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The Dirty Dozen: MC Edition

Page 62

by Kay Maree

  “Yep. I found something else though. The shooter didn’t account for being on top of the scaffold and lost the shell casing. I found it at the bottom of the light tower.”

  “So, we have a scrap of red fabric and a bullet casing, no offence Leo but that’s not a lot to go on,” I said rolling to face him, hissing when my stitches pulled.

  “Careful Babe, you don’t want to tear a stitch,” Leo cautioned.

  “Why are we here Leo? I don’t want to be here, I want to be in bed at home, not here,” I huffed. Although I have a room at the club, I prefer to go home.

  “I know Babe, I know. But you were sleeping, and I had to leave, I wanted you somewhere I knew you’d be safe, and you’d be around people if you needed anything.”

  Leo, pulled me against his chest, blanketing me in his warmth and scent. I love the way Leo smells, like sandalwood, leather and warm air. It makes me feel safe.

  “Why are we on lock down? Who ordered it?” I asked snuggling back against his chest.

  “Wolf ordered it at my request. It’s easier for me to observe everyone when they’re all in the one spot. I think I’ve narrowed down my list of suspects, but I want to be sure before I say anything. I don’t want to tip them off.”

  The party outside was ramping up the music was thumping. The noise of the party was loud, setting my teeth on edge. I was irritated and my headache was growing.

  “Leo, take me home.”

  “Babe we’re on lock down.”

  “I don’t care. I’m in pain, I have a splitting headache and this bed's not big enough for the two of us. And before you say anything, no, you are not leaving me to sleep in your room and no, you are not sleeping on the floor. Both of which I know you were going to suggest,” I growled, irritated as the squeal of a club girl split the air.

  “Babe we’re on lock down for a reason.”

  “Leo, I don’t care. You said you asked for the lockdown and Wolf made up the reason for it. It’s not even a real lockdown.” I pushed out of his arms throwing the blankets off and stomped my way to the bathroom. “Leo, I swear I will shoot someone if I have to stay here and listen to that!” I barked pointing in the direction of the common room as the club started belting out Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi.

  “Fine,” Leo conceded pulling on his boots.

  “You’re not going to argue with me?” I asked coming back out of the bathroom buttoning up my jeans.

  “What would be the point? You’d just keep arguing until you win,” he smiled.

  “Remember that,” I grinned walking into his arms. “I will always win.”

  “Let’s go home and straight to bed,” he smirked kissing me as there was a knock at the door. “That will be Wolf. I texted him to let him know we were moving. I figured you two could argue in here instead of in front of everyone.” Leo kissed me again and went to open the door. “Wolf.”

  “Lamb. She’s not going to listen to me, is she?” Wolf asked, sounding exhausted.

  “Nope,” Leo answered, stepping back to let him in.

  “Are you ok?”

  “Yeah, Wolf, I’m fine.”

  “Willow could you please for once, tell the fucking truth. I’m not a little kid who needs a cookie before you give bad news.”

  Ryan looked tired and stressed. I’ve only seen him like this once before, when my dad died. He was concerned when I was shot outside the hospital, but he’d been told the injury was caused by a metal shrapnel not a bullet. If I didn’t put his mind at ease, he wouldn’t let me out of his sight.

  “Ryan, I’m fine really. I’m tired and sore, I have a splitting headache and I’m going to have a shit load of new scars, but I am fine. Pissed, but fine,” I assured him. “Ryan, I want to go home.”

  “This is the safest place for you Willow.”

  “There are hundreds of people here, there’s a party going on and every single sound is going straight through my skull. I want to go home Ryan. I want to sleep in my bed. I want quiet. And before you say this place is my home, I know it is, but you know as well as I do, if we shut the party down there will be a riot. I can’t get comfortable here. I will be safe I promise, besides Leo is coming with me, so I have protection.”

  Ryan knows I’m right, just for the night I need space. I need to get away and clear my head. I need to be allowed to heal. I know I wouldn’t be completely healed overnight but a decent night’s sleep will go a long way.

  “Fine. But you do not leave Leo’s side. I will walk with you two to your house and I don’t leave until you are locked inside. When you want to leave the house, you call me, and I will come and walk you back to the compound. These are my conditions,” Wolf said crossing his arms looking at me sternly.

  “You do know that Leo is a Navy SEAL.”

  “Damn it Willow,” he barked.

  “Ok, fine just stop yelling at me. I have a fucking headache,” I snapped.

  “Alright you two, neutral corners,” Leo said wrapping his arms around me pulling me back against his chest. “We need to get you out of here and back into bed. Stressing won’t help your headache and you’re in pain. You’re clenching your teeth, you’re pale and you have sweat beading on your forehead. Lead the way Wolf.”

  I was worse than I was letting on. I felt weak and nauseous, it took everything in me not to ask Leo to pick me up and carry me. I gritted my teeth through every step up the external staircase. I didn’t even stop to say goodbye to Wolf I just walked straight into the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bath trying to stop the urge to vomit.

  “Ok Missy let’s get you undressed,” Leo said standing in the bathroom doorway.

  “There is no way I am having sex with you Leo, I can barely stand,” I grumbled.

  I kicked off my boots. I make it a point to not wear any shoes inside my house, they get kicked off in the mudroom. I was feeling so crappy I didn’t do the one thing I insisted everyone do.

  “Babe as much as I would love to, you need to have a shower, eat something and then sleep.”

  He stood before me, his feet bare, his hand out to me.

  He’d remembered.

  Leo remembered to take off his boots before coming in my home. I wanted to cry; he remembered; nobody ever remembers. I always have to tell Ryan to take off his damn boots but not Leo, he remembered.

  “Arms up sweetheart,” Leo cooed. My lip wobbled, I started blinking. “Babe, what’s with the waterworks?”

  “I don’t know,” I sniffed as he wiped my tears away.

  Leo finished helping me to undress, then undressed himself. He turned on the water pulling me into its warmth with him. Silently he let me cry, I lent my head against his chest as he washed my hair. I let the water wash away my tears as Leo washed my body. I sat on the edge of the bath wrapped in a towel as Leo blow dried my hair.

  “Babe, more of my shirts are here than in my room,” he chuckled pulling a soft grey tee over my head. He led me into the kitchen. “Sit, eat,” he instructed turning me towards the bench. I sat down and immediately burst into tears. “Oh, huni, what’s the matter?” Leo asked as I wrapped my arms around his waist resting my forehead on his rock-hard stomach.

  “It’s… It’s chicken soup and toast soldiers,” I blubbered.

  “And that’s cause for tears, why?” He asked rubbing my back.

  “It’s what my dad would make for me when I was sick. I’m sorry, I’m just tired,” I sobbed, gripping him tight.

  “Babe, I’m sorry. I’ll make something else.”

  “No, don’t. It’s perfect,” I sniffed, wiping my eyes. Leo sat on the stool beside me. He took my face in his hands kissing away my tears until they dried up. “I’m sorry,” I sniffed.

  “Babe you don’t ever have to apologise for showing emotion. You’re not a robot, if you don’t let your feelings show every now and then you’re going to explode. I don’t know if you heard me when we were at Perni’s office, but I love you Willow. I love every pie
ce of you, even when you’re crying over chicken soup and toast soldiers,” he grinned kissing me.

  “You can’t love me I’m a mess,” I muttered, in between his kisses.

  “I’m pretty sure I’m the one who gets to decide who I love. I hate to break it to you Babe, but I love you.”

  “I hate you Leo,” I whimpered, the tears started to flow again. “You can’t tell me you love me when I’m a blubbering, snotty mess. And you can’t tell me when I have twenty-four stitches scattered across my abdomen and I’m in pain and I’m not sexy and you’re sitting there all sexy in just a pair of shorts. I want to be sexy with you, but I can’t,” I wailed.

  “Ok Babe lets skip the food and go to bed,” Leo grinned.

  “Leo, I just said I’m not sexy,” I cried.

  “Come here,” Leo sighed picking me up carrying me bridal style to the bedroom. Leo lay down on the bed holding me tightly. “Babe, we have plenty of time to be sexy but now you need sleep,” he said kissing the top of my head.

  He held me tight, his body wrapped around mine. Keeping me safe, loving me. His warm, woodsy scent invading my senses calming me, helping me relax. I took a deep breath, sighed and rolled on to my side, wrapping my hands around his arm pulling his body over mine like a blanket.

  “We fit Leo.”

  “We do Babe.”

  “I love you.”



  I swore Leo and Wolf to secrecy.

  I didn’t want anyone to know I had been injured.

  I didn’t want Tank and Bullet finding out there had been another attempt on my life.

  At Leo and Wolf’s insistence I kept the lockdown in effect for a week. It gave me a chance to heal. After a week Perni allowed Leo to remove my stitches. My ribs hurt less, the bruising had started to yellow, and fade and I was moving a lot freer.

  Wolf and Leo ran interference all week making sure I wasn’t bothered by useless shit that the guys should be handling themselves. I showed my face around the club, had meals with the guys, played pool, all the normal stuff so no one would get suspicious. It was enough for me to be seen but as much as I could, I stayed in my office so I could lay on the couch. Much to Leo’s annoyance, I refused to lay down in my room.

  Leo arguing with me was what outed us as a couple.

  “You two fight like an old married couple,” Pepper chuckled handing us beers.

  “Will you two just fuck already,” Dozer joked. Wolf started coughing having choked on his beer, his eyes darted to mine, quickly flicking away again. “What – was – that?” Dozer asked, holding his fist up to his mouth to hide his grin.

  “What was what?” I asked.

  “That look you just gave Wolf,” Dozer pointed between Leo and I his eyes wide. “You’ve seen each other naked,” he gasped like he was telling a secret. “You have!”

  “Shut up Dozer,” I scoffed rolling my eyes like it was nothing.

  Leo and I had discussed making our relationship public, but I wanted to be the one to control it. I wanted to be the one to control the information that got out. But now thanks to Wolf and his stupid dumb coughing and asshole eye flick it’s basically out there.

  “Babe,” Leo said coming up behind me placing a hand on my hip. I tensed out of habit then I felt his lips on my neck, and his deep voice whispered in my ear. “Babe, tell them.”

  “LeoandIareinarelationship,” I mumbled.

  “What was that?” Bullet asked leaning his chin in his hands, elbows on the bar, batting his eyes expectantly.

  “I said, LeoandIareinarelationship.”

  “Danger, do you want to try that again,” Wolf suggested tapping his ear. “I didn’t quite catch that?”

  “Stop enjoying this asshole, it’s your fault.” I sighed deeply, letting my head hang, staring at my boots. “Ugh, fine. I fucking hate you all. Lamb – Leo and I are in a relationship.”

  There, it was done.

  Leo and I are in a relationship.

  “Fucking finally! About goddamn time,” Bullet cried coming around the bar to hug us both.

  “Bullet stop touching me, now.”

  “Oh, come on D, don’t be like that. This is a moment to be celebrated,” he cheered hugging us again.

  “Bullet stop touching my girl,” Leo growled.

  “Look at you, being all protective,” Bullet cooed, slapping Leo’s cheek. Bullet stepped back clapping his hands loudly. “Everyone can I have your attention please?” The common room fell silent, all eyes on Bullet. “Now that our fearless leader has declared her undying love for our young Lamby Lamb here. I feel that we owe it to the young impressionable Lamb here, to protect his virtue. So, what I want to know, Miss Danger, is what are your intentions towards our little Lamb here?”

  “Bullet, you’re an asshole.”

  “What - are your – intentions?”

  “Bullet, you and everyone else can fuck off. The thing between me and Danger, is between me and Danger and no one else,” Leo stated.

  “Good answer, man. Good answer. All right assholes shows over go back to whatever the fuck you were doing,” Bullet announced waving them all away.

  All I wanted to do was turn, and burrow my face into Leo’s chest, but I couldn’t. I could be soft and girly with Leo in the privacy of my home but not here; here I was Danger.

  “See it wasn’t that bad,” Leo husked in my ear kissing the edge of my jaw.

  “We’ll see,” I mumbled.

  Church was called and the lockdown ended.

  The club went into party mode to celebrate.

  We had a lot to celebrate. The festival was a ripping success. We raised half a million dollars, smashing the total Mason needed to complete the kids ward renovations and Tank told him about our suggestion for a garden for the patients; he loved it. He wanted to name it Knights Fury Garden, but I didn’t think the hospital would like to be associated with the MC, they’re more than happy to take money from us but that’s where the association ends. Mason decided that the Zodiac Garden had a nice ring to it and, well, it puffed up Aries ego; that didn’t need any puffing.

  Maggie put on a truck load of food and by the end I felt full to bursting. To try and work off the mountain of food I played pool. Bullet thought because I kept complaining that my jeans felt too tight, that I would be sluggish and off my game. That guy will never learn, in pool, I will always kick his ass.

  Things started to quiet down and as the lockdown was lifted a big chunk of the guys took off home or to Fury Road in search of female fun. The usual suspects stayed behind chilling out by the fire pit.

  Thankfully Leo and I didn’t get too much shit about being together. Most of the comments were About Bloody Time. There were a few digs at Leo but mostly the guys were cool with it.

  It was after one AM when Leo tapped my leg, tilting his chin towards my home. “Babe, let’s go to bed.”

  “Night boys,” I said pulled Leo out of the chair.

  “Night guys,” Tank saluted us.

  “I better not hear anything coming from your place,” Wolf warned.

  “You haven’t heard anything so far,” Leo replied dropping an arm across my shoulders walking us towards home.

  “Ohhhh boy, you’re not doing your job,” Bullet heckled.

  “Challenge accepted,” Leo shot back.

  We could still hear Tank and Wolf were giving Bullet shit for more or less issuing us with a challenge.

  “Babe do you want to see that challenge and have some nosey as fuck sex or do you want to sleep?” Leo asked pulling me into his arms and kissing me like it was the first time he’d seen me all day.

  “As fun as that sounds, there is something I want more. Well, for now anyway,” I smirked. “Dance with me Leo.”

  I brought up my playlist and Paper Wings by Gillian Welch came crooning through the speakers. We started moving and swaying to the music, the outside world forgotten, the only thing that
mattered was right here in my arms.

  “I love you Babe,” Leo whispered nuzzling into my hair.

  “You better.”

  I slid my hands up Leo’s body pushing his cut off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Leo did the same with mine, his fingers gliding up my stomach as he relieved me of my tee. I placed kisses on his pecs as the soft material of his shirt hit the floor. My lace covered breasts pressed against the hard muscles of his chest as he pulled me in for a lazily passionate kiss. His strong fingers traced random patterns on the skin of my back making their way to my ass. His hands slid into the pocket of my jeans.

  “Babe, what’s this?”

  “What’s what?”

  As the song finished, I turned, and Leo held up a red bandanna with a curious look on his face. He unfolded the fabric studying it, he seemed particularly fixated on one corner.

  “Babe, why do you have this in your pocket?”

  “I was at the bar talking with Maggie and some of the boys, think you were playing pool with Tank. We decided to do some power shots. You know when you do four shots in a row, one after the other. I was on my final shot and dribbled some of the whisky down my chin. I couldn’t find a napkin, and someone handed it to me. I guess I just stuck it in my pocket why?”

  “This is the same red fabric I found on the light tower where the shooter was positioned at the festival,” Leo explained.

  “Are you sure?” I asked, my heart rate climbing.

  “I’m positive. See here, where the fabric is torn and frayed?” He held it up for me to see. “The pattern is the same.”

  I stepped back as if he had slapped me. I could feel my blood pressure rise along with my anger. The person who was fucking with Knights Fury, the person who had shot at me – twice, was with me tonight.

  It was no longer a suspicion, a hunch. It had been fucking confirmed that the person who was trying to kill me was a brother. A member of Knights Fury.

  “The person who gave this to you is the one who has been trying to end Knights Fury; who has been trying to kill you. Babe who gave this to you?”


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