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Cupid Daddy (Fantastical Daddy Doms Book 5)

Page 12

by Allysa Hart

  “As much as I would love to make you scream in ecstasy, there is a point I am trying to make. Time to get serious.”

  Time to get serious? I thought we were already being serious?

  He hooked his fingers in the sides of my panties and slid them down and smacked my bare flesh. Hard.



  That hurt!

  I kicked my feet. “No! Serious is bad. I don’t want serious.” Reaching back I made an attempt to rescue my panties, but before I could even reach for them, I found my hand pinned to my back.

  I screeched as he continued his assault.

  Okay, maybe I don’t like to be spanked! It fucking hurts!

  “Go ahead and yell as loud as you’d like, little love. We can let everyone in the building know what Daddy does to naughty girls.”


  “Stop calling yourself that!”

  It makes it really hard to be mad at you.

  “The only way I’m going to stop calling myself Daddy, little lover, is if you start calling me that.”

  He punctuated his declaration with two hard smacks to each of my thighs. I screamed, and threw my hands over my mouth to muffle the sound. He was right, the whole building likely heard the smacks and that was almost as embarrassing as being ass up over this sexy man’s knee getting my ass beat.


  Ok probably not even close.

  Tears built in my eyes at the pain and sudden wave of overwhelming embarrassment at my behavior. All of the things I had done to him slammed into my memory at once and I didn’t even recognize myself.

  Who treats someone like this?

  Pranking him one second and then jumping onto his cock the next?

  I’ve lost it.

  I need to be committed.

  I wonder if they sell straight jackets on the internet?

  Eros stopped spanking and rubbed my bare skin. It felt nice, but it didn’t put out the fire. I needed more.

  More of what?

  That was the million dollar question.

  More of whatever he wants to give me.

  That was the answer to the million dollar question.

  Embarrassment and guilt kept me quiet as he continued to stroke my backside from lower back to thighs, staying away from my sex.

  “I’m sorry.” I forced the words past the lump that had taken residence in my throat.

  “I know, little lover.”

  “You do?” I turned to see his smiling face.

  “Of course I do. Little girls are always sorry when they are being punished.”

  “No, but I really am. It’s not even about the spanking.”

  I think I love you.

  The fuck?

  Where did that come from?

  He stroked upward from my thigh, his fingers trailing gently, barely brushing my pussy. I pushed back into his hand.

  “Are you sure? I can happily spank this ass all night, but I would also like to make you scream in pleasure instead of pain.”

  I groaned. I wanted that too.

  The pleasure part.

  “Am I sure?” I scoffed. “Am I sure that I want you to stop spanking me, and fuck me? Hmm, let me think about that.” I rolled my eyes, and tapped a finger to my lips, pretending to think. “Yup. Pretty sure.”

  “Ha. Okay, you little smart ass.”

  “Smart or smarting?”

  “Both, I hope. If I have done my job right, both.”

  Oh, he had done it right. He had done everything right. The whole night was turning out to be something straight from my fantasies. Only one thing could make it better.

  His cock.

  He flipped me over on his lap. As soon as our eyes locked, it happened again. My throat went dry, my palms went damp, and my pussy gushed with arousal.

  I quickly pulled my shirt over my head, and my bra with it, until I was laying naked across his lap staring up at him.

  “Why can’t I resist you?”

  Chapter 14


  “Why can’t I resist you?”

  I cringed at the question. I knew it would come eventually and I knew I would have to tell her the truth. She deserved to know after all.

  “It’s my pheromones,” I admitted. “They’re enhanced.”

  She giggled, a sweet sound that I could get used to hearing. “You are such a cocky bastard.”

  “No, little lover. I’m being serious. It’s part of my gig as Cupid.”

  She laughed again.

  I sighed in frustration. This was harder than I thought. Sitting back against the couch, I pulled her into a sitting position in my lap facing me. There was a blanket folded across the arm of the couch, and I grabbed it, wrapping it tightly around her naked form. This served three purposes: it kept her warm, kept her tempting as fuck breasts from distracting me, and kept her tethered to me. I didn’t know how she was going to respond when she learned I was really a god, but I wasn’t letting her go. She was going to hear me out.

  “What are you doing? I was just getting comfy.” She pouted prettily.

  “Don’t do that. I need to tell you something, Bekah, and I don’t need your adorable antics to sidetrack me into fucking you right now.”

  She shivered and ground her hips into my groin, stirring my cock. “But that sounds like fun.”

  I grabbed her waist to stop her movement. “How about another spanking instead?” I growled.

  She stilled, her eyes widening and her mouth forming an “o” of surprise.

  “Good girl, thank you. Now listen. This is going to be difficult to explain and even harder for you to grasp. When I was a baby I was found by my father, Eros.”

  “So you’re Eros Junior? That’s cute.”

  “No, little love, Eros is just the name I took to fit in among you mortals. My father is Eros, the Greek god of love, son of Aphrodite and Ares. My mother is Psyche.”

  She fake yawned. “If I wanted a lesson in Greek mythology I would watch the History Channel.”

  “There is no myth about it, Bekah. I was found and brought up by the gods, trained in the art of love and when I was old enough, I took over as Cupid.”

  She smiled unbelievably. “Come on, I may not be able to resist you and your sexy body, but I’m not that gullible.”

  I raked my fingers through my hair, frustration threatening to explode from my body.

  This is going nowhere.

  How can prove to her what I’m saying is true?

  “How else do you explain how a complete stranger can walk into a community and make 157 successful matches in two weeks without batting an eye? They flock to my store looking for love, when you have been established for years. Why? And yeah they fill out forms, but do you know I don’t even look at them? Its all for show. I can tell by looking at someone if they will make a good match.”

  “I really want to break your nose right now.” She crossed her arms over her chest and looked away.

  “I’m not telling you this to make you feel bad. I’m telling you because it's the truth. They flock because they can sense my abilities, even if they don’t know it. Plus the pheromones are known to draw people in as well. They have different effects on everyone.”

  “How can you expect me to believe this? Plus, if you’re the real Cupid, why are you here and where are your wings and your arrows and shit?”

  “Zeus took them away.”

  “Zeus, right. The god of gods.”

  “He’s my boss. Business has been tough, as you know, and I wasn’t exactly being the most responsible matchmaker. He banished me to the states and gave me a year to prove myself.”

  “And how are you going to do that? Do you have a quota or something?”

  Disbelief still saturated her tone, but at least she was asking questions. I pressed on.

  “I’ve already done it.” I caressed the bare skin beneath my hands.

  “Right, a hundred and fifty seven? Was that the number? Great so you didn’t need a year, you
can leave now.” She pushed up trying to climb off my lap, but I held her to me.

  ”There is no quota, Rebekah. Zeus and my father agreed to give me my job back if I could find my one true love. And I’ve found her.”

  Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “You have? Who?”

  I laughed, she was so clueless. “You, little love. I’ve known from day one and I’ve been doing everything within my mortal power to win your love in return.”

  “You love me?”

  “Yes. With all my heart.”

  “And all those things you did with the prank war? That was all real? You weren’t trying to piss me off?”

  “It was all real. I had no idea how to woo a mortal woman, so I was taking my pointers from my clients and things I was seeing on television. You are a tough one to woo.”

  A blush colored her cheeks and she dropped her gaze. “I’m sorry.”

  “That’s okay, you’re worth it.”

  Her eyes came back to mine and I finally saw what I had been hoping to see from day one. Love. She felt the same way about me as I did about her. No matter what she said or did to try to prove otherwise. I knew that look well, it had just never been pointed at me. The lusty look of the pheromone haze was different.

  “No one has ever said anything like that to me before.”

  “Well you deserve more than that, but I’m glad I could be the first. I also plan to be the last.”

  “How can you say that? We barely know each other and I have been a total bitch to you!”

  “You have not. I’m the one who called for the prank war remember? I’m the one who invaded your neighborhood and I’m the one that kept poking you when I knew you would respond. Essentially, this entire thing is my fault.”

  “Well, I guess that’s true, but—”

  “No buts.” I cut her off and wrapped my hand around the back of her neck to pull her in for the most sensual, heartfelt kiss I had ever shared with someone. Our tongues danced with one another in perfect harmony. My cock stirred beneath her and she instantly lifted her hips. I quickly undid my fly, gliding my slacks over my hips and down my legs, so that I was also naked. She smiled, and lowered herself again, granting me entrance into her sweetness. She rode me slowlyly, and I allowed her the control. It felt fucking amazing. Keeping one hand behind her neck, I reached up with the other to tease her nipples. I knew it drove her to the edge faster, but I couldn’t help it. I loved to hear her moan, I loved to feel her walls contract, and most of all, I loved to see the glow in her eyes when we were finished.

  “Let me have it, little love,” I murmured into her mouth when I felt her holding back.

  “Not yet,” she protested, deepening the kiss.

  I smiled against her mouth, brought the hand from behind her neck to her other nipple, and rolled it with the perfect amount of pressure. She convulsed against me and screamed her release. I closed my eyes and bucked into her hard, finding my own ecstasy as her body milked my cock.

  She collapsed against my chest, both of us panting and sweating after the intense orgasms.

  “You don’t play fair.”

  “I never claimed to.”

  “I was enjoying myself.”

  “As was I.”

  She sighed deeply and rolled off of me. I let her fall to the bed before wrapping my arms around her and pulling her in close.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” I growled, nuzzling her neck.


  “Good. I want you in my bed tonight.”

  “Just tonight?” she asked timidly.

  “Every night, if I have anything to say about it.”

  She stayed silent for a long time. Her breath was slow and even and I thought she had fallen asleep until she spoke again.

  “Are you really Cupid?”

  “I would never lie to you.”

  “And you really love me?”

  “Same answer. I would never lie to you. It's not in my nature and the gods kind of frown upon that sort of thing, but in case you need some assurance, I love you Bekah. I have loved you since the first time I set eyes on you, and all I have cared about since I got here is making you mine. Nothing else matters.”

  She didn’t respond, but her arm tightened around mine.

  “I’m tired.”

  “Me too. It’s been a long day. Sleep, my little love.”

  “Okay, but can I tell you something first?”


  “I love you too.”

  Sweeter words had never been spoken.


  I woke up happy and content to be held in Eros’ arms. I hadn’t felt this good in a long time and I wanted to hold on to it for as long as I possibly could. I couldn’t believe the turn of events from the day before. Who would've thought a glitter bomb would be the catalyst to a crazy admission of love?

  That wasn’t the only crazy thing he said last night.

  Shh, leave me alone.

  You aren’t being rational

  I don’t want to be rational. I want to be in love.

  With a god?

  Fuck you.

  I couldn’t think while our naked bodies were still pressed up against one another. I needed to go home and get ready for work anyways. Gently, I lifted his arm up and slid underneath, putting my pillow where I had just been. He didn’t even stir.

  I took a second to really look at his face. It was the picture perfect example of peacefulness.

  Look at him, is it really hard to believe he’s a god?

  You have a point.

  Damn straight.

  At least I was on the same page with myself for a minute. I collected my clothes and dressed quickly before heading home and straight for my shower. I wanted coffee, but I could get that at work.

  Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars.

  I chanted to myself as I passed by my kitchen. I needed to get out of here as soon as possible and put some space between me and him. It was the only way I would be able to really think clearly about life and this recent turn of events.

  After taking the quickest shower in history, I threw on some clothes, clipped my hair into a messy bun, grabbed my make-up bag, and basically sprinted to my car.

  I felt a little guilty for running out on him, but it had been necessary.

  I replayed the night again in my head.

  He spanked me and I liked it. Then he fucked me and I liked that more. Then he tells me a pretty unbelievable story about being a god and that I am his true love and fucks me again. I’m not sure I see any flaws.

  Girl, you are fucked in the head.

  I groaned.

  Okay so maybe the god thing needs to be explored a little more, but it makes more sense than not at this point. How else does he make perfect matches with zero effort, and why is it that I want to jump his bones every time I look at him? I have better self control than that, but in those moments, control is not an option. It is a drunk-like state of mind and my body just reacts.

  I knew myself. I was resolved to the fact that the arguments in my head were going to be a constant burden all day. I was just going to have to use the quiet moments of clarity to try and focus and get things accomplished.

  My sale hadn’t yielded any new customers and the emails I received back from my clients were no help at all. Everyone who knew someone looking for love was currently being matched by CMS—Cupid’s Matchmaking Service. I grabbed the stack of mail from my desk and sat down to sort through it. The outstanding bills were piling up and I was really at a loss. I opened each one, mentally tallying the amount.

  No matter how high the number seemed to get, I still held on to hope that something would give. Until I opened the very last letter from the mortgage company.

  Dear Rebekah James,

  Under the terms of the mortgage securing your loan, Valentine City Bank, hereby notifies you of the following:

  1. You are in default because you have failed to pay the required monthly instal
lments commencing with the payment for the past six months and you have fifteen days to vacate the premises or submit payment in full.

  2. As of the date this letter was issued, total monthly payments (including principal, interest, and escrow), late fees, insufficient funds (NSF) fees, and other fees and advances due under the terms of your loan documents are past due. This past due amount is itemized below. If applicable, your account may have additional escrow amounts that have been paid out and are due on the loan. If you have any questions about the amounts detailed below, please contact us as soon as possible at (999) 999-9999.

  The list of numbers at the bottom made me want to throw up. It was above and beyond anything I could ever pull together, especially in fifteen freakin’ days. My savings was long gone, Nana’s emergency funds were completely depleted, and I had zero income. To top it all off, the only way to get income was to try to compete with a Greek god.


  It’s really over.

  My entire body went numb as I sat there staring at my desk. It didn’t feel real, but it was all spelled out right there in the letter. The bank was foreclosing. My entire legacy, the legacy of my nana, all of it was over.

  Standing up from my chair, I looked around the shop, tears clouding my vision as the memories floated through my head. So many happily-ever-afters had started in this room. So many smiles, so many tears, and now it was all over. I grabbed a piece of cardboard and wrote “Out of business” in bold letters.

  Not that it will matter to anyone.

  I taped it up on the window next to the closed sign, then I collected my personal belongings in a box and left my shop for the last time.

  Chapter 15


  Update: I did not keep my dick in my pants.

  At least we had honest communication open now. She knew about the pheromones and she knew I was Cupid, and she hadn’t run away screaming or tried to have me committed.

  Instead, after cleaning the living room for what I assumed was the first round of many judging by the ungodly amount of glitter still taking up residence on every available surface, she had spent the night in my arms.


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