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The Dirty Dozen: MC Edition

Page 55

by Kay Maree

  It was around eleven when I’d had enough and decided to go for a walk.

  The Knights Fury compound backs onto a wooded area call Beach Forrest. Hidden in the treeline are Danger, Bullet, Wolf and Tanks homes. They all grew up in Knights Fury. Danger, Wolf and Tank were born into the club, Bullet turned up later when his dad joined up. Their homes are built roughly where they built their tree houses as kids.

  I like walking through the woods; the trees are thick and block out the noise of the compound. It’s like hitting the mute button on the TV, a few meters in and the world goes quiet. I’d made it a habit of walking by Willows house every night to make sure everything was as it should be before heading to bed.

  “Are you just going to hang out under my home like a creep or are you going to come up?”

  “Hey Babe, sorry I didn’t mean to disturb you,” I replied, looking up.

  Willow was sitting on the balcony, her bare legs swinging over the edge, her arms resting on the railing. Not only had the four of them built their houses on their old tree house sites, they had actually built tree houses. If you didn’t know where to look you wouldn’t notice them, I guess it was the point.

  “You didn’t disturb me. I was just wondering if tonight would be the night you would actually come up or if you were going to keep walking.”

  “I wasn’t sure if I would be welcome.”

  “You’re welcome, come on up. Take your boots off please, beers are in the fridge,” she said turning her gaze back to the vista.

  I climbed the stairs, kicked off my boots stuffing my socks inside and stepped into her home.

  The home of Willow Robertson is nothing like what I would have thought. This is the home of Willow, not Danger. Her room in the compound is all Danger, straight forward, no fuss and a little tom-boy-ish. Her home is Willow. It’s soft, sweet and feminine. It’s like a beach cottage high in the trees. Lots of white and soft blues and greens.

  I grabbed a couple of beers out of the fridge and joined her on the balcony. I handed her a fresh beer and leaned on the railing. Her view was spectacular, it was a mix of woods and ocean. The moon lit up the waves bathing them in silvery moonlight.

  “Leo, sit with me.”

  I sat with my back against the side railing of the balcony, one leg hanging over the edge the other bent up my arm resting on my knee. “You have a beautiful home.”

  “Thanks. I like it,” she mumbled.

  “If I didn’t know any better, I would think we were on the beach somewhere,” I said sipping my beer.

  “It makes me feel like I’m far away from the MC. Sometimes I just need to leave it all behind.” Her smile was small. “You’re not interested in the party?” She asked, resting her head on her arm on the railing.

  “Not really.”

  “I’m sure there’s a girl or two who could keep you company.”

  “I’m not interested in any of those girls.”

  Willow and I had been flirting back and forth since I took the assignment. We’d kissed a few times, plenty of over the clothing action but nothing more. She was getting harder and harder to resist.

  “Are you sure?”

  “You know I’m not. There’s only one woman I’m interested in.” She shrugged like she didn’t know what I was talking about. “Babe, you look a little cold. maybe you should come here,” I patted the deck boards between my legs.

  “You sure you're not keeping that spot for someone else?”

  “You know I’m not.”

  Although the night was warm, Willow was only wearing a pair of short shorts and a tank top. She shuffled towards me her movements hesitant. She sat close but not close enough. I hooked my arm under her legs lifting her settling her where I wanted her. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her back against my chest.


  “Much,” she sighed, turning and snuggling against me.

  We stayed like that listening to the sounds of the waves and the party mingling in the background. Being here with her like this I began to relax, truly relax.

  It was like I could take my first real deep breath.

  Because of my job I never thought a relationship outside of a one-night stand was for me. I never believed I would even think the four-letter word, let alone say it out loud.

  But the woman in my arms has me thinking.

  “You weren’t interested in the party?” I asked when her breathing started to even out and she started getting sleepy.

  “Not really,” she sleepily replied.

  “I’m sure there’s a guy or two who could keep you company,” I said, kissing the top of her head.

  “I’m not interested in any of those guys. There’s only one guy I’m interested in,” she mumbled. “Leo.”

  “Yeah, Babe.”

  “Take me to bed.”



  I carried Willow to bed. She was already asleep in my arms by the time I walked into her bedroom. I kissed the top of her head then reluctantly placed her gently onto the bed.

  “Willow, Babe, I’m going.” I whispered leaning down to kiss her goodbye. “I’ll lock the door on the way out ok.”

  “Leo, where are you going?” She mumbled, reaching for me.

  “I’ve got to go, sweetheart.”


  “Back to my room, you’re almost asleep Babe, it’s time for me to go,” I explained kissing her palm.

  “Leo, stay.”

  “Babe, nothing would make me happier. We have to keep up appearances remember.”

  “Stay. I don’t want you to go.” Her hand slid around my neck pulling me down for a kiss. Her lips brushed mine in soft, delicate butterfly kisses. “Stay with me Leo.”

  “Are you sure? Babe have you thought about this? What if someone sees us together, sees me leaving? I don’t want to put you or this investigation in a position where integrity is questioned.”

  “Leo, shut up and get into bed.”

  “Yes Ma’am, but if I’m staying, I want to be comfortable. I can’t sleep in my clothes.” I winked sliding off my cut laying it on the chair next to hers. Reaching back to pull off my tee, I pushed my jeans to the floor, leaving my boxer briefs on. I climbed over her, with a quick kiss, getting comfortable, stretching out on the bed, laying back against the pillow my arm behind my head. “I don’t expect anything from you Babe, I’m happy to just sleep.”

  Willow sighed and rolled out of bed.

  What the hell?

  “Where are you going?”

  “I can’t sleep in my clothes,” she shrugged.

  Willow walked into the bathroom coming out a few moments later in a loose pale pink tee, hanging off one shoulder. She flicked off the light walking towards the bed the moonlight highlighting the lean muscles of her long legs. Willow flicked her chestnut coloured hair over her shoulder as she knelt on the bed beside me.

  “What happened?” Willow asked, her fingertips skimming my ribs.

  I know she’s seen my scars; everyone has, I don’t try to hide them. I got them serving my country and helping the innocent; I got them doing my job. Most people see them and then look away, not wanting to stare, probably thinking I’m embarrassed by them. But not Willow, she was studying them, touching them with reverence.

  “I stood too close to an explosion.”

  “Why would you do that? Standing close to explosions is a pretty dumb idea,” she whispered with a small smile.

  “The eleven-year-old kid I was shielding said the same thing.”

  Willow bent down placing butterfly kisses on each of my shrapnel scars. Her warm breath caressing my skin.

  “What happened here?” Her fingers ran the length of the raised scar across my pec.

  “Knife. The guy didn’t like that I took issue with him selling young girls.”

  “Did you stop him?”

  “Yeah, Babe, I did.”

.” Willow’s soft lips kissed the length of my scar. “This one?”

  “A bullet tore through my liver. Did a helluva lot of damage, but the liver can regenerate. I couldn’t drink for almost a year. It was a sad year.”

  She smiled as her lips caressed my skin.

  “What about this one?” She asked her finger traced a thin scar running from my hip into the waistband of my boxers.


  “Why is your scar so big?”

  “Hidden appendix. Shitty redundant organ was hidden, they had to go looking for it. My scar runs from my hip to my…” I wiggled my eyebrows at her. Her eyes flicked to mine, then back to my chest, sliding down to the waistband of my boxers. “What? You’re not going to kiss that one?” I smirked.

  Willow placed a hand on my chest, sliding a leg over my hips. Her eyes went wide as she settled her weight on me, my hardness pressing into her as her long legs hugged my hips. She looked deep into my eyes as if she was still weighing her decision.

  Willow had the same awareness in her eyes, I was sure was reflected in mine; life was about to change, there was no going back.

  I lay still, watching emotion and thought play across her stunning face. Her pulse quickened as my fingers lightly traced small circles on her thigh.

  “Babe, come here,” I whispered.

  Her eyes scanned my face, a small wrinkle creasing her brow. I reached up and grabbed the front of her tee gently pulling, she hesitated for a moment before her lips met mine.

  Our lips touched and I felt it, the spark.

  She sighed, the tension she was holding in her body dissolving. Our tongues dancing, exploring, tasting. We’d kissed before but this was different, it was more intense, fuelled by everything we wanted to say but didn’t yet have the courage.

  I slid my hands up her legs, under her shirt. My sexy little minx wasn’t wearing any underwear. Willow broke the kiss, sitting up and peeling her tee off, revealing herself to me.

  “You’re beautiful Willow,” I whispered, running my hands up her body, my thumbs brushing the underside of her breasts.

  “Babe, come here.”

  I reached for her, sliding a hand around the back of her neck bringing her lips to mine. I kissed her until all her uncertainty and worry left her. I kissed her until she started whimpering, moving her body against mine.

  “Leo, I… Please…”

  “I got you Babe.” I sat up, kissing along the column of her neck.

  Wrapping my arms around her attempting to roll us, pinning her underneath me. I wanted her body sprawled out in front of me, on display. Mine to play with, mine to tease, mine to pleasure.

  What I wanted and what she wanted were two completely different things.

  “You are not in charge here,” she growled, pushing at my chest.


  “I said, you are not in charge.”

  Willow shoved me until I was lying flat against the bed. She bent down licking and kissing her way up my chest. Her lips crashed against mine, her tongue pushing against my mouth demanding entry. She kissed me with hunger and need, fisting my hair, controlling me, positioning me where she wanted. Our tongues battling, fighting for control. I growled as she bit my lip, crawling up my body placing her thighs either side of my head.

  “How hard do you think you’ll get once I cum on your tongue?”

  “Let’s find out.”



  Sex had always been mechanical for me.

  I had a need – I was horney and needed to get off.

  I found a guy - got off, problem solved.

  But this, here, now with Leo, was different. It was more than just need; it was powerful; it was passionate.

  I have always known what I wanted when it comes to sex, and I wasn’t afraid to tell the guy. With Leo I didn’t so much as tell him what I wanted, I demanded it.

  I crawled up his body, practically sat on his face and demanded he eat me out.

  Leo had been hard from the time I began kissing his scars. His body was covered in scars. A roadmap of his life, mapping out each time he protected the innocent, saved a life. I was wet just from my lips on his skin. His warm, masculine scent invading my senses, getting me drunk on the need to have him.

  “How hard do you think you’ll get once I cum on your tongue?” I asked, looking down on his handsome face between my thighs.

  “Let’s find out.”

  He slid his hands under my legs, his fingers digging into my ass cheeks, pulling me down onto his waiting mouth. His talented tongue invaded my soaking wet pussy, making me gasp as lightning shot through me.

  “Oh God Leo,” I moaned, slapping a hand on the wall above his head.

  He growled as he began to devour me. He licked me; he licked all of me. I rocked my hips, gliding my pussy over his mouth, his scruff adding to the pleasure of a thousand sensations barrelling through me all at once. His tongue circled my clit, and I whimpered as his lips locked on and he sucked, hard.

  “Jesus, fuck, Leo. Don’t stop,” I moaned as every nerve ending caught fire.

  His fingers stroked over the globes of my ass and just when I didn’t think I couldn’t take any more he slid a long powerful finger inside me. I arched my back, moaning his name, gripping his hair as I rode his face. Leo worked his devastatingly talented tongue sucking, licking, swirling as he worked a second finger inside me. My thighs were shaking, and I didn’t think I could hold myself up and not suffocate him with my pussy.

  “Oh, God. Leo, I’m so close.”

  Sensing I was getting nearing orgasm he quickened his pace, his tongue working in tandem with his fingers, bringing me closer to the edge. His tongue flicked and licked at me, as his finger made a come here motion and I exploded. I gripped his hair as I ground my pussy against his face as each spasming wave of pleasure tore through me.

  “Fuck, Leo. What did you do to me?” I asked panting, leaning against the bedhead trying to catch my breath.

  He chuckled tapping against my thighs that were still locked around his head. In a daze I slid off him flopping back down onto the mattress my chest heaving as I tried to draw oxygen into my lungs, bringing clarity back to my brain.

  “Babe, to answer your question I would say I’m pretty fucking hard.”

  I was like a rag doll, my arms and legs splayed, I couldn’t move. Everything felt deliciously numb. I looked over to see Leo stroking his hard cock grinning like the Devil. He pushed my legs apart, making room for his large body as he kissed his way up my body.

  “Leo, please, you’re killing me. I just need, like a day or two to recover,” I mumbled.

  “Are you sure I can’t interest you in this?” Leo asked rubbing his hard cock along my sensitive pussy.

  “Oh – Fuck – Me.”

  “With pleasure.”

  Leo brushed his thumbs in whisper soft strokes across my nipples, making me gasp, arching my back trying to get more pressure, more pleasure. Not wanting to deny either of us what we wanted. He placed kisses on my breasts, his lips and tongue exploring every inch of my skin completely avoiding my nipples, driving me mad. He let his warm breath bathe my sensitive peaks stopping only to watch them harden and tighten. I tried to rock my hips against him to relieve some of the ache growing between my thighs, but his huge body had me pinned to the mattress. No longer willing to wait, I grabbed his head. My fingers gripping his hair, pushing him into my flesh. He growled, lashing his tongue out, swiping over my hardened peak.

  “Oh God Leo,” I moaned writhing.

  Leo kissed, licked and sucked my breast as I moaned and whimpered beneath him powerless to relieve the growing ache.

  “Leo stop playing with me,” I begged. He didn’t listen, intent on worshiping my breasts. I couldn’t take anymore. I reached for him, dragging him up my body, kissing him. “Oh God,” I moaned as his hard cock brushed my sensitive skin. “Please Leo, I need to feel
you. I need you inside me. I need you to fuck me, please Leo don’t make me wait.”

  Leo grabbed his wallet, pulled out a condom and made quick work of protecting us. “Are you ready for me Babe?” He asked running the head of his cock through my folds.

  “Leo, stop teasing me and just fuck me already!”

  His name tore from my lips, as he entered me. One powerful thrust, his thick hard cock filled me to the hilt. Leo moaned my name as the walls of my pussy gripped him hard. He kissed me, it was passionate and desperate letting me know he needed me just as much as I needed him. Together we started to move, rocking together as he thrust in and out, each thrust deep and powerful allowing my body to adjust to his size.

  “Fuck Willow! Fuck me you feel amazing.”

  “Leo, oh God.” There is no possible way I am going to last. The last orgasm he gave me was so powerful and I hadn’t even come back down from the pleasure high when he started teasing me, building me back up again. “I’m so close Baby. Oh God.”

  “Come with me Babe, come with me.”

  Leo reached between our bodies, his fingers circled my clit as he picked up speed, finding another gear. There was nothing I could do but hold on and take everything he had to give as I could feel my orgasm cresting.

  With one final powerful thrust he kissed me swallowing my scream as I exploded around his cock. My orgasm triggered Leo, and he erupted growling out my name as stars exploded behind my eyes. We rocked together, riding the dying waves of pleasure coming back to earth.

  “Leo, I’m so glad you stayed,” I whispered, my lips softly brushing his.

  “Me too Babe, me too.”



  “Lamb, my office!” Danger bellowed into the common room.

  “D, we’re in the middle of a game,” Bullet shot back. “I’ll send him to you when we’re done, I promise.”

  “Now!” She barked turning and walking back into her office, not waiting to see if I was following.

  “D, please,” Bullet whined. “Wait, come back, I need him!”


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