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The Dirty Dozen: MC Edition

Page 26

by Kay Maree

  “That's it, hold her there,” Monster slides underneath me and I feel myself being lowered again. I shake my head again but again the same feeling from before overcomes me and my legs shake as another orgasm explodes through me and that empty feeling consumes me once more.

  “Fuck yeah Puddin, your cunt is wrapped around my dick like a vice as your cum coated me,” Sleaze chuckles again as he starts to thrust again.

  “Monster you need to feel this she is going off like a rocket and I think she has another in her.”

  “Fuck, little girl save some for Daddy,” Monster grunts as I feel his dick near my ass. I try to push up away from him but it’s no use as his hand snakes out and around me and starts to rub my clit again. Sleaze stops thrusting and pulls out and I hope he has finished but my heart breaks a little more when I feel his dirty mouth back on me.

  “Let me lube her up for you brother,” Sleaze grunts as I feel his fingers penetrate me again before they slide to my back hole as Monster still circles my clit. One finger pushes into my ass and I tense up but a sharp pinch to my clit has my body spinning out of control and before I know it, he jams another two fingers into my ass as his thumb goes into my pussy. Pumping in out as an uncontrollable pain explodes through my body.

  “Fuck yeah,” I hear but I'm not sure who said it as something bigger begins to push into my ass at the same time my pussy is penetrated. My body shakes as pain ricochets through me and their voices begin to blend together.

  “Tight as fuck.”

  “Give it to me.”

  My head is spinning and I’m not sure what is happening to me but nothing has ever compared to the pain I am feeling right now. The gag around my mouth loosens and I gasp for breath for what feels like the first time in forever.

  “Give daddy that orgasm, make that asshole squeeze my dick little girl,” Monster grits out into my ear, gripping my hips and pumping into me harder and faster.

  “No stop it hurts,” I croak out just as another wave rushes through me.

  “No, no, no,” I scream out, pain exploding all over my body. I don’t know where from or when it’s going to stop but ugly sobs tear through my throat with each thrust.

  “Fuck that ass brother.”

  Hands travel up my body till they reach my breast squeezing so tight I feel nails piercing more skin causing me to scream out again.

  “Music to my fucking ears,” Monster slams into me.

  “I told you about those eyes,” Sleaze spits out and my eyes snap to his and I noticed something shiny in his hand and I choked out a breath when I realize it’s a pocket knife.

  “No,” I plead, but he just chuckles and brings the knife down and slashes across my belly making me scream out in pain. Again, at the same time, loud roars fill the room as they both pump into me harder, faster my body tenses taking on a life of its own as it explodes making my body go lax.

  “Time to switch places brother,” Monster grunts.

  “Told you we would make you bleed,” Sleaze chuckles. I feel movement around me but my head is spinning from the pain radiating through my whole body and I can’t pinpoint the worse place. I just know that after tonight I will never be the same again. I let my brain shut down knowing the night is far from over and I let the pain consume me. My eyes flutter shut and I can’t control it even if I wanted to and I can only hope that when I wake up from this nightmare I can piece my broken soul back together again. But I doubt it. Just before I let the darkness take me, I feel them enter me again, screams bleed together with their moans.

  “Little girl, your cunt just wants it,” Monster grunts out. “Your words mean nothing cause this pussy is trying to suck me dry.” Nails bite into my breasts as teeth latch onto my shoulder.

  "Scream for Daddy," he grunts slamming into me again and again as his sweat covers my body.

  "Puddin squeeze that asshole for uncle Sleaze," feeling another bite to my other shoulder "That's it," he grits slamming in at the same time as Monster making my body lock up all over again.

  "Your asshole is just as eager as your cunt Puddin. I can feel them pull the cum from mine and your Daddy's cock," his chuckle is low with an edge of warning but all I want to do is shut down and let the darkness consume me. Grunts mixed with my whimpers filled the stale stench of my room but just before I pass out welcoming the darkness I crave so much, words and laughter keep me suspended for a bit longer. I know I will never forget this moment that made my soul shatter into a million pieces as chills slice down my spine.

  “You belong to us anytime, anyplace we fucking want, we OWN you.”

  “Happy Birthday, little girl.”



  4 years later…

  Just as Jason Derulo belts out the lyrics to The Other Side, I pull into my parking spot in front of Shine Bright, the dental practice I work at in Hamilton. Sighing heavily pushing my new purple rimmed glasses up my nose I gear up for another long-ass morning. After how my morning has gone so far, I don't see it getting any better. Fuck my life right now. Squeezing my eyes shut I try to push away my crappy morning, actually the last crappy few years since that night. It’s been one thing after another. After that nightmare of a night, I packed my car and never looked back. That first month after I took off, I struggled as my wounds healed and scars were left in their place to make sure I never forgot what happened to me. The biggest wound of all was my soul. Still, to this day it remains tattered beyond repair. During that month I could barely afford to stay in a hotel, so I mostly slept in my car finding that I felt a bit safer in the small confines of my car even if it’s just a crappy little 1990’s, Ford Laser. I know Monster is still looking for me along with the rest of his club but I would rather die than go back to that hell. Flashes from that night flitter behind my closed lids and I will all the strength I possess to push them away. Nothing can ever give me back what was stolen from me that night but I sure as hell am not that weak girl anymore. That night changed me for the rest of my life. I’m not the shy girl that could be pushed around so easily anymore. I’m stronger and I prove that just by breathing and making it through another day. Squeezing my eyes shut tight I try to take deep breaths just like my therapist told me to do when everything seems too much and starts to overwhelm me all at once. The smells from that night seem to surround me overtaking my senses. The tinge of blood, sweat, smoke, and stale alcohol swamp me. Sweat begins to bead on my forehead and I will the tears not to fall. Their voices seem to bleed together and echo around me. I try to push it back, try not to let them in, but it’s no use as their faces flash behind my closed lids. My hands shake with the words that flowed from their mouths.

  I try to take deep breaths but it’s a struggle as their strained words and drawn out groans fill my head on repeat.

  “Fuck, little girl, save some for Daddy.”


  “Tight as fuck.”

  Just breathe Alexis.

  “Give it to me.”


  “You belong to us anytime, anyplace we fucking want, we OWN you.”

  I am stronger than this.

  “Stop it. Just stop it,” I whimper trying to pull back to reality repeating over and over again that I have this. I am stronger than them and I just need to fucking breathe. After a few seconds more I feel the tether they have on me loosen and my breaths begin to even out. When I opened my eyes, I feel the tension and muscle strain in my hands from the death grip I have on the steering wheel. Loosening my grip, I rub the fictitious pain away that’s radiating through my stomach. My panic attacks are not as regular as what they were the first year in hiding but every now and then I have weak moments and let that shit swim through me. Taking a few more calming shallow breaths I try to work out what snapped me out of my panic attack when the high-pitched pinging from my phone goes off. Looking towards the passenger seat I dig through my handbag I grab it seeing the screen lit up stating several missed calls from Ava.r />
  “Damn it,” I mumble flicking the screen back to life after it begins to fade. I go to hit return call when I notice the group message bubble has several replies. Clicking the bubble, I see it’s just about the time we need to head to Harlow’s place this arvo, but I don’t finish till 3 so that’s not gonna work for me. Quickly I shoot off a message back letting them know and Tilly replies to let me know we will head over about 6 instead and this is followed by everyone else agreeing and also a message from Ava telling me to answer my phone bitch. This makes me laugh for what feels like the first time in a while. With that sorted I blow out a hard breath and try to plaster a smile on my face as I grab the coffees I brought on the way over and my handbag. I make sure my GLOCK 42 semi-automatic pistol is in the side pocket of my bag before pushing open the car door.

  I step out into the warm sun and try to soak in the rays. The worst part about everything that’s happened is I had to change my last name so it wouldn’t be so easy for them to find me. I’m not stupid, I know their club has most of the police force under their payroll. The girls helped me get through the whole process and once Callie found out I was living in my car she dragged me to her place and demanded that I was staying with her and her parents. They were barely ever home, so she was left alone a lot of the time, it just seemed to fit. The whole situation still weighs heavy on me feeling like a burden, but I am so grateful for my friends. Without them, I don’t think I would have ever graduated and become a dental assistant. A small smile graces my lips remembering the day I graduated. Those girls were the loudest there and my biggest support system. God knows what would have happened to me if they hadn’t been there. Closing my eyes against the warm rays soaking into my skin I have a feeling I know why my morning has been shitty, and why I woke with sweat covering my body and also with the panic attack. It all boils down to the fact that tonight I have to go to this MC Charity party at Club Ivy. My nerves are fried and I don’t know how I am going to handle being in a club full of bikers let alone 1%ers. I can only be thankful that it’s a different biker club hosting it. I just need to get through my shift and then I can head over to Tilly’s to get ready for the night. I need to push the past back where it belongs and just take it day by day. Harlow needs us more than anything tonight, so I will not let her down.

  “Morning Alexis, how are you this morning dear?” Patty the receptionist asks smiling brightly at me as I push through the glass door snapping me out of my head. Patty is in her late fifties, but she also doesn't take crap from anyone. I wish I could be as strong and as confident as her. It’s natural for her but for me, it’s a struggle and most of the time it’s forced.

  “I'm great," I lie putting a smile on my face hoping it looks genuine enough to convince her but I should have known better as her blue eyes sharpen and pin me to the spot, raising a perfect eyebrow. Without saying a word she waits for me to spill my guts. Coming to a stop in front of her glossy white desk I place one of the coffees I bought down and slide it towards her.

  “Just not looking forward to my shift today," I concede a half-truth, and she gives me a knowing look. I get shifted between three different dentists as we are short-staffed and each one likes things a little different than the other which isn't an issue. It's just that Mr. Lithgow is more demanding and if everything is not to his liking shit hits the fan pretty quickly. To top it off he is a sleazeball that likes to leer at me every time we are in the same space together. I have to bite my tongue because it's also his practice and I can't afford to not have a job at the moment.

  “Louise already annoyed him this morning, so he is in rare form today," she murmurs knowing without words why I don't want to be here. Taking a sip of her coffee she hums at the roasted goodness that now feels like bile in the pit of my stomach.

  “Great," I mumble. Just as I'm about to push away from her desk the man himself comes strolling through the frosted glass doors that separate the waiting area to the rooms in the back.

  “Bout time you got here Alexis," he grumbles sliding a hand over his greying comb over before straightening out the white dental coat that barely covers his potbelly. His beady little eyes fix on me taking me in from head to toe, giving me the heebie jeebies. 4 years ago, I would've shrunk in the corner but not now. Hell bloody no, and if I didn't need my job so much, I would punch him in the face right before kicking him square in the balls as my self-defense teacher taught me. I feel my lip twitch at the thought but quickly look down at my watch noting the time. Annoyance grips me when I notice I still have about 10 minutes till my shift starts. Blowing out a frustrated breath, my coffee in hand, I smile and nod.

  “Just going to put my bag in my locker," I call out stepping around him so there is at least a meter of space between us. It’s still not enough space as his musky cologne penetrates my nostrils making the bile in my belly rise up my throat and I have to choke it back down.


  I look around at all the bodies bouncing away to the music. My friends laugh and sing along and still an emptiness creeps into the pit of my stomach. I can't help but wonder when this feeling of loneliness will fade away. Drawing in a deep breath I try to relax and let the music flow through me, but it’s hard when you feel like you are living on the outskirts of your own life and nothing will ever be the same again. Sure, I have always been quiet and I know it sounds dumb but I feel like I don’t belong in their world anymore. I run my hands down the sides of the light blue satin nightie I’m wearing. When I first put it on, I thought it was way too short but the way it glided perfectly over my curves made me feel sexy for the first time in my life. But then that emptiness crept back in again overriding all those feelings. Not letting onto the girls on how I was feeling I plastered on a smile and just went with the flow. Tonight wasn’t about me and as much as my skin crawls being here, I need to push it back. Tonight is about Harlow and finding the piece of crap that took Julie away from us. My chest tightens knowing we will never again talk about the current book we are both reading or seeing her face lit up at just the mention of one of her favorite books. She could talk your ear off for hours if you had let her.

  Holly bounces as if on a sugar rush and grabs Callie’s and Ava's hands dragging them towards the dance floor snapping me out of my head. I really need to stop zoning out like that especially here even though I know the girls would never let anything happen to me. But still, it doesn’t hurt to be cautious of my surroundings as I subconsciously rub my hand across my stomach.

  “Should we join them?” Harlow asks nodding towards the girls dancing around laughing.

  “Let’s go to the ladies’ room first,” I murmur. I’m not sure if I’m up to dancing just yet. The shots in my system are still not enough for me to drop my guard. Shaking my head at the girls a genuine smile graces my lips.

  “Sounds good,” Harlow agrees nodding her head towards where the toilets are near the front door before turning and heading in their direction.

  Waiting in line I chew my bottom lip knowing with every second we are here Harlow isn’t getting the answers she came here for. I start to worry that she may never find out. Anger slices through me at the thought because Julie didn’t deserve to die as she did.

  “What are you thinking so hard on 99,” I ask deciding she may want to talk about it. I throw in the Get Smart reference trying to get her to smile knowing usually when I show my geeky side it makes her laugh.

  “Just wondering if tonight was worth it,” she mumbles chewing on her bottom lip.

  “Well I’m not sure, but I do know this,” I answer pushing my glasses back up my nose when I feel them start to slip. “That we haven’t had a night out in a long time all together between work and everything else going on.” Shit, I didn’t mean to say that last bit. Clearing my throat I quickly push on as if I didn’t say anything. She has no clue what I mean and I don’t want to spill my guts so to speak right now when tonight is about finding answers for her sister. “What I mean is we are all here together, s
o we may as well make the most of it.”

  “You’re right,” she shrugs but her eyes narrow as if knowing I’m leaving something out. I try not to look directly into her eyes. She can always tell when one of us is lying and I don’t want to lie to her, but this shit I am dealing with doesn’t need to be aired tonight or ever. “But what am I missing here, what do you mean with everything else going on?”

  “Nothing, just life in general,” I rush out noticing one of the stall doors open and a girl walks out. Without another word, I dash inside and close the door. I wince a little when it closes a bit harder than I intended. Taking a few deep breaths, I sit down and bury my face in my hands not needing to go to the toilet but just needing an excuse to get some space for a few moments. I just hope when I exit Harlow doesn’t ask me any more questions, and we can just enjoy the rest of the night. After a few more moments I reach over and flush the toilet and head to wash my hands. Harlow eyes me in the mirror as she does the same and I smile hoping my smile is enough to say I’m okay. I feel the tension in my shoulders lessen as she smiles back at me. We head out the door to the main area of the club and I stop stock-still when my eyes catch sight of a bear of a man through the crowd. I can see enough to have my knees feeling like jello locking my knees together so as not to fall on my ass. Before I can even stop myself words are tripping up my throat

  “Holy hotness Batman,” my voice comes out so low and has a breathy quality I have never heard before. It takes me completely off guard for a minute but I can’t help it. His huge tattoos cover his muscled arms, he kind of reminds me of a Seth Rogan but with a thick dark beard, hair shaved on the sides of his head with it a little longer on top. I catch the tattoos gracing the shaved sides and I can't help wondering if his beard would feel as soft as it looks. Harlow’s laugh rings in my ears thanks to the songs changing overhead catching my every word in the two-second gap but it seems I’m in a tunnel and her laughter is just a whisper in the air around me. I snap out of the haze I seemed to have fallen into when Harlow starts rapid-firing questions at me at the same time. Grabbing my arm she is pulling me to the side as someone comes out of the bathroom door behind me.


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