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The Dirty Dozen: MC Edition

Page 24

by Kay Maree

  Chloe mentioned the club was more than just a biker gang who ran drugs and guns. She’d sworn they helped damsels in distress, Chloe’s words. So when Ayesha’s little sister came up missing, or rather ran away, she decided to follow her friend after doing her hair. Big mistake. Huge. She was coming to realize her fool hardy plan could now cost her own life, while her sister Tiana would most probably be sold to the highest bidder in a sex trafficking ring in some third world country. A sob left her throat, but she choked back the next one.

  Fear was an ugly bitch, but Ayesha couldn’t stifle the sensation from working its way through her, making her break out in a cold sweat. “I think I might be sick,” she muttered.

  “Don’t, you won’t like me very much if you do.”

  “I don’t like you very much right now anyway,” she muttered angrily. At least if she was angry, it kept her from wanting to vomit all over her sexy kidnaper’s back.

  King chuckled, then they were walking into his house. The door banging shut behind them was like an omen to her. “Alright, you got five minutes to explain, then I’ll decide your fate.” He lifted her from his shoulder, placing her feet on the floor, his hands spanning her hips kept her steady. It still took her a several second to get her bearings. She glanced around the room, a little surprised to see it looked like a…normal home.

  “You’ve got four minutes now, better start talking.” He let go of her but didn’t move away.

  She wanted to wipe the smirk off his face with a swipe of her palm across the cheek, but her need for his help kept her hands down. “My sister was kidnapped. I need help getting her back.” Shit, she sounded like an idiot.

  King raised a brow. “Why you telling me, shouldn’t you go to the cops?”

  Ayesha rolled her eyes. “Don’t you think I tried that first? From all intents and purposes, she went willingly, but I know better. I heard you help do this sort of thing…bring home people who are taken. My sister is one of them.”

  King tilted his head to the side. “What do I get out of this?”

  Ayesha barely controlled her instinct to roll her eyes again. “What do you want, a blow job?”

  King laughed, the sound louder than the beating of her heart. “Little dove, if I wanted a blow job, I could open the door and whistle. Within minutes I’d have my pick of women willing to let me fuck their face.” He held his arm out, palm facing toward the door.

  Oh, there was no doubt in her mind he could and had, in the past, done that very thing. Why did her heart skip a beat at the image of him opening his jeans for some nameless, faceless woman make her angry? She pulled her focus back to her sister and the very real danger she was in. “I would do anything for my sister, even though I know you don’t need me to…whore myself out to you. Tell me, what do I need to do to get your help? Get on my knees and beg? Offer you my first born? Give you a million dollars? What?” she begged, desperate for a reaction, her voice rising.

  The door opened behind her, but she didn’t take her eyes off of King.

  He stepped closer, his body heat making her own feel as if she was on fire, or maybe it was her hormones. “Let’s start by you telling me a little more about the who told you this story about me being this hero bullshit, hmm?”

  Ayesha shook her head. “This was a terrible mistake,” she said, her voice too loud. She backed away, inching back from him

  King looked over his shoulder, then at her. “I want you to sit down, and don’t say another fucking word.”

  “Hey, you don’t have the right to order me around. I’m not one of your club…whatever you call them, brothers, bitches, whatever. You have no right—” she yelped out, the air leaving her lungs at the abrupt motion of being pulled against his rock hard chest.

  “Little girl, I have more than just a right. You’re in my club. My territory. I’m not only the President, I’m the fucking King. That’s not just my name but means I’m the ruler of all you see here. I wear the patch and crown, baby. Push me and I’ll gladly gag you then I’ll paddle that fine little ass until you’re crystal clear on that subject. Do you understand?”

  She tried to put space between them, silently wishing he was some fat weak asshole who didn’t actually have the ability to back up his words. “I came to you for help, not to be…be threatened.”

  King gave a humorless laugh. “Then you shoulda done your research,” he said, turning toward the door. “Duke, get your ass in here. I want to know how the fuck she got past Parker and Clown. If there’s a hole, I want it found, and I want it plugged, permanently, one way or another. Feel me?”

  Ayesha watched as Duke nodded, his eyes the same determined color as his brother’s. King turned around, pinning her with such a look she wasn’t sure what he planned, but there was no mistake. King was in charge, and whoever Parker and Clown were, they were in big trouble for allowing her to slip inside.

  About Elle Boon

  Elle Boon is a USA Today Bestselling Author who lives in Middle-Merica as she likes to say…with her husband, her youngest child Goob while her oldest daughter Jazz set out on her own. Oh, and a black lab named Kally Kay who is not only her writing partner but thinks she’s human. She’d never planned to be a writer, but when life threw her a curve, she swerved with it, since she’s athletically challenged. She’s known for saying “Bless Your Heart” and dropping lots of F-bombs, but she loves where this new journey has taken her.

  She writes what she loves to read, and that’s romance, whether it’s about Navy SEALs, or paranormal beings, as long as there is a happily ever after. Her biggest hope is that after readers have read one of her stories, they fall in love with her characters as much as she did. She loves creating new worlds, and has more stories just waiting to be written. Elle believes in happily ever afters and can guarantee you will always get one with her stories.

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  Deadly Sins MC




  Copyright © 2019 by Kay Maree

  The right of Kay Maree to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her under the Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000

  All rights reserved. This publication (or any part of it) may not be reproduced or transmitted, copied, stored, distributed or otherwise made available by any person or entity (including Google, Amazon or similar organisations), in any form (electronic, digital, optical or mechanical) or by any means (photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise) without prior written permission from the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  This story is a figment of the author’s imagination.

  All characters are fictional and are not intended to represent anyone living or dead.


  Contains adult content, graphic violence, and dark emotional scenarios that may trigger some readers. Proceed with caution. You have been warned.



  “Get your fat ass out here now Alexis,” my father’s shout echoes down the hallway and bounces off my bedroom walls. Thus, making me jump off my bed making quick
work to get to him before he loses complete control and comes looking for me. Coming to a stop in the doorway to the living room I freeze realizing he isn’t alone. Greg his slimy best mate and club brother slouches over the old olive-green velvet three-seater lounge as my father sits like he is a King on the fucking throne in his one-seater.

  “Yes Sir,” I say in a small voice trying to avoid the appraising looks Greg is sending my way. A chill takes over my body and I grip my fingers together behind my back to try and stop them shaking as sweat coats my palms.

  “What fucking time is it?” he spits out not looking at me but watching the game on the television. My eyebrows knit together in confusion for a second wondering what the hell he is on about. Then it hits me. Snapping my eyes to the clock on the far wall above the old fireplace I see it’s just hit 6 o’clock. Shit! Without a word I turn and head towards the kitchen, as my stomach begins to swirl at the thought of the crap I will cop later once his mate goes home. Rushing to the fridge I pull out the leftovers from last night. Pulling the plastic wrap off, grabbing some paper towel off the roll near the fridge as I go and place it over the top. I then quickly pop it in the microwave for a few minutes. Leaning against the bench I gnaw on my lip wondering how the hell I forgot I needed to get dinner ready. It’s not like this is a new thing. This is just part of my everyday chores, just like keeping the house cleaned, clothes washed and whatever else my fucked-up father expects of me. Ever since my mother abandoned us when I was 8 years old it’s been my job to take care of everything while my dad works and brings home the money. It doesn’t matter that I work too and am studying at the same time. No, that just gives him more expectations as to what I owe him because he puts a damn roof over my head.

  “Sweet sweet Alexis,” Greg murmurs sleazily strolling into the kitchen snapping me out of my head as chills begin to dance down my spine once again. Trying not to make eye contact I turn towards the sink I was leaning against and start moving the dirty dishes out of the sink, so I can fill it with warm soapy water. But not before I notice the way his eyes travel down my body as he runs his disgusting tongue across his bottom lip. I tense as his hands land on my ass and I grit my teeth as my fists clench ready to punch him in the face. He has never been this brazen before. Yeah… he looks at me in that creepy way but never anything like this before.

  “Don’t touch me,” I grit out between clenched teeth gripping the edge of the sink till my knuckles turn white. You think being the daughter of the VP for the Talons MC would deter him but I think he believes I’m a fucking conquest for him to stake his claim. Since I don't go to their clubhouse or involve myself in their life at all the only time they see me is when they come here.

  “Now now little Alexis you don’t want to let daddy hear you.” I’m about to say he would probably kick his ass for touching me but I know better and so does Greg if his low chuckle means anything at all. His foul breath slides down my neck and makes it way to my nose.

  “But you're not so little anymore are you?” he clicks his tongue and I wince when his nails begin digging into my flesh through my jeans. My stomach rolls as the stench of weed and beer surround me.

  “I’ve always had a thing for bigger girls you know that whole more cushion for the pushing thing really turns me on. Clubwhores don’t know how to please a man like me but I bet you would,” he chuckles in my ear as his hands start to move around the front of my jeans. I squeeze my eyes shut as the tips of his fingers begin to graze the bare skin just above my jeans button. My eyes glass over and I will the tears not to fall at the thought of what he wants to do to me. His fingers begin to creep down the front of my jeans to the edge of my panties. I suck down a deep breath as bile begins rising up my throat at the same time his tongue slides up the side of my neck. “I knew you wanted it Puddin.” My body stiffens as he breathes into my ear, his fingers skim back and forth across the elastic at the top of my panties making my skin crawl. “Oh yeah you want it,” he says on a low chuckle but before he gets a chance to go any further the timer on the microwave goes off.

  “Shit,” he grunts flicking the elastic of my panties and I wince from the slight sting it causes. Chuckling he steps back from me, giving me just enough room to shimmy past him but before I get the chance, he pins my wrists to the edge of the chipped bench with enough force it begins to bite into my skin.

  “Not so fast,” and before I can cry out at the pain in my wrists he slams his mouth on mine pushing his thick tongue into my mouth and I try not to vomit and bite his tongue not knowing what he could do to me. I go lax in his hold, no point fighting something I will not win. After a few moments, he pulls back and I have the urge to throw up. Sucking the bile back down I stifle a scream when he sinks his teeth into my shirt covered breast as his other hand travels up under my shirt grabbing my other breast till he reaches my nipple and squeezes causing me to wince.

  I squeeze my eyes tighter fighting off tears as pure pain sears through my chest.

  “I know you like it and I can’t wait to tear through that cherry you’re guarding,” he groans lowly. “I’m gonna make you bleed.” My eyes snap to his and the blank intensity of his dark stare has the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end.

  “ALEXIS!” my father's voice shouts out and I snap my eyes to the doorway as I hear his heavy footsteps heading towards the kitchen. Greg hears them and let’s go of my wrists and I wince in pain but not having time to even have a look at the damage. I race to the microwave and pull out the pasta trying not to burn myself as my hands shake, grabbing a bowl from the cupboard I dish up a huge portion just as my father storms in.

  “Sorry, it took a bit longer than I thought,” I rush out.

  “You heated that shit up its not fucking rocket science,” he grunts snatching the bowl from me making Greg snort as he starts pulling beers from the fridge.

  “You rude little bitch make Sleaze a fucking plate too,” he spits out turning and thumping his way back to the living room. Rushing over I fill another bowl and hand it to Greg trying to look anywhere but in those blank eyes.

  “I’ll see you real soon Puddin,” he chuckles and my eyes snap to his as my body begins to shake when he licks his lips. He hums as he exits the kitchen and I can’t stop my stomach rolling at the thought and I know I will do anything to not let that piece of shit touch me again.


  After I cleaned up the kitchen and made sure everything was in order for my father for work tomorrow, I had a quick shower and got comfy in my favorite PJs. Making my way towards my bedroom I let out a breath knowing I can spend the rest of the night in my room snuggled in my bed. Maybe I’ll contact the girls about our plans tomorrow but just as my foot crosses the threshold of my doorway, my father's booming voice echoes from the living room. I blow out another breath and eye my bed but I know if I don’t go to him, he will drag me out by my hair and beat me for not listening to him. Looking down I make sure my PJs are covering everything. I close my door and make my way to the living room doorway wondering what he could possibly want. He usually lets me be after all my chores are done.

  Standing in the open doorway I look down at the old worn out reddish/brown carpeted floor and wait for him to speak.

  “Eyes up girl,” he snaps out bringing me out of my head and I blow out an unsteady breath when I realize Greg isn’t here. The tension I have been holding onto since the kitchen incident earlier slowly leaves me knowing he has finally gone home.

  “Come here,” he beckons waving his hand towards me.

  Taking the few steps separating us I wait for him to speak again until I’m only a step away from his chair. Calming my breathing I wait for him to start on me from nearly missing dinner time.

  “What happened earlier is unacceptable,” he slurs out before taking another swig of his beer.

  “I’m sorry Sir I’m not sure what happened but it won’t happen again,” I replied in a small voice feeling like I'm ten all over again and not the nearly eighteen
-year-old woman that I am.

  “You are 18 tomorrow," he gruffs taking another swig before going on. "You are a grown-ass woman now and this shit you should have down pat by now,” he spits out and the stench of his alcohol-laden breath reaches my nose making it scrunch up in distaste. I don’t say anything. If I have learned anything in the last 10 years is to know when to shut my mouth.

  “I don’t know what to do with you,” he grumbles lighting up a joint, my nose scrunches as the smoke reaches my nose.

  “You walk around like you are lady fucking muck with a stick shoved so far up your ass like you are too good for this place,” he says on an exhale. Thick smoke quickly consumes the room and I try to hold my breath but it's no use. My head finally registers what he just said and I feel my shoulders straighten out but still after all this time I still don’t say a word. I should just move out and get away from this man. I don’t have any place to go and I don’t earn enough money to afford a place of my own. Even with what little savings I have it’s still not enough. I know I could move in with one of my friends but I don’t want to be a burden to them as well. So essentially, I’m stuck here with a man that looks down on me like I’m nothing but just a woman only here to serve him. Over the years I wonder how a mother could just leave without a word or second thought but looking at this man I understand why. I just wished she would have taken me with her. I choke back a sob at the thought as anger at my situation runs raw through me. I hate her and I fucking hate him to the core. My friend's parents are nothing like this man, they doted on them and loved them. I can’t help feeling I got the short end of the stick. A heavy sadness weighs down on me and as much as I want to be strong and suck it up, I can't help feeling like I have failed at something. I just don't know what that something is.


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