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Cupid Daddy (Fantastical Daddy Doms Book 5)

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by Allysa Hart

  Cupid Daddy

  Alyssa Hart

  Rayanna Jamison



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17


  Check out Genie Daddy!

  Meet Rayanna Jamison

  Also By Rayanna Jamison

  Other Books by Rayanna Jamison

  Meet Allysa Hart and AllyCat’s Creations!

  Follow Alyssa

  Also by Allysa Hart

  ©All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  2019 © Published by Allysa Hart and Rayanna Jamison

  Cupid Daddy

  Edited by Celeste Jones

  Formatted by Mr. North

  Cover by Allysa Hart at AllyCat’s Creations

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as the author’s advocating any non-consensual spanking/sexual activity or the spanking of minors.


  Eros: The God of Love

  Greece 1919

  There was a crisp spring wind as I strolled the streets in the early morning.

  The day was stunningly beautiful in the remote Greek village where The gods and goddesses had ruled for thousands of years. The sun was just beginning to rise, and the scent of fresh blooms filled the air and tickled my nose.

  My favorite day of the whole year had arrived. The Day of Love.

  Why then, was my stomach tied up in knots? Why could I not get over the feeling that something was amiss?

  It was as if there was a storm cloud floating above my head, just waiting to catch me in a downpour.

  I looked up, expecting to find that that truly was the case. Instead, directly above was the most perfect cloud I had ever seen. In the distance, the sun seemed to peek out from behind it, saying good morning to the world.

  Perfection. Literally. I could not have dreamed up a more perfect day, and still I felt sick to my stomach.

  A grave sense of foreboding had attached itself to me, and it didn’t seem to want to be shook, no matter how hard I tried.

  Something was amiss in my perfect little world. I knew it in my gut, and I would not rest until I found it and fixed it.

  I would probably need to call an Assembly of The Gods. It was always a risky thing to do, as gods were a proud and arrogant sort, and some were inclined to do the opposite of get along and work together.

  It had been this way for thousands of years, and it wouldn’t be changing anytime soon.

  Maybe I could put off calling for an assembly until tomorrow. I didn’t want the antics of my colleagues to put a damper on this special day.

  I would just have to force myself to shake the ever-present doom cloud. If I didn’t, this day would surely get worse.

  Flapping my wings, I flew up to a cloud, using my hands to fluff it just right. I took my bow and arrow from its quiver, and leaned back against the pillows of the freshly fluffed cloud.

  Hanging my feet off the edge, I kicked them to clear a line of view down to the world below.

  I set the arrow into the bow, and pulled back, holding it in wait.

  There were matches to be made this day, and I was ready.

  Up here in the clouds, I felt more at ease, more like myself, and the discomfort that had been assaulting my very being seemed to fade.

  Love was in the air.

  Now I just had to wait for the people to wake up.

  I changed position, peering over the clouds into the city below, watching as it came to life.

  Villagers flung open windows, hanging their wash on lines strung up between their houses.

  Children headed out to the chicken coops to gather eggs for breakfast.

  The baker flung his shop sign over, declaring himself open for business, and an artist sat in front of an easel at the mouth of the river, painting the sun as it rose over the water.

  A baby floated in a basket made of woven sticks and straw down the same river.

  Wait. What?

  A baby?

  In the river?

  The sick to my stomach feeling returned, and I abandoned my post, flying down to the water below.

  I didn’t bother landing. I swooped down just far enough to scoop the baby up, basket and all, and carried him back to my resting place in the clouds, telling myself I just wanted to investigate further before I took him to Zeus. I just wanted a better look.

  “Well hello there, baby,” I said, unsure of what I was actually looking at here.

  The baby was extremely good looking. I didn’t know much about babies, but I remembered how my own children had looked when they were born, with oddly shaped heads, and puckered purple skin.

  This baby boasted a head that was perfectly round, framed in a circle of dark auburn curls.

  Bright blue eyes peered out from beneath the frame of curls, and gave way to a set of cheeks that were adorably plump and rosy.

  A golden halo crafted from river reefs perched atop his head.

  The baby’s cheeks dimpled as it smiled up at me.

  The diaper was still fresh, and I peeled it back. A quick peek revealed that this handsome child, was in fact, a boy.

  A boy child. A baby. When was the last time I had been around a baby? My own children were long grown, living their own lives. My son had rejected the family business. His departure had set off a string of discord amongst the Erotes, until there were none left.

  I was the last of my kind, brought out of retirement by the fact that without Erotes shooting love into the world, there would be no more love.

  A world without love was not a world I could abide. So I had come out of retirement to ensure that the world stayed the lovely place that it was meant to, and that it didn’t become darkened by hatred and war and chaos.

  Of course spreading love was not a one-god job.

  The hate and chaos and war had grown more rampant over the years, but there was still a balance. I had made sure of that.

  “Da-Da,” the baby cooed, bringing me out of my reverie.

  “Da-da!” He reached up and grabbed my nose.

  My heart swelled with love at the sweet baby sounds and the memories they evoked.

  If I turned him over to Zeus, there was no telling what would become of him. They could take this sweet baby, and give him to anyone, make him anything.

  And they would. There were gods who were far more important, often given superiority over myself.

  He could become a force against everything I stood for. Another source of evil to spend my days fighting against.

  The baby laughed, kicking his feet, and flailing his arms. The sound was so pure and innocent.

p; “Da-da!” He said it again, and my heart squeezed.

  I knew what I was going to do.

  I would take this baby, and raise him as my own, smothering him with love, and building him up in the ways of an Erote.

  He would be my son, and I would name him Cupid.

  I would dedicate my days to training him, not allowing the evil influence of other gods to sully the glow of purity and love that shone from his very being.

  Then, someday, when he was ready, he would take over for me, find the love of his life, and train up a new generation of Erotes to bring love to the future generations.

  Day of Love indeed.

  Chapter 1


  Present Day

  “Oooh Daddy! Shoot me with your arrow!”

  The buxom blonde with the low cut tank top and long pigtails looked like something out of a porno flick. And I liked it.

  Not that I had a type. I didn’t. My pheromones seemed to attract all types, and I loved them all.

  But Barbie over here was a wild one. She always called me Daddy, and she liked it dirty, hard, and rough. None of which came as a hardship for me.

  With a salacious grin, I pulled out of her, aimed my cock at her belly-button and prepared to shoot. I had it in my hand, poised above her as I stroked it off, bringing me from the edge to the point of release.

  I was ready to go.

  And then, poof, I wasn’t.

  “Oh my gods! Son!” Put your arrow away!”

  Bright lights blinded me, and the booming voice above me belonged to my father. I was no longer in my bedroom. But, I still had my dick in my hand. Awesome.

  “My god! Can’t a guy get a little privacy without being summoned all the time? You would think after the first ten times you caught me in a compromising position, you’d have learned your lesson.” I grabbed at my pants, thankful that they had still been around my ankles, and had therefore been summoned along with me. That hadn’t always been the case.

  My father regarded me with an expression of bemusement, and raised eyebrows. “By now, you would think you would have learned something,” he countered.

  “Yeah, Yeah.” I fastened my belt, and looked up at him. “All right, I’m here. Against my will, might I add. Now what did you need?”

  My father sighed, and I finally looked around the room. It wasn’t his office I had been summoned to, it was the office of our boss, Zeus. Shit.

  Zeus was standing behind his desk, with his arms crossed over his chest, frowning down at me with disapproval.

  I had some disapproval for him, too.

  I crossed my own arms, matching his stance and expression perfectly.

  “Well, I’m here. What did you need?”

  My father sighed. His face fell. He said nothing. Zeus cleared his throat, and looked at him expectantly.

  “Cupid, I’m sorry to have to do this, but we are stripping you of your wings. Your services are no longer required. Your replacement has been chosen and training has already begun.”

  My adoptive father, Eros, scowled, looking very disappointed, and Zeus came behind me and started tugging on my wings. It hurt.

  “Hey! What the hell, man? Those are attached!” Zeus stepped back when I jerked away from him. I turned my attention back to my father, knowing that this was not his doing. The job of spreading love into the world was far too important to him for him to fire me, and hire some rando off the street. I was his son, not his flesh and blood, per say, but I was an Erote, and a damn good one.

  “What are you talking about? What kind of sorcery is this? You can’t just strip me of my wings and hire a replacement like this is a hot dog stand! You can’t train someone to do what I do. What you trained me to do. The job of being Cupid is the only one I know. If I’m not Cupid, what am I supposed to do? And where are you going to find someone else to take it as seriously as I do?”

  My father frowned, looking gutted. “That’s the problem, son. You aren’t taking it seriously. Case in point. Right now, when I summoned you. If you had been doing your job, I’d have interrupted you flying amongst the clouds, making love matches with your bow and arrow. Instead I caught you with your pants around your ankles, giving it to some blonde bimbo. You’re supposed to be spreading love and romance, not your seed.”

  “Excuse me? Like you never spread a little extra love back in the day!” I scoffed, knowing he most certainly had. The perks of the job were all double edged swords, and one of them was that our scent exuded strong pheromones that evoked feelings of lust in all women who came within a hundred feet of us.

  Zeus hummed under his breath, raised his eyebrows, and shot my father an accusatory glare. Oops.

  “It’s not just your extracurricular activities that are the problem, son. Half of your matchings don’t even make it to the altar. Then they flit around from relationship to relationship, sabotaging themselves and being miserable. Sometimes in all this, they marry the wrong person, and become even worse off.”

  “Oh, and that’s my fault?” I interjected, gearing up for an epic rant. My father ignored my little outburst, and continued.

  “Then there are the couples you match that do manage to make it to the altar. Over half of those marriages end in divorce. You just aren’t meeting the quota for successful pairings, Cupid. It’s making a mockery out of the legend. It’s embarrassing, and quite frankly, it's a disgrace.”

  My father stopped there, but Zeus was quick to pick up where he left off. “You, Cupid, are a disgrace.”

  I saw red. I slammed my fist down on Zeus’ desk, making his papers jump. “That is not my fault! And don’t you dare even act like this is my fault! I’ve been trying for years to talk to you about this. I’ve sent emails, I’ve texted, I’ve called. I’ve pulled you aside after monthly progress checks. You have done nothing. You haven’t listened to me. You haven't even responded with a ‘k’. And now this?”

  Zeus regarded me with a blank stare.

  “You’re Cupid. You’ve been trained as an Erote by the best of the best. How is this not your fault? The men in your family have been doing this job for generations. Their numbers were never this low. But yours are. Sounds like your fault to me. Of course, they were Erotes by birth.”

  The reference to my adoption was a low blow, and I had to keep myself from flinching. Instead I met his smirk with a cool stare.

  “So, now the problem is my bloodline, but to fix that problem, you’re going to hire someone who also is outside the Erote bloodline.” I nodded. “Makes perfect sense.”

  “Your bloodline is only one of the problems.”

  “Whatever. When my father and my grandfather had my job, things were different. Gender roles were more defined, the workplace wasn't quite as demanding, and social media didn’t exist. People don’t even know how to talk to each other anymore, and they certainly don’t know how to have a meaningful committed relationship. It’s a generation of selfishness and instant gratification. Nobody wants to put in the work, and they run screaming in the other direction the minute things don’t go exactly their way.”

  “He, uh, might have a point, sir,” my father stammered behind him. Hope burned in my chest as Zeus peered down at me pointedly from under thick bushy eyebrows. He still looked pretty hard, but I saw a glimmer of interest beyond the pursed lips and narrowed eyes.

  “It’s not my fault, sir,” I repeated, swallowing my pride and giving up the blame game now that I had my father backing me. “Please give me another chance. I’ll prove that there is nothing I could be doing differently.”

  Zeus scowled.

  “I’ll stop screwing around so much. I’ll employ the use of pheromone blockers during the day when I’m supposed to be working, and I’ll um...I’ll come up with a plan to change the numbers in the future. A fool-proof plan.”

  “How are you going to do that?”


  How was I going to do that?

  I had no idea yet, only desperation. I could not be str
ipped of my wings and bring shame to my father. If I wasn’t Cupid, I don’t know what I would do with my life. Matchmaking was all I knew. I had never done anything else. I didn’t know how to do anything else. I didn’t want to do anything else. And, besides any evidence to the contrary, I was damn good at my job.

  “He will find his own perfect match. He will woo her perfectly, and she will fall head over heels for him. They will get married, and everyone who sees the two of them together will agree that they are soulmates.” My father came to stand beside me. He crossed his arms over his chest as I had done, and met Zeus’ eyes with a hard stare.

  Zeus was listening now, stroking his beard thoughtfully as he paced the room in front of us.

  I was holding my breath, and my father was too.

  Finally, he stopped and nodded. “You will step down from your position, and relinquish your wings.”

  My face fell, and my heart sank to my stomach. I had fought a good fight, but I had lost.

  “For one year,” Zeus continued, and I jerked my head up to stare at him. “You will have one year to fulfill your mission and prove that you are still fit to perform your duties.”

  “I can’t match people for a whole year?” I questioned, shaking my head. “Sir, that would be detrimental to society. As would having someone else stepping into my matchmaker position. It simply won’t work.”

  “I never said you couldn’t match people.” Zeus countered, crossing the room to open his desk, and digging in the oversized bottom drawer. It was his signature move. I was pretty sure the drawer was bottomless, and he could pull just about anything out of there. I’d seen everything from a paperclip to a kitten to a full turkey dinner come out of that drawer. I could hear the rustle of papers and the clinking of glass and the scraping of metal as he dug around.


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