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The Dirty Dozen: MC Edition

Page 34

by Kay Maree

  "The pain and darkness that runs through me is not something that can be just pushed aside Nix, I'm not the woman for you. If I allow you in I will taint everything about you and I cannot live with the fact I shattered you and brought you into the dark where my soul now lays shattered. You need someone that can give you everything that you deserve not someone pretending to be whole.” I go to push out of his hold, my heart feels like it's being ripped to shreds all over again. I suck down the small sob that wants to escape knowing these feelings cannot be real we barely know each other, but still, it lays heavy in the pit of my stomach as my head screams at me that I'm making a big mistake. Wrapping both arms around my waist effectively stopping me from pushing from his hold but deep down I know if I pushed away again, he would let me go. Using the tip of his finger he pushes my glasses up my nose and for the first time ever I don't freeze up it's like he has been doing that simple action for a lifetime.

  "What you show the world is not what got my attention Gorgeous, these eyes of yours gripped me and tore through me like lightning making everything inside me stand up and pay attention. Never in my life did I crave someone so much and I hadn't even said two words to you. All it took was one fucking look and you trapped me. The fact that you breathe each day shows me just exactly who you are. You are a fighter and that is enough for me, I see every broken piece of you but it doesn't scare me. What scares me is you walking away thinking that I would be better off without you."

  "I'm scared," I murmur.

  "Nothing has ever fucking scared me so much," he growls. "I sold my soul the day my mother was murdered and I never wanted it back till two days ago when I saw you walk into club Ivy. My past is fucked up and cloudy and I never thought one look could have me wanting to destroy the world just to get my soul back to have you."

  My breath gets stuck in my throat at his confession, the power of his words hit me square in the chest.

  "You see Gorgeous, I would hurt any motherfucker that stood in my way to get to you.

  You believe you are darkness and that you would be dragging me down with you and that is where you are wrong, I crave the darkness and to me, you are the light at the end of the tunnel that I plan to capture."

  "Two shattered souls come together to form one," I murmur to myself before I can stop myself.

  "You don’t have to be whole to shine,” he murmurs against my lips his breath like a slow caress across my lips making my legs weak. “And fuck babe, do you shine,” his words come out on a rumble that vibrates straight through me as his lips touch mine. My eyes close on their own accord, my head tilts giving him what his lips demand and I'm butter in his hold and nothing in my life has ever felt so damn good. He doesn’t just see me, he sees every shattered piece of me and yet he is still standing here, lips caressing mine, arms strong around me as if shielding me from the world around us. I have never felt so safe, the feeling of loneliness recedes as a new feeling rushes through me making my skin feel too hot to touch but his grip only gets stronger.

  Before I can process what's happening, I'm up in his arms, my heart skips a beat as he lays me down on my bed, his tongue slides across mine making me whimper and my body strains up chasing the comfort of his body on mine. Pulling back he rests his forehead against mine as he takes deep breaths in and out.

  "We need to stop," he rushes out and I can't stop the feeling of rejection washing through me.

  "Babe as much as I want to devour this body of yours, I know you are not ready," he breathes out resting his lips against my forehead. Lifting my hands, I run my nails down the side of his face feeling the softness of his beard making him growl.

  "I want," I stop myself not sure what I want, gnawing on my lip my body is filled with so many mixed emotions my head begins to spin. My breath leaves me as one of his hands runs down my side. Flashes flicker before my eyes, my body begins to shake, the palms of my hands become sweaty my body is betraying me all over again. Rough hands, the scent of weed and alcohol filters up my nose, blood, pain so much pain. My hand's fist as sweat begins to slide down my face.

  "Alexis," that smooth voice penetrates my swirling head making my eyes snap to his soft lush green ones settling my heart, beat after beat it begins to settle down to a normal rhythm, swallowing a couple of times.

  "I'm sorry," I whisper my voice comes out croaky as shame washes through me and I realize my hands are gripping his cut in a white-knuckle hold.

  "Breathe baby just breathe, I have you," he murmurs as my fingers flex against the smooth leather.

  "Keep your eyes on me," shaking the feeling of being back in the past I relax my fingers as my eyes connect with his again. It's on the tip of my tongue to apologize again but he plants a small kiss to my nose making me scrunch it up as his beard tickles me.

  "That's better," he murmurs when a small giggle slips free.

  "Now let me hold you baby," pulling my hands away from his cut he slides it off his shoulders and lays it against my bedside table, the music comes to an end as he lays down beside me pulling me into his arms. Resting my head against his hard chest I let his breathing soak through me, counting between each of his breaths till mine sync with his. We lay there for a while my body dissolves into his and I can't stop my nails running back and forth across his T-shirt covered chest.

  "I was 17 when my mum was murdered," he murmurs into the quiet of the room sucking in a breath my heart hurts for him sadness coats every word I try to find words to say how sorry I am but he speaks before I get a chance to. The sadness from moments ago is gone replaced with a hard edge laced with venom that sends chills down my spine making me shiver.

  "My father."

  He runs his hand up and down my back when he feels it. "He is a mean son of a bitch, he thought it was my mother's fault that I chose not to become a member of the club life. Don't get me wrong, I always loved to ride but what I witnessed within his club growing up made me physically sick.” I feel the tension locking up his body and I run my hand up and down his chest trying to help him release it, blowing out a hard breath his voice comes out flat when he speaks again. “Anyways, he decided that because I chose not to be a part of the club that it was my mother's fault. He said she raised me to be a pussy and that I need toughening up so he decided to teach her a lesson. One night he turned up with a bunch of his buddies, tied my ass to a chair as one of his club brothers held a gun to my head and made me watch him and his buddies rape her before putting a gun to her head and pulling the trigger."

  "Oh god," I gasp as tears began to flow down my cheeks.

  "I decided that night that I would make him pay for what he did, so I went looking for him and slowly picked off the fucks that had been there. One night I was in a pub that my father hung out at and I was trying to work out how the fuck I was going to get the piece of shit alone so I could kill him. I was sitting at the bar nursing a beer when I meet Reaper the President of The Deadly Sins MC I was only 18 at the time and he wasn't the President yet but he told me about the creed they followed and that the men of The Deadly Sins had a brotherhood that was set on their rules. As long as I followed these rules, I could have a family again, that they would have my back no matter what," he breathes out. "The last thing I wanted to do was be a part of some fucked up MC but these guys were different. They didn't hurt women, children or animals. They followed their own rules and they protected their territory. See women and children are held high above anything in this world and my brothers have proved time and time again that that one rule will never be broken and if it was, we dealt with it either by an ass-whooping or death." Running his hand up and down my back again I feel myself relax into him more.

  “I was skeptical at first considering what I grew up with but Reaper invited me to their clubhouse to see for myself. So, I thought fuck it why not, I didn’t have anything to lose and fuck the man that said he was my father. It would just grate his bones knowing I joined a rival club. After the first time, I went to the clubhouse I took in
everything and I realized that those men really were a family and that brotherhood to them really meant a family and women were treated as equals unless it had to do with club business. So, a week later I patched in and the rest is history as they say and the last 10 years, I have worked my ass off to get to where I am.”

  "Why are you telling me this?" I ask lifting my head up, resting my chin on his chest as I make eye contact with him.

  "Because Gorgeous someone hurt you, but I need you to know I would never. You are to be cherished and I will wait as long as it takes," the truth swims through those green eyes pulling me in more and trapping me in a moment that feels like it could change my life forever sliding slowly up his body, my lips hover over his lips.

  "I'm sorry about your mum," I murmur grazing my lips across his, his hot breath slides across my lips. One of his hands slides up my side again but this time I don’t freeze instead I melted into the caress as my lips molded to his. Tangling his fingers through my hair I moan into his mouth making him growl and without thought, I slide one leg over his waist, so I’m straddling him, my nails scrape against his scalp as my body begins to rock against his pulling another groan from him as I whimper feeling his hardness rubbing against me. Ripping his mouth away from mine his heavy breathing picks up speed.

  “Gorgeous,” the huskiness of his voice ricochets straight through me and for the first time in a long time my heart, body, and head meet up and are on the same path.

  “I need,” I pant out, but he cuts me off with another kiss, turning, so I’m under him pulling back the spark in his eyes sends waves of euphoria through me.

  “I know what you need Gorgeous,” he breathes leaning down kissing a hot path from my ear, across my jaw, and down my neck, goosebumps break out in their wake. His hand slips down the front of my jeans making my body arch up into the touch, my head swims.

  “Eyes on mine babe,” just that simple husky request has my focus snapping back to his I nod as each caress and the heat of his palm cups my pussy. I moan, body arches up as his palm begins to rotate in a maddening circle over my aching clit, my muscles lock up when I feel his finger push inside me. My body is so wound up I worry about how this is going to end. Leaning forward he brushes his beard down my neck before that deep voice echoes in my ear.

  “Come for me, Gorgeous,” my body locks up at the command in his voice, throwing back my head on a scream as my body falls to pieces and a kaleidoscope of colors explode over my vision.

  “Fucking gorgeous,” I wait for the panic to hit me but instead I feel a smile pull across my lips.

  “Delicious,” he growls. Snapping my eyes to his, my mouth dries as he licks me off his finger making me blush.

  “That was,” I shake my head completely lost for words.

  “That my beauty is just the beginning of how I’m going to worship you.”

  “Damn,” I gasp.

  Rolling to my side he brings me back into his arms and I melt into his hold. Gnawing on my lip I wonder if I should be returning the favor.

  “That was just for you Gorgeous, just having you in my arms all soft and warm is enough for me,” running his hand up and down my back again I relax into him even more.

  “Rest for a little bit before we head out babe, I got you,” he says leaning down and kissing my head, my eyes feel heavy from lack of sleep the last couple of nights and all I can do is nod my head in answer as sleep begins to take me.


  Something cool pushes into the side of my head I try to wiggle away from it but it’s no use as it seems to dig into the side of my head, my eyes flutter open, then shoot wide as a hand covers my mouth. I try to scream but it’s muffled. The object of my nightmares stares straight at me and I feel my whole body shake at the look in his eyes. Then I remember Nix beside me. I try to move my head to see but the hand holding my mouth grips my chin so I can’t move.

  Tsk Tsk Tsk Monster clicks his tongue before the unmistakable sound of a gun Clicks.

  “Oh, boys won’t you check this shit out, now she has turned into a biker slut,” he spits with an ugly sneer making them all laugh, as his other hand reaches out and grabs my arm pulling me from the bed. Squeezing so tight I know I will have the imprint of his fingers there for the next week, at least the days have been a bit cooler lately so I will be able to cover them up with a long sleeve shirt. What the hell is wrong with me? I am not that girl anymore. Gritting my teeth against the pain I twist my arm out his hold and with my free hand, I swing around and punch him in the face.

  Fuck that felt good.

  “Don’t ever fucking touch me again,” I spit out with so much hatred in my voice as his hand falls away from my mouth an ugly sneer settles on his face. Spitting out the blood from his mouth he reaches for me again but I’m quicker kicking him square in the balls and watch as he drops to his knees on the carpet. The barrel of the gun pushes into my temple again freezing me in place completely forgetting it’s not just him in the room.

  “You fucking bitch, you are going to regret this,” he hisses at me and the monster from that night many years ago begins to pour out of him.

  “I own you remember, you're gonna wish you were never born by the time my brothers and I are done with you,” he spits out getting to his feet again. “Don’t touch her, I can handle this little slut,” he tells his men before caging me against the wall. I try to act like his words don't affect me but deep down I’m still that scared little girl wanting someone to love me. But not him, never him. I fucking hate his guts and I wish I had that gun right now, cause I would put a bullet between his eyes without a second thought.

  “Touch me and it will be the last thing you ever do,” I hiss out shoving my hands against his chest and I catch him off guard making him stumble a step but he’s quick and corrects himself fast enough. But not as fast as me as I slip out of his reach.

  “Touch her motherfucker, and I will kill you myself.”

  That deep voice from behind me sends shivers racing to my core and sets my soul on fire, my breath catches in my throat that he is okay. I make the mistake of swinging around to see Nix being held down by four guys. I gasp seeing his lip is split and his eyebrow is cut, the right side of his face is covered in blood. I go to rush to him and that’s when Monster grabs me around the waist and before I can get the chance to fight him off again the Click of a gun sounds in my ears as it’s pushed against my temple hard.

  “Aw, how sweet of you to keep this body of yours in the family,” Monster murmurs in my ear.

  “What?” I grit out digging my nails into the arm around my waist making him laugh.

  “Fuck little girl you have some fight in you,” he licks up the side of my face making my stomach do somersaults. “Fuck, I have missed you,” he growls in my ear.

  “Don’t you fucking touch her you piece of shit, it’s me you’re after not her,” Nix growls out trying to fight off the guys trying to pin him to the floor.

  “Have you tasted her yet son?” Monster asks laughing.

  “You fucking pussy can’t fight me on your own, gotta have your boys pin me down, nothing has fucking changed has it?!” Nix spits out getting to his knees pushing two of the guys off him and sending them flying across the floor.

  “Now, son. You aren't still carrying that weight around with you, are you?” Monster asks sarcastically and my head is spinning. I don’t understand what the hell is happening right now.

  “I see you have the same taste as me, but boy…”

  “What the fuck are you on about you piece of shit?” Nix growls trying to push to his feet.

  “I’ll ask you again have you taste your sister yet?”

  As the words leave Monsters mouth my stomach swirls again and I can’t stop the bile rising this time as I bend forward and vomit all over the floor. Laughter swirls around me and my glassy eyes connect with Nix’s confused face as he looks me over again.

  “Oh god,” I gasp as the words finally registered what h
e just said.

  Nix is my brother but how? I don’t understand. It can’t be true. Looking back at Nix his head shakes a little as if in denial as a fire burns bright in his eyes.

  “Noooo,” I scream as I watch one of the guys bring the butt of the gun down on the side of his head knocking him out cold.

  “Nix,” I whisper as tears flood from my eyes “Wake up pleaseeee,” I whimper as more tears pour down my face, my heart squeezes in my chest.

  “Time to go home, little girl,” Monster says dragging me out of my apartment, I try to break free but it’s no use as the arm around me becomes like steel.

  “Shut the fuck up,” one of the other guys with ratty long blonde hair grunts at me.

  A loud Bang echoes around me as a bright flash illuminates my home as I'm dragged into the hallway, my breaths are coming in fast and hard. My vision swims as my head begins to cloud over and right before the lights in my brain shut down through my half-open door I see crimson blood begin to pool across the carpet.

  “Nooooooo,” I gasp out before the darkness consumes me once more.

  The End for now…

  Part 2 coming soon

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