseated the following day, but I blamed it on a questionable bagel from the airport. After lounging around my condo, I decided to call Mitch. I’d wanted to call him the second I was free but didn’t want to come across as a needy girlfriend—if that was what I was. Girlfriend… I’d had my fair share of partners, but never considered myself a girlfriend because of Rod. The feeling made me feel girly.

  “Hey, beautiful,” Mitch greeted.

  I rolled my eyes. “How do you know I look beautiful?”

  “You could be hungover and hit in the face with a baseball bat and you’d still be beautiful.”

  I chuckled. “And if I had the stomach flu?”

  “Hmm, that’s a tough call…”

  “I’ve been puking on and off the past few days. I think I ate something bad,” I sighed.

  “I’m sorry. Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I’d have taken an earlier flight in. Tony can handle my work here.”


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