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Saving Him

Page 10

by Bry Ann

  Sam agreed to meet me and the next morning I found myself waiting at a table in a coffee shop. Sam was late, so I took the liberty of grabbing us both coffees. I waited a few minutes before Sam come rushing in the shop. She looked like crap. Not to be mean, but literally. She had on extremely baggy clothes, her hair was unbrushed in a messy bun and she looked partly ill and partly like she hadn’t slept in weeks. I wanted to ask her what was wrong, why she looked so awful, but I knew if I did and something was wrong I’d only push her away. I told her I already got our coffees and she thanked me and took a seat. Something was definitely wrong with her. I knew it from the second she walked in, and I knew exactly why her mom called Logan. I just prayed that Logan would be able to get her to open up because something was clearly eating Sam up from the inside out. I tried to make up some semi bull shit reasons about why we’re meeting, but I could tell my voice sounded totally robotic.

  The whole time we talked I had no real solid proof something was wrong, other than her looks, until some guy tapped on Sam’s chair to ask her a question. Sam flew from her seat and sent the chair she was sitting on flying across the room. The man immediately apologized and explained himself, but up until that he did Sam looked totally panicked. It took everything in me to hide my shocked reaction. Something happened to her. Someone hurt her. It explained the sweatshirts, the exhaustion, how weird she was acting. Oh man, my heart hurt so bad knowing some fucking ASSHOLE hurt my friend. I hid all my feelings though. I didn’t want to scare Sam off. Clearly, she didn’t want to talk about what happened, which was common, and I wasn’t nearly close enough with her at the time to ask that of her.

  We walked around for thirty minutes and then I told her I had to go to group and we went our separate ways. That was a lie. I felt terrible about it, but I had to call my brother. I couldn’t stand seeing her hurting anymore and not know why or how to help her. The second Sam was out of my line of sight I clicked Logan’s number and then sent a message.

  Me: Come in town now. Something’s wrong with Sam.

  His text came back immediately.

  Logan: I’ll get the plane ready. We’ll talk when I get there. Thanks Day.

  Logan came into town quickly and I explained everything to him. He went to work finding out who hurt Sam and why. I asked him why he didn’t talk to Sam directly, but he turned to me and rolled his eyes.

  “Really?” he asked.

  I ducked my head. Yeah, i-f someone hurt Sam I was naive to think she’d ever admit it. Still I felt horrible about digging into her personal life without asking her first. It felt wrong. Logan didn’t seem at all remorseful. In fact, he seemed to think it was his right to. Shocker.

  It took Logan a few days, but he did discover the truth, and it was way worse than I could have ever imagined.

  Sam was selling drugs and got attacked. She was… almost raped. My body went cold, and I felt like stone when I heard the news. Why was she selling drugs? Was she okay? Was she having nightmares?

  I just wanted to hold her and tell her it would all be okay. Logan didn’t share my feelings. He was fuming. Literally fuming. I’d never seen him so angry. This was twice that I saw Logan at the point of rage because of Sam. Literally eighteen years with him growing up and I’d only seen him yell once, right before he disowned my parents. I tried to calm him, but Logan went straight to work finding out where Sam would be next. Within an hour he had their meeting spot and time. Logan paced around endlessly until the meeting time. I told him I wanted to come. He said no at first. “A hard no”, I quote, but I fought tooth and nail because I didn’t want Sam to be alone with Logan. He was too upset to see what she may be going through, and not acting rational enough to realize there may be a reason for her actions. I knew drugs were bad, and selling them was worse, but something told me Sam was a good person and had her reasons for doing this. I think Logan knew it too, but he couldn’t see beyond his anger.

  We went to this bar in town where they were supposed to be. My feet were dancing around the whole way there. I was so nervous. I didn’t want to be around druggies.

  “You don’t have to go Dana. I don’t want you to go!” Logan somehow managed out without screaming out me. His body was physically shaking he was so angry.

  I looked back at the security team following us.

  “I want to go!”

  He huffed and kept driving. We finally got there, and we headed down this pretty dark hallway until we saw a door. Logan grabbed my arm and turned to me.

  “You wait here.”

  His voice was so final and authoritative I felt a little dumbstruck, so I just nodded and stayed back while he barged in. His security was furious he demanded to go in alone, but they had to listen. They were right aside, and I prayed they could hear us if something went south. I heard commotion and yelling, and then Logan literally dragged Sam out and shoved her roughly to the side. Sam was shaking. I could tell she was completely thrown off by Logan being here. Not to mention the intensely, angry demanding man in front of her was nothing like the one she was used to seeing. Her guard was up high, and I could see for the first time it wasn’t necessarily to keep people away, it was shame. I backed off giving them their moment, but I knew I wasn’t mad at Sam immediately. She had her reasons and clearly felt like shit about this. That girl was lost. So, so strong, but so, so lost. I got it. Too. Well.

  If felt sort of horrible when Logan told Sam how he found out about her drug involvement. She glanced at me in shock and I bowed my head slightly. I didn’t want her to feel betrayed. I was just worried. I think she got it. She didn’t look mad. She looked embarrassed. She was barely looking at me. In fact, she seemed more upset about me being here than Logan. In a really backwards, twisted, I’m super fucked up way I was flattered, and getting increasingly pissed off about the way Logan was handling the situation.

  At a certain point I stopped listening to them. Sam was getting defensive, not that I could blame her, and Logan was just being an ass. Finally, I felt Logan grab my arm and jerk me towards the exit. I shot Sam an apologetic look and went along with Logan, because I really had no choice. He was holding my arm with a death grip, but I made a mental note to check on Sam later.

  We were halfway down the hallway when a deep voice echoed throughout the hallway. The voice was controlled but furious. I turned around first, before Logan even had time to process it. It was the first time I’d lay eyes on him. In front of me was the most beautiful, terrifying man I’d ever met. He was tan, tall, tattooed, extremely muscular and had this vibe of complete and utter control.

  I don’t even know what came over me but in an instant, I was in front of him defending Sam. This man could and would probably kill me, and I was pretty sure I’d never stood up to anyone other than Logan. I didn’t even know why, but for some reason I just wanted to take all my pain and anger out on this stranger. When I was finally done I got the courage to look in his eyes. This was when the panic set in. Surely, he wouldn’t kill me. Right? Fuck.

  The man took a step back the second we made eye contact, amusement flickered in his gaze.

  “What’s your name?” he asked.

  Anger was still coursing throughout my body and a feeling I was unfamiliar with. My body was tingling like it had been lit on fire. For the first time in forever I found myself completely anxiety free. I felt strong. I looked him dead in the eye, challenging him. He wouldn’t hurt me. I knew it in my gut.

  “Dana. Dana Prescott.”

  The man said something in return, but I didn’t really listen. I was too busy looking at him and trying to understand what this feeling was that was bubbling inside me. I loved Logan with all my heart. I instantly liked Sam, maybe even loved her, but this feeling was different. I felt drawn to this guy. This drug selling asshole that had been screaming at us across the hallway. I shook my head and silently berated myself for being so fucked up and not learning my lesson the first time.

  I had been so spaced out I didn’t even see the man walk away, but o
nce my thoughts started to clear when I felt his absence. I glanced up and saw him in the doorway in front of us. He poked his head out and gave us a warning.

  “Be smart when you leave here,” he said and then turned to look directly at me. “I don’t want to have to do something I’ll regret.”

  What was this feeling inside me? I immediately rushed over to Sam’s side, craving to be in the presence of a female. Any female. Logan was beyond surprised at my outburst, and I did my very best to hide the fact that I was beyond surprised as well. Sam looked surprised too, but Logan looked like he might faint. It was in that moment that both Logan and I realized how little he knew about me now. As an adult. A grown woman who had worked past most of her issues. I could see Logan felt guilty, but I felt angry. Angry he hadn’t taken the time to really get to know me. Angry that no one ever did, and freaking angry about the way this was going down with Sam. She was almost raped. We saw the tape. She was terrified, and I know what that’s like, and Logan knew I did! I yelled at him and got him to let us take Sam home. I thought maybe that would soften Logan up, but it didn’t. If anything, it made it worse. He basically threw Sam out of the car at a damn coffee shop. Not even her house! I looked at my feet when he threw Sam out, out of shame. I was this guy’s sister for Christ’s sake. The minute she left I rounded on him with a new-found fury and courage I never knew I had.

  Present Day: Chapter 6:

  I told Rex my story so many times that by the time I was done the story no longer felt like my own. It felt like somebody’s else. I had cried past my ability to cry anymore. The only emotion left was worry. Every minute I spent inside Gunner was locked up, probably being tortured, maybe killed and for so many reasons I couldn’t turn to the police.

  It turned out so well last time.

  “Dana? Dana!”

  “What?” I yelled flying off the couch. I agreed to take a nap and recoup before we figured out our next steps. It wasn’t a long nap and I felt like shit about it, but Rex needed time to contact people, and I was a mess. Apparently, I had snot on my face, mascara running down my cheeks and I was still covered in cold sweats from everything I’d been through. Rex and Sam told me to shower and sleep or I’d never be able to help Gunner. I knew they were right and the second I hit the pillow I was out. Right back in the hotel room with those men… with Tanner.

  Alexa was looking at me with worried eyes… as worried as hers get.

  “Where’s Sam? Rex?” I asked abruptly.

  Her eyes darkened at his name.

  “They are planning the next move.”

  “And you?”

  “I was planning some other miscellaneous details in the other room when I heard you crying.”


  “Yeah Day. You were crying in your sleep. Begging someone to save you,” she paused and looked at me hesitantly. “Remember when you told me you were raped?”

  I stiffened. “Yeah?”

  Alexa took a look around the room to make sure no one was there.

  “That guy Tanner you mentioned. He did it.”

  It wasn’t a question. Alexa was a smart girl, way smarter and more intuitive than she seemed. She knew if I was having severe nightmares about my rape right after knowing the name a guy who held me in a hotel room…that the two were probably connected.

  “Yeah Tanner was one of ‘em. He orchestrated it.”


  “Yeah,” I said kicking something invisible on the floor.

  Rex popped his head in the room.

  “Who’s a fucker?”

  “Why are you in here Rex?”

  “We need to talk. Now. I know some things. I’ve made some calls and I think I can trust all of you.” Alexa’s eyebrows flew up and he turned to her directly. “Yeah you too,” he mumbled. “I think you’re a fucking selfish bitch not a killer.”

  Sam walked in the room and looked confused.

  “Uh, who’s a fucking selfish bitch? I’m not in the room yet.”

  We all awkwardly ignored her.

  “I know more about these people, and where they are most likely holding him.”

  I flew off the couch.

  “WHAT? … and you didn’t tell us hours ago. What the fuck asshole?”

  “Sam,” Alexa said softly pinning my arms to my sides. “Let him finish.”

  I went weak in her arms and she let go as Rex cleared his throat.

  “I didn’t know this information when we first spoke. Obviously, or I wouldn’t have questioned the shit out of you if I’d known what I am about to tell you.”

  “Go on then.”

  Sam shot me a motherly look from across the room, hinting for me tame down the tide. I was beyond annoyed with the vagueness and wanted some fucking details! Every second we wasted Gunner was suffering. I didn’t know when Sam became such a mom, but it was still a weird thing to get used to.

  “These men are in the drug trade, like Gunner, but these people are the worst of the worst. They kill with no mercy. No hesitation. They are part of an organization called Occidere, Latin for…”

  “Kill,” Alexa said cutting him off. “What the fuck?”

  “Yeah,” Rex nodded. “This is bad. I know these people well. I’m assuming its some of the top men who have held this vendetta against Gunner. He hinted at this with me, and I knew about the murders, but I didn’t know as much as Dana knows. I didn’t know about the letters or anything.” I felt flattered, which was totally inappropriate. “I don’t know why they are targeting Gunner so hard or for so long. They are known for killing their targets and getting it over with.”

  All the blood drained from my face and I fell back onto the couch.

  “They are going to kill him?” I squeaked out.

  “I sincerely hope not Dana. Not if I can help it,” Rex said honestly. “But like I said, I’m no Gunner. I really just am an average guy who owes …” he sighed. “I’m gonna do everything I can to save him. Anyway…”

  “Why do you owe him so bad? Why are you risking your life? Trust goes both ways. I’m still not sure I can trust you,” Sam said crossing her arms over her chest. “Gunner saved my life big time, so I owe that giant bunch of muscle. Plus, I love Dana and she… is unclear about her feelings for him,” Sam winked at me. “So, I’d be in anyway. Dana, well I it’s obvious why she’s involved. So, what about you?”

  “What about Alex…. Alexa” he corrected again. “Why’s she here?”

  Sam narrowed her gaze.

  “She’s a great friend. Loyal. We are in trouble. So, she’s here. That’s the way she is.”

  I turned to Alexa. Instead of being flattered or giving her usual “fuck yeah I am” she seemed highly uncomfortable. How the hell did she know this guy? Sam noticed too and looked very confused. Rex seemed increasingly pissed off now, but it seemed to me that it was more out of pain than anger.

  “Gunner saved my mom and retrieved my sister’s body, so she could be buried properly. At great risk to himself. I’d die for him.” Rex’s voice was cold and detached.

  We all looked down, but Alexa gasped and stood up straighter.

  “What?” she said looked only at Rex. “Mia’s dead?”

  Her skin was pale white, and she looked on the verge of tears. I was beginning to feel like I’d never really met Alexa. Everything I’d seen before was smoke and mirrors, because with this guy her feelings just poured out of her. She was so real?

  “Yeah,” Rex responded watching Alexa carefully. “Mia’s dead. She was murdered.”

  “I…. I… I have to go check on our reservation,” she said quickly. “I’ll be back.”

  She bolted out of there so quickly no one had a chance to do or say anything.

  Rex looked at his feet.

  “My sister and her were close, very close. Family in a very dark time,” he said in response to our stunned silence… like that was supposed to help.

  “I have a million questions,” Sam said slowly, “but it’s Alexa’s place to tell
us and I have a feeling you’d never tell us anyway. You’d respect her choice to be quiet about her past. So, we will move forward with this conversation, and I will allow Alexa her time to mourn before I intervene. Now continue Rex. I’m sorry for your loss and ….” Sam turned to me. “I’m glad to hear Gunner really does have a heart.”

  “Of course, he does!” Rex snapped defensively. “Yes, he told me I owed him after he got them both back to me, but he still saved them when I begged him to. He has a weak spot for women. He’d never seriously hurt a woman.”

  “Just beat them,” Sam snapped.

  Rex and I glared at her. I softened my gaze when I tried to put myself in Sam’s shoes. I know he’d ordered her to beat back in the day and been involved in several others. I had no right to be mad at her.

  “They are holding Gunner in his childhood home,” Rex said ignoring Sam’s outburst.

  “No, they are not. We were just there. Like that’s not possible. It’s not.”

  “It is. They would have planned this until the last detail. They needed this to go down in the same place they murdered his parents,” he said confidently.

  “Then they would have known that I was there last night.”

  “Probably,” Rex confirmed. “They probably heard and saw everything you did. They have a greater plan than just his kidnapping. I just don’t know what it is yet.”

  That thought sent my mind reeling. I heard people calling my name, but it was distant. I had too many questions. They knew I loved Gunner. Oh my gosh. I couldn’t tell Sam or Rex that I told him that last night because if I did they would make me leave. They would have known what I knew right in that moment...

  Those men were going to use me to hurt Gunner. I didn’t know why they didn’t grab me at the cabin when I was on the couch or back when we were alone in the hotel room, but they would find a way now that they had Gunner in their possession, right in their desired location. They knew Gunner had a weak spot for me. They killed his parents; Iris and I was going to be next. They were going to make him watch everyone he’d ever cared about die before they eventually killed him.


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