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Saving Him

Page 8

by Bry Ann

  Finally, as we made our way up the elevator I decided to assess the girl a little more deeply. Honestly, I was so confused why she was here. Why she was with Logan? She was beautiful and badass but not the type of girl I was used to seeing Logan with, not that he ever bought his one-night stands and random hooks up around me, making this all the more curious.

  Suddenly, it dawned on me how weird this must be for her. She didn’t know me and yet was just expected to follow me and Logan into a random room. Logan’s so used to people bowing at his flipping feet he doesn’t think sometimes other people don’t always feel safe going to random places with people they don’t really know. I know I don’t! I quickly went to reassure the poor girl.

  “So apparently, we can’t know anything about each other until we are in a private room, but, um, I live on the tenth floor of this place in room 1049. I thought I’d let you know so you have some idea where we are going,” I said to her with a shrug. “I’d be uncomfortable just following a random person up to a room I didn’t know, but, uh, this is a good place.”

  She seemed to visibly relax and shot me a grateful look. I hated that I already liked her. Finally, we made our way to my room where Logan was able to shed his annoying incognito gear. That’s when I rounded on the two of them.

  “So, who is she?” I asked annoyed.

  The girl suddenly became extremely awkward. She didn’t say a word and eyed her surroundings both curiously and hesitantly, all traces of self-assuredness I’d sensed in her downstairs seemed to disappear. Logan looked at her strangely and introduced her as Sam and said she was a friend of his. No fucking way. Logan doesn’t have normal friends. I asked if she was from LA, even though I already knew the answer.

  The funny part was the second I asked that this girl Sam seemed to come back to herself and let out a snort. She asked me if she looked like she was from LA. She seemed highly amused, and my curiosity peaked to new levels. I looked over at Logan who just seemed annoyed still.

  Once Sam relaxed we all got to talking. Sam could care less about what she said and what people thought so holding a conversation with her was easy. She explained that her and Logan met at a diner she worked at. She was his waitress. I scoffed at that, Logan and I got in a little tiff after I said there’s no way Logan would befriend a random waitress, and then Sam tried to end our fight with more details on how they met. Although it wasn’t missed by me or Logan how she left out anything that relayed personal details. This girl was beyond a closed book. She had a lock on it.

  Logan, however, seemed to understand her effortlessly. He mocked her and then explained their whole story. It was a great story. Almost like something out a book, and I loved how Sam hated him at first. Weird, I know, but if filled my heart with hope to know that Logan was hanging around someone who he had to persuade to like him based on his personality and morals versus his looks and social standing. Plus, I can’t lie. The inner romantic in me was going crazy about the two of them. I mean they had chemistry, even I could feel it in my sexually damaged state, and they had that whole love/hate thing going on. Yep, they were in for it. Whatever it is.

  After a whole ordeal about us going out to eat we finally decided on an Italian place. I could tell Sam felt uncomfortable and was just going along for us, but now that she knew it was what we wanted I knew we couldn’t talk her out of going or insult her knowledge by pretending we no longer wanted to go. Logan was extra protective with her around. Logan was always extremely protective but with Sam around it is like on overdrive.

  We finally got the restaurant and when we got out Logan held Sam back while I got a table. I'm pretty sure it was about the obvious change in Sam’s demeanor when Logan made a joke about money. Sam went completely stiff and said nothing the rest of the way. Logan knew something about Sam I didn’t know, there was definitely more to her story. I knew I’d find out. Sam wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

  Finally, they joined me outside. I got lasagna. Sam got pasta-which was a relief, and Logan got chicken salad. I scoffed and made fun of him, which of course he didn’t appreciate…. but Sam did. Oh, this would be fun. This is what it’s like to have a sister.

  Finally, Logan was outnumbered. Both me and Sam laughed at Logan’s obvious annoyance. We were both laughing when somebody called Sam’s name. Immediately I looked up and came face to face with a man that gave me the heebies. I felt cold and uncomfortable. He had tattoos, piercings, an extremely thin frame and creepy eyes. At first, I thought there was no way Sam could know him, but her bright cheeks immediately told me otherwise. She stood up and he kept trying to get to close to her even though she clearly wanted him at a distance. The closer he got the more she backed up. He asked who we were, and I instantly trusted her when she was careful not to give away my brother’s, or my, identity. Especially since Logan was so incognito at the moment. I glanced over at my brother and he looked beyond pissed. I mean he looked downright enraged. This shocked me. Logan is so laid back. Even when he’s angry it usually comes out in either determination or pain. He’s not some angry alpha male. That’s not him.

  This guy kept shamelessly flirting with Sam in the most classless way. Then he basically said they’d hooked up, which made me want to punch her for sinking so low, but I was too busy by being impressed by how well she was conducting herself. She was embarrassed but held her ground and didn’t apologize for her actions.

  The second this guy Tim mentioned their hookup Logan was on his feet. Shit. That was not good! Logan outed himself and the guy shouted his identity to the whole flipping restaurant. Immediately Logan went to work getting Sam and I out of there. He grabbed my hand and immediately, and instinctively to my shock, I reached for Sam. We sprinted to his car, followed by his security. There was several minutes of tense silence between us in the car before I finally decided to open my mouth. Suddenly I was angry and confused and I had no idea why.

  “What the hell was all that?” I yelled “Who is that druggie Sam? And Logan, what the hell was that reaction? You have to know better than that by now. You’ve been famous for almost a decade!”

  I immediately regretted opening my mouth when I saw the look on Sam’s face and the anger on Logan’s. Sam quietly tried to explain her relationship with him to me, but Logan didn’t let her finish. He turned to her with anger so palatable I was almost afraid. I would have been if I wasn’t so fucking surprised. Logan screamed something at her about low self-worth and I admonished him. He was being cruel and that was so unlike him. Especially, after seeing how our parents’ words had affected me.

  I tried to rub Logan’s arm to calm him because he knew he was too worked up and seemed just as confused as I was about why that was. However, the more I tried to comfort him the angrier he seemed, just by the very presence of Sam. I felt sorry for the poor girl. She looked absolutely torn between her hurt and her pride. Then Logan demanded she never see him again and I knew that was it. I dropped my hand and sat back. I didn’t know much about Sam, but she was independent and would not take to commands well. Once I saw the look on her face I knew I was right. She was Logan’s equal in every way.

  Sam lost it.

  She ranted and raved and every nerve ending of my body was sent into shock by her words. She confessed so much of herself, stuff she never would have if she wasn’t so drunk with anger. An anger she probably didn’t understand, like Logan.

  She has serious relationship issues.

  She hates friends.

  She wanted to hook up with some trash bag because she didn’t want anything good.

  … and her mom was dying, and you could tell her mom was the only person she’s ever loved. It was in her eyes.

  She made sense now. My heart hurt for her so bad. I couldn’t hide the sympathy from my face. I expected Logan to show it as well, but he did not. In fact, he did the opposite.

  He told her he regretted her friendship. Even she, as self-possessed as she is, couldn’t hide the hurt from her face. She told him that everyone regretted b
efriending her and I felt my heart break for this poor girl. She was just as lonely and afraid as I was, just in her own way. I didn’t think it was possible to love someone when you first met them, but I loved Sam.

  Sam didn’t even wait for the car to stop. I could see she couldn’t hold her feelings in anymore, and she would not let them show in front of us. I asked her where she was going, and she threw me a sad smile and basically said bye. I felt afraid. No. She was a friend. I wouldn’t let her leave me.

  I got out and put my arms around her and said something I knew she couldn’t say no to. I could tell she liked me. I told her we didn’t have to be friends, just a support system. She gave me another sad smile but seemed relieved by what I said.

  When I went back to my brother he still seemed tense, but now he seemed upset also. Deeply and truly troubled. Then I knew. I knew it before anyone else.

  He loved her.

  Holy shit. My brother loved someone.

  ...And it was this waitress girl Sam.

  The romantic in my sprung back to life that day.

  Present Day: Chapter 5:

  I don’t know how long I stayed in the vent shaking, but it was a while. It didn’t take long for the men to leave. I was so surprised they didn’t check the vent but Tanner, of all people, convinced them I must have somehow used this room as a decoy. I never thought I’d be happy for Tanner’s idiocrasy. I think the biggest reason they left was because the longer they spent looking, the greater chance they had of Gunner getting away. Not only was Gunner smart and strong, he was efficient. They studied him. They knew that. They knew they had to get him tied up and/or subdued. If Gunner started to heal and he wasn’t tied down, he’d definitely get away. They could look for me to torture Gunner with anytime. I was just a girl. The thing that had me shaking so bad was before they left the older man with gray eyes popped his head back in the door and looked around.

  “I don’t know if you are in here little girl,” he said, “but I think you are. I know your name and who your brother is. If you tell your brother or the police about any of this I will know, and I will kill him. Without hesitation. That’s not how I want to play it, but if you force my hand… I will.”

  With that he left… and I cried. Who could I call? Who could I trust not to tell Logan? Or the police? I couldn’t let Gunner die. I couldn’t. Finally, after what I think was an hour I pulled myself out of the vent with shaking limbs. No one must use this staff room anymore, because no one had come in there. I debated going back to my room, but they wouldn’t be dumb enough to go back there twice and they had to go deal with gunner. I walked to my room and saw some staff hanging around, like I suspected.

  “Ma’am,” the manager asked approaching me. “Someone reported the sound of fighting coming from this room,” he looked me once over and furrowed his brows. “Ma’am, are you okay?”

  I wanted to spill everything to this man, but I remembered what the man with the gray eyes said.

  “I will kill him. Without hesitation.” ... and he would.

  “Yes,” I said shakily. “I'm fine. I'm, uh, sorry about that. It was my… boyfriend and me. He can get a little worked up. But it’s fine! I’m sorry for the noise.”

  “Ma’am, should I call the cops?” he asked. Obviously, still suspicious.

  “No! Please. It’s fine. Just leave it.”

  He eyed me for a while and then nodded, understanding passing his gaze.

  “Okay, if that’s what you want. I’ll have to fine you if there’s any damage. You know?”

  “Oh, that’s fine! I’m gonna go to my room now,” I said shimming past him. The man nodded reluctantly and let me pass. He gestured for his staff to leave.

  Once I was in there I shut and locked the door. I couldn’t stay here long. Those men wouldn’t come back together, but they could easily send one of them to quietly grab me in the night. I’d be easy to grab.

  I was still shaking profusely, but I couldn’t process anything in the moment. Not Tanner, not the whole ordeal or the fact that Gunner was in trouble. First, I had to get out there and get to the cabin without being seen. That’s what Gunner would want. I could panic and make plans from there.

  I used every ounce of bravery I had to go back into the room where everything had happened. Honestly, other than the broken lamp and messed up covers there wasn’t much damage there. The knives were gone, and no guns were used. There was a slight dent where I’d thrown the knife at Tanner but other than that it was relatively clean.

  I started to head for my bag, pretty surprised by how well I was handling this so far, when I saw a paper on the floor. I almost left it, but I realized that’s where Gunner was. He’d pre-prepped a note. Just in case. Holy shit. He’s so smart.

  I ran for the note, even though my legs seemed to be working at an alarmingly slow rate. My hands started to shake profusely as I picked it up. In Gunner’s straight, perfect, all caps handwriting it said:

  REX: 982-461-0875


  That was it. That was all it said. I flipped it over and the other side was blank. Why didn’t he say more? What the hell Gunner!!! Then I thought… of course, the note had to be inconspicuous. Hard to see in a fight.

  I felt my carefully held together bravery falling apart. I wish I was Sam. Or Alexa, but I was me. Weak.

  I crawled to the bed and tucked myself in a ball. I wanted to cry but found myself staring at the note instead. What if one of the men left it as a trap? What if Rex really was bad? What if… what if…what if.

  I had to call it. If this was Gunner, then this was my best chance at survival. I had to trust him. If this wasn’t him then… honestly, I didn’t see any better options. They knew I was in the hotel right now anyway. It’s not like I was giving my location away.

  With all the bravery I had left I dialed the number. It rang three times.

  “Rex,” came a semi cheery deep voice.

  “Hi,” I croaked out. I felt the tone change on the other end of the line.

  “Who is this?”

  “My name’s Dana. I’m… I’m a friend of Gunner’s. He’s in trouble,” a tear slipped out. I couldn’t cry until this call was over. I had to stay strong. I had to stay strong.

  “Where are you?”

  “At this hotel…” I shot him the address.

  “I’m coming. Stay in the room. Pack. I’ll be there in five minutes. Do you have any friends you can call?”

  “If I tell my brother or the police they’ll kill Gunner! They’ll kill him,” I cried.

  “Okay,” came a calming male voice, “Do you know anyone you can trust not to tell those two people? We will need help. I’ll try and call in some of my friends once we talk. I’m not Gunner nor do I have his talents. I’m just a friend.”

  “Maybe,” I said honestly.

  “Well get on it. Text me if there’s trouble. I’m on my way.”

  Then he hung up. I knew who I could call. Someone who had no other friends, who was badass and loyal. Alexa. I felt horrible about involving her, especially after everything with Sam, but this was about Gunner. I had to at least give Alexa the choice. Tears were running down my face faster now. I had minutes before I fell apart. I hit Alexa’s contact

  “Talk,” came Alexa’s cold, annoyed voice.

  “Alexa,” I said crying.

  “What’s wrong? Where the fuck is you? Did Gunner hurt you? I’ll kill that…”

  “No Alexa. No. He’s gone. He’s in trouble. I’m…. Logan can’t know or the police. They’ll kill him. They came...Tanner was… I …” my words started to jumble in my shock.

  “I’m coming. I’ll find an excuse and use Logan’s jet. I’ll be there in an hour. I’ll text you when I’m close. You shoot me an address. Stay strong. Fuck Dana. Just be okay. Okay? Sam will die if something happens to you.”

  Of course, just Sam, because Alexa couldn’t admit she cares too.

  “Sam can’t know! She’ll tell Logan. She’s s
uffered. He’ll die. Alexa…”

  “Shhhh… Dana. I’m coming. I won’t tell. Especially until we talk. Stay safe. Okay? OKAY?!”

  “Okay,” I whimpered.

  “I’m coming,” she said before hanging up.

  I then tucked myself in a ball and cried and shook so hard I thought my body was going to give out. I didn’t hear my text ding several times, so I almost died of a heart attack when my door flung open and a man appeared in the doorway and instantly shut the door. He must have seen my fear instantly.

  “It’s okay. I’m Rex,” he said calmly. “I know Gunner.”

  I sort of relaxed but was still snot faced and shaking like a leaf. I took in the guy in front of me. He looked like Prince Eric from the little mermaid except for the eyes. He had straight black hair, crystal clear blue eyes, a muscular physique like a football player and perfectly clear pale skin with a little facial air. All along his arms were perfectly designed tattoos. Unlike Gunner’s these were meant to look cool not intimidating. This man’s tattoos made him more cool, athletic, Gunner’s made him look more intimidating, intriguing. I knew every single one of Gunner’s tattoos meant something, unlike these guys. Although I assumed he had a well-meaning tattoo somewhere.

  “I’m Dana,” I said quietly, still in a ball.

  “You’re in shock,” he said matter of flatly. “Are you hurt?”

  I shook my head.

  “Can you tell me what happened? Did you call some friends...or a friend?”

  I nodded my head yes. Suddenly I was unable to talk out of shock and fear. Rex stood on the other side of the room and I was on the complete opposite corner of the bed in a ball. Rex looked at me like you might look at a wounded animal; unsure and calm.

  “When will he/she be here?”

  “Less than an hour,” I squeaked out.


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