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Temptations of Christmas Future

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by Lexi Post

  Table of Contents

  Temptations of Christmas Future


  Temptations of Christmas Future Summary


  Author’s Note

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  Read on for a sneak peek of One of a Kind Christmas (A Christmas Carol: Book 4)

  Read on for an excerpt from Christmas with Angel (Last Chance Series: Book 1)

  Also by Lexi Post

  About Lexi Post

  Temptations of Christmas Future




  Temptations of Christmas Future

  A Christmas Carol #3

  Copyright © 2017 by Lexi Post

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.

  For information contact Lexi Post at

  Cover design by Syneca Featherstone

  Formatting by Bella Media Management

  eBook ISBN: 978-0-9985260-7-2

  Excerpt One of A Kind Christmas (A Christmas Carol: Book 4) © 2018 by Lexi Post

  Excerpt Christmas with Angel (Last Chance: Book 1) © 2015 by Lexi Post

  Temptations of Christmas Future: A Christmas Carol, Book 3

  Thanks to his shock tactics and pessimistic attitude, Scottish spirit guide Malcolm MacLachlan’s job is on the line. What else did they expect from a former Glasgow Watchman? For his final assignment, he chooses his partner based on the probability of success, and Joy Collingwood is the very best. That he can prove to her the future isn’t all puppies and marshmallows is an added bonus.

  Joy is thrilled to help Malcolm, but their different methods threaten the success of their collaboration. If they can’t find some common ground, they’ll fail. What she doesn’t expect is that their common ground will be her bed and her deepest secret will be revealed.

  Yet her secrets are nothing compared to Malcolm’s and their revelation could jeopardize everything…including her heart.

  For updates, sneak peeks, and special prizes, sign up to receive the latest news from Lexi Post at


  For Bob Fabich, Sr., my very own Christmas temptation. And for my sister Paige Wood, who I love spending Christmas with and who helps my stories shine.

  Thank you to my daughter-in-law Rebecca Curran Fabich who answered all my questions on words, food, customs and everything else in regards to her home country of Scotland. A special thank you to Elizabeth Mair of Darvel, Scotland, a good friend who is always willing to share some of the details of life in town.

  Once again, I must thank my amazing critique partner, Marie Patrick, who reads my pages as fast as I can write them. Believe me, they are so much better for her insight.

  And I can’t close without thanking my pre-pub team, Sarah Fisher and Lisa Fishback. You ladies make my stories look so much better.

  Author’s Note

  Temptations of Christmas Future was inspired by A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. In Dickens’ story, Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly curmudgeon, is told by the spirit of his former business partner, Marley, that he will be visited by three ghosts and if he doesn’t change his ways he will pay for it in the afterlife. Scrooge scoffs at the idea but as he journeys into his past, present, and future with the spirit of each period of his life, he sees the error of his ways and becomes a completely different man when he wakes up on Christmas day.

  But what if the spirit itself, as well as the living human, was in need of help, and the visit could make a difference in the existence of both? Could the Spirits of Christmas Future come to terms with their former lives while helping a young widow grow and her late husband succeed? Do any of them really have control of their futures or is fate in charge? And most importantly, can love conquer all even in the afterlife?

  Chapter One

  “Oh, yes.” Joy gripped the satin sheets as pleasure shot from the juncture of her thighs to her very fingertips. The man lapping at her clit knew what he was doing, his rhythm, with the toy moving in and out of her sheath, was the perfect pace.

  When his free hand moved up to cup her breast, she held her breath knowing what would come next.

  He didn’t disappoint. His fingers moved around to her hard nipple to roll and pinch it, sending her over the edge into her climax.

  She arched upward, her body on fire, consumed by an ecstasy only he could give her. Her peak of pleasure continued, his mouth an instrument of erotic torture, refusing to release her.

  She quivered as he held her there, at her pinnacle, her throat dry from panting, her body strung taught with wave after wave of bliss sweeping through her.

  Finally, he removed the toy, as well as his hand from her breast to spread her legs wider. His tongue traveled down to her opening to lick the juices of her orgasm, the scruff on his face sending tingles of sensation across her inner thighs. His need for her taste gave her a chance to relax and revel in her contentment.

  She lightly grasped his head beneath the hooded cape he always wore, the strands of his silky black hair wrapping around her fingers almost as if they had a mind of their own, their sensuality as captivating as the rest of him. He was a master in the art of sexual stimuli.

  Frowning, she tried to remember his name. Why couldn’t she remember his name? He always gave her such perfect pleasure. She looked down but the hood obscured his face. She wanted to see him, remember who he was.

  She tugged on his hair to have him lift his head. His dark eyes bored into her with a carnal knowledge far deeper than her own. As his full face came into view, he licked his sensual lips, one side quirking upward just slightly.


  She let her hands go lax, not wanting him any closer, but he continued to rise, pulling himself over her, his gaze holding her immobile. His face lowered, his lips touched hers, and as he breached her mouth with his tongue to share her taste, his cock speared her to its hilt.

  Joy sat up in bed, her heart racing as the dream remained in her consciousness to titillate her with details. She moaned, closing her eyes again before snapping them open once more as Malcolm’s visage floated beneath her eyelids.

  Throwing her legs over the side of her bed, she ran her hands through her auburn hair. She was a mess. Her body overheated and sweating, her hair tangled, and her thighs wet from her too satisfying dream. Too bad her psyche wasn’t equally satisfied.

  She padded across the marble floor and into her bathroom. The air in the replica of her Scottsdale home was cool against her damp skin. Turning on the water in the glass and stone shower, she waited for it to warm.

  It took less than three seconds before she was able to stand under the spray. One of the perks of the afterlife was the elimination of tiny inconveniences. The water soaked her hair, and she squirted her favorite body wash into her palm.

  “Hmmm.” The peppermint scent lifted her spirits and pushed away her disturbing dream. She knew exactly why she had it. Every time she ran into Malcolm MacLachlan, he burro
wed into her subconscious. Not that her consciousness was immune to him either. No woman, living or dead, could be oblivious to him.

  That spirit guide had a body that would send even the most sexual woman into a faint. He didn’t exactly flaunt it, his dark brown hooded cape covering him most of the time, like a druid of old, but when he turned a certain way—

  She pulled her hand from between her thighs and washed her legs. Luckily, he rarely visited any of the spirit guide gathering areas. She just happened to have literally bumped into him in the hallway outside their supervisor’s door yesterday as she’d exited, his evergreen scent bringing to mind dark forests and even darker orgies.

  Cameron had been very pleased with her work on her last assignment. He even told her she could take a few days to play. Personally, she thought her supervisor seemed a little distracted.

  They all knew he’d been sending spirit guides to help his wife move on after his death. That in itself was usually not allowed. Checking on family members after a spirit guide’s death was an absolute no-no. She couldn’t even visit her niece, something she wished to do more than anything. To know her sacrifice had meant something would be very reassuring.

  Squeezing out a few squirts of shampoo, she massaged it into her hair, the candy cane aroma of it soothing her despite her growing concern. Coco and Ian, the last two spirits to be assigned to Cameron’s wife never returned. Coco had been her friend for a long time and whenever they had time to play, they’d done it together.

  When she asked Cameron where Coco was, he just said she was no longer a spirit guide. She’d tried to push the issue, but he scowled at her and the rumors about his mental stability had her closing her mouth. She felt sorry for him. He had a lot of pressure from above.

  Rinsing her hair, she tried to focus on what to do with her free time. Though there was no such thing as time in the afterlife, they all sensed it as they had in life, so some time away from helping the living was always welcome.

  Finished with her shower, she waved her hand and it stopped. She dried herself and donned her turquoise satin robe. “My coffee.” A cup of coffee appeared on the sink next to her. Taking a sip, she looked in the mirror. “Make up.” She’d just taken the cup away when her face was enhanced with just the right amount of color. She may be dead, but that didn’t mean she should get lazy.

  Taking her cup with her, she meandered over to her walk-in closet to review her clothes. She phased before speaking. “I think my purple and turquoise sundress will do.” Instantly, she had the sleeveless dress on. She returned to being solid again. She could have stayed solid and simply put on her clothes herself, but there were certain advantages to phasing like instantly being dressed or traveling through space and time.

  She took another sip of coffee. She preferred her solid state as did most spirit guides since that was what they were used to. Besides, eating was much more enjoyable while solid.

  A buzzer on her counter lit just before her supervisor’s voice came through. “Joy, could you come to my office, please?” Though Cameron asked, it wasn’t really a question.

  “Of course.” She didn’t wait for an answer. Phasing, she quickly floated through her ceiling.


  Malcolm grinned in the face of his boss’s frown. He’d surprised the man to speechlessness before the arguing began. What did he care? He had nothing to lose. Since this would be his last assignment, he might as well prove his point in the process.

  Cameron Douglas moved his thick brown hair off his forehead. “Are you sure you want Joy for a partner? I can think of a dozen other spirit guides that might be of more help to you. As I said, this is your last chance. I’d think you’d want someone you could work well with.”

  “If you think someone else would be better then why let me choose who I want?” He floated closer and solidified. “If I choose poorly then I fail and I’m out of your hair. I can’t believe you want me to succeed. What game are you playing, Douglas?”

  His supervisor turned away from him, his movements rigid. “Believe me, if I had a choice, you’d be the last one I’d send on this assignment.”

  He stiffened. His work had always produced the wanted results. If his methods were different from most spirit guides, what did it matter? He followed the rules and accomplished what needed to be done. If half of them, his boss included, had any inkling of what the future held, they’d change how they guided the living, of that he was sure.

  Refusing to let Cameron know he was irritated, he leaned against the wall next to his boss’s desk to await his partner. He couldn’t imagine them reassigning him. It wasn’t as if the afterlife needed to be protected, which was the only other skill he excelled at. Something wasn’t making sense.

  He was the only spirit guide left from the future. The rest were either reassigned or had disappeared. That he was being given a partner on this case meant it would be a particularly difficult one. Rarely did they partner up.

  “If you didn’t always show the worst-case scenario and if you would carefully couch your words in more palatable phrases, you wouldn’t be in jeopardy of losing your position.” Cameron’s voice had just a tinge of desperation to it.

  Something was seriously wrong. Though he’d never been overly fond of his boss, the man had a stellar track record and did his job with confidence. “Have I ever failed to deliver the desired outcome?”

  Cameron sighed. “It’s not just the outcome that counts. The process should also be—never mind. It’s not worth having this conversation for the hundredth time.” Cameron’s shoulders slumped in defeat.

  Now he was sure something, other than his own dismissal, was riding on this assignment. A twinge of guilt niggled at his psyche, but he pushed it away. Joy was an accomplished spirit guide. The antithesis of him, but still very successful. Not only would they do what needed to be done, but he would show her reality, proving to her that her way of looking at life and death was far too idealistic.

  She was too happy and too confident in that happiness. She needed to be taught, as he’d taught a couple others, that her way of guiding the living would only leave them unprepared for what lay ahead. The future was not puppies and marshmallows.

  Cameron leaned back in his chair and looked over at him. “How do you know Joy? I didn’t think you spent your free time in the same places she does.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t. But having been here longer than you, I run into other guides whether I want to or not. I also know of her success rate with the living, and if as you say, this is my last chance to prove I should keep my job, I want the best.”

  His boss nodded. “She is the best, but her methods are far different from yours. Then again, maybe you’ll learn something that will help you. I’d listen to her if I were you.”

  Or maybe she’d learn from him, which was his goal. He crossed his arms, refusing to respond to Cameron’s statement. The woman was unprepared for what he planned to—

  Joy Collingwood phased through the ceiling and floated down to hover in front of Cameron’s desk before turning solid. Her sleeveless dress cinched in at the waist to show off her figure and flared out slightly at the knee. The turquoise running riot through the purple swirls on the material matched her eyes perfectly, and knowing her, that was planned.

  His gaze followed her long legs down to her feet where she wore strappy sandals and a practical heel. As his eyes moved to her face, he found her straight auburn hair swept up in a neat bun, as usual. She wore small pearl earrings in her pierced ears and a pearl necklace that matched the neckline of her modest dress. Despite that, his body still noticed every feminine curve from her ample breasts to her rounded hips.

  The scent of peppermint wafted toward him, and he barely refrained from grimacing, the scent itself too happy for his tastes. As her lips lifted in a polite smile toward their boss, he found himself focused on her white teeth. She looked like an ad in one of those woman’s magazines that were so popular in America in the twentieth century. As fa
r as he was concerned, her entire appearance was unreal. Too perfect. Too put together. Too content.

  He would change that.

  “You wished to see me?” Even her voice was soothing, which caused irritation to flash through him.

  Cameron rose from behind the desk and held out his hand. “Please take a seat.”

  She sat, crossing one long limb over the other before her gaze rested on him. “Oh, hello Malcolm.”

  He nodded once, but didn’t say anything. Instead, he watched her like a hawk watched a hare.

  She smiled politely, but it didn’t quite reach her bright blue-green eyes. She returned her gaze to Cameron as if she wished to dismiss him. She was in for a surprise.

  Cameron leaned against his desk. “I know I told you to take some time to relax after your last case, but I’m afraid the powers-that-be have other plans.”

  At his boss’s phrasing, Malcolm perked up. He’s the one who chose Joy to partner with, not the higher ups. Did that mean he was being tested by those above Cameron? If he was, did they know he’d choose Joy or would they be as surprised as Cameron to discover his choice? He didn’t like being manipulated. It only happened once that he knew of when he was alive and it had cost him his life.

  Again, a pang of conscience hit him for dragging Joy into his mission, but it left as soon as it arrived. If Cameron’s boss expected him to fail, he or she or it was in for a rude awakening.

  Joy nodded. “Of course, I understand. I hadn’t decided what I wanted to do anyway.” She cocked her head slightly to the right when she made her statement.

  Something inside him suggested she hadn’t been completely truthful. Not that she lied, but maybe didn’t admit to everything. He’d have to watch that behavior on their assignment. He’d learned a lot on the streets that had kept him alive for as long as he was there.

  Cameron looked over at him. “Would you mind coming over here so I can talk to you both at the same time?”


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