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Taking a Risk, Part One

Page 7

by Anna Blakely

  Before long, the ride was over—just as Mikey had said it would be. If it worked for that situation, then, maybe...It’s worth a shot.

  Desperate, Olivia’s eyes opened, and she quickly scanned the ground for that one thing. At first, all she saw was more dead leaves and dirt. She was about to give up, feeling stupid for even trying, when she noticed an insect moving across the ground not far from her.

  It was some sort of brown, beetle-looking thing. It didn’t look dangerous. She saw no pinchers, just a round, bulbous body with scrawny legs. With her ears still covered, she became fixated on the tiny bug as it slowly crept across the dead leaves.

  Jake shot at his target again, and though her muscles still tensed, Olivia didn’t jerk like before. Instead, she found herself more focused on how something so small could be completely unaffected by the gunfire’s loud report.

  When leaves and dirt erupted near their feet, all thoughts of bugs and carnival rides were lost. Jake fired once more before pulling on her hand and yelling, “Let’s go!”

  Olivia held on for dear life as they weaved in and out between the trees and bushes. Her face and arms were probably getting cut up, and her bare feet were covered in blood and God only knew what else, but she didn’t complain. A few scrapes she could handle. A bullet in her back, not so much.

  They continued to dodge the men chasing after them, Jake occasionally turning back to discharge his own weapon. After a few minutes of running in silence, Olivia thought maybe they were out of the woods, so-to-speak. However, the shooting began again, and this time, the bullets came at them from two different directions.

  Jake wasted no time pulling her behind the nearest tree. She ignored the rough bark scraping against her back as he pressed his body protectively against the front of hers. Always protecting me.

  Looking scary-serious, he dropped an empty magazine, reloading his pistol with one that was full. Sliding a bullet into the chamber, Jake whispered, “We’re being corralled. I think there are just two, but there could be more. We need to change direction.” He shook his head and scowled. “My ear piece is gone. It must have fallen out somewhere along the way, which means I have no way to contact my team.”

  He looked at her expectantly, checking to see if she understood what he wasn't saying. Unfortunately, she did.

  “Plan B?” Olivia whispered back.

  Jake nodded, his regret obvious. He took precious seconds to rest the palm of his free hand against her face. It was crazy how just one, small touch from this man could calm her racing heart.

  “It’s going to add a lot more time to our trip, but I swear on my life I will keep you safe.”

  Reaching up, she squeezed his thick wrist, hoping her touch and the look she was giving conveyed the trust she had in him. Jake’s lips thinned as he gave her one hard nod in return.

  “We need to move fast.” He looked down at her bloodied bare feet and winced. “Shit. I forgot about your feet.” Jake thought for a moment. “I can carry you on my back—”

  “No!” she quickly blurted out. “I’m fine.”

  Her feet did hurt, but she refused to make him carry her. Not only would it slow them down significantly, but it would also hinder his ability to defend them. Sure, the fallen twigs and occasional rock hurt to step on, but it could be a lot worse.

  “I’m fine,” she repeated, this time with more conviction.

  Jake looked as though he didn’t really believe her, but thankfully he didn’t argue. His hand dropped back down to his side, and Olivia hated how much she already missed the warmth from his touch.

  “Stay on my six. In fact, hold on to my belt loop so we don’t get separated.”

  Olivia followed him like that for what felt like hours. They’d shifted direction along the way and, though it was gradual, she could tell they’d climbed to a higher point in the jungle. Enemy fire finally ceased, and for the first time since she’d run from her tent, Olivia started to feel safe.

  No, that wasn’t true. The minute she’d lifted that cap and looked into Jake’s eyes, she’d felt safe. Her feelings for him might be for not, but there was no doubt that Jake would stop at nothing to get them both home.

  After a lengthy period without any sign of the other men, he stopped and turned back to face her. “It’s going to be dark soon. We need to start looking for a place to bunk for the night, but we need to take a quick break first.”


  Olivia’s chest tightened. The idea of staying another night in this Godforsaken place made her want to scream, but knowing Jake was with her helped to quiet her nerves.

  He dropped his backpack and pulled a canteen from inside. Unscrewing the cap, he handed it to her without taking a drink for himself first.

  She’d only been given water once a day for the last few weeks, and even then, it was in very small amounts. Between that and literally running for their lives—all while in the sweltering heat of the jungle—being given the opportunity to drink more than a few sips of water was a Godsend.

  Without thinking, Olivia grabbed the canteen and began gulping the water as fast as her throat could move. Some spilled down over her chin. It wasn’t very cold, but it still felt amazing as it coated her rough, dry throat. Water had never tasted so good.

  “Liv, wait!”.

  Hearing the alarm in his voice, she jerked the metal container from her mouth so quickly she nearly choked. Coughing, she wiped off her chin with her forearm.

  “Oh, my gosh! I’m sorry!” Another cough. “Here.” Olivia held out the canteen. Looking sheepish, she said, “I-I don’t think I took it all.”

  Scowling, Jake took the container from her hand. “I don’t give a shit about that. I just didn’t want you drinking it too fast and getting sick.”

  Right on cue, Olivia’s stomach lurched, and she turned away just in time for every ounce of the water she’d just consumed to come right back up. She heard Jake’s low curse from behind her.

  While in the middle of very hard, very embarrassing dry heaves, Olivia felt his soothing hand on her back. With his other, he pulled her tangled hair away from her face.

  The injured muscles around her ribs felt as though they were bursting into flames with every retched contraction. Worried Jake would notice and insist on carrying her the rest of the way, she wrapped an arm around herself for added support.

  When her stomach finally stopped convulsing, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and stood straight. She drew in a slow breath to steady herself, only taking in longer ones when the pain in her ribs began to ease.

  “You okay?” Jake asked softly, his hand still on her lower back.

  She closed her eyes. No. Not even close.

  Keeping her thoughts private, Olivia turned to face him and nodded. “I’m good.” She scrunched her nose. “Sorry.”

  Jake shook his head. “No need to apologize.”

  She disagreed. “No, I know better. I was just so thirsty, I didn’t think about it.”

  Jake’s brows bunched with concern. “When was the last time you had something to drink?”

  Olivia tried to remember. “Yesterday, I think. They gave me a small glass of water and a piece of bread once a day.” Her thoughts went back to that morning’s shower. To the boy she’d been unable to save, and everything that had happened since. “I hadn’t had anything, yet, today.”

  The look that crossed Jake’s face was positively murderous. It would’ve scared her, but she knew his anger was directed toward the men who’d taken her. She expected him to say something more about it, but when he finally spoke, it was just to quietly tell her they needed to get moving.

  He waited for her to take another drink, just a sip this time, before taking a swig for himself. He returned the canteen to his bag and zipped it back up. Without another word, he began walking.

  She quickened her pace so that she was walking at his side, rather than behind him. Attempting to lighten the mood, Olivia looked at him pointedly and said, “So. I don’t
suppose any of those boring conferences you’re always running off to gave you any tips on how to survive in the jungle at night, did they?”

  Picking up on her blatant sarcasm, Jake spun his head toward her in surprise.

  “What?” She gave him an innocent smile.

  For a second, she thought she’d upset him, but then, Jake shook his head and smirked. Though it was only a half-smile, Olivia felt her heart trip over itself a little.

  “Smartass,” he muttered, putting his arm around her shoulders and pulling her to his side. “Come on.”

  Olivia wanted to push him into a confession, but decided to let it go for now. She’d find out the truth eventually.

  About an hour later, she found herself praying they’d quit walking soon. Her feet were killing her, and the harder she breathed, the more her ribs hurt. She was thinking of sucking up her pride and telling Jake she couldn’t go any farther, when he turned and said the three little words she’d been longing to hear.

  “We’ll stop here.”

  Chapter 7

  Olivia looked in the direction Jake was facing. Apparently, their evening shelter was going to be a gigantic tree.

  The ground around the base of the tree had eroded on one side, creating a nook between two sets of exposed roots. They were so big and bulky that they formed a sort of retaining wall, framing both sides of the area where they would be sleeping.

  Jake climbed over one of the massive roots before turning and offering his hand to her. Once she was over, he instructed her to wait there while he took a closer look.

  Olivia watched as he began a thorough inspection of the area around the base, presumably checking for any unwanted critters or insects. Though her body was screaming to sit down, she was more than willing to stand a few extra minutes for that.

  While waiting for the all clear, Olivia began to feel extremely lightheaded. As if sensing her distress, Jake turned back around, his expression a mixture of confusion and concern.

  His lips began to move. He was saying something, but she was suddenly too busy trying to stay upright to make out what it was.

  Jake’s eyes widened with alarm and shouted her name, the sound muffled as he ran toward her. He reached her just as her knees started to give out.

  Grabbing hold of her upper arms, Jake steadied her with both hands. Thankfully, the contact was enough of a jolt to keep her conscious until the fog began to clear.

  “W-what?” she asked unsteadily.

  “I asked if you could hear me.”

  “Oh. Y-yeah. I'm okay.” She blinked a few times. “I think I’m okay now.”

  His shoulders dropped, and he huffed out a breath. “Jesus, woman. You almost gave me a damn heart attack.”

  He sounded mad, but she knew he was more worried than anything. Olivia did her best to reassure him.

  “Sorry. I just got a little dizzy for a second, that’s all.” She could tell he didn’t believe her, so she gave him a shaky smile and apologized again. “Sorry.”

  Jake’s expression hardened, and he growled. Actually growled. Before she could ask what his problem was, he grumbled, “Come here.”

  Not waiting for a response, he used her elbow to guide her to the tree’s base. His gentle touch was in complete contrast to the gruffness in his voice. “Sit.”

  Part of her wanted to balk at his abrupt tone, but Olivia held back. Her legs were still quivering, and she could tell from the way her body ached that her adrenaline levels were starting to drop. Add to that the hunger, dehydration, stress, and lack of sleep over the last few weeks, and it was no wonder she’d nearly passed out.

  With Jake’s help, Olivia got settled onto the ground. He sat down to her right and reached for her legs. Wrapping his fingers around her ankles, he carefully spun her feet toward him and positioned them across his hard thighs.

  The movement was slow but unexpected. A tiny squeal escaped as Olivia’s arms flew to her sides to keep her from falling backward.

  “What are you doing?” she asked in a higher-than-normal pitch.

  Reaching for his bag, Jake started to dig through it. Without looking at her, he sounded only slightly less grumpy when he answered, “Getting you something to eat. After that, I’m going to clean and wrap your feet. I have some alcohol pads, antibiotic ointment, and a couple of elastic bandages. I’ll clean the wounds as best I can and wrap your feet in the bandages. Won’t be as good as shoes, but hopefully, they’ll keep the cuts from becoming infected. I also have some ibuprofen to help with the pain.”

  Now, she wanted to growl. All he’d done since finding her was take care of her. Olivia couldn’t stand the thought of being a burden to anyone, especially Jake.

  “Give me the stuff,” she blurted a little louder than she meant to. “I’ll clean them myself.” She tried to pull her legs free, but he easily held both ankles in place with one hand.

  Still focused on his bag, he ignored her request. “Just relax.”

  Relax. Right. “It’s fine, Jake.” She tried freeing herself again, but he only held on tighter. “Really. You don’t have to—”

  Frustrated, he glowered at her from over his shoulder. “I can see your wounds better than you can. They need to be cleaned and treated. I’m pretty sure you understand what getting an infection out here would mean.”

  She did, but... “I can—”

  “Would you just stop?” he barked, startling her. “You’ve been through hell, Liv. I think you’ve more than earned the right to have a little help, don’t you?”

  Olivia flinched, from both the sharp tone of his voice and the question. Mainly because her answer would be an immediate and resounding No.

  She didn’t deserve anyone’s help. Not when she hadn’t done a damn thing to help her friends when they’d needed it. Unfortunately, Jake was right. At least about her wounds.

  Getting an infection while traveling through the jungle could be deadly. If she became sick with fever, she’d only slow him down even more. That was the last thing Olivia wanted to do, so she bit her bottom lip to keep from arguing further, and nodded in agreement.

  Looking somewhat satisfied, Jake held out the canteen. “Here. Drink.”

  He waited while she took several slow, small sips, before handing her a protein bar. “Now eat.”

  Olivia raised one eyebrow. Grateful didn’t even come close to how she felt for all he’d done, but the man was really starting to push his luck with all of his cavemanesque orders. Lucky for him she was starving.

  “Thank you,” she said quietly.

  Jake replied with a muttered, “Welcome.”

  Forcing herself to chew slowly, Olivia moaned in satisfaction. She’d never been a big fan of protein bars, but this one tasted spectacular. She swallowed a bite. Okay, so maybe spectacular was a bit of a stretch, but at least it wasn’t a stale chunk of bread.

  She took another small bite, enjoying the sweet and salty combination of peanuts and honey. It was hard not to scarf it all down in one big bite. Determined to make it last, she allowed herself only a tiny nibble at a time.


  Needing to cool down, Jake removed the remaining supplies from his bag more slowly than necessary.

  The damn woman was still as stubborn as ever. If he were being honest, though, that part actually relieved the hell out of him.

  There’d been times throughout the day when he’d seen the fear and uncertainty written all over Olivia’s face. But there was still some fight left in her.

  While he didn’t know everything those bastards had put her through, Jake was certain of one thing—those fuckers hadn’t broken her.

  He, on the other hand, felt as though his sanity was being chipped away with each minute that passed by. She’d actually apologized for damn near fainting, for fuck’s sake. Like she was an inconvenience or something. And now, she was savoring that damn protein bar like it was a fucking T-bone steak.

  When Jake thought back to her earlier statement about how little the assholes had allowed h
er to eat and drink...Christ, it wasn’t enough that they’d kidnapped her and made the world think she was dead, they’d kept her thirsty and starved her, too?

  Clenching his teeth together, Jake grabbed the tightly rolled bandages in one white-knuckled fist and stilled his movements. He breathed deeply through his nose, trying to control the anger boiling up inside him. He envisioned his hands around Cetro’s neck as he slowly and methodically ended the fucker’s life.

  “Jake?” Olivia’s sweet voice cut through his murderous thoughts. “Are you okay?”

  He looked down and found that his hands were shaking. Shit. He needed to get himself in check and keep his mind on the task at hand, which was taking care of her immediate needs. He could worry about the other later.

  Hoping to ease her concern, Jake gave her a crooked smile from over his shoulder. “I’m good.”

  Turning back so she wouldn’t see, he stretched out the fingers on both hands. Pushing his seething anger aside, Jake regained control and finished getting what he needed from his bag.


  Olivia was surprised at how much better she already felt. The ibuprofen she’d taken had dulled her aches and pains and, though it wasn’t a lot, the water and protein had helped her gain a second wind.

  More alert than she’d been in hours, she watched silently as Jake began tending to her feet. Medically, she could appreciate that he knew what he was doing, but it was the gentleness in his touch that truly captivated her. Such a stark contrast to the man who’d taken charge while under fire.

  His hands moved with a graceful assurance while he carefully and efficiently cleaned the blood and grime from the bottom of her left foot. The alcohol swabs didn't hurt nearly as bad as expected—she’d only flinched a couple times, so far—which made her think her feet weren't as bad as she’d originally feared. She wanted to cringe at how bad they must look, and decided when this was all over, she was treating herself to the best pedicure money could buy.


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