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The Dirty Dozen: MC Edition

Page 32

by Kay Maree

  “See you at home VP,” I lift my chin, he does the same before I turn us around guiding Alexis towards my bike. Knowing this is going to be the most painful and pleasurable ride of my fucking life and I can’t fucking wait.

  “Um... maybe I can catch a cab,” Alexis stops a few feet away from my bike and looks towards the cab stand across the street.

  “Come on gorgeous get that lush ass on my bike,” not willing to let her leave in a cab. Fuck that, she deserves to sit on the back of my bike. She stares at my sleek black Harley taking in every inch. I look over and see Mercy crank up the Jeep, so I try another way.

  “Babe no cab driver is going to keep up with us, you might get lost cause no fucking cabbie gunna know the address,” I tilt my head studying the way she bites into her bottom plump lip, I shoot her a reassuring smile and wait for the moment she gives in. I see it in her eyes that she wants to but something is holding her back.

  “I would never let anything happen to you,” her eyes snap to mine and right there in that moment I see it. She is absolutely terrified of being hurt and what guts me is she thinks I could do it. Running the web of my hand over my beard in frustration at the thought I need to breathe a couple of times. She doesn’t know shit about me, so of course, she is scared. I need to try and gain her trust.

  “Okay,” she breathes out slowly stunning me as she looks over towards where Harlow's car was parked but it’s no longer there. Throwing my leg over the bike before she changes her mind I reach out and grab her hand resting it against my shoulder before I grip her waist in my hands and lift her up and over placing her behind me. Smiling when a small squeal leaves her lips before she laughs.

  Music to my fucking ears. I wanna hear that sound for the rest of my fucking life.

  “Let’s do this babe,” I gun the engine loving the sound of the pipes echoing off the buildings around us. Turning I make sure her helmets on properly, turning back around satisfied it’s on I roll the throttle back again feeling a smirk curl my lips when the vibration of the bike makes her hum. Fuck, I can’t help thinking about what she will sound like when I bring her to the brink of fucking ecstasy. My already hard cock pushes against my zipper, rolling the throttle back again, so I mask the groan threatening to spill free. Her hands sit tentatively against my sides. Fuck that, gripping her hands I bring them around the front feeling her tits push against my back. After a few moments, I feel her body melt against mine as the side of her face rests against my shoulder.

  Painful as fuck but I wouldn’t have it any other way I think as I pull out of our spot and onto the road.



  The rumble of the pipes, the heat from his body mixed with the scent of seawater on the air mixed with his scent wild and leather calms my racing heart. I never knew being on the back of a bike could be this freeing but the minute he pulled out onto the street and opened up the throttle my whole body woke up and relaxed at the same time. My head feels clear as the scenery flashes by us and for the first time in my life, I just want to let go. The tears I shed earlier are long forgotten as the wind whips past my face. The scent of leather soaks through my veins and I can’t help singing the lyrics to ‘Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande’ in my head. Squeezing my arms around his body a bit tighter I can’t help feeling this is where I am supposed to be. My body fits perfectly against his. It makes me feel like doing things I would never do in my life; I want to throw caution to the wind and soak in every inch of this man. These thoughts have my head spinning and begin to scare the shit out of me. Fear tries to push through my clear head but I push the feeling away as one of his warm hands covers mine giving it a little squeeze relaxing me even more. For now, I will just soak in the feeling of being free, free from my fucked-up past, free from questions I have no answers to and free from the fictitious pain that lives with me day in and day out. The black hole I circle dims in the back of my mind as I let myself shine through. I am a survivor and for whatever reason this man wants me. My head whirls with the possibility that maybe I can let him in.

  “Gorgeous,” Nix gruffs out over the rumble of the pipes as he begins to slow bringing me out of my thoughts. Lifting my head, a small gasp leaves my parted lips seeing the huge chain-link fence spanning around a large block of land. Looking around I try to take in the area not having a clue where we are. Swinging my gaze back at the two large gates as they begin to open I bite my lip taking in what looks like a huge warehouse, the club emblem of a skull wearing a crown and across the forehead of the skull has Deadly Sins MC written there. Crossed bones lay behind the skull mixed with roses as two guns cross at the base sits in the middle above open double roller doors. Bikes line up along one side of the building as heavy metal blasts out. Looking up I take in the numerous windows scattered around the top of the building. I can’t get over how big it is. Blowing out a deep breath nervous energy pumps through my veins as my heart feels like it’s about to beat right out of my chest. Shit, why did I come here again? Soft laughter pulls my attention to Harlow’s black Jeep, the small smile playing on her lips as she stares up at Drake as his fingers brush the side of her face settles deep. Just by a look, I can see she is fine; she may not have all the answers she needs right now, but she has enough to get her through the day.

  “Can you take me home?” I murmur to Nix as he shuts off the bike feeling my gut twist just thinking about going in there. What if everything has been an illusion and when I step through those open doors everything will come crashing down around me. Before he gets a chance to answer me Harlow calls out racing over to me as the crunch of Drakes boots follow in her wake.

  “Alexis,” throwing her arms around me before I have a chance to get off the bike.

  “Are you okay?” she murmurs in my ear and I don’t know how to answer her, so I just nodded not wanting to worry her.

  Stepping back to give me room to get off the bike, I unclip my helmet and pass it to Nix before bracing a hand against his shoulder, pushing myself off. I want to say it was graceful but it was anything but as my toe catches on a rock and I go flying but Harlow catches me before I have a chance to hit the ground.

  “Shit,” I groan out quickly looking around to make sure no-one saw me make a complete fool of myself and that’s when laughter hits my ears. Swinging around I curl into Harlow's hold when I recognize the blonde woman from last night standing at the open doors.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Nix growls out pushing from the bike. Harlow goes to step away from me but is quickly stopped when Drake grips her shoulders.

  “Easy lemon drop,” he pins his eyes with the girl at the door and her laughter quickly stops as she turns and heads back inside.

  “I shouldn’t be here,” I murmur to Harlow.

  “Don’t worry babe, nothing will happen to you here,” Nix says smoothly, as much as I want to believe him my head is just so confused between last night and today everything is happening so fast and I need a moment to just breathe.

  “Oh my god, I cannot believe you girls are here,” a high-pitched squeal hits my ears making me wince and laugh at the same time knowing exactly who that is.

  “Tilly you bitch,” Harlow laughs out.

  “Tell me everything,” she rushes out wrapping her arms around us.

  “Okay well, we may need drinks for this,” Harlow announces as Tilly grabs our hands and tries to drag us through the door.

  “I’m guessing that’s Tilly, the girl from the phone,” Drakes grunts out and I look over my shoulder watching as he takes her in shaking his head laughing.

  “The one and only,” Nix laughs out.

  “No wonder the boss is fucked,” Drake grates out reminding me they said Tilly was yelling at the president of the club. Well shit, what the hell have us girls gotten ourselves into. Tilly throws a wink at me over her shoulder as if she heard the guys, and I take her in myself. She looks absolutely radiant, her cheeks are flushed, she has a hop in her step and her smile is enough to
blind someone. She looks happy, jealousy hits me in the heart knocking the breath from my lungs. Why can’t happiness for me be this easy? Why do I have to over-analyze every situation?

  Blowing out a deep breath knowing I cannot afford to be trapped in my head right now, but just as I think I’m okay the smell of alcohol mixed with weed overtakes my senses sending my body into complete shut down as my eyes close. Squeezing them tight I fight against the flash of a blade, crimson blood as it soaks into my once pink bedspread. My mind whirls at the sounds of laughter, yellow teeth smeared with blood. My breathing picks up and I feel myself getting light-headed my hand shoots out when I feel myself start to fall. My hand hits something hard as multiple hands rub up and down my back.

  “Don’t touch me,” I scream out. “It hurts, everything hurts,” I whimper feeling my knees give way and then all of a sudden, a floating sensation overtakes me.

  “Breathe,” a voice says. I try to do it but the voice just seems to get further and further away and I feel like I’m trying to hold on and bring it back, but my head spins again and then I fall into darkness.


  Coolness hits my forehead. Reaching up I feel the damp washcloth laying there, I try to work out what the hell happened then it hits me. I had a panic attack.

  “Alexis,” Harlow’s soft voice penetrates my head, opening my eyes I try to work out where I am but nothing looks familiar. I take in the wooden chest of drawers against the far wall with an oval mirror attached to the wall above, and an open closet door sits next to it. Swinging my eyes to the other side of the room, another open door to a bathroom with the light on.

  Running my hands over the soft bedcover of the queen-sized bed underneath me I realize I’m in someone’s room. Breathing in, leather and something wild hits my nose and I know before anyone tells me I’m in Nix’s bedroom. Looking to my right Harlow’s lying next to me with her back resting against the wooden headboard as her hand runs through my blonde hair.

  “I want to go home,” my words sound watery to my own ears but I don’t care. Her eyes catch mine and I see the sad look in her eyes. I don’t want her pity and my heart squeezes in my chest.

  “I don’t belong here Harlow, I don’t belong in this world,” I breathe out as tears run unchecked down my checks.

  “You belong, babe, you just need to believe it,” she breathes out a soft smile touches her lips.

  “You just need to rediscover your self-worth, and don’t let anyone determine who you are or judge you for what you have been through. The things that happen to you do not define who you were or who you are now. The girls and I see how far you have come in the past years and don’t ever doubt that you haven’t got the stones to tackle this life. You are a lot stronger than you think you are to go through what you did babe and still get up every day. That says a lot about who you are. You are a fighter.”

  “I feel like I taint everything I touch or anything that touches me,” I murmur wiping my hand under my nose.

  “Alexis you don’t see what we do, and fuck babe, you are more than you give yourself credit for,” her eyes glass over, shaking her head to not let the tears fall.

  “You, my dear friend do not understand what you do to people just being in their life. Razor has known you all of five minutes but when you went down outside, he was ready to kill everyone, babe you should have seen him,” she laughs softly, shaking her head as if she couldn’t believe it.

  “He just --” she cuts me off speaking above me.

  “That man wants you babe, one damn look, and he was lost, so don’t play it off as if he would do it for anyone else. He threatened anybody that went near you with an ass-kicking followed by death.”

  I don’t know what to do with that information, so I turn my face away and look out the window at the blue sky.

  “Is she awake?” that deep husky voice comes from the door and my eyes snap to his, pushing myself up the bed a little resting my back against the wooden headboard. A small smile curls his lips as he rests his shoulder against the door jamb, his eyes seem to travel along every one of my curves making heat flame up my neck and I have to swallow as my mouth dries. Something in the air crackles between us as our eyes stay locked on each other. I feel Harlow get off the bed but I can’t pull my eyes away from his to see what she is doing.

  “I’ll just go find my man-beast and leave you two alone for a bit, I’ll be downstairs if you need me, Alexis.” I nod in understanding as Nix slowly makes his way into the room placing a bottle of water from his back pocket on the bedside table. I opened my mouth to say thank you but he shocks the shit out of me when he falls to his knees beside the bed and grabs my hand in both of his.

  “You scared the shit out of me gorgeous,” he breathes out making my breath hitch in my throat at the feel of his full lips sliding across the top of my hand.

  “Sorry,” I squeak out.

  “Never be sorry gorgeous just tell how you are feeling now.”

  “A bit better but maybe I should head home and give you back your room,” I wave my free hand through the air not sure what to say to this man. He has given me no reason to fear him but still, my past sits heavy on me and I don’t know how to explain it to him without breaking all over again.

  “If you want to go home, I'll take you but I like you here in my space,” he admits lifting his eyes to mine a burning fire lights within the green depths sending tingling through my whole body. I’m so confused and I think right now I need to be alone in my own space and really think about everything I am feeling.

  “Please take me home.”

  Those eyes lock with mine for what feels like forever but was probably only a couple of minutes and the fire from moments ago disappears as he seems to be having an internal battle with himself. Blowing out a deep breath he nods, letting my hand go my fingers tingle at the loss of his touch. Pushing up to his full height he reaches out a hand and grabs mine pulling me to my feet.

  “Let’s get you home gorgeous, you look buggered. Did you get any sleep last night?” Shaking my head in answer as we exited his room we make our way down a long hallway with numerous other doors lining each side.

  “I didn’t either,” he breathes out wrapping his arm around my waist. I try not to freeze at the way he holds me but I can’t help it, it’s instinctive. Looking up at him through my lashes I see how tired he looks and I feel terrible making him take me home but before I can say I’ll get Harlow to take me home he speaks.

  “Don’t worry gorgeous you freezing up a little ain’t gonna change my mind about you.”

  “Mind about what,” I whisper not sure if I want to know.

  “That eventually you will get used to me holding you like this and for you to feel comfortable enough to be mine,” the way he says the words have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up as a shiver races through my body.

  “Yours,” I murmur mainly for my own ears to hear it but he answers anyway.

  “Yeah, my woman,” he sighs with a smile.

  I wait for the onslaught of clouded emotions to hit me but instead a warm feeling bursts through my chest.

  Being in this man's space, his scent all around me has weird feelings spinning through my head like this could actually work, my past and the damage left behind doesn’t seem to matter right at this second. I don’t know how I should be feeling about all this I need to be alone so I can work out what the hell is happening to me.

  “Come on gorgeous, jump on and I’ll get you home,” I was so lost in my head I hadn’t realized we were outside already standing next to his bike once again. Shaking my head at myself I grab the helmet he hands me and do it up remembering walking down a set of stairs to the bottom floor but that’s it. I was so zoned in on what is whirling through my head to take any detail in.

  “The girls,” I gasp knowing I better say goodbye, Nix grunts trying to hide a smile. “What?”

  “Well I think the girls are a bit indisposed at the moment,
” he runs a hand over his head and I’m trying to work out what the hell he means then it hits me and heat flames up my throat once again.

  “Oh… well… I’ll just message them when I get home,” I choke out not able to stop the laugh that comes out through my words.

  “Good idea babe, now jump on.” Bracing my hand on his shoulder I swing my leg over smiling when I manage to pull it off without falling headfirst over the other side.

  The rumble of the pipes echoes around us and I rest against Nix breathing in the scent of leather calming me even more as he pulls away from the building, I turn my face into his neck.

  “Thank you,” I murmur knowing he probably didn’t hear me but he squeezes my hands around his waist and I can’t stop the small smile that spreads across my lips.



  After dropping Alexis at her place yesterday to say it was a hard fucking pill to swallow is an understatement of the fucking year. She looked good in my space, my bed, I can still smell that wild berry scent all over my pillows. Fuck if I haven’t beat my cock raw, wishing she was lying next to me last night, looking at me with those hypnotizing dual-colored eyes of hers. Fuck. Rolling my hand back on the throttle I split through the Friday morning traffic. I overheard Harlow saying Alexis had to work today over breakfast and I was intrigued to see what my girl did for a living. It took a bit to get it out of her and I guess she spoke with Alexis last night because my girl didn’t seem too happy to know I knew where she lived. I don’t feel sorry for getting that info out of Harlow when my girl passed out yesterday. Pulling to the curb out the front of Shine Bright Dental in Hamilton I take in the brick building as I push off my bike, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up at the feeling of being watched. Looking around I scan the area but see nothing out of the ordinary, pulling my glasses off I hang them on the collar of my shirt. Pushing my hand against the glass door, I snap my head around hearing the rumble of pipes bouncing off the buildings around me catching sight of the tail end of a red Softail Harley. Stepping back from the door I race towards my bike as I recognize the eagle talon patch on the back of the fuckers cut. Pulling my phone from my pocket as I go, I notice a few missed calls from Mercy.


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