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The Gate and Beyond

Page 10

by E J Gilmour

  Eben watched the pool of sludge as it slid along the floor toward them. Suddenly it stopped moving, about thirty feet from them. They watched as the sludge gathered together and began to grow and develop into a humanoid shape.

  ‘Enough of this waiting!’ cried Duke Egil. He drew his broadsword and dashed forward.

  ‘Wait!’ cried Mostyn.

  ‘Egil!’ cried King Ignis, but Duke Egil continued toward the monster.

  He swung his blade, and his large sword passed directly through the dark liquid sludge without having any effect. The Duke grunted and again stabbed out. His blade pressed into the chest of the sludge creature. The monster lifted its hand with lightning speed and grabbed Duke Egil’s wrist. The Duke tried to pull away but found he couldn’t move. The monster then reached up and took the Duke by the throat with its other hand. Duke Egil groaned deeply, his eyes widened with shock.

  Mostyn raised his hands and a bright beam of fire flew out and struck the monster; it recoiled and released its grip. Duke Egil fell heavily to the ground, and his body instantly crumbled into dust. They all looked on with shock at seeing their friend disintegrate.

  ‘No!’ cried King Ignis. Eben and King Ignis dashed forward, but Mostyn grabbed their arms and ushered them back.

  ‘Step back! Only magic can be used against this foe.’

  The sludge creature, in the shape of a man, then stepped toward them, dragging its muddy inhuman feet along the tunnel floor. Again Mostyn raised his hands. Large swirls of fire blasted out and struck the foul creature, but the flames only slowed the monster a little. Quade fired his crossbow, but the bolt did nothing at all.

  ‘Meara!’ cried Mostyn.

  ‘Almost!’ said Meara, strain evident in her voice.

  Eben leapt up onto the unicorn’s back and drew the Sword of Light. Mostyn looked to Eben and shook his head. ‘No, Ecorian. Leave this one for me.’ Mostyn again raised his hands and an intense flaming barrier formed between the company and the monster. The creature of darkness approached the barrier and reached out. Mostyn concentrated as the monster pushed against his flaming shield. Beads of sweat rolled down the wizards face; he was straining to his limit.

  ‘Lower the barrier. Let me destroy it!’ shouted Eben.

  ‘No!’ replied the wizard. ‘There is a reason the Prince of Shadows imprisoned this monster down here. Not even he could control or destroy it. Go whilst you still can. I will hold the monster back as long as possible. If I lower the shield we will all be killed.’

  ‘We won’t leave you here,’ said Red.

  ‘Then you will die here with me!’ shouted Mostyn. The creature of darkness was pressing through the flaming shield.

  Cassiel then opened the door. Meara turned and rushed back to help Mostyn. She lifted her glowing hands. ‘We have to go now. The door will not remain open for long.’

  ‘Go Meara! Save yourselves!’ shouted Mostyn, fiercely concentrating on holding up his barrier of flame.

  ‘Quick! The door is closing!’ cried Cassiel.

  ‘Mostyn!’ cried Meara.

  ‘Go!’ groaned the wizard. ‘You must go.’

  ‘We won’t forget you, Mostyn,’ said Meara. She turned and grabbed Red’s arm and dragged him back toward the door. ‘Eben!’

  Quade, Cassiel, Stella, King Ignis, and Arthur had already gone through the door. Meara and Red passed through a second later. Eben waited a moment, still not wanting to leave Mostyn alone to fight the monster.

  Mostyn’s strained eyes looked up. ‘Eben, save the Princess, you must, please…go!’

  Eben then reluctantly turned the unicorn and rode out of the tunnel as the iron door closed behind him.


  The company stood in the darkness just beyond the enchanted iron door. Eben stared back in silence. The entire company felt the shock of losing Mostyn and Duke Egil.

  ‘We are all prepared to sacrifice ourselves for this mission to succeed,’ said Meara.

  ‘We must continue onwards,’ said King Ignis. ‘Princess Apherah is being held in this tower.’

  Meara led the company onward. The tunnel gradually ascended. They arrived at a place where two large tunnels led away to the left and the right. Meara led them to the left. The way ascended; several smaller passageways veered away. There were no monsters around and the tower was completely quiet.

  Before long they arrived at a large group of steps that led up to two arched cast iron doors.

  ‘This is it,’ said Meara. ‘These doors lead to the where the dragon is holding Princess Apherah.’

  Eben concentrated on the doors. ‘Is everyone ready?’ he asked.

  Meara nodded and looked back at the others for confirmation. ‘We are ready.’

  Eben then rode on with the Sword of Light. The others followed him as the unicorn leapt up the flight of steps. He reached a landing where the two large metal doors stood. The unicorn reared up and kicked out, bashing the doors open. Meara, Red, Stella, and King Ignis were at his side. Quade, Arthur, and Cassiel were further back.

  Before them was a large hall which was about a one hundred and fifty yards in length and eighty yards in width. Towering stone pillars lined the edges and rose up to the ceiling about eighty yards above the dark stone floor. Directly ahead the dragon was curled up like a giant snake. Its fierce red eyes instantly opened as Eben rode into the hall. The beast leapt up and uncoiled the length of its enormous body. The dragon’s massive batlike wings stretched out.

  Eben looked across the hall and could see Apherah. She was dressed in a long flowing white gown and was being held in a cage made completely of crystal glass. She looked to Eben.

  Eben didn’t delay his attack. He galloped forward. The beast lunged at him. The unicorn leapt to the side in a display of awesome agility. Eben swung his blade at the shining scales of the mighty beast. Dragon blood poured out from the wound as a deafening howl issued forth. The unicorn backed away, and Eben turned to see the dragon desperately whirling around to face him.

  The dragon snarled furiously, bearing its huge fangs. Intense flames burst out of its gaping mouth. The unicorn dashed aside, only just dodging the torrent of fire. Again the unicorn brought Eben into striking range. Eben struck again, cutting through the dragon’s scales. The furious beast whipped around and reached out with its claw. Eben thrust his blade forward.

  Suddenly Eben felt a massive impact. The beast’s barbed tail struck the unicorn from the side. Eben tumbled heavily to the ground, and his head struck the solid floor. The Sword of Light flew from his hand and slid away across the cold stone ground. Eben, with blurred vision, saw the unicorn struggling to get back up. The dragon took advantage; its huge jaws wrapped around the body of the unicorn and ripped the majestic steed up from the ground. The unicorn thrashed for a moment in the fearsome jaws of the beast. Eben watched hopelessly as his unicorn was cast aside and fell to the ground lifeless. The dragon then turned on Eben. He desperately crawled away as the huge dragon pounced.

  A blue blanket of flaming light struck the terrible beast at the last possible moment. An instant later Red grabbed Eben’s arm and dragged him back as Meara stepped forward. She lifted a brightly glowing crystal, the Irilian Star, and swirls of lightning whirled around her. Meanwhile King Ignis picked up the Sword of Light from the floor and dashed forward to help Meara.

  Meara lifted her hands; the entire hall lit up. Blue light rose from the stone floor, and a shockwave of energy struck the dragon, pushing it back toward the far side of the hall. The dragon howled in defiance. Flames burst toward Meara. Meara shielded herself and again sent another shockwave of energy at the beast. This time the dragon smashed through the spell and bounded forward.

  Meara cracked the Irilian Star on the stone floor, which caused an explosion of raw power. The bright blue light was almost blinding. The dragon tumbled back and crashed heavily into the far wall. An entire pillar collapsed from the impact, and a gaping hole appeared in the opposite wall. For several moments no one could see the d
ragon at all as blue light swelled around the beast.

  As the light faded the wounded dragon reappeared, howling furiously. Meara looked up in horror as the massive beast leapt at her. In an instant the dragon snatched her up in its claws. King Ignis charged forward with the Sword of Light and drove the blade into the dragon’s side. The dragon cast Meara away; she flew through the air and crashed heavily into the wall, falling to the ground unconscious. The beast, growling horrifically, then turned to face the King. King Ignis heaved the Sword of Light out of the dragon. The dragon struck him with the back of its claw, sending him tumbling back. He staggered to his feet and stumbled away.

  Meanwhile Quade fired his crossbow as Arthur, Cassiel, and Stella charged forward. The dragon turned about and unleashed intense flames. Stella ducked behind her shield as Arthur dodged the flames and leapt through the air at the dragon. He thrust his curved Vastorian blade out with perfect precision and pierced the dragon’s left eye. The beast screeched in pain and whipped its tail at Arthur. The Desert Knight, displaying awesome agility, ducked away as Stella and Cassiel dashed forward. Cassiel lifted his hands and several bolts of lightning shot out and hit the beast.

  Stella then stabbed at the dragon’s neck, her sword only just piercing the thick scales. She quickly ducked back, avoiding the dragon’s barbed tail as it race by. Meanwhile Cassiel sent a lightning bolt into the dragon’s face. The beast covered its remaining eye. Arthur, seeing an opportunity, dashed in once again. He leapt forward and thrust his blade at the dragon’s massive body. His sword cut through the scales and bright red dragon blood sprayed from the wound. The dragon howled and snapped its huge jaws at the Desert Knight as he tried to retreat. Arthur narrowly avoided the jaws, but a moment later the dragon unleashed a surge of fire. The Desert Knight fell to the ground, completely incinerated by the flames.

  ‘No!’ cried Quade.

  Eben stood up and tried to shake off his daze. ‘We have to do something!’

  King Ignis was standing on the far side of the hall. Stella and Cassiel were backing away toward where Red, Eben, and Quade were standing. King Ignis looked to Eben. The King was still holding the Sword of Light and preparing to attack the dragon again. Eben watched as King Ignis rushed in at the beast. The dragon whirled around to face him. Simultaneously Red, Eben, and Quade dashed forward.

  The dragon swung its tail at the three of them. Red was knocked back and stumbled away. Quade again fired his crossbow, but the crossbow bolt simply bounced off the thick scales. He then cried out and threw the entire crossbow at the dragon as he drew his curved Vastorian sword.

  Meanwhile, Eben, without a weapon, charged at the dragon. The dragon unleashed intense flames in his path. Eben ran directly into the flames; the fire circled around him. He was completely unharmed by the flames because of the power given to him by drinking from the Pool of Radiance. Eben leapt through the flames and grabbed hold of the horns directly behind the dragon’s head. The beast tried to shake him off.

  Meanwhile King Ignis lunged forward and stabbed out. The dragon recoiled quickly and struck back at the King, sending him flying across the hall. King Ignis landed heavily on his back, still clutching the Sword of Light. The dragon then thrashed its head about, trying to shake Eben off. Eben held on with all his strength.

  ‘The Sword!’ cried Eben.

  King Ignis threw the Sword of Light. Eben reached out and grabbed his sword from the air. He lifted the sword and with all his might plunged the blade into the back of the dragon’s neck, driving it up to the hilt. The dragon wailed; flames and sparks burst up from where the Sword of Light had pierced its scales. Eben tried to withdraw the sword, but the dragon thrashed its head wildly, causing him to fall. Eben stumbled away from the massive beast.

  Sparks and flames burst out from where the Sword of Light had punctured the dragon’s neck. The beast’s remaining eye fiercely ogled Eben. A moment later the dragon’s neck exploded; flame and liquid fire burst out of the wound. The Sword of Light, broken in two pieces, fell away. The dragon then collapsed and lay lifeless on the cold stone floor.


  The company rushed to help Meara; she was still unconscious on the floor. King Ignis limped toward them as Eben dashed for the glass cage that was holding Apherah. Apherah came to the edge of the glass as Eben pulled back the latch and unlocked the glass door. They embraced and held each other.

  ‘Eben!’ she cried, tears of relief rolling down her face.

  ‘Apherah.’ For a few moments they held each other in a close embrace. ‘We have to go before the Prince of Shadows comes after us.’

  Eben, holding Apherah’s hand, ran back to the others. Red and Quade had already lifted Meara from the ground.

  ‘She is still alive, but we can’t wake her up,’ said Red. Meara’s eyes were closed, and her face was very pale.

  ‘We have to get back to the Star King’s gate,’ said Cassiel. ‘It won’t stay open much longer.’

  ‘What gate are you talking about?’ asked an icy voice from across the hall. The company turned to see a dark figure approaching the lifeless body of the dragon. Eben instantly recognised Callidus. He was clothed in the same manner as he had been on the headland of Crescent Bay, simple black clothing and no armour. The Sword of Midlight was at his side. Callidus reached down and picked up the hilt of the Sword of Light.

  ‘What a shame. You destroyed the Sword of Light and our dragon.’ He examined the hilt and then threw it aside.

  ‘What do you want, Callidus?’ asked Eben.

  Callidus smirked and stepped toward them. ‘We want to rule Veredor and to fully control the Cosmic Gate. If it wasn’t for you getting in the way we would have accomplished these tasks long ago.’

  ‘The Prince of Shadows will never rule Veredor,’ said Eben boldly.

  ‘Are you so sure, Ecorian?’ asked Callidus, shaking his head. ‘How do you mean to stop him? You have no weapon, your army is insignificant, and most of your friends are dead. Soon this will all be over.’ Eben watched as the Astarian walked closer. ‘I could kill you now, Ecorian, yet that would be much too easy. I have thought of a more unpleasant fate. Beyond Veredor there is a place of utter darkness. For thousands of years the Lord of Veredor drifted through the deserts of the outer darkness. Now I will give your friends the punishment that Fiora gave to my master.’

  Callidus reached up and pulled apart the air before him like he was drawing back a curtain. A dark rift appeared and its edges glowed with a bright white light. They all stared into the dark gateway.

  ‘I reveal to you the Cosmic Gate. Unfortunately we do not fully control it. Casimir still works against us. It will not be long before he pays the price for his foolish resistance. Once we kill Casimir we will fully control the Cosmic Gate. Then we will be able to instantly banish all men and mer from Veredor. Such power is not yet in my hands; however, forcing you through this gateway will not be difficult.’

  Callidus lifted his hands. A moment later Eben felt a heavy pressure pushing him toward the gate. Apherah fell forward. Eben reached out and grabbed her hand. The entire company was being pushed toward the gate by an invisible force. Eben struggled to resist the pressure, but it was impossible to fight the Astarian’s spell. Callidus stood back, his arms crossed, and laughed. He mocked them as they desperately struggled against his magic. Stella attempted to use one of her ropes and a grappling hook, but the pressure was too intense; she couldn’t swing the rope. Eben held Apherah’s hand with all his strength as they slid along the floor toward the dark gateway.

  Suddenly a blue rippling barrier appeared between them and the Cosmic Gate. Eben and Apherah struck the barrier first. The shimmering transparent shield held them from being pushed any further. A moment later Red, Stella, Quade, King Ignis, and Meara reached the glowing barrier. Cassiel’s hands were shining brightly as he slid through the barrier he had created. The young wizard was being drawn uncontrollably toward the darkness.

  ‘Cassiel!’ cried Eben, powerles
s to help his friend.

  ‘I can’t shield against myself! Go! Save yourselves!’ cried Cassiel as he was pulled into the dark gateway.


  Cassiel, straining with his last strength, pushed the barrier of blue light across the floor of the hall, moving them all back toward the iron doors at the far side. In moments the company was beyond the iron doors. Eben watched the gateway for Cassiel, but he was gone from sight. Callidus then closed the Cosmic Gate, sealing Cassiel in the dark world beyond. His furious eyes looked at Eben and the others. A moment later Cassiel’s shield began to fade away.

  ‘I will not be defied!’ howled Callidus, drawing the Sword of Midlight. They were all completely shocked at losing Cassiel so suddenly. Eben felt a sense of horror flowing through his veins.

  ‘We must go before this shield is completely gone,’ said King Ignis.

  Red and Quade carried Meara as they ran down the steps. Stella led the way, her sword in hand. They rushed from the hall and through several dark and dank corridors. Stella kicked open a door. They followed her outside into the twilight. Only a little light of day remained.

  Eben looked up and could see a dark fortress that towered high into the sky. Zarkanor was built from dark stone. At its highest point, about four hundred yards above the ground, six twisted metal horns rose as a symbol of horror. The three smaller towers, which were also incredibly large, stood like giant fangs surrounding the main fortress. A tall and dark wall joined the three towers and created a barrier around the central fortress. Not a single tree, not even a blade of grass, grew within the grounds of Zarkanor. A gloomy gate stood open at the base of the main fortress.

  They could hear the snorts and growls of muckrons in the distance, but the way across the gravel to the northwest tower was completely free, and there were no monsters in sight. Stella continued to lead the way onward and back to the gateway that would lead them home to Faircastle. Eben and Apherah ran together. King Ignis struggled with his injured leg. Red and Quade carried Meara.


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