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The Dirty Dozen: MC Edition

Page 47

by Kay Maree

  “I’m meeting her at Marie’s Cafe tomorrow morning. Why?”

  “Because Scout and I might come crash your date. We need to know what she’s running from and if it’s likely to come at us.”

  Panic had my heart skipping a beat as I shook my head. “She’ll run if you do that. She’s skittish as hell. I’m not even sure she’ll actually turn up tomorrow. I was a little shocked she agreed to it, to be honest.”

  Keys glared my way. “How, exactly, did you get to the point of asking her out then, if she’s that damn skittish?”

  I frowned at him. “You asking how we met?”

  “More than that. I can figure out that you met at the hospital, I’m more interested in what happened after that first meeting.”

  I took the man in. He was probably in his early to mid-sixties and had lived life hard. He had a glint in his eye that had me certain he’d done time in the military at some point. From Mac, I knew Keys was the club’s IT guy. The one who, if he didn’t already know something, knew exactly how to find it out.

  I liked Veronica. There was something about the woman that drew me in and had me dreaming of more. Something I’d not even considered since the day my dad handed my ass over to Sabella. There was a fragility I sensed beneath her surface that I wanted to protect, and fresh on the reality of how poorly I’d protected Josefina, I decided to trust Keys with her.

  “She was the one who saw me to redress my burns at the hospital. All was going well, nice, casual chatting while she did her thing. Then without fucking thinking, I reached out to tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear. My fingers grazed her cheek and she shut right down. Took a few minutes, but she came back to reality and finished patching me up, but was all professional about it. The friendly banter from earlier had vanished. I tried to apologize but I doubt she heard me since she was still lost in thought at the time. Then she was done and gone before I could get the words out to try again.”

  “So your hiding out in your room wasn’t just over the woman in L.A. but this one too? Damn, man, you’re working on cornering the market on guilt, aren’t you? You sure you didn’t just startle her?”

  “Yeah, seems I got a talent. And no, she got lost in her head for a few minutes. Her skin paled—hell, I thought she was gonna pass out on me for a little bit. Once I left the hospital, I figured I wouldn’t see her again, not since my burns were healing up fine. Then yesterday, I guess Mac got sick of me wallowing around upstairs and he dragged me over to his place, then later over to Styx. No one was more shocked then me when she came strolling in with two friends.” I smiled as I remembered what happened next. “She and her girls went to the bar, got drinks then settled in at one of the rear tables. When she looked up and caught me staring at her, she choked on her drink.”

  Keys chuckled. “Heard about that. Didn’t realize it was your chick. Okay, so she had a reaction to seeing your ugly mug. What’d you do about it?”

  “When she went to the bathroom I waited in the hallway for her. When she came out, she hadn’t expected to see me there, but she wasn’t scared, exactly. I kept my place by the wall and we chatted. Apologized again, she told me it wasn’t my fault. Then, when I asked her on a date, she froze up, got ready to panic. So I backtracked, told her we’d start small. Daytime, in public. In the end, she suggested we have coffee at Marie’s tomorrow morning. But, Keys, I’m serious. That woman is constantly on the verge of running. You and Scout come in and she’ll freak the fuck out and bolt on me.”

  Keys shrugged. “Okay. We’ll leave you to it for now. But see if you can find out where she’s from, or where she was born, at least. Anything to give me a start on looking for her real ID. The chances anything’s gonna come for her are slim. She’s been in town for seven years already and nothing’s found her yet. That said, you notice anyone following her or anything even remotely suspicious, you need to come tell us.”

  I went to stand. “Easy enough. That all you need me for?”

  He nodded. “Yep. What’s your plan for the rest of the day?”

  That had me grinning. “Figured I might go up to Kingwood and do a little shopping.”

  Keys’ eyes lit up like a damn Christmas tree at the mention of the town with the closest Harley dealership. “That right? You ridden before?”

  “Yeah, used to have a Heritage Classic, but Sabella made me get rid of it. Some shit about it not befitting his organization.” I held my arm out and flexed my wrist, the tug on my healing burns wasn’t too bad now. “Think I’ve healed up enough to ride without too much trouble.”

  “Yeah, good deal. Who’s going with you up there?”

  “Mac and Sparrow.”

  His expression softened at the teen’s name. “That kid’s something else, isn’t she? Only met her real quick the other day but she seems to be settling in with Mac and his crew well.”

  “Yeah, she’s a fighter, for sure. It’ll take her while to adjust to her new reality fully, I’m sure. But she’s definitely made a good start. I just hope she doesn’t try to talk me into getting a fucking purple bike or some shit.”

  Keys barked out a laugh. “I’m sure she’ll try it. Good luck, man and let me know when you get back so I can come check it out.”

  I headed to the door chuckling. “You just wanna see if I do give in to whatever the hell Sparrow will try to talk me into.”

  “Well, yeah, that too.”

  As I headed down the hall toward the main bar, my mind went back to Veronica. What the hell had happened to her that she’d needed a new identity? It was going to be hard to not ask her tomorrow, to pretend like I didn’t know information about her that she hadn’t told me herself. Especially when it was so fucking important. I couldn’t keep her safe if I didn’t know everything.



  At ten-thirty-five I rushed through the door to Marie’s Cafe, hoping like hell Jared, er, I mean Blade hadn’t been waiting for too long. Or even worse, had thought I’d stood him up and had left. I skidded to a halt when I saw he was up at the counter, by the big coffee machine, chatting with a beautiful woman with a mane of strawberry blonde hair standing behind the machine. Jealousy ripped through me like a knife and stole my breath. I took a step back, intending on going back out and getting far away from Blade and this cafe.

  “Hey, Veronica! You made it.”

  My feet wouldn’t move as he prowled over toward me. The way that man’s hips rolled when he walked was sigh-worthy. But, wait, I was mad at him. I’d caught him flirting with another woman. Not that we were like a thing or anything… Before I could convince my feet to take me back outside, he was standing in front of me, wrapping one arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him. Out of reflex, I raised my palms, which landed against his hard, toned pecs. The thin button-down shirt he wore did nothing to stop the heat coming off him from radiating through to my palms.

  “Thought you’d stood me up for a minute there, darlin’. Thought I was gonna have to come find you.”

  I could hear the humor in his voice, but the words still made me shudder. I didn’t need anyone else out there trying to find me.

  “Just running a little late, that’s all.” I nodded to the counter. “You know her?”

  I caught his smirk a moment before he leaned in and, just like Thursday night, pressed a gentle kiss to the side of my temple.

  “Zara is Mac’s old lady. It’s cute you’re jealous, though.”

  He pulled away but kept his hand on my lower back and guided me over to a table.

  “I am not jealous. And what the hell do you mean, old lady?”

  The woman looked about my age, certainly not old.

  Like a total gentleman, he pulled the chair out for me, before he moved to sit himself.

  “Sure, little dove, you’re not jealous at all when you came racing in here to see me, only to find me chatting with another woman. You weren’t trying to backpedal outta here, hoping I didn’t see you. An
d an old lady is what bikers call their woman. Not necessarily their wife, although I do believe Mac and Zara are legally married.”

  Before I could think of something to say back, the woman in question was beside our table.

  “Hi, I’m Zara. It’s lovely to meet you. You’re a nurse at the hospital, right? I think I’ve seen you up there. Do you know Donna? She’s with one of the other brothers.”

  The woman was so warm and friendly, I found myself smiling and introducing myself before I knew what I was doing.

  “Hi, um, yeah I’m a nurse, and I’ve worked with Donna before, but I don’t know her well. I’m Veronica.”

  Zara gave me a huge smile. “Ah, well, keep hanging out with Blade and I’m sure you’ll spend more time with her around the clubhouse and get to know her better. She really is a lovely woman. Anyhow, let me take your order and I’ll let you get back to chatting.”

  Her immediate assumption that Blade and I were going to continue to see each other had me shocked mute for a minute.

  “An espresso, no cream, no sugar. Thanks, Zara. Veronica?”

  I mentally shook myself. “Ah, chai latte, thanks.”

  “Any pie? We’ve got blueberry or apple.”

  “Sure, apple would be great.”

  “Make that two.”

  Zara headed back to the counter, leaving me alone with Blade again.

  “The girls at work rave about the pie here. Apparently Marie has some sort of gift.”

  “You’ve never come here before to try it for yourself?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t go out much, really.”

  He cocked his eyebrow and smirked at me. “What sent you out to Styx then?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I said I don’t go out much, not that I never go out.”

  “I’m just wondering what Styx has that draws you out when rumors of the best pie around hasn’t enticed you to come in here.”

  Zara came up and set our drinks in front of us, then two plates, each with a large slice of apple pie.

  “Think about it, Blade. Eye candy. All you biker boys hang out down at Styx. Women aren’t ruled by the stomachs, like you men. Although, once you try this pie, I’m sure you’ll be back for more.”

  With a wink my direction, she slipped away, leaving me sitting there ready to die of embarrassment. My cheeks were so hot I was sure they were bright red. His deep, rumbly chuckle did not help matters.

  “My little dove wanted something pretty to look at, huh? That why you and your girls go out to Styx?”

  I shrugged as I forked up a piece of pie and shoved it into my mouth so I couldn’t speak. Then I moaned. Damn, that pie really was good.

  Blade chuckled before taking a mouthful of his own slice.

  “Hmm, that is a damn good pie.”

  Everything out of his mouth sounded dirty, like he was making sexual innuendos out of everything. Or maybe I was just so desperate, it was me who was hearing it rather than him putting it out there.

  I hadn’t taken a lover since I’d run away. Hadn’t wanted to. Until now. There was something about Blade that was getting to me. Turning on parts of me that I’d thought I’d turned off for good. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it all. I mean, I hadn’t really consciously decided that I’d be single forever, but I’d assumed that would be the case. Even if I was brave enough to try to sleep with Blade, what would happen when he tried to touch me? I mean, I’d freaked the fuck out when he’d barely touched my cheek. What the fuck would happen if he tried to get me naked?

  “Wherever you just went, don’t.”

  His rough voice brought me out of my thoughts and I looked up from my plate into his piercing blue eyes.

  “Whatever happened to you in the past? It’s over. I won’t ever hurt you, and I sure as hell won’t let anyone else hurt you, either.”

  “You can’t know that. Can’t promise that.”

  He leaned in toward me. “Let me tell you a little about myself, little dove. At sixteen, my father sold me to the mob. For the past twenty-two years, I’ve been living among the vilest of men, doing what I had to in order to survive. Two weeks ago, I got out. While I have zero intentions of ever going back to that life, the skills it taught me will never leave me, and I have no problem using every last one of them to keep you safe. Understand?”

  I froze under his intensity. I was totally unprepared on how to deal with this man.

  “I, ah, no, I don’t understand. You don’t know me—”

  “So tell me about you. What I know so far has me wanting more. Tell me the rest of your secrets, Veronica. They’re all safe with me, I promise.”

  Panic shook me to my core. Did he already know? Had my uncle sent him?

  “Where did you live? When you were in the mob?”

  “Los Angeles. Why? Is that who hurt you? Someone with connections? Veronica, I have no connections to that life anymore. I got out and burned all the bridges I had in order to leave. I’m here in town because I’ve known Mac a long time and he offered me a place to stay while I heal and decide what I want for the rest of my life. I’m not a threat to you, I promise.”

  I began to feel lightheaded. This was all too much. I had no idea if I could believe him. I had no one I could trust to talk to about him, either. I’d kept myself so damn isolated, I had no one to go to. Sure, Sophie and Laura were friends, but neither of them even knew that Veronica wasn’t my real name.

  I had to get away. I couldn’t do this.

  I shoved my chair out and stood in a rush.

  “I can’t. I gotta go.”

  I nearly tripped over the chair leg as I turned but I kept going, rushing to the door, then through it. Ignoring Blade calling out my name. Struggling to draw in enough air, I stumbled out to the parking lot. Desperate to get away, I didn’t pay attention like I normally did. Didn’t take in the area for threats. Just went directly to my car. A horn blasting had me jolting a moment before a strong arm wrapped around my waist and hauled me back against a solid chest.

  A dark green sedan drove past, the driver shaking their head at me as a sob broke free. I knew who held me. Blade’s scent had enveloped me the moment he’d grabbed me.

  “What the fuck, Veronica? You could’ve been killed!”

  Before I could track what was happening, he had my back up against the rear wall of the cafe with his big, hard body stopping me from going anywhere. Tears blurred my eyes as I looked up into his furious, icy gaze. The second our gazes clashed, his softened, he lifted his hand, and ran his knuckles down my cheek.

  “Don’t ever be scared of me, Veronica.” He leaned in and pressed another gentle kiss to my temple, melting me inside. But he didn’t stop there. Nope, he continued pressing them down the side of my face, over my cheek, to the edge of my mouth. “You gonna let me kiss you? I swear you just took ten years off my life with that little stunt. I need you to calm me down. I need a taste of you.”

  I knew I should say no, should push him away. I raised my hands and fisted them in the front of his shirt. I should push. But I didn’t. I pulled him in closer, turned my head slightly and pressed my lips against his, hoping he’d take control. I’d never been kissed, had no clue how to do it. But suddenly, I wanted it with Blade. I wanted to see where this fire he’d started within me would lead. Maybe it was strong enough, hot enough, to burn away those old memories and give me some new ones I could cherish.


  My heart was still pounding at how close she’d come to getting clipped by that car. Adrenaline was racing through my system, demanding an outlet. Since I had her pinned between me and a wall, she was my first choice. Her sweet scent filled my head, making me fucking dizzy. But I didn’t want to push her too hard, scare her off. I’d spilled out my demand for her to let me kiss her before I’d fully thought it through. She was so fucking skittish. If I pushed too hard too fast, she’d bolt for sure.

  Thankfully my words hadn’t sent her running. Instead she took
two fistfuls of my shirt and pulled me to her, turning her head to press her lips to mine. The moment our mouths connected, my brain short-circuited. With a growl, I cupped her face between my palms and tilted her head where I needed her to be so I could get full access to her lush little mouth. Then I laid my lips over hers and made her mine. A swipe of my tongue over her lower lip had her gasping and giving me the access I needed to dance my tongue with hers.

  Her grip on my shirt tightened as she moaned into the kiss.

  “Yo, Blade! This ain’t the clubhouse, mate!”

  Taz’s smartass Aussie accent floated across the parking lot, breaking the moment.

  I gave her one more light kiss before pulling away, stroking my thumbs over her cheeks as I kept my gaze locked on her glassy eyes. Slowly, her breathing calmed and she blinked her eyes clear. She ran the tip of her tongue over her lower lip and my already hard cock jerked against the fly of my pants in demand.

  “What was that?”

  “Me kissing you.”

  She swallowed, dropping her gaze away from mine. “Is it—” She cleared her throat and a blush colored her cheeks. “Is it always like that?”

  That stopped me short. Was she asking what I thought she was?

  “Look at me.” I waited for her to lift her gaze before I continued. “You’ve never been kissed before, little dove?”

  She shook her head against my palms that still cupped her face between them.

  In a low, soft growl, I asked her the more important question. “Are you a virgin?”

  I’d never been with a virgin, but something about being the only one to have this woman was doing it for me. Until her eyes widened in panic.

  “No, of course not. I’m thirty-two years old, for crying out loud.”

  She tried to break away from my grip, but I sensed the falseness to her little rant just now. Oh, I was certain it was the truth, but the reason behind it had nothing to do with how old she was. How the fuck does a woman lose her virginity while never having been kissed? The conclusion my brain drew had rage flowing in my veins.


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